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~, <br />2oioo24s9 <br />SPECXAL POWER OF ATTO~Y <br />I'ur~+el+ase heal Property <br />PIiEANJ~l:E: This is a military Power of Attorney prepmed psustrAnt ua Title t'Q, llititcd States Cady Seclioa tD44 . loxl eicecatcd by a parson <br />autisarixed to recxiVe ~ asserana titirn the military service. Federal law ~crtemtrts this power afattarncy fret's and! regtiirctrtetu of farm, sabstance, <br />farntatity, artee:prdirtg that is prescn"bed far powws of artpmcy by tf>e larva afa staff„ the District of Cdutntsia, ar e territory, carnmorswcaith, or <br />possession of [he United Stttus. Federal law spt:cift~ tl~t this power of ttitorriey sluifl be given the same legal cFfecE as a prrwer of attorney P~ <br />acrd txeeuud tat accroordanrx with the taws ofthr jurisdictirxt where a is txeseAted_ <br />IClrft)Vlr ALL PERSONS B'Y T,HESF~ 1"RESE1+iTS: <br />That I, .~. ~- , of ~ ~ ~~bf!ti s 1G~ , ~ number ofthe Armed <br />Forces, UOD, or CONTItACT'OR ofthe United States, currently ~t , . Ptnsuartt to IWlilitary <br />Orders, do hereby appaink, ~.}~~"~ w df [ r°~~ t~ r'~~;:,~,.~,. as rr~' true and lavYfnl <br />attorney-in-feat to do the fallowing in my name and in my b <br />Td make, endprse, accept, receive, ffiign, execute, atskuowledge and dt*Ilver too me any ddctrments, deed, <br />igstrumrenis nr papers u~ pr ~lvetlient W purchatre im my name or as te~ltanis lp common, or as joSttt <br />tenants rrttb fright of strrvi"iorsl~ip, ar as tenants by itm entirepes, the foilawing .described. real property. <br />I HEREBY GIVE AND CaRANT t9NT0 MY ATCURNEY FULL POWER AND AUTHQItI`I'Y TD D~ AA1p PF~Ft7RIVI' <br />EACI T AND EVERY ACT AND MATTER CC)NCERN'1NG MY ESTATE, PR4PEI~TY, A~17 A,'~FAIILS AS FULLY <br />ANY] EFFECTUALLY Tl7 ALL IN`f`EAiTS ANI] pCJRI'O~ES AS 1 t:QULD tit? LEOALLI~ ll+ 1 WERE PR~S~lT'. <br />To induce any dlird Pa~3" m act het~ettnder, T hereby agree dear any third party rt:t;eiving a duly: executed copy or facsimile <br />of this 1~' of attorney tnay ad herewntler, and`that rer+t>~rtigtt or ttsrtnirlatiort hereof shall`b~ ineffective as to such third <br />PAY unless and until actual notice or knowledge ofsuch rsvoc~atigrr or termination shall havt~`t~ezl received by such third. <br />party. I, frr ittyself and my heir; exetattors, Legal r~rtcsentatives alto assigns, hereby agree td itldemnily and hold 1~rmless <br />attar such third party frcuxt `and ligaittst any alb alI claims that may arise agarirl~t such third pargr by reason of such third: party <br />havyng relied upon the pravisigns t~f this power of attorney. - _ <br />1'lais Power df Amy s3tatl become etl:'extive whren I sign atad eacecaRtr: it btild+rr. 17urllrer, ua~ss soot>er revoked or <br />theminated by rttG, this Pauvv~er ofAttc-rnay.shtill I~colrle NULL arnd VDID on ~1~~.iw..?.,t~Q . . <br />I itltettd fqr tilts W be a I1r13~1~LE Pnwetr Of Attd~r~n'ney: This Powhr of kttornty will cotltirtl~c tv be effective ill iiecome <br />diaab(w~d, incepacitated, or intent; ar wht~l the ilnited 5~ f.,~prrernmenr detet`tnint"s that l am in a rniilt~ status df <br />"misr*it~," "missitt$ in ac~itxt,'' or "Eyriscmer of war." A#l oleo done by my A.titt-t heret>IYtihrt attali have the same affect <br />and-inure to the benet'n"df' auto bind myself artd my ttt;irs as if I were comptMte>ytr offal not`disab~rl, iltt~rpacitated, ax <br />incomireterrt. <br />I shall be considered disabled ar in~tats~d far purposes ofdtis power of attorney if a plzYslcian, based an that <br />physician's e~ca~miitation, Mires in vuritigg at a dote subsegttettt m the date which this Pvwer pfattarney is executes, that I <br />am disabled' from or incapable of el<ercisittg control over ~y ptason, p~ropertY, perscrnst affair, or firta~acial affaitr3, I <br />authgr~ the physician wbta so certifiwrs, to d~clrsse ndy physical dr it-ental tx-ndition to anotht~r person for ptu~s~ ofttlis <br />potiver of attorney. A third party wlro accepts this power of attorney, enelorsed by 1~1 phys~t~an ceriiEcation of rrty <br />disability or incalaacity, is itaid hamrtless and fully pied from any action taken: under this ~gwer df attr3trley. <br />Notwitlt5tat]flilag mY inclusion df a specific expirapon date hereiry, if qtt that specitlad eitpirati~t date I shtyuld be :aa' have <br />been prop~arly certified,. itr wtritinffi; by a physician to be disabled from dr incapable ofexsrcrsi>Ig catitrol over mY person, <br />~P~Y, persgrtal affairs, ar fintrttcial t-flFairs, than this Power of Atmrney shall remain valid ahd in full effect until sixty <br />{b(i} days afiter I have recgvered frnm such disability [INLRSS'QTHIERWISE REYt3~~- t,~~,'TERMINATED ICY >4[Ii. <br />~l)re, if on the sboare-sp~ifted expitrition dace, pr during the sixty f6a) day Period preding that. specified <br />expiration loth; l should be or have been dtatertnined b}+ the United States Crdvtmrimerit ro be a military status of "missing,,, <br />„missing in: action;., or `prisoner of war;" lhen thisPiawer of Aey shall t±etnain valid and ip f`ull el~'ect unfit sixty' (~SfT) <br />Pagt: l of 2 <br />