� ...�r; � , . . ��•.�r•r.t��r'.t� . . . - '1. . � ' . .: .' ..
<br /> ' - — ``� ���1,� _�_ .�...,.,._..._. e� - -�
<br /> ��( � • +`.'„�� _� _ a��° ��+�iV�R�
<br /> existing at tmr or irs eqaify or by st�tute.Every pow�r ur remedy provided herounder this Deed of Trust to Baneflcimy or to whith it snny be
<br /> � othervrss�anritfad,moy be eaercised,4oncunentty or independantly,from time to time m�d as often as may bs deemed e�die�8enefirimy
<br />. ��.`. and it may purss�e incansistanf rer�e�ies.Noth'sng herein sF.a1f 6e construsd as profiibifis:g Bert�fistary from sealcing a deficiency judgment agoinst
<br /> the Trusta to fhe extent suth action is per�ritted by law.
<br /> ` 10. Tc�n4ar ef ire�eNrt A9���tkn.(f al)or any part of ths property or any in4erest fherein is sold,4ransfer►ed or conveyed 5y Trustor
<br /> wi9hau4 efrffidory�f p��1M►IttM CGrt3M1,eadud"mg(o)t�e creotinn of a lien or ertcumbmrice subor�nate to this Qeed af Tn�st,(b)the creo-
<br /> ' tion oU o pureQ��asa�nnay aaeurity interasf for hovsg,':otd arp�Canc�s,tc}a 4ransfer by davise,dascent ar�y operotio�of Im�uporr the death of o
<br /> • � {oint tenon4 or (d) the prant oi Cny (easeho!d Irateres4 af three years or tess not rn�taining an aDtion ro purchose, Bene�siary m�►, at
<br />� -- B�rtaficiary's aation,dccteste aif tt�e surns saured by this Qeed af Trust to be immediatety dua a�d payabte,or cause the Trastee so fife a notice
<br /> � of dafualt.B�n�ticiasry�hail haw wctved such aption to cccata�a7Q if.priar to the so�e,transfer or comteyance.Bena�tiory and tiie pe�sa�to
<br /> . , whom th�pra�rt�is to E�sold or trans(ened►each aQreemen4 in vaising timt tha aedit of suth{sersfln is sa6sfactory to Benef'iriary ond thnt
<br /> . tAt interest perya6ts an ths sums a�tur�d by this Deed of Trust shd�b��►such rote as Bene�iciary shetl request.
<br /> 11.Aee�MrMi�Itpw O�Pwtt1 tw�l fi�. Upan defaufP�y7r�rstor in�a.p�,�rrtrat of ar perfermanse of the tmas er.d Qon�f'�ns of
<br /> tha Nots.or any r�rsewats.mo9sftwtio�es x extmsians tMreof.ar the�aymexei o�cr�r oths�i�de�'�sss secvred herehy cr in�p�r�at�r,��ca
<br /> ot amt of th��anr�nar+tt a a��an4s h�arr�r.Ber�ficiary rrsoy dectare all srars securad b.a;e�y.,l�iately due and pe��a:�►d?ti�s�.
<br /> .. st�aR tfw�upon t�atorr�d�and p�ya�wSShout�itist�n4trweit,da�d.Ixotes��ra4lr.a of ary icmd.ihereafter,6ene�riai�fa�r�e&�u�r%
<br /> Trustn a wriften G�ciQra4kn a9 d�tauit and Qe�rAnd�or sa�.Tnrs4�s shafl have the�wer of safe of tt�Property a���c�m'tF�de�irlss Yna .
<br /> , Pro�erty is to b�sold it s)wll d�osit with Trustee ehis Oad of Trust and the Note ar notes and any other documertts evi6�ing eApe�i�tures
<br /> ; fuur�d f nrs�y,�d shQti daliver to Trustee a wriftfn notice of default ond elactian to cause the Property to be sold,and sns�saa,in turqe,shati
<br /> . preqae o stmita�no4ite in tM farm requirsd b�bw whkh shall b�duly 4iled far�ecord by Frussee.
<br /> (4�Aft�r 4P�la�af wch tlrrw os may be�tattir�d by taw tollowirg fl�e recar�atian of tla4ire af Dafauft,and�lotice of¢Q�ttdt mid Hatice oi
<br /> sat.na,�rn�a�n�Yan a:�a�utmo ey tew.Trus��r.wi�iwuv dwnand on Trusrc�,sf�a1}sQA t:4r Property in one or moro porcal��t��n s�orQ�r
<br /> as Trustor ma�4ttvmTtN on ih�dat�and at tM tirtk and ptau d�s'�pnoted in said Wcti�o�Sate,at publit auttian 4o tttie hi�fi�der.the�ur-
<br /> �•�� dNSSe picb�yc�iQ i�taslt in Iowful m��uy of tAs Uni4¢d 34at0s at the time nf�ra.�'!rs p�rsan co�ductin�the sate rtwy,fa any aiu�e ir�cr sEe
<br /> �' dMms txprdierit,postpan�th�sal�fram fim�to tirts�until it sfioll b�camplota�cu�xl."n every such case,notice of postpon�merst shatl�e given
<br /> . by public Qetfaration thenot by auch puson at tPr�tim�avJ ptoce tas�apaoi�d�or`��he safe:provided,ff the sate is postparred fcr[ang2e thm�
<br /> . ott�(1)duy bryand tta��ay dsst�wttid in th�Nottu oi Sab.notice thereof shafl 2se g�.ven in tfie same manner os Me original tV.sfice o4 Sa1e•
<br /> s� :� trwtK sha111�a�wt�and d�ItvK fo tft�purchas�r its ONd eanvsyinp ths Property sa soid.6ut witt�ut any camenar►t or warrcrrty,.exD�ss.�
<br /> �� impli�d.TM estifals in ths Qeed of any mattars a(aets shall be carttlusive praaf mi tt�e truthfulrtess thereof.Any persor+,��.c��rd';nq�i►tt►o�
<br /> ` Iit111TC1�OH TNStH,may p�hass at the sals.
<br /> � Qb).Whtn Trustoe setts pursuca�l to tt�pawtrs htnire,iro�tM shalt appty tha praceeds of the sate to payment of the casts ar�2.expamses o� �
<br /> � nxerclsinp th�po�w►of sat�and of t�sat�,tacludinQ,wit�aut Iimitatlon,the payment of Trustee's 68os incwred,which T�'s��es shul#s�.
<br /> � � in ttw aq�reyoto�xaed th�folbwinp amotx�ts bas�upon th�anoimt sec�ed hereby mnd reinaining unpaid: 5 perc��,erm�u.�:the 6�;�ce
<br /> � tMroof=a�d tMn 4o ttw itfms s�t torth In subpaayraph(e)h�nof in tt�arQer therein stated. � �.
<br /> (e)AftK payirp the(t�nts tpaeifiwd in subparopraph(b),i4 tM sat�ds by Trustee,or the proper eowl ond othe►cests c•P t�cmae.tasure ar��af��
<br /> �• if the sala is pusu�rt to(udicia!for�clasure,the proceeds of saM tbatl M applied in the order stoted 6eluw to tAe paym�l��►_ � _ �
<br /> (1) Cost of atty evidecxa of titl�procwad in ca�nut{on wlth such soi�and of any revartue reauired to 6e paidr ' �
<br /> . (2) AttorrNyst�rs, .
<br /> , 13l pii sums ttNn saur�o Mroby�
<br /> �. '. (�l lunior trust dNds.n+artpaps�,a otM+IIenhaldvs:and
<br />� (5)Ths nmctr�r,it a�yr,to t1w prrson a psrsons bpoRy fntit40 th�rato.
<br /> (d) If tM BuNficiary of this 0�of Tntst(s o be�nlc as�fk�d by Ne�rasko law,ony stat�meet ear►tained in any other seetion of this deed
<br /> notvrithstar�inp,th*Ban�fittay sholl na4 6��ntitt�d to natvs or ta'�o ab 6�btor sbatt nov�r�bfi��ed to pay a pive;�y cor►feuion of�udg-
<br /> � . , m�M,pcwtr of ottom�Y to conhss�udpmertt,pow�r oI atton�y to appfar far o baroxrar ire�yud-iial qraceedirty or aQreeemer.t ta pey the casrs. .
<br /> . of coll�ction of the attomey�'faes,unk3s sueh ats of coll�ction wouW not otMnxtse de proh€yited�.i+�letxasko ta�«.PraY�11,�`raw�ver,r�;tr ,
<br /> - -- fnis sattion 6as no9 opp1�40 4i�TrustM 4N r�f�rrf94o in poroprApi►6 ia).Rrovi6ad tur4�er.tiwt 9�;i,yraeayrayy shufl r�o c,Hphj,W.1��s��¢•� :
<br /> Yrust,if tha Be�fwry is nat o bank. . ' �
<br /> 14. A1i6ti�i 4�aKit�GMtr�N.Trustor,at its�xp�nsa,w(II exKUt�and Qdivar to the Eienefid�r�Fromptty upan��rn��:,sui�`���vc�a=.
<br /> ° .. ty instrum�nts as m6y b�roqukad by 6�n�fkiory.in form on0 su0stona sotistoetory to B�neficiary,cav�aq,crry af tM�r,q�rcy eam�r���q
<br /> � this Ds�O o9 Yrust,whkA sauri4y ins4�uman4s sha116�addltforwl s�eu�ity fa Truytor's foithlul pnrfartnunca r:t�1 of the te�rce,ra�n�ants anA . .
<br /> conditians of this Q�ed of Trust,tM promissory not�s s�tund Mr�b�,and ony o4la�r s�curity instruments e:�rz�s:�3 in caraieer:�n�a'+h this tran-
<br /> � saetian.Such instn�nts sholl b�rKarQ�d a tiUd at T�usta's�xpmt�. •
<br /> ` 13..A�irH�c.-i d frea�e Te�etN. B�n�fklary rttay, from tirtn to t(rtn. Qy o written instrument exesuted and acknowleCg¢d tzq.
<br /> B�rkfic'�ory,moikd to Trustor und ncordd in tM tounty or tountl��in wAkh th�O+ro�cty is bcot�ld�d��iY otherwise comptytng with�he�:��-
<br /> � . � s'wnsof tM�plkobi�laws of ths Stat�ot t�btasko,substltut��futtolsOr Or UotlKfOri f61fi1tTrustee.nqmed h.tsein or actirg hertunder.
<br /> 14. i�eti�w.Bmefieiary,a its oq�nts,npnsmtotlws or workm�n,ao au�sviz�l to Qn1'e►6t ony te!a�ar,�;'se tir�e��pan ar in any port
<br /> • of t�s Pro�wrfy for tM putpose af irsspectinp th�!�and fa tho purpot�of p�rtaminp nny of the octs it i�a:rbm°vzrS*.�;r:�torm under the
<br /> � . terms of the Qeed of Trust.
<br /> • 1 S. O�ti�n t�f�aci�H.Upon the acurre►x�s ot.a0y dafoufl horounda�,ttonaficiary ahall hove tha option to i�r.�L;osa rhis Deed of Trust in .
<br /> tPu marxwr praviE�d by bw for tM foe�cbsurs of mort�s on��nt praprrc�.
<br /> lb. Finw�a iy MMtici�ry fbt�Wii�M.My torlb�crance by&rNtkiaty in�xeclsinp any right or reme�y�,er�-.m6�r,ar oti�erwisc
<br /> � eNaded by�plica6le law,shall not b�o waiv�r af o►pr�Clud�fh��x�teis�of ony suth rlpht or rtmedy.Likowise,the wa:v�r ty Beeieficiary of
<br /> � any d�toult of Trustor ur�der this Mid of Trust sAall rat Et dNm�A to b�a waiva o1 any othar o►similor defaults su���.sent2y oecurrirtg.
<br /> . 17. Tryst�r NN R�as�d.E�tensian of tRa tima fa��oymenf ar moditication or amortlsotion of the sums securr�6y vhis Deed ot Trust
<br /> � � grm�ted by Benefietmy to any suceessor in interest ot lrustar shall no1 opuott to nlaas�,in oiry manner,the lia6iliry uf tr'he ariginal Trustor and
<br /> . Trustor's saccessor in interest. Beneficiary shall not be reQuired to tommente p►ateeAinps a{�in�t such successor or rofuse tv extend time ior
<br /> payment ar otAsnrise mudify cmcrtaotion of tha sum�securts by thlt Qterl of Trust by reason of any dtmnnd mada by thc a��g+nal Trustor an�
<br /> � Trustor's sutcessor in ir►terest.
<br /> • 18. Q�a�fiei�t�r'i►atnr�.Yfthout aftectinp the liability o1 tha Trustor or any other peraan IioEte lor fhe payment of any oDligotion herein
<br /> � : mentioned,ar�d w�4hout affecting the lien or charge af this Oeed of Trust upan any portion ot the Praperty not then or theretofore released os
<br /> . securiry for the fufl art�unt of all unpaid osli�ations,Ber�fltimy may,trom tons to tim�uns witAout rotice,li)retease ony persort so liable,(ii)
<br /> extend the maturity or olter any of tha terms of any such obtigottons, (iii►Qranf ather inQuFy�encos, livl release ar rocomey,or couse to be
<br />, •�. reteosed or reconvayed ot any time at ifeneficiary`5 options mry parcai,pernan av ofi of tho�oysny, t�l ro�o or reiease mry other or ad8itimmi
<br /> sacurity for any obligation herein mentiontd,or lvi!make composittans or other urran{}ements with Aebtors in relotion thereto.
<br /> . .- --- - . _
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