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�. � :' ;,• �,,,/ ��L...' . ` . • y,.. i . '19r �;�4{ 4��� _i�k1 ' . <br /> . "�,i�, 1 . ��� `�` • . ! ,� :.i•. I , iv-1l�1''�� �t�.�� _ �. _ - , ,f*_ .-. ._ ��. <br /> � •I.f,';� ..�... ! '. , . . . . � ----'--�w...L.�.fi�, !f�(?�`}�4�'q'M`'.. . .. . . , _. ..�����..�,`. <br /> �.� - .+� 7 �, l:�kl►{�'.._ <br /> � � >�n - <br /> � ___-- <br /> .� s^Tr��rr-� -u'a : n ... . <br /> ..Y� _ � ��Y f .. <br /> i.WVAw.:r..Y.. ..J`3{�\ _— ' . - . <br /> . . � !�.. . ?.1/I��'f.a� ' _�' . <br /> . . . .. .�eJr1YI1�YNir. _ ... . •�. <br /> � ... . . ' ""' _ " . . . ' ���r"h.���. __ <br /> ..�_. . ..._�_�- <br /> � , 92- 1U1855 �- � � <br /> • f. CondNnnaMon.The proceeds ot an awsrd or clakn for dem��a,dlrsct or conwqu�npN,In connactlon wlth�ny <br /> condemn�tlon oroth�r hkinp ot th�Prop��r.ot paMth�r�of�ur lor conv�yance In li�u of cortd�mmaon,�n h�nDy�usipn�d <br /> �nd sh�li be p�id lo l.N►d�r. <br /> In the ev�nt ot�tot�l hkinp ot lh�Proporry,the procesds sholl b�applled��wm^!s���f!�dw,�ind�4sndKT��s� '��-- <br /> the excew.II any,p�id to Borrower.In lhe event of a panfal takfnp of ths Pro ,� --.-_- — <br /> ' ' apree In w�itlnp,thereshall b�appIled ta the aum�secu�ed by thia Deed ol Tru�t such propoAion of theprxNd�a�i�sqw�to .o_� <br /> th�tproportio�whlohth��mou�tofth�sumss�curedbythisDeadotTruatimmediddypriorrothsd�t�ofqkinpbearsbth� r '�,�"""___ <br /> loir merkst wlus of the prop�ty Imrtwdl�tely prlor to ths dat�ot feklnp,with Ih�bNsnc�of tM praMds psld to Borrowr►. � ''�-��� <br /> II the PropeAy Is abandoned by Barrower,or if,aRer notice by Lender to Borrower that tho condemnor oHsrs to mak�an =- <br /> Lande�s authorf:sd to ca I�c!and a ply he pr�x�e�ds�te nde�'s opNon,�IMN�o Ntorodonha�rsipas o th�Pr�iap�rty a to � .. `.. _ --_ <br /> ths sums a�cwed by this Deed ol Trud. � <br />" ' Unlessl.endar�ndBoROwsrotharwiraegresinwrftinp,enysuchapplicetionofprxeedstoprincfpalahellnot�xtendor <br /> � poatpone ths du�d�ts of th�munthly insmllmonb ret�rred to in para�raphs 1 and 2 hareof or ch�nQe tho amount o1 wah f ..�„:,��.- <br /> � fnstallmenta. , Y'�1';�~.., <br /> 10. sonow�tNo111Nwwd.HxtenWonofthedmeforpaymentormodificationolamortizatlonofthesum�tecuredbythls . �»'•-• _ <br /> -..�4'i?: <br /> t Deed ot Truat pranted by Lender to any auoceuor In intereat of Borrower ehall not operate to�elseea,in enY m�nn�r,the � �A ;� �� - <br /> ' NeblHryofthsoripindBonowerand8orrower'esuceeasorafnterestLenderahellnotberequiredtocommencepraceedinps .:,:'. _ <br /> eQefnst�uch succe�sor a�eluae to extend dme for payment or otherrdee modfly amoAlzadon of the aums secur�d by this , ;•;. � , <br /> ��': ' peed af Truat by reawn of any demand made by the oriyinel Borrower end BoROwer's aucceasors In intereN. •?�'��•,. <br /> ': ! 11. Forb�a►anc�by L�nd�r Not a Walv�r.Any torbearanqe by Lender in exercisin�any right or�emedy hsreundn,or ' <br /> � `� • ' othervriae aHorded by�pplfcabla law,ahall not be e weiver of or preclude the exerciae of any auch�iqht or remedy.The � ; <br /> procurement of inauranceolthe payment of taxea or otherliena or cher9es by Lender ahell not bea waiver ol Lender'�►ipht to <br /> ' accela►ete the metudry o1 the indebtednese secured by this Deed ot Tros� <br /> . 14. p�nNdlM CwnulaHr�All�emedfes p►ovldad in M�is Oeed cf Trust are dlatinct and cumuletive to any othe��ipht or v �_ <br /> r° remedy undar thfs Deed ol Truct or aiforded by law or equity. end may be exarcised concuRently, indepandendy or • <br /> successively_ <br /> 13. Succ�son�nd As�m Baund;Joint�nd S�w►al Li�ib�it�r;Captloni. The covenants end agreements harein • <br /> contalned ahall bind,end the riphts hereunder ahall Inure to,the respective auccessors and assipne of Lender and Borrower, � • . <br /> � aubject to the provieiona of pa�ayraph 17 hereol.All covenaMs and agreements of 8orrower shall be jofnt and several.7he <br /> •; captlo�s end heedinpa of the para�rephs of thls Oeed o�Truat are for convenlence only and a►e notro be used ro interpret or s � �• - <br /> deHne the provislona hereof. -- <br /> � ' � 1�. Node�.Except fo�any nodce required under applicable lew to be�iven in another ma�ner,(a)any notfce to 8orrower �.. <br /> provided for in this Deed of Trust ehall be given by malHng such notice by ceAlfied mail addreased to Bor�owerat the Property ' R <br /> Addre�s or at euch othsr addresa as Bo►rower may desl�nate by notice to Lec�der as provided hereln,and(b)any notice to _ <br /> lender ahell begiven by ce�titled mail,retum receipt requeated,to Lender's address atated hereln orto suoh other edd�eas as : <br /> Lender meydesipnete by notice to Bonow�r a�provided herein.Any notice provided for in this Deed o1 Trust ehall be deamed r, <br /> to hare been yiven to Borrower or Lender when�iven in the menner dealgnated herein. _ = _ <br /> 10. UnNonn D«d of Trutl;aov�min0 Uw;Sw�ab�if�t.The form of deed of truat combines uniform covenanta for ;r, p• <br /> �� RQ��q�$����nd�an-unlfarm covenenta with limited varletlona by Juriadiction to constitute a uniform securty instrument __ <br /> coverf�p real p�opeAy.Thia Deed of Trust�hall be yoverned by the law ot the�unsdicuon in which the Propwiy ia locat� <br /> the event that any provlslon or clause ot thls Deed ot Trust or the Note contlicts with appliceble law,such conllfct ahell not <br /> '� .. aftectotherprovlsionsofthispeedofTrustortheNotewhlchCanbegivenetlectwNhoutlheaonllicHnpprovlslons,andtothia <br /> end the provialona o}the Qeed ot Trust and tha Note ere declared to be seve�able. <br /> .r' ' ' ta. Barow�r'�Copy.8orrowe�shall be furnished a conformed copy ot the Note and of thfa Deed of Trust at the tlme ot <br /> t executlon or eftar rocordatlon hereoL <br /> � 17. TandK ot Ih�Prop�rty:Aswmpqo�.If all or any pah of the property or an mtereat therein Is sold or trensle�red by <br /> 8o�rowe�wlthout Lender's prfor writlen consent,excluding(a)the creation ota lien or encumbrancesubo�dfnate to this Deed <br /> ; of TrusR(b)the creallon of a purchasemoney aecurlry interest for household appllances,(c)a trens}er by deviae deacentor by <br /> operation ol law upon thedeath ota jolnt tenantor(d�the yrent of enyleasehold interestof three yearaor less not contefnlnp an <br /> option b purchese,Lender may,et Lender's option,declere all the aums secured by this Deed ot Trust to be immedlately due : <br /> and payabte.Lende►ahall have waived auch option to accelerate If,prlor to the sale or tranafer,Lender end the person to <br /> whom Ihe Property Is to be sold or trensterred reach agreement in wrN�ng that the credit of such pe�son fs seriafectory to <br /> Lender and thatthelnterest payeble on the sums secured by thfs Deed of Trust shall be at such rate es Lender shall request.If <br /> Lender has walved the optlon to accele►ate provided In this paragraph 17, and N Borrower's successor fn �ntereat has <br /> � executed e wrftten easumpllon egreement accepted in writing by Lender,Lender shall�elease Borrowe►Irom all obliyaUons . <br /> under thfa Oeed oi Truat and the Note. <br /> If Lender exerclsea auch optlon to accelerete,Lender ahall mail 8o�rower noUCe ot acceleratlon in accordance with <br /> parapraph 14 hereol.Such notice ahall provide a perlod ot not less than 30 days from the date the notice is mailed withfn which <br /> • Borrower may pay the eums declared due.lf Borrower fails to pey such sums prlor to ihe explratfon of such perfod,Lender <br /> • may,wlthout fuAher notlte or demend on Borrower,invoke any remedles permfKed by peragraph 18 hereot. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.sorrow��and L�ndu IuAhK cov�n�nt�nd a�a�folbwr. <br /> 1d. AcaN�ratlon;R�m�dl„.Except as provided in paragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of eny covenent or <br /> agreementol8orrower fn thls Deed of Trus1.including the covenanta to pey when due any sums secured by this Deed otTrusf, <br /> Le�der prfor to acceleratlon ahall mall notice to Borroweras provlded in paragraph t a hereof specityInp:(1)the breach;(2)the <br /> � action requlrad to cure such breach;(3)a date,not less than 30 days from the date the notice is malied to Borrower,by which <br /> • t r. suCh breach must be cured:and(4)that tailure to cure such breach on or belorThe notce shall tu�rth�er lnformcBorro erof ihe <br /> acceleretlon of tAesuma secured by Ihis Deed of Trust and sale of the PropeAy. <br /> . I right to refnstate aker ecceleratlon and the riyht to bring a coun action to assert the non-existence o1 a default or any other <br /> defense of Borrower fo ecceleralion end sale.If the breach is not aured on or betore the date speclfied in the notice.Lender et <br /> x Lender's optlon may declere all of the suma secured by this Deed ol Trust to be immediately due and payable without turther <br /> demend and may Invoke the power ol aale and any other remedfes permitted by applicable law.Lender shall be entltled to <br /> collectell reasonable coats and expenses incurred�n pursuiny the remediea prov�ded m the paregraph 18,fncludiny,but nof <br /> Ifmited to,reasonable attorney's leea. <br /> �•� II the power of eale is invoked.Trustee shell record a not�ce of default m each county in which the Property or some part <br /> y thereot is located and ahall mail Copiea of such notice�n the manner preacribed by applicable law to 8orrowerand to the other <br /> �, peroons prescrfbed by appllcable law.After Ihe lapse of such time as may be required by epplicable law,Trustee shall gwe <br /> publlc notice ot aale to the persons and in the menner prescrlDed by applicable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower, <br /> shall sell the Properly at public auctlon to the higheat bidder at the time end place and under theterma designeted in Ihe notfce <br /> ' of sale fn one or more parcels and in such order as Trustee may determ�ne.Trustee may poslpone aale o1 all or any parcel ot <br /> ,�; the Property by publit announcement at the tlme and place ol any prev�ously scheduled sale.Lender or lender's dea�ynee <br /> , may purchaae the Prope�ty at any sale. <br /> � Upon receipt ofpayment of the pnce bid.Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveyingthe Properry sold. <br /> The recitals�n the Truatee's deed shall be pnma lacie ewdence ol the truth ot the stetements made iherein.7rustee shall appty <br /> u.........., w�e....e�.s..Anr�wnacanffhomlw inr_.I�u1�no hufnotlimltedto. <br /> � meproaeedaoiinaaeivii�iiroiviiv:����y�..o�:�op.:.a�....o......�..................---•�-••----.. . . <br /> Truatee's fees of not more than_ 46 0l the gross sale pnce,reasonable attorney's lees and costs o1 tdle ev�dence. <br /> (b)to all sums aecured by thls Deed of Trusx and Ic)the excess,d any,to lhe person or persons legally enUtled thereto. <br /> � 19. Borrow�r'�Rlpht to Rdn�Ut�. Notwithatand�ng Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by th�s Deed af Trust. <br /> Bo�rower ehall have Ihe right to have uny proceedfngs begun by Lender to enforce fhe Deed ot Trust disconunued at any t�me <br /> I priar to the earllerto occu�ol(i)Ihe liflh dey before Ihe sale of the Properly pursuant to the power of aale contamed in the Deed <br /> ol Trust(iq entry ol e�ud�ment enforc�ng this Oeed ot Trust�f.(al�rrower pays Lender all sums wh�ch would be then due <br /> under th�s Deed d Truaf,the Note and notes secunng Future Advances.d any,had no acceleretion occured:lb)Borrower <br /> I cures ell breaches of any other covenants or aflroements of Borrower contained in th�s Oeed of pays ali <br /> � I reasonable expenaes ineurred by Lender and Trustee enlorcmg the covenants and agreementsot Borrower contamed i�this <br /> Deed of Trust andln enforcing Lender's and Trustee's remed�es as provided in paragraph 18 hereof,mcludmg.but notlim�ted <br /> � fo,reeaonable attorney's fees:end(d)Borrower takes such act�on as Lender may reasonably reqwre to asaure that the i�en ol <br /> � ' this Deed of TrusR L6nder's fntErest In the Prooerty And Borrower's obligation fo pay fhe sums secured by thia Oeed ol T rust <br /> I ahallcontlnueunNnpairedUponsuchpaymentendcurebyBorrawer.IhisOeedotTrustandtheobli�ationssecuredhereby <br /> shell remain in full foree and eflect aa if no acCeleratio�had occurred <br /> i <br />