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<br /> D�D OF TRUST Pa$e a iti''��¢
<br />� oa..oa_�s�s �,d��� _.
<br /> Loan[�0 2825� (Cort4inue�
<br /> K , .
<br /> - �r�.;:<
<br /> ;� THiS Q�ED OF TFiU9T. IHCLUD1Mti iHP A$SI�'iFi°AR1if OF.±°!Y'PS AHD TF� SECiJR1YY IPtTERE3T IH TF� RQ.i'tS A4�D PERSO?�AL ,:...
<br /> ii{
<br /> ON T!�FGI.LOWING TERifAS: :��ia�r:'
<br /> TR1JS40A'S WAIV@AS. Trustor walves etl rights or detenses 8rlsing by reason ot any"oru&ction"or enti-defldency'Iav�,or any othar Iav��vfi;ch �u .
<br /> � may prevent Lender trom tdngtng any action againsi 7rustor,induding a claim far defidency to the e�cter�Lender is otherwise entitted to e c4atm for
<br /> deftcisncy.betaraa or aRer Lendars commancesnant ot complatlan af any foredOSUre edion,either judiciairy or by exerdse ot a power of sals.
<br /> a
<br /> pAyh�NT/l[�!D�s'ltF0AR7AF9CE E�ccapt as oth9rwise pro�idad in thls Dead ot Trwt,8crtawsr sh�i!paY to Lender a1i Indebtedness vecured by ,
<br /> thls Deed o!Trust as it 6eeam�due,and Hartower and Trustor shail strictiy pedorm a��Useir res0ec�ve obfigabons under the Note,thSS Deed ot
<br /> Tnist,and the Ralated Dacuments. �-�-
<br /> ppSSESgip1�J AHD MAINTENAHCE OF TNE PRCP�ATY. TnuMOr and Borrower agree that Trustors possession and uso of ths Property s�ail be �:;�
<br /> govemed Dy the to!!owing provLsions: }'-:�"�
<br /> � PossesSion Cr�A Use. Until the accurrence af�.a Everd of Deisuit,Trustar may (a)remain In possession 8nd control ot ihe ProAe�Y. {b)use, __
<br /> <<• aperate or manage the Properry.and (c)cd'es7 z�y Rents from the Praperty !� T.
<br /> Dutyf to Mstn!sim-Tnuta�sha11 matntain the .F-�,r�rty in tenar�bie cond'Rion and promPtty Pertortr�all repa�►s,reP�ttcemerds.and malrttenance �`yT�.
<br /> �ec�esssry fo pt�n*3 iis v81ue.
<br /> �::
<br /> FY2SOO�a Su�Hl6ar�a. Tn►stor represe�s and wartants that tho Propstry rnvrer'kas 6eert.and aevar w�Lr sa long es this Oeed o9 Tnut =-_--_
<br /> • remalns a Fien o7'L'a�Properiy,used tCr ts5g$enereUan, mantdeeture.s.+ota8a 2-�+aimerd,d�QSal. re!�s ar.threatsned retease af arry "-"'"�
<br /> au
<br /> hardrdous waste or substans�,�tt+ose t�rms are deTined tn tRe Comprehensive Emmorsma�l'F�Fo�s3.ComRgnsation and uability Act of
<br /> 1980,as amended,42 U.S.C.�tian 9�01,et seq.('f�RCLA'�,the Superfund Amendmea�aaC h'�aL�ai�tion Act("SARA�,appficab�e �'�'"
<br /> �-��_�-
<br /> ! State Or Federsl laws,o►re8ulatiorts adoF��puBUant to any of thB toregoing. Trustor autRa:iz LBn1aT anw 9ts aqents to enter upon the �,;_ :
<br /> '�;�; Property to make such irtspecUons and tes'�as lender may deem appropriate to detarmine compiiarscs ot tt�s Prcperty with this secttan af the �`,:-:.:;
<br /> .� ' O e e d o f T n�s l. T r u s t o r h e r eb y (e)release5 and waives an y fuhrre dalms againsi Lender tor indem:ii.'y ar co�tcibution in tha event Trustor pF F:`_:
<br />- ., b�cornes Iiabie for cieanup ar otAer cosis under any such 1aws,and (b)egrees to indemnity aed hotd harmtess Lender against arry and ait 4�._.,.`:
<br /> qaims snd to�es cesui8ng irom a Oreach af thNs paragreph ot the Deed at Trust. This ob►igation fo inr�mnify shalf survlva the paymant ot the ��
<br /> I:�Qebtedness and the setisPacticn a1 ihis Oeed of Trust �=-�
<br /> DtulsanCe,Wasie. Trustor sriaD nat eause,conduct or permit eny nusarsce rtor commtt,pertni3,or sufter arry stripping of cr was'ka on cr to the �..��
<br /> pr�g�y p��y F�on a}y�}+��perty, Without IimiUrtg the generafity of l.1e foregaing,Tnutor wll not remove,or grant to arty oiher party the -_____
<br /> dght to remove,ar�y timper,minarals pnciuding oU and gas),soil,gravel at rack pz�cls without the prior vrritta;�cons9nt oT Lender. �-
<br /> - p{�E pN gILLE-Ct)�ISEN'f BY�• Lender may,8t its opnon,declare immed'�atery due and payab(e atl sc:rrs saCUred by this Qeed of Trast �i1-
<br /> upon the sai9 or transfer,without 4�t►a Lenders prtsr wr(tten consent,of afi or arry part of the Real Fsr�geRy.or arry f�t 1n ihe Real Praperty. A -
<br /> • �Salg ar trart,fe�'meens ihe eom�e�snce of Real Rraperty or eny Aght,tiUe ar interast therein;wheih�legal,beneflcctai or equitab►e:whether valur�ry �
<br /> ',�� or invotuntary;wAathe[by ouirigttY s�S9.deed,irtstaltmertt sele eonhacL tand cantract,conUact tor dead�aaseheid interest with a term preater than �
<br /> . lhre6(3)year�',.,fease-oAtion co�rad,br by sale,assignment,or transfer of any beneficial interest in or to any land trust hoiding U8e to tha Real ��.�,_
<br /> Property.ot by er►y►otRar method ot eonve�/ance ot Real Property interest. It arry Trustor is a corporatian,partiarship or Iimlted Itabtiiy comparry, --
<br /> tramsfer elso Inc(udes any chartqe in owt�ship o4:�rase thnn twenty-fnre percent(2696)of th0 vo�ng stocic,p�.rt,i�shia inten3sts or Ilmited liab`��yy �`
<br /> company Intgresls,8s the case may be,of Tntster_ �tp�vever,this opUon shail not be e:ercise,d by Lender if such exerc.fse is prohibfted by f�.�' !�-�
<br /> Iaw or by NeEraska law. ■�
<br /> TIU(ES Ai�1.IE(dS.The(o(lowing provtsioas relallng ta the taxes and Uans on me Property ace a pari at this Deed of Trust. ■�.l��
<br /> prymenL Trustor shell p8y when due(and in eA everds pdot to delinquency)etl taxss.�lat'taxes.essassments,charges(inciuding watar ��r_'=
<br /> end sewer),flnes and ImposlBons levled agelnst or on account ot ihe Propecty,and s.`.�S pay when due stl Gaims tar work done on ar iar �--
<br /> • seMces rendered or matedai tumished to fhe Prope�tyr. Trustor shall meln"a:n the?r�3a.�tea ot e1t�iens havinp pdarity over ar equal to th.a �; 9
<br /> � interost of Lender under this Deed o1 Trust,excepl for the 11en af taxes and e��ssma�'S��:C�.se and exeep!as otherwtse providad tn this Deed �,.
<br /> of Tn�sf. —..�_`
<br /> ' ..�� PAOPERTY OAMAGE INSUAAHC�.'1':'s fCllowinp provislons reiatlng to insuriny ihe Property 2,.�a pFUt of this Oeetl ot Trust.
<br /> N�ttftenlnCp pf tnsttrinee. Tntstor shall praure and malntaln polkle9 of flre tnsurance wHh standard extended coveraye endarsements on a ���
<br /> �.� r0ptaeement ba9s far tt�e tuD insurebte value coverinp aU tmprovemerds on the Real F►opeAy in an amount StAflCierd to avoid appticallon pf rtny
<br /> . � eolnsurance clause,and w�th a stant3ard mortgepee clause In favar ot Lsnd�. Grantar shall aiso prxure and malntein comproh�n5ivp gorw„ral s---- .
<br /> � Ikb�ity f�uranca in sucN coventqe nmounts as Lendar may requesi with trustee and Lender Cein�named 8s additlonal i�urods tn such Ilabary ,
<br /> Irtsuranoa policles. Ad�Bonaify,Qrantor shsA m8lntatn suCh other i�urence.indudinp bul nat Bmited to dazard.bu5tness Intertt�Uan,and
<br /> bo(ttv Insuranee.as Lvnder may rea'sonabty requtre. Pollcies shaU be written in torm.emounts,cover8qes 4nd basts reasen�:p accePta6le to �t1°.
<br /> ��.
<br /> . .:�� l.�ndK and issued by e compury or companlas raasonabty acaeptatite to Lender. Trustw.upon request o1 Lertder.wU!da�[�r ra Lender fram �?F..
<br /> Urr�to tlrrw ths policies a��rtiticates ot insurance In torm sathtectary to Lender,tnciudinp stlbulsllons that eovsrages w�7 ndi L�canee�ed or ��,;,,;:;.:
<br /> � _"J. diministw0 without at least ten(t0)days'pdor wdtten noUOa to Lender. Eaeh i:�:uance policy aiso shall include an vndorsement proNCMq t�at
<br /> cover8ge In tava af lendar w111 not be Impefred in arry way by etry�omtssian a Beiauli ot Granior or any athar psrsan. Shr�U:4 tRa°a,ui �
<br /> �.. :f PropaAy at any Ume hec:amo bcate6ln an area deslgnated by ihe Dtrectar of the Federal Emergency 111anagemeM A�ency as a spectGf flaot� __
<br /> tfaratd area.TruStor agre9s to obffiin and maintaln Federal Flood Insurance to thg extertt such Insursnce is requtred by Lender and Is or — .
<br /> ;� pecpmes ayaVabi@;for tAe term of the ICan and 9ar thg full unpa)d pArtcip2l batance of lha laan,or thg maxlmum limlt of coverage that is �
<br /> • :.! evetl�abte,whicfiaver is fess. -� -
<br /> ? �(PEA(DiTl1RES k3Y LENCER. H Trustor teifs ta wmpty wrih any provlston ot this�eed of Trust,u M any acUOn a proceedfn�Is commencred that
<br /> � wautd matertaity aftect LendOr's InUmrasts in the Rru�erty.Lender on TruStor's behaif may,but sNail not 6e requtred to,take any acfion ihat Lender
<br /> de�ms approprlate. Any amaunt that Lender�ends in so dol�wllt bear interest af the rate charped under the Note hom the dtte incurred ar paid —
<br /> ' py Lender to the date pf repayment by T�usta. All sucb e�enses,nt Lender's opflon,wi� (a)be payable on Qemand, (b)be eddad to fho balanoe
<br /> . ' a!iha IVote end be a9DaUoned s.:.ong and be poyabte witb any Inslnilmenl payment�to becoma�ue Cudnp either (q the tecsn at anY�pplicabte - --
<br /> • ,i insunna polky►or M the rem�iNnp term of tM Notg.or (c)be treoted as o baBOOn payment which wn11 be due and paytble at 1f.�+t�tata s rt�tudty. --
<br /> ' This Deed o!Tnrststso wi�secure payment ot tf�ese amouMS. llfe rig.hffi provlded tar In this paraQraph sf�aU be in ad�iUOn to sc�,���tJ�rar riyhts or ar+y "'�""'
<br /> � � � rom�dks to whkir,f�;drr may be e�ilf�ed on�xaur�of the default My such ac�cn by Lender shatl not he construed as Cudnfl ft:e deiaNt so es t� ,�s�,.,;
<br /> d
<br /> ��9 6ar L6rtQer from�+rremedy that it otherwiss woUtd Aavenad. ;'�i'
<br /> .. �j WIIRRASI'IY;�EFENSE OF TIiLE.The foflowing provislons relating to ownerSP�:r'�te Properly ere e paA o}ttt.s Osetl of Tr�st. �pJ�ry' , .
<br /> • � L3;1Q. TtustOt wetrants tt�: f�)Trustot hotds go0d end m,;rU.�table U�e Ct n;�ot�t0 the P in fe9 Sim ID,trgg and cfr,c.r a}8ll liens 8nd -��_�'
<br /> �cct�'�Y P P�lll3.i'.
<br /> �tr�CCUmbrances Wl�er then�.r�saset forth in tM Red Proper:�g Cr�rlpUOn or in�ny tiUS insw,�rs��oficy,ti8o ropoA,or C:�:t�dl�cpinion issued in --��
<br /> '`` favor oi,end accepted by,Le�Cer in canrteetion with thls Cs-.rJ of Trust,and (b)Trustor Nr,�ua��fNl rlght,pnwer,and a:�.':r�:�ly to execute and �'—�`�"�
<br />� ;1;,•.:
<br /> ', '+- detiver th(5 Eau�'O1 TNS1 to Lender.
<br /> • ;.�,�,+.
<br /> :�- i p�tllrl7�Of TT�JD. Subject to th9 exCeption in tne paragtaph abovo,Trostor wo:'.:a�'S and w:lt fore��ar detsnG�1�tiUe to the Properly egalnsl thg --
<br /> �';; lawtul Cialms of ail person9. .
<br /> , � OFFAULT. EacA of ths followin8,at the op8on of Lender,shatl constitute fln event of CafauR(CvasL�!DeisulP�under this Deed oi Trust:
<br /> . �
<br /> DE4attit on IrW�btednes�. Faiture of Bartower t0 matce any payment when due on the Indebtadness. � _
<br /> ��
<br /> . '' .� , Det0u11 an Olher Paymgnt9. Faiture of Trusta wflhin tho time roquhed by lhis Oeed of Trust to make any payment tor texe9 a insurence,or . ---_
<br /> any ot�er payment necessary to pr6vent fiting of ar to aHeet discherge of any Ilen.
<br /> � � CpmpitaH:e Oefu�tf. Failure to compry with any other term,obiigatlon,covenant or conaiBOn Contalned In thls Oasd o1 Trus�the Note ar in �
<br /> arry o}trie Retated Documents. . -
<br /> Oeafh or Insoiventy.The death of Trustor or Borrower or fha dissotution or terrtdnation ot Trustor or Borcowers e�dstence as a going business, �':-,.
<br /> ' th9 tnsolvency ot Trustor or Bonower,the appointrrent of a receiver tor any part 0}Trus�or or BpROV�erS property,any asslgnment for Ihe �-=_
<br /> . benefit o}Cred�tors,eny type ot credilor workout,or the commonCement of any proceeding under eny benkruptcy or insolvenCy Iaws Dy ar
<br /> .. aflainst Trustor or Bortower. ' �
<br /> �1rCnt9 AHeCtltlg Gud►entOr. Any oT thv pteCedtng events OCCUtS with reSpeCt to eny Guarentor of any Of thg IndeDtedr.e55 or eny Guarentor .";`
<br /> dles ar becames incompetent,or revokes or disputes the velidiry ot,or Ilabi�ry undet,any Ouarunty of Me Indebtedness. Londer,at its option, ;,`::.
<br />� . • �,'�R.r
<br /> ' • ; •
<br /> � _
<br /> - • _ _ ' . . . ' ' .1. -� '
<br /> . . . ' _" ♦ ' \ - � . •..1 . .f� . . ' . . ' .i 1. . , . `•. . .. ' . . + _
<br /> . . . . . . . . . _ . . . � _ _ l�
<br />