�.�i ir -17f��,;r�.,.:�1 �,�� � '�I�M;i'`;.����:Aw�'����!:�V;��+`��� � 'I'' . _ ` _
<br /> • y•tt....w� .. . , _ ��l�t�—�— _— .. ' . ."_'_ .___� '
<br /> ',e '� i .�.,. ` ° ' �' _'._. . . '- _ . _ —'__�_.T_—._.._.
<br /> i,a.
<br /> v. �w^ .^., �`� t — _ - r-
<br /> �i�y'�.�'j ,�`,. ' .. . �. -
<br /> _ _ .:,,.� k�.1,.----- --
<br /> ; ,+e''.�+illN�9w+�.r., � _ -- _ - --- � '� - _"
<br /> , � - �. . �� 92- i�18�� �--�.�.�
<br /> ' � • A..:�,r. . —
<br /> •� �,'�.._ _ _
<br /> - .-�.,�,.,,,�.,,�,..;,t,� �,
<br /> '�'� •,., `� TO(fETHER WITH ull thc impruvcmcme nciw u�hcrcolicr�rcc�ed on�hc praperly.und ull coxmcnl•.,��run���un«�. _,�=.N_
<br /> ��.-
<br /> . .•� . ond flxturea now or hereaiter u pan af thc prupcny. All n.plucemcntti and udditiun.r tihull ulw�Im covcnd by Ihir 5k:eurily
<br /> , ' �^`'-8i_. . In�troment. All of the foregoing iK referred to in this Sccurity Inrlrumcnt ua�hr"t'rupeny."
<br /> � BORROWER COVENANTS Ihut B��rrawcr is fawfully�cir�cd ul'ihc c��uln c�rehy cunvcyrd�md huti�hc righl to grunt
<br /> ��� _ ..° ^••a� ,. �' nnd convey th�Property and Ihat�he Prupeny ir unenrumhend,cxccpt ii�r encumhrunre+��f nror�l. Ilnrrower wurtumx ond
<br /> ' •'t�°: will defend generally the title In the Property aguinat ull clofmx and demundx,.ubjccl to uny cncumh�unccw nf rcr��rd. �?�"�--
<br /> ... , • . . .
<br /> a -:�-� = -- -° ° THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT curobfnc� uniform covcnunt+ ti�r nmi��n�d u,�� +md nun•unfli+rm cuvenunl�: with
<br /> � --- -
<br /> .. .. �:--� �3� `°�'r�'� limited vAdations by jurfsdicibn ta canstitute u unifortn securiry inruumenl cu��ering real pn►�xrty. -- -- --
<br /> � �� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower And Lender covenam und agnc a+G►Iluwy:
<br /> 1. Payment ot P�incipnl Aad Interesti PrepAyment and Ls�te Clwrgew S�Hmwcr.hull prumpUy p►�y whcn duc ihc
<br />�-�; • � . , principal af aad interest an thc debt cvidenced by�hc Note und uny prepnymcnt und lule churgcs duc undcr�hc Notr. �-�-�_
<br /> . 2, Funds for 7lwxes and Insurance. Suhject to applicabic law ur�o u wriucn wuivcr Ny Lcndcr,Sorcowcr+hull puy tu ��,,,
<br /> " ° Lender on the day manthly payments urc due under thc N��tc,until the Natc is puid in tull,u sum 1"Fundr�'1 fur: lul yearly �----
<br /> " •� � � taxes and ussessments which may nttnin priixiry over this Secu�ity In�trument u+u lien un dw Pm�rty:(bl yeurly Ieusehold �._;.,,�:.,—
<br /> �.' ..�, :�:''.,. '� , ��;.-,."----,
<br /> � � . . . payments or ground renls an the Propeny, if uny; (c) yearly hauud or propeny insurunce pnmium�: Idl y�urly tliiad ��,��__
<br /> " � � ' � insurance premiums, if any:le1 yeurly mongnge insumncc premiums, if any: und ifl any +um� puyublc by Borrower to _ _
<br /> • "`;,}.�,,T Lender,in uccordnnce wilh the provisions oi parAgraph R, in lieu of�he paymem of mi+ngu�e insurunce premium+. These - --- ____
<br /> � ! •• • items sirre called"Excrow Items.' Lender moy,at uny time,collect und hold Funds in un arnoum not lo excced�he maximum •*��'=-
<br /> . e e ,ti�—
<br /> � . ;"� umount a Iender for u federally relAted mongage loun muy reyuire for Bnrrower i+escrow uccounl undcr the fcdernl Real � -�� �`
<br /> • �• ��'�� �� Estale Settlement Pracedures Act of 1974 as amended Trom time to lime, 12 U.S.C. �2G111 ��r xcy.l"RESPA"),unlezs nnoiher ;.'°�,. �
<br /> " �.�;, luw thAt upplies to the Funds sets n lesser umnun[. If u�.Lender may,at uny time,collect und hold FunJx in un umount nor to a���—
<br /> ° ° „ � exceed the lesser umount. Lender may extimute the amaunt �f Funds�ue on tlx hu,ix of cuRem datu unJ reasonable i�`�.��,:ii�
<br /> � � " estimAtes of expenditurcs of futum Escrow Itemx or othenvine in accordunce wi�h uppliciiblr luw. �.�. ;4�r_
<br /> �� � The Fli�ds shall be hcld in un institution whose deposits urc in+ured by u fedeml ugcncy. ir►mtrumenlAliry.or emity � ;
<br /> . :;�i.:�` fi.:'�:, . .
<br /> ;,1,.}ri�, ,. � (including Lender.if Lender is such an imtiluhan)ur in any Fedcrul Home Loun Bank. Lender.hull apply the Fundc to pay ,�•---
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender muy not churge Bo�rower (ar holding and applying the Fundx, annuully unulyzin� the rscrow � '';,;:___.� '
<br /> �':��' accoun4 or verifying the Escrow Items, unletiti Lender puys Borrower interest on�he Futxl� und applicable luw permits ,.�
<br /> .�,��_-
<br /> '. �i�:��, Lender to muke ruch a charge. Hnwevcr, l.cnder muy reyuire Bonower io puy a on�-time chur�e for an independcnl mul �_,_._
<br /> . , .�.�;�;�'"`'r estate tax reponing service used by LenJer in connection with this loan,unle�s upplicablc luw provides athenvise. Unlesx nn _�::
<br /> ' ��';�"�"''' u reement is mnde or Applicable luw requires interest to bc paid,Lender shall not be myuired lo puy Borrower uny interest or �.�+�k�
<br /> .,.;�.; ., g ��..-�•�.
<br /> +�.;!'��.�''��' enmings on the Funds. BoROwer und Lendcr muy ugrce in writing,hnwever,that interes��hull t►c puid on the Funds. Lcnder
<br /> ' shall give to Borrowcr,without churRc,un unnual acrounling af the Funds,tihawing creditc und debi�x�u the Funds and ihe _
<br /> • purpose for which each debil to Ihe Funds wus made. The Funds ure pledged ux udditional security for all sumr secured by _
<br /> — . '
<br /> — --_�„ this Securily lnsirwnC�►i. �'�`�--
<br /> =— • -
<br /> ` ° • If Ihe Fundc held by Lender exceed �he umounts pennilteJ �o be held by upplicuble luw. Lender shull ucmunt to __
<br /> , , Borrower for the excegs Funds in ucaxdance with the reywremenls of upplicabk law. If the amount of the Funds held by ----_-
<br /> �,.�•�- '' . Lender ut any time is nol sufficicnt�o pny the Eixcrow Ilem+when due.I.endar muy+c�notify Borrower in wriling,und,in
<br /> such cu�e Borrower shall pay to Lender the umaunt necessury w ma1:o up ths doficiency. B�►rrower shall muke up�he r� '�.-
<br /> :c
<br /> • � deficiency in no more than twelvc momhly papmcn��,ut Lendcr i salv discrotion. ��"�
<br /> ��:,.�z�W
<br /> . Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Sccuriry In.trument, Lcnder shull promptly refund to BaROwer uny .��.z�� . _�_�-:
<br /> Funds held by Lcnder. If,undcr pumgruph 21, Lender shall ucqui�c nr,cll thc Property. Lender,prior to�he acyuisition or ":• � ,' •�s�-
<br /> • ' sale of the Properry, shall upply any Funds held hy Lender a� th�time of ucquixition or sale as a cr@dit aguinxt the sums ��+'�'•���'J�;�:._`-'
<br /> secured by�his Security Instrument. �����'��?��`• . "�:�
<br /> � ' 3. Applkullon of Poyments. Unlcs�upplicublc Itj��• pro��ides oihcrwise, ull p•ryments recciveJ My l..endcr undrr :�.;"',,�.j� _-�:
<br /> ° „ paragrnphg 1 and 2 shall be appli�d: tir.t,ta uny pmpayment charges duc un der t hc Note; �econd,ta umountr�pu ynble under �*�;.5t��
<br /> �--.-_=
<br /> parugraph 2;third,to interc��duc:founh,to prinripal duc:and lux4 tu an��lute churgex dur under the Nmc. �*;���:��—�-
<br /> ' • 4. Char�es: Liens. Bortower shull pay all taxes. u�se+smems, churges, lines anJ impo,itians attrihutable to the '�'',`;�.:��,��_
<br /> ' � � Property which may auain priority uvrr this Securily Instrument,und IenxcholJ payment�or ground rcnts,if uny. Borrower ''�`"-v".�
<br /> ' � �'
<br /> � �'j`;�;',;� shall pay these obligstions in the munncr proviJeJ in paragruph 2,or if not puid in that munner.Borrowcr xhull pay�hem on ' ,.
<br /> ,• � � lime directly to Ihe person ow�:d payment. Borrowre.hall rrompdy furni�h t��Lenekr all notice.of unxw��t.to be paid under `�.;;,.'� �"•�''i-
<br /> this parngrnph. If Born►we�muke+these payments directly,Barrnwer shuU pmmptly t'urnish to Lender receipts evidencing ,;�:. .,._;._�- _
<br /> ' the paymen�s. "':,`-:" ..
<br /> Bortower shull pn►mp11y diuhurge uny licn which hu.priari�y over thi,Security In�trument unle,�Borrower.lu1 agrces ;�;�.sc�!=':��,.
<br /> in writing�o the p•rymenl��f Ihr obligu�ion.ecured bq thc licn in u monnrr ucrc�uble�o Lcnder:lb)conlr.��in gaxl faith thc ° •".;+---
<br /> lien by,or defcnds aFuim�cnf�rcemcnt ol'thc lirn in,Icgal pnxerdin�:.r whirh in tlx l.rndcr ti��pini�m uperatc ta prevrnt Ih� ' ';.�� _-
<br /> . enfarcemem uf thr lirn;or Icl�ecurc.frum the h��IJrr of thr lirn un a�ercemrm su�i.l'urtury lu I.rndrr.uM►rJinutinti the lirn ' • ,'�`�s
<br /> �C ,, � �u thi,Sc�urity In+trumcnt. It'Lcndrr�kirmiinr.ih:►t any pan u1"t hr P m�xny i.,u hjcr i iu a lien ��•hich ma y antuin priorily �,:,
<br /> . '�., ovcr�his Securiry Imtrumanl.l.endrr muy givc Borruwcr u noticu idcntit'ymg the licn. Rnrrrn�cr,hall.ali,fy th�lirn ur takc „''.
<br /> ' one or morc uf thc uction��c�forth utx�vc within IIl Juy,��I'lhc giving ol'nuucr. �
<br /> � S. Haaard nr Praperty Insurance. 8�►rti►wer�hal I I.crp�hr improvrment,nuw exi+ling or hereafter erected on thc �
<br /> .' �'' Property in�urcd agaim�I��.�h�•f�rr,hur.�rd�inrluJ�d wilhin Ihr�crni"r�tcnd�J ru�rr.�ge":md uny othcr hulards,inrluding
<br /> ' � flonds or tlewding.ti�r which Lender rcyuire� inwrunce. '1'hi. msun�nce .rhall tk maintuined in �hr umounls und Ibr the �;; ,
<br /> .. �: ,
<br /> Fi�►m 3D2lt 4N0 i�ulr:nl 6�wAr�1 ,
<br /> Y-
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br /> �._
<br />