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<br /> w-==`^'�r`"'`� . of sale,and Ihe sale�including the payment uf the 7Fustee's fees Aclually incurred�not to ezceed 2.0 �Xo ot
<br /> ' u'- ' `�`- ' tbe principsl Amo�unt of ihe nde ot Ihe Nme of the declw�otbn of deiAUlt.pnd reasonAble Altorneys'fees as pe�m�«�d �.°,�rt_
<br /> -���,�
<br /> ...F ��•' . by Is�wt Ibl lo all wms secured by thi�Securfly Inqrumentt pnd Icl ony excew to the perwn or persons kRs�l�9 eatitkd
<br /> yw'• ;: ,�:<. �,, to it.
<br /> �' ; �;i•a::�t,,,,:3�� � 22. Recanveynnce. Upon puymcnt of aU sums ticcurcd by thi+Sccurity In�.trumcnl. Ixndcr+huU reyuc�t 7�vhtec to
<br /> t � recomey the Property and shull surrender�hi�Security Inrtrument unJ all nacr:evidencing debt �ecured by thiy Security �:�„�,�„��_
<br /> _�.'�,ti } ,:tv".`• Ins�rumcnt ta'ItuFtce. 7i'ustoe shall rcconvey Ihe Pmpeny without wurrunry und withaut chorgc �o Ihe person or persona _�
<br /> _ _ legully entilled tn it. Such per��►n or person�Fhall pay uny recordution co��s. �_ _ _
<br /> .:��,�4 � � 23. SubstiluRe'Ilrustee. Lender.at iis option,may from lime tu limc rcmuve 7tuslcc und appoint u�ucceswr Iru+�cw tu �_„_,..�..�,_
<br /> �,�', any 7tustee uppolnted hereunder by an ingtn►ment rccorded in the caunty in which thix Securi[y Intitrument iw rccarded. _ _A
<br /> ' _ ,� , , .� r$ • Without wnveyunce of thv.Piropeny,ihe succeswr tru+iee shall xucceed to All the�ide, power�nd du�ies canferred upan
<br /> � " 'tiv9tce herein and by applieable Inw. L��'�j�
<br /> �~�n.it,�
<br /> :t - , " Lt. Reque�t�or Notices. Borrower reyuesta�lu�[rapics of�he noticrs of default and salc be zeni to Bortower c addrecs �:-_=
<br /> :�y_ �,.�:�+�i�a�.•r�n which i�tha PropGny Addretis. �_�=c.�- -
<br /> Y,'; 25. Rid4rs to lhis Securily Instrument. If ane or more riders�executed by Batrower nnd recorded together wilh • y�
<br /> YY- .' , this Securily, In.rtrument, the covenants nnd agreements of cach xuch rider�hall be incarparated into und shall umend and ��,�-�t�:
<br /> `--� . = supplamsnt the covenuntx und agreements af�his Security Instrument as if�h�riderlsl wem a put of�hi,Secunty In�trument. °+'= `��°.'
<br /> s:�==M_
<br /> Y . ��'�`.°•' �Check epplicuble box(es)) ,;,�:�ti.,�:... --
<br /> •� �
<br /> � - �.y ?'-S- �
<br /> " � ' " �Adjustable Rule Rider �Condominium Rider �I-4 Pamily Rider �_��::�"
<br />�r. .Y . _ v. ..�_,,,.._
<br />� -'.. . .., i. ��_._
<br />�'.: i --
<br /> - -_ �_�.�:�.;r�•�. �Gradunted Peymrnt Ridcr �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Poyment Rider _____ �-
<br /> : � •:�n,�:�•:.: -
<br />' ��'• ���"���F '. �Bulloon Rider �Rate Improvement Ride� Second Hame Rider + •'=
<br /> � ��- _
<br /> e.. '
<br /> t , �O�herls)(specify) �",'�.=�==:`-
<br /> . �.
<br /> 4
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW,Barrower uccepts and ugrees�o the term+und covenuata conwined in 1hi�Security Instrument ��y;���'-'
<br />. � . ... and ia nay ridehs)executed by Ban'ower and recorded with it. __=_-�
<br /> � a WimesKew: '' —
<br /> � �.��.-_
<br /> . •x .�rL— _ . � ($CA�) �A{."11491��'"-_-
<br /> F ederick C. Anderson •�""""'�` _
<br /> ��;�,. " • - �,,, -
<br /> � ;i� • Socinl Security Number �•07 66 13_1_8__ ----
<br /> �' � � o .ir� IScall .,,:�_�`4�t'�,� :s:`
<br /> , " Mary K. Anderson -a'""'»"
<br /> ' Sorial Securily Number 5d8 68 1191 __ _
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, H e 11 Cnunty xs: ---
<br />