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�i��:��;.:,; ;.; ;,�. ;;.� �:� _ _ _ r ..� <br /> . .. _. _ __ ________ <br /> . <br /> . � i fL, <br /> _ � -_'"'- .�- <br /> . . .. _ -- --- ---�- - ------ � ..---�--- �... - - — _- — -�-..�— --- - <br /> � ` . . .--- -. .: . . .--`°--.... <br /> .�.e...-�--�--�-.�- - <br /> it.' � .. <br /> -��T . ... _�. . . � ,y�..�fL(6- <br /> -- -- � '."►l i�.��, p.���S-'-~. ---�m j <br /> '����M9t'v�" i :i � <br /> .���*'ti.�d�tF�x�.,..,��r • _ _____ ._ <br /> � �_ — <br /> - :��� 92-- 10181 f - <br /> ���� <br /> _'�'�'�� applicablo luw may cpcsify fur rcinwlutcmentl hefore sulc of thc Pro�ny pun�uum to uny pawer of+;ale cunlaincd fn this <br /> ---�.:� Secu�ity Inatrument;or lb)en1ry of a judgmenl cnfw�cing Ihix Sccu�ity Inalrumcnt. Thrnic conditions are Ihwl Sor►ower. (a) <br /> —�� pays Lenckr all suma which �hen wuuld he due uncfer this Securily Imtnimem und �ht Nate ua iP nu acceicra�ion had <br /> _�;� _ � accurred;(bi cures�ny default of uny Mher cuvcnunlx�r ugrecmentti;(c)puya ull expenxcs inrurted in enfiinfng�his Securily <br /> InsUUmcnt, including,bul nut limilcd to,revsonuhle ullarncyh'I'ccw:und 1d11ukrM such ucti�n us Le�uier muy rea4unably <br /> � T oequire to osaurc�Fwt the lien af this Sccurity Imuument,Lendrr K�ightx in the Pmperty und Borrowcr K abligution to pay thc <br /> �.��_ <br /> �����•�•� suma secured by thig Security In�ln�ment �hall continue unchanged. Upnn reinxlulement by Borrower, this Secur ry ` _ <br /> _—� Instmment wid the obligotionK secured hereby ehull remuin fully effeclive�,.ff nu xcelcrullon had ocrurred. H��wever,thia _ --- <br /> � x�—• �u;� ri�hi to rcinstate shall not apply in the cnse of acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> ��;,;�,��� ``�` 19. 3�1e of Notei Chan�e at Loan Se�cer. The Nate or u partial interesl in lhc Nrnc(togelher with Ihis Security <br /> �;�`��� {. Insuument)may be xc►Id one or mure times witl�out prior nolice lo Barrowcr. A s+dc may rexult in u chunge in lhc entily -- <br /> ��� � ` (known ax the"Lasn Servicer")thut collects mon�hly peymen4g due under the Nute and this Sccurily Instrument. There ulro <br /> '�''" may be ane or morc changec of Ihe l.oan 5ervlcer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If Ihere ix a chsuige of Ihe Loan Servicer, _ <br /> '����` Borrower will bc givcn written nwica of the change in nccordance wi�h parugraph 14 nbove und applicnbte luw. The notice � <br /> i�� �•;�;:>;:� :r.�:;;��. will atate�he nome and addresx of�he new Loan Servicer and the addrexY w wbich puymentr ahould t+e mude. The notice wlll �T <br /> ,`"'t'''".� Also contain any other infom�c+tion required by appUcuble luw. -_ <br /> ' 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower ahall rtot causc or permi�thc pre.r•encc,usc,dispoxal.s�aruge,or releuse of any <br /> �'�7,}�,'K'.�;'a"�'+� � HaznrdauR Substanccs on ar in the PrnpeAy. Barower ahall na do,nor allow anyonc el.rc to do,anythiog uffecting thc <br /> '�"�'-'�"'�y';*`� �� Property that is in violu�ion oi uny Environmenlc�l Lnw. The preceding twa sentences 4huil not apply to tha prcsence,use,a• �- <br /> "'�-+�•��*����.j �torage on the Property of xmull quamities of Hu2ardoua Substances Ihat ure generolly mcognired to he appmprinte to n�nna� �__ <br />-��� yk���',:'�'`�' � —. <br /> ti , residential uses and to maimenonce of the Property. <br />—�-''��--�'�:-`=�� �' Borrower shall promptly give l.ender wriucn notice of any investfgation,cls�im,demand,luwsuit ar olher nction by uny _ <br /> .��:�AG�vaw: •~ �-- <br />_ = governmental or regulatary ugency or privote psuty involving the Propeny and uny Hau�rdous Substunce ar Envin�mnentul <br /> —_ " , [.aw of which Barrower hua actuul knowledge. U Borrower lesuns. or is notified by nny govemmental or �egulatory !_':'"" <br />_���� � " uuthorily,thAt nny remov�l or other rcmedialion of any Hsuardous Substance affecting the Propeny is necessury,Borrower � <br />__ , shall promptly take nll necessary remedial acdans in ucwrdanee with Environmental Luw. �„ <br /> — ' As used M thia puragrnph 20,"Hazurdous Substunces"are those cubstwwes defined us toxic or huzardous subslances by =___ <br /> • Environmenlal Law and the following sub+tances: gasoline.keiosene,other flammable or toxic peaoleum products,toxic ,s; <br />-,�n'. � pestieides ond herbicides,volatile wlven�s, moterinls containing usbestos or fbrmuldebyde, and rndioac�ivc muteriuls. As �F:-_ <br /> �� � used in this parugraph 20,"F.nvironmental Lnw" meuns federnl laws wul laws ai the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated ---•_ <br />:� ` � that t+elatc to health,sefety or environmenial proteclion. �� <br /> ' � NON-UNIFORM COV BNANTS. Barrower and Lcnder fueher covcnnnt und�gree a+follows: �'i= <br /> • •� 21. Accekrodon; Remedies. Lender shaH give noUce lo Bor�ower prlor to acceleratlon tollowing Borrower's �;:,, <br />�_�,' ,.,��._;L.^._x� _ breach of any rnvenAnt or agreement in tWs Securlty Instrument Ibut not prior to accelerntion under parAgraph l7 �_ <br /> r� - ,,;� • ° uaiess rppii�bie ia�pt'of itles oil�rti:'fsel• The notfce shs!!sperlfy; ln?the default:lbl the�cUon required to cere the �•- <br /> • h � defoulli(c)a date�not fess than 30 days from the dAte the notice i�given lo which the default must be � <br /> cured;nnd Id)thAt failure to cure the default on or before Ihe date speci8ed in Ihe nutice may re.4ult in Accelemtion of <br /> � • . the sums secured by this Securily Instrument and sale oP the Property. The notice shall i'urther inPorm Borrower uf �y- <br /> • • � the right to reinslnte atter acceleralion and the�ight to brin�p courl uctfon to acserl the non-existence oP A defaul/or <br /> ^ any other defense of Borrower to acceleralbn and swle. If the detault i.c not cured on or before the dAte specii7ed in �:�,y' <br /> � ' the notice,I.ender at ils option may requi�e Irnmedlate payment in Pull oi all sums serured by Ihis Security Instrument �-� <br /> .� • without fuMher demand and may invoke Ihe power oP sale and uny other remedies permitted by applicable law. <br /> �.: <br /> "' ,,.�-�-� ` Lender shall be entitled to collecl all expentiec incurred in pursuinR the remedies pravided in this parAgraph 21. �j� <br /> ,:,-� .:;,.,. . includinQ�but not limited ta.reusonable atta-neys'iees and coyts of tille evidence. <br /> . .. If ttie power oP sale is invoked. 71�ustee shall rcc��rd u n�►tice��P default in eac6 cuunty in which uny pwrt uf the �h'"� <br /> � ,. Properfy is IocAted qnd shell muil copirs oi'�uch nutke in Ihe manner prescribed by upplicuble luw to Burruwer and tn �•�-� <br /> the other persons pre.xribed by appUcable law. After the time required by applkable law.7lrustee shall glve pablic <br /> .=�:. <br /> .. aotice of sale to the person!�and in Ihe mapner prescribed bv applicable law. 71�uytee,withoul demand on Borrower. <br /> � ish�ll sell the Property at public auction to the hl�hest btddrr vt the time antl place and uuder Ihe terms designoted In ��?'_ <br /> �.,. ., the notice oP sale in one or mure pArcels und in anv order Trustee determinex '1}ustee may postpnne sale oP all or any �..- <br /> ' d_.-..j• � • p�rcel oP the Property by public announcemenl at the Nme s�nd place of�nv p�eviously scheduled rnle. Lender o�its - <br /> n <br /> ,� � designee may purchnse the Propertv ot any sale. �� <br /> •� Upon receipt oP ppyment of Ihe price bid.'I�utitee shull deliver to Ihe purchaser 7'rustee's deed conveving the _ <br /> Property. The recitals in the 7tustee's deed shall he primu Pacir evidence of thc truth of the stutements made thereln. .�__; <br /> ..r�::�•1�.` 'IYuxtee shull epply the proceeds uf'the rule fn the Pollowin�order: �al tu ull cutits and expenses of exercl.ging the power ��_ <br /> , . — <br /> ' ':i.��,: —=. <br /> � , ' ., - <br /> � ., . /� <br /> �. ... - <br /> .. �� Fi�rm J112M YNII i/M�e�•�,q n/a�er�i <br /> , t: <br /> r <br /> ,. . � <br /> ..\. • , <br /> � • .� ,..,.,,,,...,,,.._-.. -�. - <br /> . , . , � • <br /> ' � ., . • <br /> � <br /> � 1 <br />