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<br /> . �__;.e,_� �,� � � U irrstu ud tM IuNHciur� W u�A oi tM�, �lull a utttiu ta uforu pl��t ud arfonuc�of ur 1M�OtbMU o�o1HOltiw
<br /> -�� �� s�Wrt�MrW�ul to uact��11 ���bts ul Nwn u�Nr thls O�N ol in�t or a�Nr w� lou 4ftn�ut or otMr��nMUt or u�I�r��or w —
<br /> `� ���'��"°'���r% Mn�it�r��forcb�otrltMstlNlq uM or�il ot tM 1�NOtt1���s ue oblil�ttas�aNrN Mru�rAid N��or Mn�ihr a otMnt��rM�
<br /> �� •- , • � �� rMtMr 1��ottpN, INO of tn�t� I1MM, lta, ust�t or otMnlw. M1tMr tln ualtua ot tAt�Oe�O eI intt wr tt���forc�at� �tMr
<br /> � � , li co�n utta or Wraut to tM Oewr of�1�or otMr�owrs Mnt�coit�tKl� sA�ll pn�rdip or 1�uy�uMr�tf�ct iro�q�'t o► lM
<br /> � ` , " Iw(icl�ry'�rt�t to rultt��1�a ufwp u�otMr �lcarit��a or Mruft�r MII br Tn�tM or tM IuHlci�ry� ft MI��ynN tqt Tn�tN
<br /> � � � � ���� � ud tM Ia�NN�r�, ul ucR of tAa, �A�II M MtttlN te��taru tAl�ONI ot i�tt ul ur atMr�c�rit� �or Mrufbt Mll l� tM NMHN�ry '�
<br /> � � or instM u ucl or��r ul wMr w tM�a�i� tMtr �olrt�liuntio�O�t�nIM. b ra�d�MnU cai�rrb�or narrN to TrntM w ��--- ------
<br /> � WMNciufr tt 1�tud�d to M ud�sir��t u�otMr nM11 Mni�or ly la�rortlN or �nfttN, Mt ud tMll M a�l�tin ul�1)M 1� �,;�;_
<br /> � �F � t101Na to�qr�otMr nMdr�iru Mrwd�r or�o�or Mn�ihr�t�t1���t l�v or N�1t�or Iy tt�t�t�. Er�ry oowr or ruNr�irw Iy ut ot W =--=___
<br />—�� � °y""^ � ' lou I��trnuts to Tnstu or tM NWficl�ry or to�A1cM NtMr oi tAw w�N otMryl�atttlb N�M a�rclsM, caarn�tl�ar i�N�ulMtlr,
<br /> }'�;• � � . � tra tf�to t1M W u oft�u u�M Ua�d aNlfut Ir irntN or NN/ict�ry, u1 �itMr of tlw w�Nruw t�ea�i�t n�Nia. Aetllq �''�"'�'"----
<br /> i �` . .. Q':°::1�:- —
<br /> . . .. . Mnt� �lul1 b� .
<br /> , . . ::��.��� castrrN u ProAilitiq tM q�IHel�ry t►a suMU��llfletut� J�dN�ut�;st in:ton to tA�utw�c1 utia i�p�nittN 1� Iw. — --- -
<br /> ..;.,., .. -- _
<br /> � . �:� ..
<br /> , � � . ' t�. Tr�stors MnE� rtprist� co��oF ur�otiu af d�F�rlt uid tMt uy�otfa of ule b�ru�r be Nit�d to Trustors �t ta MOrus s�t
<br /> . , � ° �, tortA ia tM tirst p�n9r�ph af thid W�d of T�ust.
<br /> � " y � ° • 1f. 1Ae Na�hei�ry�i�,br� �rltt��fe�troK�t au�ted ud uk�orl�l�0 Ey lu�fiei�r�, wiled to inston wd ncor0�d tn tM Ca�ty 1� _ ___
<br /> , ' ,ss-�.' � rhlth tM oro�►ty is lot�ttd I�d 0�otMnls�toylyi�{ritA tN O�f11ws of tla y�liu111 la of tM fittt�of Nbrut�, alttft�t� 1�ttusor to
<br /> ,, ... . ....... --
<br /> ' _ _ . tM Tro�tu�ue0 Mni�or utiq InnuO�r.
<br /> . - 1i. TMt aN of inst�poN�s to u01��ns to tM Eui�Ht of u0 Oi�ds�ll o�rtUs hento,th�tr Mtn, O�rsad repnsut�tlns,s�caisors `��- -�"
<br /> �el�ssip�, TM tm'pMllci�ry'�A�ll Mu tM or�a ud laq�r of tM�oU, �MtMr or�ot�uN�s Nutict�ry MnU.
<br /> " �� fl. litla�t dfutUe tM N�1Ht af u�otMr rso� 11d1�for tAe p�put of uy o1119�tio�MnU M�NaM, ud rlthort Ut�ctie�tM Nq ��
<br /> i � � FS�
<br /> � �,.;1 or ch�ry�ot tAis 01N ot trat�a u� pnla ot tla 0���1�o<<�u or tMntatan nlnsil a ucrrit� for tM fNl 1��t of t11 upol —
<br /> , o0lqttto�s,tM WMNci�ry 1q, trol t1M to tiw ul �itho�t atip: I�)nU�o�arsas so 11�bU; (l)�Ktu�d tM ut�ricr or�iu�ur ot t� .'.�:'�`• .
<br /> . t�ns ot u�weA o01t9�tto�; (e)�rut otMr 1�0�19uus; (q nlu�o�n�o���r+e tw W��fict�ry�s oociw u�r o�rai� portlo�or�il ot tM °°�h�:
<br /> � � �� �� oro�nr; (�)t�k�or nl��w�otMr or td0ltio�tl s�writlt for uy o6119�tio�Mnl� Natto�b; or(t)yt�calosttia�or otlwr uru�ub _
<br /> •• • " ritA dators te nl�tia tMnto,
<br /> 11. lhis aM of Trus!�h�ll 0��ovmtd b�tM lps of tM St�t�of Mlmt�ud, 1�tM�rut ur ox or�on of tN O�isias cat�t�M —�—
<br /> .. �,,.—
<br /> '� . hente, or tM�ot�or ur otMr sea�lty i�stru��t 9��u i�ca�atia r1tA tMis truntcha �Mtll N for u�n�sa Mld to M I�r�lid, ill�pl or �,,: �•r, .�:
<br /> ._ uunforu�bl�, i�uy n�ut, sucA i�r�1111t�, 111�9�11t�or ra�fora�tllty sb�ll not �ff�ct uy otMr orovtsias ot tAt�W�d af frat� Nt tlN �" �'=-"-
<br /> - �� DeM of irost s��ii b�co��tn�d is if sud� i���iid, iii��i ur omforcuii�Ortnhiw iw6�v�r�e�iti�8 i�i�i��r ii�r�i�, ��-� -
<br /> ''��� �' t!. ��r forb�u�na Or tM M��Ficf�r�or Tr�stu 1�u�rclsl�9 oy riyht or nNdr Mnund�r, ot otMMfu dlordN br �011 lull• Ip, sk�11 �ot �,�
<br /> � � � `? N�wiqr ot or pnc1N� tb����rcis�of u��acA ri�ht or raidy Mnwd�r. liiplf�, tn�r��ar�r tM�r�aur ar tn�tN ot ur afu�lt ot -_-
<br /> . ��.-�•��� tM Trnston rad�r this�id of irust sh�ll wt 0�duMd to b�i rd�a of ur otMr a si�ihr d�f�rlt wb�tlu�tl�oecurH�y, ��r�_-�
<br /> �'��"' ' 2�, Upoa tM rritN� r�u�st ol tM p��titi�rp st�tt�� th�t �ll suy acund Mnby ha� Eu� p�id, ud rpo��urn�d�r of thi�0Md of lnst W --__--
<br /> . . , �.,;.., „ —=--
<br /> ��� - _ th�wt�to th� Trosta tor cuc�ll�tio� u0 ntMtfo� ul upoa O��nt b�T!ustars of T�ustn's b�s, irvsh��ill ncar�y to Tn�tors, or th� ����---�-
<br /> �� ano�or arso4s U9tl1�entttl�d tMnto, rlthout arruty, ay portio�ot tM oroartr thn MIO Mn��da. Ruit�ls t� s�ch nta���ua af ur �'�f���� ..---
<br /> . • � uttas or tuts sh�l l b� coaclusir�Orooi of tM tr�thfrl:�:�tMnot, Orutw: te tM ncwr�pee�w�a daerl0�d�s tM'�e�u�or prso�� �„�"
<br /> �.,;°:::• Uo�lt�atttl�d tMnto.' . �;'.,,
<br /> .E.,y
<br /> � � IN MITNESS MMEREOF. Trustors hava exacuted this Oeed Qf Trust on the to firet �otod � �����;
<br /> `, above. ' � '�-
<br />� ' �� `, y;�1-i
<br /> ' ' � Dorothy K. mminga __ _-
<br /> �' � ,,',1 �• � „��I �
<br /> • „ ;�^
<br /> , � M�l
<br /> • (,� _—
<br /> `�:1•'.�,5,� � "�.—
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<br /> i , ... �� . �� �
<br /> � `iA � . . �
<br /> • .; �{,:... STATE OF NEBRASKA )
<br /> COUNTY OF xall ) ..
<br /> � Tho foregoing instr�unent wes acknowiedged before me on �'ri{y+r� --� ���!� � bY 1
<br /> � Dorothy K. Ci�mmings� a singLe woman.
<br /> i�l�TAh,StMl�IIY�Y
<br /> Yl���991
<br /> NOTAR IC
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