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.riu �� : ti,,�., i� . ,, • `�f. .�'� �. ,�----.._,;...�. ' <br /> y� `5"-. . . ' 1��" ' }� �t1��5���' 1:, � .� , ,i� � , ji� �p,�� _�_ r-- <br /> . : ,. . <br /> \� '•• - �� � * �.�r � �lAry��-{! U .. . 1� i�4�.f1'_�r di.-= __- <br /> �r �I rk�aw �t. <br /> �Z„� ..:.�wrrt :..'.v�,�s.-, �,q• � *.�..- <br /> � :.ti� '•;<�a• � , .l�1s�, _ <br /> 1 �R2� iY. <br /> _ . . . .. .��•"�..� . .. _' . . . . _. .�,:._— - ._ <br /> � . — .., <br /> _... ' - I � . ..-�.w.�;,�: . - . -� <br /> . �,,�- � <br /> 2 Y80 <br /> � �-- -- ---_ _ <br /> ��iilM�4w:1�'1r.r.1 .�� <br /> � : <br /> • �' Y ,,.: TO(iETHER WITH aU thc impruvemcnt�now or h,.rcuflcr crccted un�hc pmpeny,and ull ca�rmrnt�+,uppuncnuncr�. _. <br /> ="��'�����' and(iztures now or he�eAfter o pun af�he pmperty. All rcplucements and addillnnx xhull alsu he covered by�his 5a;urily <br /> ' ��-•• � - Instrument. All oi'thc farcguing i�.rcfeRCd to in this Sccurity In.InimEnt as Ihc"PrnExny." <br /> �' ' ' BORROWER COVENANTS�hut si�rrowcr iy luwfully�ciud��f thc c.latr hereby canvcycd und hu�,�hc right �u grum <br /> ' ' and convcy thc Pmpcny und thut!hc Prapcny i+uncncumhend,cxccpt for cncumbrunces uf record. Hurruwrr warrams und �,,,�L,r�__ <br /> , � , %'�� will defend genernlly the litle�a�he PmpcNy againsl all cluims und demund+,�ubject�o vny encumh�uncc.ot'r�worJ. � _ <br /> �::ti -:-__ <br /> ' � Tf i1S S[CURITY INSTRU MENT cambinc. uniform covenumx fnr nu�i�m•rl u.r und n��n-unil'arm a�vcr�a�m,� wilh �."���:.�r----- <br /> .. '.- . y , �.. C____-. _._.�_-_�: <br /> � , ' limilcd vuriatiun�by jurisdiction to con�titutc a u�iform kcurity imlrument cmcring rcal prop�:ny. _ <br /> ; UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower�nd Lender covennm und ugrce u�fo1Mw,: �,.;.-- <br /> � l. Payment of P�(ncipAl snd Interest;Prepayment And l.ate Ch�rgev. Bu�rrc►wcr+hull pn►mptly pay whcn Juc�hc <br /> r'�� principul of and intemu on the dcbt evidcnced hy the N��te s►nd any prepuyment aml lute chargc�Jue under tfx:Note. _ <br /> � - <br /> , 2. h�nds�a�71�xes and InsurAnce. Subjeci�o npplicuble luw or to u wriuen waiver by Lender.Bnrrowcr shvll puy lo <br /> : �• . �---- <br /> Lendcr on Ihe duy manthly paymentti are due under�he Note,unlil Ihe Nat�is paid in full,u .um 1"Funds"1 for:lul ycur y �;�, .._—_ <br /> Q�::,_�! <br /> � ' tuxes und nsrexxment�which may uttuin priority aver thi�5rrurity In,trument uz a lien on�he Prapeny:lt►1 ycurl y Icu�chnld Yt,�.__-_. - <br /> ,. � puyments or gmund rems on Ihe Prc�peny, if any: (cl yeurly hazurd or propeny in�u�Ancc premiumw: Idl ycar�y Ouod �'�':�-�:�"."�`"-� <br /> �. • � inr:urnnce premiums, if any: Icl yeurly mongage intiurunce premiumy,if' smy: and ifl uny sum� puyuble by Harmwer to <br /> �•' ' • uccordance wi�h �he provi�ions of parngraph t1. in lieu af the puymem of mohguR�in�urunce premiums. Theu ,. <br /> � • • •" i�ems ure ralled"E�crow pem�." Lender may.ut uny time,callect und hold Funds in an umnunt not to�aceed�hc muzimum ��____ . <br /> '� � umount u Icnder for a fcJerully related mongugc loun muy reyuire for Borrowcr'.s excrow accounl under thc federnl Rcul �:�.,.__ — <br /> Estate 5etdement Pmcedureti Act of 1974 us amended fmm time to time,13 U.S.C.# 2Gf11 e�sep.("RESPA"1,unless nnother - <br /> •. �•; - ta,k ehal applies to�he Fundx se�s a Iextier amuunt. If+o,Lender muy.ut uny time,c��l lect unJ hold Fundn in an umount not to --- __ � <br /> exce�.tii the Icsser umount. I.ender muy cstimate thc umount uf Funds due cm the busis o(cument dWu and rau.wnuble <br /> '''•� r ' estimates of expendilures of future B.crow Items or othen��i+e in accordancc with applicable law. �i�a'eie��- <br /> � The Funds shnll be held in an in.iiiutiun whok�1eEx»it� are i��u��d by u fe�kral agracy,in.trumentulity, or entily ��•'���-�:y�-; <br /> �• �, ,�. lincluding l.ender,if Lender is.uch un insti[ution►ar in;u►y Fe�k ral H�xne Loun Bank. Lendrr shall apply Ihe Fundti ti�pay -.•-.:....-..w_ ' <br /> �•, • �;,.:.`:-'•�;,., • 1he Escrow ltems. Lender may not charge Borruwcr for holding and upplyiog�h� Fun�is. :umually annlyrinb Ihe excrow w'=�.`.;`-�__ <br /> �.".1.'''� ' xc��u� verif in Ihe Esrn�a E¢.,m�. unle�. Lende�pa}c BoROwer intercat on Ih� Funds und applicuble law pertnilc �;�._�r:i`-- <br /> ��i•�;:�.:F'•••tl, y � �....R <br /> ' �• �`:'`.� 4ernier lo muke such a churgr. Ui.+��rvcr,Lrndcr muy�e�q�iR BoRawcr ta pay a ur�-¢in�rhurge fbr un independcnt reul _tihn.U_��; <br /> ����%�.:.�.;� <br /> ;.;,,��„ , eswte tux reponing service used by Lcnder in cc�nnection�vith this loun,unless applicuP7r law provide,whenvise. Unlesx un �.,��,�_:-_�._ <br /> agreemcnt is mude or upplicu6lc luw reyuirrti intemg�to lx�puid,l.cnder shall nat he required to puy Borrower any incerest or ==-.-,_y <br /> ' �' � �''''f•• ° e:unings on the Fundx. Borrowcr und l.ender may agrec in wri�ing,haw�vcr,lha�intcrest+hull bc paid on Ihc Funds. Lender �.�ry : • <br /> �.�'���.'•�� ,hall give to Bo�rawer,without rharge,un unnual uccounting af the Fund,,showin�credits und debits�o the Funds und the ;.,,, � <br /> purpose for which e•rch debit 10 the Funds wus made. Thr Funds�ue pkdged as uddilionul xecurily for all sumti secured by :,A,,:;:��,;;, �;*,_ <br /> -'-`=—"' - th+s Se.cnrity ln;trumens. �� '%'�'`� <br /> � . If�he Funds held by Lender exceed the amaunt+ permined to tk held by upplicuble Inw. Lender tihull uccount �o ,,R � <br /> Bortnwer for Ihe excess Funds in uccorJuncc aith Ihe reyuirrmrnts nf uppliruble law. If thc•rmauni uf the Funds held by ;-`.`.'i±''.�`•. �.`n'"�+;��.�: <br /> Lender ut uny limc i�nat sui�ficicnt to puy the E.crrnv Ilrms when duc,LenJer may tio nutify Borrower in writing,and,in �.+,�.. � !��""""'�' <br /> prt�omr��;-, <br /> such cASe Borrower shall pay lo Lender the umoum necessury to muke up the de(iciency. Borrower xhall rnake up the ;y.,_1;,�}:,,�"�r';�- <br /> • d�ficiency in no morc thun taele�monthly paymrntx,ut l.ender;sole di+cretion. '"{��'�'� • ''� � <br /> . • . . Upon payment in full ��f u�i tiums sccureJ by this Seruri�y Intitrumcnt.L.endcr sfiaJ�prumpUy rrfund to Borrower uny ��1'� <br /> ' . Funds held by Lender. If,undcr paraEraph 21.Lcndcr,hal!aryuirc or xcU the Propeny, Len�kr,prior to thc acyuisitiun or �. � <br /> , ' sule of the Property, shall apply any Fundti held by Lendrr a� thr�ime ul'acyuisition or salr us u credit aguinst the�ums � • . a�� .d <br /> ,, sccured by thi+Sccurity Intitrwnent. , ���It <br /> : 3. Applieallon of PaymentR. Unlc,s applicuble luw provides otherwi�e, ull puyment, mccived by Lender under <br /> ' pnrng�aphs 1 and 2�hull Ix:applicJ: fir.t,tu uny prepayment charge�duc under Ihe Note;sccond,tu umounn payt�ble under •�-� <br /> • paragraph 2:ihird,�o intcrest duc;founh,a�prinripal duc:and latit,to uny lntc charge+duc undcr thc Notc. __ <br /> . 4. Chsu'ges: Liens. Do�n�wrr �hall pay uU taxes, a,.rs+men�w, churFes, t'inex arul im�xnitions altribuwble to thc _ <br /> Property which muy uttuin priority�rv�r�hi.Security In.�rument,and I�asehold payments or ground rentx,if uny. Borrower � =" <br /> shull pAy thr+e obligation. in the m•rnnrr pn�vided in parugr•rph 2,or if n��t paid in thut munner.Borrowcr xhull pay them on ��,=+�-,;:�;v <br /> : ��tN�..- <br /> lime dircctly lo the persun e�wcd paymeni. Borrowcr tihull prompdy fumish tn LcnJ�r u11 nolicc+ol'amounts to he paid undcr ___�_ <br />' , thi�paragraph. If Bormwrr makes tlxse puymenls direcNy. Burmwer yhall prcxnptly turni+h to l.ender reccipt�evidenring :' . : ;�__ <br /> thc paymentr. ":',, `�. ==_.__---- <br /> Barmw�r shull prompUy di,rhurge any lien which hu�priority uvcr Ihi�Securin•Intitrumem unlc„Bixrawer: la►agree� . <br /> in writing to Ihc paymcm ul'Ihe i�MG�otiun�ecurcJ hy thc licn m a manner accrptabl�lo Lrndcr:�h�conte�ts in�ood iaith the �;. <br /> .S' r,'.r�.-.. <br /> � .' • licn t►y,or dcl'end,ugainst rnl'orcemem uF thr licn in,IeEal pakreJinF�which in Ihc Len�kr'.opinian oprrutc ta prevent�hc i <br /> ' enforcement af thc licn:or Irl�ecur��from thc hi�IJrr nf�hr lien:m agnerncnt wtisf•rcuity to L,rnder+ubordinating thc lien . . <br /> f . ':�?'�.. ' iu Ihis Security Ina�rumcnt. IF Lender Jeterminr.�hut any part uf the Pro�xny i+.uhjert�o:�lirn which muy auain priority _.' <br /> I , ' •;,;�,:::, over thi�Securiry Inzwmen�.l.rixlcr muy give Borruwcr u nntirr idcmi(ying�he li�n. Borrower.hall>atisfy thc licn nr tnke � <br /> onc or mnrc uf thc furth:dx�vc within 10 d.rv,i�f thc giving��f noticc. <br /> 5. Hawrd or Property Insurance. Borrrnver sh:►11 kcrp thr imprvvrmenl. naa•rxi,ting i�r hercafler rrcrted on the ' <br /> Propeny intiured ag•rin.�lo.�by tira h:irard+mrluded«•i�hin thr trmi"cxtcnd�d ri��cragr":►nd am•���her haiards,includinE <br /> tloodx ur Ilooding, for whirh L�ndcr rryuirc. in+uranrc. Thi+ intiuranre >h:dl hr maintainrJ iii thc amoum�•rnd for thr <br /> �. <br /> Form�02N 4/qD �p.egr 2�4n puAes� <br /> .�;r'� , <br /> ,t�;� <br /> (. <br /> ,'���� <br /> � • . . <br /> � <br /> i <br /> • , �1 - <br />