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<br /> c�`..,�-;i,:ti:' ' � '�. ''. . .,_.
<br /> ' ������0 LOAN NO. 1 5 3 9 2 14 8 2 5 �t`� ; '•L_�r.�: f ; - -
<br /> .�'r c,.tv � �
<br /> e411(nsurance poftates and renewals shal!b�accepiabfe to LendQr and shaU include a standasd mortgage cla�ss. ' ,��
<br />_ _ LBrtde�Shsll hSVe 4he dght to hoSd the ooltcies 8nd rgnetnr�ls.(f Lender�a�+ji��a9,Br��w��g�a,����J glua xQ�o. -. � �; ,.
<br /> ;':_�j all recetpta of patd premiums and renevral notices.In 4ha event ct loss,Borrower shali gtve�rom�ot notice to the � . �.
<br /> j tnsurance carN�r and Lender.Lender may make proaf of los�tf noi made promptly by Borrowar_ ` _ ` ��_,r.�F..�. -_�,
<br /> '� •�i� ;- '� i--„,:>_:i?� .
<br /> � .3 Ur�ess Lender and Borrower othenviss agree in writing,Inst�rdnce Proceeds shaU be applfed to reaforation or rep�ir '�� �.��:�;_`_�:_ '�. � `�-- -
<br /> ,L_... ;.._
<br /> � of the Property da�ged,if the restoration or re�air is eaanomicalty feasibte and Lendsr's sscurity Is rto4 lessened.If the , ;�s �- .�;�. �
<br /> ; � restara4(on or re p atr i s rt oi e c o n o m i c a t l y f e a s i b l e o r L e n d e r's s e c u ri ty w o u l d b e l e s s e n e d,t h e t n s u r a n c e p r o c e e d s s h a i l , .
<br /> _� be a p p ited t o t l t 8 s um s s e cur e d by t h ts S ecur i t y In s Wman i,w he t her or no t t hen dua,w i t h any excess pa(d to Borrower. -_:..... - , � � _
<br /> If Borrower abandons th�Pro�erty,or doas not answer withln 30 days a noUce from Lender thai the tnsurarzce careter � _
<br />�;� has offered Lo seii�s a cfaim.tf�en Lender may coStect the insurance pnoceeds.Lender rr�y use the proceeds to repair ".�.._�,; ,_. ;. _� :
<br /> �°.' or restore the Property or to Ray sures secured by thts 3ecurtt;►Instrument,whethar or not 4hen dua TP�e 30-day pertad , � . - -
<br /> ...�j. wfll begin when the notfce is given. ':.;:„w • �-�,. `: `�. •.
<br /> Unless Lsnderartd 8orrower otherwtse a ree tn writin ,an y���Yu�
<br /> '� ne the due date of the monthl g g Y aAR�fcaBon of proceeds to pdncipal shatl noi extend or " 'k.' ��
<br /> :�� Rostpo y paymeitts reierred to tn Paragraphs 1 and 2 or chartge the amaurn of the ''"`�`��`"*' � - ` "�_-
<br /> # paymerits. If under Raragraloh 21 the Property ts acquired by Lender,8orrovue�'s rfght to any insurance polictes ar�d 'a� �"'���"'' _
<br /> �,:t proceeds resutttng iram damage to the Property prior to tha scquis�tan shali pass to Lender to tite extent of the s�ms .`"�r;,�.,`.;`.�,.�,=`�:�,,, ,.
<br />, secured by this�ecurity InsVUment ImrrEedtate{y pdor to the acquisition. � f"P�`�•;`�"*,.• ^ •
<br /> 6.Occ � Rreaervattan�ABa�r�4enascc��Rrote�tFOn o9 the Rr� �"�� y-
<br /> P�l►:Borrower's Loam�pifca4ton; ���:. _..� .
<br /> Leasaho[ds BQr�ro�wer shail occuAy.�ttt.�,�;af use the Froperty as Barrowee's principal residen�e v+�thin s da s ' �°�--��—
<br /> �Y Y .��..,� ��
<br /> after the executlon of this Security[cr�vrtt�ed�rrs€shail continae to occupy the F�perty as Borrower's pdncipai ����.r '
<br />_ - r�S�deiiCB toT ��� -_
<br />