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.��'a -aa�i�. . � c'ti .� i_���,:i....� 1f . -- - .__�.�rx��v. ---� <br /> • � 1�4Ltt� ,;,�w.7• ::'_ � --- <br /> il �,�,Fr ---�-L-- <br /> l I �;�. �„�:.�.�-.�,,._-�------ � -� <br /> f '� r .r` . <br /> � �. . - <br /> .._. . <br /> :�a <br /> � <br /> . -- <br /> ti „ . . .... ;.:t.:c;:,. �. _- <br /> —-- <br /> � .. , . 92— �ui800 _,__ <br /> . , , _ <br /> , ,.�,,,�Y...;.�.. . --- -- ----- <br /> .. :�; — <br /> � a • TO PHOTECT THE HECU(�I�Y UF THIS iRU8T UkkU, TRUSiOH HENEdY COVENANT(i ANU AOHEES AB FOI.LOW8 — <br /> � . ' '• ' 1 PAYMRNT OP PRINCIPAL ANO INTER6iT. 1 rukl���sholl prumplly pxy whon due Iho�xuic�prl ol a�d mleresl w Ihs mdabtodnoss�v►d�ticod by �_„ <br /> �, IM No1�.�nd/��o1hM chaiyo�riK1�w��Ys yiovi0o9 m Ih�Noto.r�d��o PnnC�pul ul and mlYrosl on any Fulure Advanee�Ncur�d by Ilui TruW Dwd. <br /> 2.WAl1RANT�Of�ITLF. Tn�el�w u Iaw�uOy�wted and pasee68ed ol qaxt a�+d�ndelx.�s�bin tille and�etate to Iho Property hereby Conv�y�d�nd _«. <br /> . - - ho Ih�rfphl lo prant��d toowy Ihe PiopQrly.Ih�Proporly i4lrea and clear ot all M�ns and�neumbranc�a�ticry!Uene�row ot rocad.antl Truitor w111 c.—= --_- -__---__ <br /> w�tranl�nd d�imd Ilw Idlr to Ihe Prape�ly aqamd all claim�and domand� _-- <br /> ' ` 3.MAINTBNANCE AND COMPLIANOH WITN 4AW8.Trucla ahaU keop Ihe Properly in goad repair aud cand�tion and ahWl not comm�t waslo or pumll �-_____ <br /> � �� r,. `, impBirment a dalerloraUOn of Ihe Property and shall camply wdh Ihe prov�u�ons ol pny leasa d Ih�a Truit�eed is on a�ea�ehold No improvemenl now -� �� <br />� �' ��,a��• � �• pr hqteaNer ereCled upon Ihe Property ehail be allered,removed a demolisheG wdhoul the pnor wrdlen tonsenl ol Bene�ic�ary.Trusloi ahall comply wdh ��y�_o.,,�____ - <br /> �1 • all Ipwc,adfnentaa,repulauons,covenanis,candilbna and restriclions nlfectmg Ihs Properly and nol commlt,sufler or pe�mil any act to be done in or <br /> • . ,et"..w.�--a-•-- <br /> �:� upon Ihe Properry fn wolalwn o�any Inw,ordmnnce.repu�a��on,covenanl.conddlon or reslnction Trusla ahall complete or restaa promptly and 1n qood �::��i_� _�---- <br /> ,�'���r workrnanlNce manoer any improvement on Ihe Properly wh�ch may be damayed or dealroyed and pay,whsn due.all claims lor labot perlamed and m�terlals �,.,.,�-___ <br /> � ' - 1 u r r J S h e d t h er e l o r e n d f a a n y a i l e r a u o n s t h e r e a l �-` "L5'��==�='��- <br /> ,a:�� <br /> a INSURANCE.Trusla,al ds expeese,wdl maiMain wdh msurors approved by 8enehc�ary,msurence wuh respecl to the Knprovemenls and personal ,�yg;,� z <br /> �= <br /> ' �i proporty,Conatltullny Ihe Properly,agamst losa by hre,lighlning.tanado.and other pen�s and hazards covered by slanderd exte.ided Coverage fndonement. `d"'j�lt? �e <br /> � ' in Bn emouM equal to at least one hunded percenl(10046)of IhQ�ull replacemQnt value Ihereol and msurance aqainat such olher htuards and in suCh : • , ti��._ <br /> • amounte as Is customarfly carrled by awne►s and aperators ol simdar praperues or as 6enehclary rnay�eqwre for ds protecuon.Trustor wdl comply wilh ;,.�:r.,��a-l- <br /> such olher requiremenls as Benel�cfary may hom dme to Ume reque�l fa Ihe proteclmn hy maurence of Ihe interests of IAe reapective paAies.All insurance f;.,,�__ <br /> � poMClea malnlained pursuenl to tlus Trust Deea shall name Truslu�d��d Beneflaary as incured,as iheir respective interesls may appear,and proWde that �-�R_ ,_ __� _ <br /> �.'v.c�-- <br /> there ba no cancellalbn a modd�caUOn without al leasl 15 days prior wrfnen nohlicalion to Trustee and Ben�c�ary may procure such maurance In aecordance , , ,,_ <br /> wnh Ihe provlsiona o�paragraph 8 hereof Trustor�hall dellver to Benehclary Ihe wiginal pollr,ies of msurance and renewals thereof or memo copies of ��:'�}•�`- <br /> suah policfea end renewa�s ihereot Fadure to lumish suCh msurance by Trustol,a renewals as requlred hereunder the oplwn ol Beneffelary. .•,,;�,�: __;,-- <br /> conatlWte a delauU ="�"`��" <br /> � •►r,:�a�.•:,.- <br /> 6.TAXEB,ASSESSMENTB AND CHAR(iES.Trustor shall pay all taxes,assessmeNS and other charges,mcluding,without hmitaron,fines and�mpoaillons r-„ ,-- <br /> • atMbutable to the Properry and leasehold paymeMS or ground renls,d any,befae the eame become dehnquenl.Truslor shall promptly lurnish to bene�lclary }w _ <br /> all noNces of omounts due under Ihis paragraph.and m the event Trustor shall make payment dkectly,Trustor shell promptly lurrnsh to BeneHCiary receipta "i;�..=��; ` <br /> ev�dencfng such paymenls Truslor shali pay all taMes and assessments which may be levied uqon Benelfciary'a interest horefn or upon ihis TruQt Deed �u��� <br /> 1.:,.,,�.,,.:-, <br /> ' wllhout reqerd to any law Ihat may be enacted�mposmg paymenl ol the whole or any part Ihereot upon ihe Beneficlary. ` ��_ _ <br /> ,,.•• �:=`�, <br /> � • �•�``'• •�. 8.ADDITIONAL UEN$AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY•S SECURITY.Trustor ahall make aN paymenis of mteresl end prmGpal and p�yMenta ,�;—_ -�_ <br /> r�..�.r'tl'� <br /> ,_ ' ol any other chargea.leea and e�penses conlracted Ia he pa�d to any exlslmg or subsequent I�enhotder or benefic�ery,under any exiating or subaequent �,�y,,, — <br /> . r��.�;:.:,��^•� . - mortyaye or trusl de,wwi Wt�a iha dato tAey are del�nquant er��d?i?��n.end promptly Qev and discharge any and all other uens,claims or eharges whlch .,J , _ <br /> may�eopardize Ihe securlly granted hereln II Truslar lalls ro make any auch payment or lails to perfOrm any of ihe covenanls and ayreements cornametl �`,�, � ,.;_--'nx,: <br /> � ` � In ihis Trust Deed,or ihp Note relerred lo herem,or�n any pnor or subsequent Irusl dead,or II any actbn a proceeding is commenced which matenally , ;i_ � <br /> , � eflaCta BeneNciary's Interest in Ihe Property,including,but not limded to,emmeM domain proCeedmgs,proCeadings mvolvrog e deCedent,nouce ot Bale � . ��;.._;� <br /> by Truste6,noUCe of delaup by Truslee,mortgage forecbaure acUnn,or d Trusta lads lo pay Truslor's debls generalty as they become due,then BeneliciAry, ��.,���}r•.' � <br /> at BeneiiCfary'c opuan and wdlwut notice lo or dema�d upon Trustor and xnlhout releasmg Trustor Irom eny Ob�Igelan hereunder,may make such app8arances. . __�:� <br /> dlttwrse such sums aed take such actfon as�s necessary lo proteG Benehciary's mterest,mcluding,but nd umded to,disbursement o1 reasonable ettornay's �, �� F. <br /> feis,payment,purchase.contest or comprom�se of any oncumWance,charge or hen,entry upon the Property to make repAirs.or declaration ol detauU �o.v*� �;��.�_ <br /> under Ihls Trusl Deed.In Ihe evenl thal Truslw shall fad to procure�nsurance or to poy taxe9.asseasmenls,or any Other chargee or Io meke any peyment8 � <br /> to any exist�ng a subsequent I�enholders or exisimg a subsequent bene6ciunes.8eneliclery may procure auCh msuranee and make auch payment,but , <br /> eholl not be ob�igaled to do so Any A�nounls disbursed by 9enehaary pursuant to th�n Paragraph 8 shall beCOma adddional�ndebtetlness ol Tiusta secured . •�" •a" <br /> by lhl6 TruSt Oeed Such amounl5 shall be payable upon notice hqm Benel�ciury to Trustor requesUng paymont thereo�. and 9hall bear mlerest Irom Ihe e-:��.a <br /> .'_°- <br /> dele ol d�sbursement al lhe rale payable Irom t�me to t�me on outstandmq pr�nc�p���under Ihe Note unless payment o�i�te�esl at such r�te wo�dd beronU,vy - <br /> to epplkable law,m which evant such amounls shall bear�nternsl al lhe h�ghe�sl i ale perm�saible unoer appl�eeble law.Noth�ng cor�;?med�n fhie Parayraph s :�_ <br /> 8 aholl reqwre Banohciary to mcur any e,epense m take any nclion hereunder ��._�_ <br /> 7.ASSIQNMENT OF RENTS.Be�el�ci.�ry shan hava�he nght.power»nd authonly durmg 1he conUnuenca ol this Trusl Deoe to collett Ihe�ents,iasues ,,�___ <br /> and p►obts o�the Properly and of any personal properly located Ihereon wrth ur wilhoul takmg possessiOn of lhe property ditected hereby,and Trutlo� . - _ <br /> he►9by absoWtely and unconddionelly assigns all such rents.�sSUes and pro�ds lo Benehc�ary Benehnary.however_hereby consems to the Truslor'S aF�e <br /> ColleCllon and reteMron ol such rents.issues and piolils as Ihey accrue and become paynhlp so long as Trustor�s such t�me.�n detault with respeCt � ,�i ry,-l <br /> • �0 payment ol any indebtedness sewred hereby.or in the performanco ot qny eqreemenl hereunder Upon any such delaull.Bene6c�ary may at ony time. ,�__ <br /> either in person,by egem,or by a recerver to he appomletl by a court,w�tnout not�ce o�d wdhoul regard lo the adequacy of any sewrdy for Ihe indebtodness i � �;_=:,_W <br /> • hereby eecured(a►enter upon and IaMe possess�on ol the Prope�ty ur.�ny part thereot.and�n�IS own name aue lor or othenvse collecl suCh ranis,issues ''��"}5--, <br />' •• , .��, end proffts,i�dudmglhose pasl due and unpa�d,and apply Ihe sama,lass rosis and expenses of aperauon nnd eollecUon,mcludmg reasonable altorney's � .u_�__. <br /> . � . , . �''�c-�9-:_. <br />, ;.,i• f88s,upon any mdebtedness securetl he�eby,and in such ordpr as Benehc�ary may determme,Ib)perlorm euch acls of repair or proteCtion a8 May b6 , ,�..��_ <br />' ��"` OBC88SBry a prOper to Consorv�the value of the Properly.(c)laese thN g;�rne�r any part ihereof for suCh fenta�.tPrm.antl upon SuCh eanddronS es ds � ,�...�.. <br /> , �.. <br /> � �udgment mey d�ctate.or terminate ur ad�ust Ihe lerms and conditiona o�nx�sling Ieases Unlc�ss T�uslor a�d 8eneliciaiy Ihereol agree otherw�se�n wntmg, , <br /> ' any epplicatlon ot rents,issues or pratds to any mtlebtedness s•�cureA hei�•by shau nol extend or postpone Ihe due date ol ihe�nstallment paymenls as � <br /> provlded��said promi65ory nWu or change tha amounl i�l such mslullmenis The untanng upon and takmg poSSass�on ot lha Properly.the collBCdOn <br /> ' � 1�, ' of auCh rents.isaues and protds,and�he apnl�r.ihun Ihe�f�ut ns�Uo���sa�,iu not w.uv��or cure any del:iuil o�notice of detauil he�aunAer or invalWale <br /> ;�:•'' any act done pursuant lo such not�ce Truslur Aiso.�ss�gns to Henri�c�nry.:�ti h���her secunty for tni�UC��Prment0 of Ihe�ubl�gaUOns seCUred h0�eby.8�� <br /> prepald rents and an momes wa�c�,���.rv n.,vu bren o�m.�y��r•r.dif��b�•diqioti�G�d wdh:�,w1 T�ustoi by.u�y iosti�ru ul�he PiopHily.10 3eCUrp ihH p��yntd�l <br /> oi any renl or damages.or upun ae�.u�n m the�+��4,�m.inca o1.Inv ae�n,����i�V�g�octi hr���U1.Tr�ISWf dN�PPY l�t AFIIVO�SU�h ttlPt4 1111A dCP0511610 BH0011C�8f�l <br /> � OBIIVBfy OI Wf111Bf1 OO11CN OI BPOR}iGdly�S B�ll'fC15P OI IhN n(�h19(�Ie1111CA hdlem lo.Ii1V IPltil�ll Of.C11pY��h�i:1�A P�OfI11StlS Sf1Al1 bP 9UI�ICIB11110 tP,QU119 SAId <br /> � 18nAnt lo pay rent lo tho Br!nrhi a�ry�����'����rth�+�notiCe • <br /> 8 CONDEMNATION.i�t�ue�o a��y P���t at n�r 1'rc�purr�.n.u�1�,•t.iknn in condrn,��Jl��u�p��x'HPd�tl�l:i.�l�i�(J�11 Af�IflI11Ul1t dOrt7J�f1 Of Stllld�f 2C110�1.O� <br /> ehall be sold undar Ihrrat ul conda�����.�������-.i����+�.���f�.��•�����jy��.I�t1(]WWRII5.ue hwAny.�;e;�yned rnd Shdll Ua Pa�d to Benehc�ary who sh;}II apP�Y <br /> such awards.damagds and uro�:ee��s w tn�sum s�rwe�f by Ih�w 1 rnsi Oe•eA.with the exws�,, it any,p:ud lo Trustor It Tru3�Or rec6,vesr^nMO�od .�it <br /> O�hB�mfOflTdl�On rryArd� 1�di Iwn•i ni���_���..�t�nq', f�u.tu� ,���iU�pv�•��r.,•ni,t v.r r�:n �ii brr nu�iruf Io flPnrh��a�v t1�•n�+h�'it�p <br /> ds cummuncn �IPP��,1��n�1nd P�,•••�•ruP•n�d•.��N�'n�unr.lny�,w:h drUnn iu��i�•r�a��linq�:.�nq•:h�pl U����nd�lyd t��n�dhP��I7`l'Oi1:p�0ifl�5P Or SPffIPtttPftl <br /> m tonnacUon,��ih a��y 5u�'1� U I�itn.ii{�n��NNd�nqti <br /> _.... _ . . .. . -,......�........ �...:.r n�.N:nnvnv.Ini'i1 Uf th�P�npr�tv�o T�ustor m�►Y md6@ <br /> '�. . . 9 FUTURE ADVANGt$. uP��o��v��roi„i �„�,:,.,_...�:a:.....:.. :::..... ...... .: :.��..,�• . . <br /> luture advonCes to Tru��o� Su�l�fi�tu��+��dvmu•e��� ::Jh u�te�i•al ih�!�i�an �;h,tll hi ti���'�i�:�1 hy I�hti Tn�sl I)ee�d WhNn vv�dc'nCNd hy prOmit�Say nO1C5 Sld�inq <br /> that sa�d notey:fr�SeCUrPd h��rBV W�+��1nd'n,ll At n�:mu! sh,pl Ih,� ���r.���.,,t p�.���'�P,u��n�: h�tu�P ddv��mcludmy sums adviln�ed�o proteCt <br /> th@ SBCUrdy.e�ceted iwo hn��d�r..f��r���nt�:011'�1�+1 Ihp�v 4n1111�:��'[iV.11 ,VIL11d�1'7 tiri UIPd he'INby , <br /> 10 REMEDIES NOT EXGLU9IVE. ��utilee.vW N••�������'�:+�) .����t i+:�cl�u�thom.•;h.ut bi�rnUUrd Iu rn�urto p.�ymrnt dnd peHlormance uf:lny mdebtedness <br /> ur obligd��ons secwed hr�cby ti��d tu r���c�5e.�II uyhlit 7u�d p.tve�s undi!�Ih�y 1 rusl D�v�d U�und��nny u11�Pr,�yr�ement cM@CU1PA�n CJnneCliUn hprpWrth <br /> dr any laws nnw or ne•rc.�hor ui 4i��n nrlw�i��sl�u�din��oum�t ar.�q o�p�r tiu�1��ndrble•dnrss��nA uUbq.�t�ons secured he�ebV m,�v nuw or herr�.iltNr be <br /> Olht±rwiSC SCCU�Bd Whplhvr by���+ inis��1e���1 pp!di�U,lu�n.�Iti��y���»r��l Ur U�h��rtWSB Nr�V,er u,e,�ce��pl�lni P UI thip.T���st Drrd�Wt dti��Np•i rnipnl <br /> whBther by iuWi di lam n��iuryudn�tn Ihr poNr�ut�..dr nr uth��Cow�e•r>lirtran t�)nt.un��4 tih.Ul pr�+put'�r i�r m dny m.tnne+�JP.��•1 iru•:�t•p S o�H��iv�hr�,�ry"5 <br /> nght to ie.�h:e upon nr��n�un r dny uilie��.tv unly��n�v�n��r��.l.yr�h�dq l�y 1�u:,l��r�i•Hrnvh��.p� •1 b�1�m�.�q�r.�d th.11 �r�„�ri�.n�d kirnr•ta�dr� .�n�t�•.�rh <br /> . <br /> f <br />