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�����: ..;:: �� �; . . . _ <br /> {�' yr. ;Y��.. <br /> _. .9��.1, �P:'''. _ <br /> __ - _ :.s��.,(`; 4 ��w,n.. . �-w� .'-_'-_-_.... <br /> ,S `' �,,L7�'. -- __-.- _.. <br /> ,. . 'n�� ... .. __ <br /> �a---��.�.�. A-� 92- 1 U 1896 -- _y�. <br /> .._a°--�-----."'T� r-- <br /> � • <br /> ����i�:i.�, ..ilr�_V t�,. -- � <br /> ,r��.'� i��r�r,,,_•'` <br /> l�n�.. ....a,T },-e;: ' <br /> �.r <br /> .:���,:.�''•'N�'�•,'� ol ihNn.�hali lw aMillud ta onfnrce Ihir Trusl Qwd and any olhar s�cur�ty now a horulter hstd by Bonil�ciary a Truste�M►wch ader�nd mannN <br /> , '�j,�;' �s Ilf�y or�Ith�►o11Nqm mpy in Ihex dU4olutp discrelion d�t�rmmo.No remsdy harain conlornd upon a r�wrv�d to TrustM ar BenNicluy Is Intendfd <br /> �� �^'�^'� „ , 1�b��xelualve ol Ynp oll�ar remreQy ha�ein a by law pronded or permltled,bu1 eaeh�hall be cumul�lwe and ahpll bs�n addmon to w�ry olhu nm�dy <br /> �c����,,q�r,• '" plwn hw�undw a npw m harqahw er��unp�I law a m oqwry a by ateluta.Ewry pow�or rsmody Woad�d und�r Ih�s Trust DMd lo TrusiM a B�nN+cury <br /> ,.. _:._.,, .. <br /> a�o whkh��Ih�ol p�c�m may be Wnnrvn�w n�htled.may tw nare�ud.cancurrenlly a�mf�pend�nlly,trom I�m�lo turN and�s oR�n as m�y W dMm�d <br /> -rh--- �.. • rM{wd�enl by TruMpe a�aunuhc�aiy and odht�r of thom may purnue�neona�sleM remediee Nolhmg h�rNn�hall ba Constru�d aY prohlblQnp B�Mllelny �-- <br /> _� .. , .rc-,i �... _.. „--. <br /> .�s!:x�,�, -.«� (ram Mdcmp�dal�a�anay�uAgmam ayau�sl�►w Truslor to Ih�oMlsnl such aclwn is p�rmin�d by law <br /> •'��+ "" 4r <br /> it.TRANBRHR OF TMB PROPHRTY;AB�UMPTION.It all o�any pArt of Ihe Properry a mlereat Ihealn ia sotd.tranrlerod or dherwi�e conv�yW <br /> :;�y�(;,d,,:.ti.��•t�-•• by Truitor wNhpulBenelic�ary's pna wnllon consenl,excludmg(a)Ihe creatlon ol a I�en or oncumGrance subotdmalo lo thle Trusl De�d,(b)a transl�r <br /> by apa1111an ot law upan Ihe deAth of a Trusta who�s a�W�I lenant or(c)Iha granl of any learehotd intereat ol thrss(3►yYa►s a Nss whleh tlo�s not __ <br /> s' • , ' Contam Yn aplfan la purChnae.�uch icdorl i9 a brear.h o11hls agreemenl,and BeneUaary may,al8eneflclery's opl�on.decloro all tha suma s�cured by � <br /> ,�°• � ihis Truct DeeA to ba Immed�ately aue and payabla,prowdetl.lurther,th�s Trust Dned may,at Benel�c�ary's op� daclared Immedlataly due and _��� u— <br /> . „ , ppyubte,d(1}Trustqr ia a partnershlp and a��nteresl m Ihe parinerehip Ic sold a aasigned by any means whataoever,or(2)U Iha Truata Ia a caporation - - <br /> • anA�tt9nsler of ihe ma�only stock owner6��p�nlerest�n the corporatlon occurs,or Ihe Trusta caporatbn merges m any form wllh enotlwr corpn►a��on _ <br />�:; , �� or enllly.Benatlo�ary s h a l l have warv e d s u c h o p t�o n l o a c c e l e r e t e d,pri a to�he sale,transfer or conve yance.Benehcfary and the paraon to whom Iho <br /> ' Properiy 18�p de eold or Iranslerred reach agreemonl m wnifng ihat ihe credrt ol such person is satbfaCtory to Banefidory ond ihal llw Intatost payYble �_�_, <br />� �� ' � on ttw suma aecured by�hla Trusl Deod shall be al such rate aa 6aneficiary shall requeat. ������_-�•� <br /> �'�:. . �__�_ <br /> 12.ACCB4HRATiON UPON DEFAUI.T;R6MHDIHB;SALH.The latlure by Ihe Truslo�,to make any peymenl or to pe�lorm any of the lerms end conditlons �;r;<<__ <br /> 1'."• �i�`" pi this Truet Qeed,ar iha terms and aord�llons ot Ihe Note,or any renewals,modlhcaNOns a extensions Ihereol.or Ihe lallure to make poyment ot any � _ <br />- ` other Indebledne6s,pnar a subsequent to Ihis Tro�l Aeed,and secured by thla property,a Ihe death oi one a mwe Truslors sholl be a breach and <br /> ' � . � : detaufl'ol lhia Truet Oeed and ihe Benet�ciary may declare a default�nd may der.lare ell sums secured hereDy immediately due and peyable end the _::..-_-- <br /> ' . sama ehall lhereupon became due and payable wdhout presenlment,tlemand,prole&t w notice of any kmd,pronded,Trustor shaU heve any statutary °`_-" <br /> • ' �fpM Ip cure Ihe detault before any aoUce of delaull and demand lor sale may be delfvered fo the Truslee.Thereafler,Benefieiary may deliver ro Truslee � , <br /> a rvcfttan declaration of detault and demand�or sale Truslar agrees aod hereby grants that the Trustee shall have the power of sale of the Prqperty and =-_ <br /> l ii Benet�Ciary d�cldea Ihe Property�a to be sold it shall deposit wdh Trustee Ihis Trust Deed and lne Note a notes and a�y other dauments evidencing �Y�. <br /> � � expenditurea secured hereby,and shaN delrvar to Trustee a wniten notice of default and eleChon to cause the properry to be add,end Tru�tee,in turn. �yw�,- <br /> ' "� shall prepNre a s�mdar notice in Ihe fam required by law.which shatl be duly idtrd fo►record by Trustee. ��'�:�?~!-- <br /> - � ri� -..� . <br /> � i���•;•'•'.�� .. <br /> . •'�"s' a Atter iha la so ol such Ume as may be roquuod by law lollow�ng Ihe recadauon o�NoUCe ot Default,and Not�ce of Defaull end Notice ot �y;;r;;t;. <br /> �. :'•���,��•�� i ) P <br /> � .. Sala havmg 6een given as rflqwred by law.Trustee,wdhout demand on Truetor,ahall sell ihe Property, d not redeem�td,�n one or more � ` ���— <br /> �• • parcels and�n such ader as Truslee may determ�e on Iho date and the Ume and place deslqnated io sa�d Notice of Sale,at publ�c auenon ��,` - <br /> � accordfng lo law. -- <br /> , r ,. �°--_ <br /> ,__ .'.��:;;,.;;_ (p) When Truetea sells purBUa�t ta the pnwers harem.Truslee shall epply Ihe{xaceede d ihe sale to payment of�he costs and erpensea of m�,ty;;.,. <br /> — —�T� exerci8Mg 1he power of sat0 anA Ot Ihe sd�b.mcwWng,w�ihtwl imulaLuti,aitornay's faes and thc payment a!Trustee's Fees mcur�ed,wh��h �s=-••=�•-`--- <br /> ���{ Truatee's Fees shall nat m the aggregale ezceed lho lollowmg amounis based upon the amount secured hereby and rema�ning unpaW a1 �""^�_`� <br /> � Ihe time sChedulad lor sala. 5 perCentum an the halance Ihereol;and Ihen Io the rtams in subFaragraph(c)m Ihe order Ihere stetad. �,.-��-.,f <br /> � . (p) After paying Ihe dems specd�ed in subparagraph(CL�f Ihe aele ia by Trustee,a ff the sale ie pwsuant to�ud�C181 foreClosure.the proceede �.-,�`;_`;� <br /> ,' ol sale shall be applied m the louowin9 ader: -� <br /> ' �il��.'�4-.. <br /> , (1)Coct ol any ev�de�ce of I�IIO procured�n connect�on wqh auch sale and of eny revenue transter fee requfred to be peid; ___. <br /> , , (2►All obligaUooe secured by Ihis Trus1 Deed: '�'` <br /> � (3)Junwr trusl deeds.martgages.or o►her�lenholders, <br /> A The remamdar.J.�n•� to Ihe person IoqAllV An�dled�herela ������` .` <br /> ll <br /> � 13.APPOINTMHNT OF SUCCBS90R THUSTHH.Benei�c�Ary may.Irom time to a wnnen mstrument exeeuted antl acknowledged by BenefiCiary, r <br /> •• mw116d to Trustor and recorded�n Ihv cou�ty or tount�es m which ihe Prpperty�s localed and by oiherwise complying w�th the provisbns of the applicable t(�,_.,� <br /> � IAws oi ihe Stete oi Nebreska aubsUtuto a successor a successorS to ihe Truatee named hereln a actlng hereuntler. �`"�-;;r�,- <br /> i�.` . : .�. <br /> ' 1d.INSPECTIONS.6eneficiary.a rts agents,ropiesenlaUves or employees,are aulhonzed to enter at an reasonable Lme upon or m en pert of Ihe � '��''° <br /> y y sr,..••;_- <br /> P�ppYrty 1or Ihe purpose of mspecUng lhe same and for Ihe pwpose of pertorm�ng any of the aets d Is aulhaized to perfam under Ihe terms of Ihe Trust Oeed. 1.:;�;1,==' <br /> �, .`.di;.u.�.... • <br /> 16.OPTION TO RORECIOSUHE.Upon Ine occu:rence o�Any breoch nnd upon Ihe decla�ation o�de�aull hereunder,Beneticlary shall heve the opUOn r��'"",':;';:,� <br /> . , t0 fM9C�OS9 IhiB TruS�Oaed m lhB manner provided Uy N�w for lhe toreClosu�e of m0�ig8Q6S On redl p�Op6rty. � ..�� s <br /> 19.FOR@BHARANCE BY BENEfICiARY OR TRUS7EE NOT A WAIVER.Any forebearance by Beneliaary or Trustee m ezercismy any right a remetly � <br />- hereunder,ar olherwise altorded by app��cablo�aw,Shall not be a warver ol w preclude the exerase of any such nght or remedy-Likewise.the wafver �,,_�,-__:,.� <br /> " hy 8enellc�ary a Trustee ol any aetault of Trustor under Ih�s Trusl Deetl shaU�iot be deemetl to be a werver of any other or s�mdar defaulls subsequently �f,�-,.�:Y���� <br /> .' ' occurnng. ;:T�- <br /> ` � � 17.B8N8RICIARY'8 POWERS.W�t►wi�t.+Hoct�ny or re�eas�ng Ihe liabddy ol the irustor or any othe�person liable�or ihe payment of any obllgeUOn ' � _ <br /> . hereln mendoned.and wrthout atlpcting t►�e hen or chgrge of thia T�us1 Oeed upon any portion of the Property,BeneifCiery may.Irom tlme to Ilme end - <br /> rnihout�otlCe at the►epuest of one cK mcKP T�ustas-0)release any persun liable.1��)eztend or renew the matunty or alter any of Ihe terms ol any such <br /> oblig�tlons.(uU g�ant other mdidqence:- Uv1 rHiease or reconvev.or cause to be re�eased or reconveyed at any Urne at Benehciery's option eny parcel <br /> or all oi Ihe Properly.(vl take or retease any ot��e�a�adJ�t�onal secunty�or any obi�gation herein mentia+etl.(vQ make sottlemenie a other arrangements � <br /> vnth TruStOr in relalion Ihereto Ali T��„tors sha11 t�e��omtly and seve�ally obl�gated and bound by ihe aclbns of the Benelieiary or any one or more Truetor <br /> ai itAt6d in ih�s Paragr�ph � <br /> 18.ATTORNEY FEES.COSTS ANO EXPENSES. ihe Bonetinary u�1h�s Trust qeed�s ent�t�ea to tne payment ot atlorney's Ieee.costa and expenses f <br /> 8f prOV�ded in this irust l)eed.c�ceDt as nthp�w�Se prohibded by�aw <br /> � tB R6CONVLVANCE BV TRUSTEE.Uµ���w��nPn ioq��es�oi Henuhaary and upon paymanl by T�ustor ot Trustee's fees,iruStee shall reconvey to � <br /> Truttor.Or the person or peryonn ieg�liy en�nied Ihrrelo w��houl w.uianly,any portion o�tho Property Ihen held hereunder Recdals m such reconveyance <br /> • 01 an�•matters or f�cts tih.dl bu runr.4.s�+����<<��������nz tri,thhdnuss th�ur.u� 1hr grantee�n any reconveyance n+ay be�escnbetl as Ihe person or persOns <br /> . Ib�MM."f O�li��bd IhP�uIU� <br /> 20 NOTIC88.Excopt�ur nni��•�•, .f�:,��.+r��t•. •�vw�••.h�,�ulhe�r i ummw��calwns r�qu�re�tl undt�r aPUl�Cable�aw to ve givdn m another manner.whBnever <br /> i Btrnettiia�y.T�uStur or�ru�di���q�uF•5�����nr:..�n���.ro�r nnrtudmi� �o�thrnd i�m�t.won,not��e+u�de�ault and noUC�uf salel-demands.requosts or o�her <br /> COmmUM:A1Mn�Ydh roaP�jrt b Ih�v f n,•,1 Or.��t �•.�ri�tiw--n rn�t�r��.�1on,.�hd.n?qutttil ur Jth�!r Commumc�ban shall be m wnUng antl shall bB elfectwe unly <br /> .. .....�...�M.. ,n.l.uu.: , uut I.�rih at iha hPntnn�nn n11h14 <br /> � _— — d 1hP SamP�i.doi�vernA by Ptlitinn.0 .�ar�r�•nr�,m.nn•a iry��•rPi�rai.nnn.�niniovr N�i Mu.:..7.:CCC('...�...........____._u'"' .. .. <br /> Trust Ueed An�piir�y mav�d d��7l�in�.�1.�ny�•�1•�.uldt��qti 1,p tiUl'H t�Ul�i�".Ity dPlivt`���tt�U��n.1J��q W(hp U1hP�(l.l�ly IlAfN10..IS alorosaid.a noticB ol <br /> ` .. Suth[hAngt� An�•nnw��h���ri,��d�� �, hr A�•��u��-�t lu h.n��Gr�`n qrvrn to truslor ur B�me�hc�.�ry.whpn qrven in�ha mannpr ctesiq�ated hwe�n <br /> 21 qgOUgBY FOR NOTICE. T�u•ti�ni.�nd U��ro,��r�.��y�u'�e�by rrque�tit.�cupy u1 dny rUUCe!ul dofJUll.dnd a cupy ut any noUCe of sale <br /> .. rt10dCd 10 cAth puryun�vho iti.�P�rty h�:•re�lu.d i��••.idd�.�u t�x tiuch pC�son wl Inrlh m the h�st paragraph ot Ihis Trust Daed <br /> 22 QOV�RNINa LAW. Ih�•. T�.r.t Ih���d•.la�ll b�e��uo�����rd by Iln+41WS ut thr 51:tt�nf NNbr.ISkd <br /> 23 SUCCHSSOq8 AND ASSIONS. 1 h�ti Lus�Dru�� .u�Q.�u k�rm•..�ondd�uns and ubl�qat�uns hr+rein..tPP�Y lu.�nd�nure N thr be�ne��t ut and b�nds <br /> nll parties hNrntn thwr hn�r•, i�•q.�h•��•: drvr,�••�s ��r�,u����t n�pmti��n1.N��r.. •.ui�Crv;sas�fnd.�ssiqnti ThP�Prm RO�Nhndry' tih.�li mpan t�w ownNr and <br /> holder ot thp NbtH-whather oi nM ndm��d d9 HPne�h(.41f�hF�!'��1 <br /> � <br /> . <br /> + ---- -._ <br />