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<br /> � - �7,000.bo ir� case w3,��� the �fo� cons�nt of �ene��iaiasy. No ���,
<br /> alt�rations, rem��la, alamolishsaenics or reno�el�nq aoatinq i� :
<br /> exc�s� oS �7,0�0.00 or affec�i�ng the structural iae�egrity of �ho .._:'Y
<br /> �1 Propertg sliall to� b�c�un by �ato� e�i�a�ut the prioF rarie.�en ��_`
<br /> ' aPproval o�? Ba�tegiaiaryv T�tor sha13. co�la�o og ros�ra �=.,.t:.
<br />.'"fn5'J =_
<br />.�:.:;,� p�a►S�fily aiza in go9d worJcataalfke manner any impron�ment oa the =
<br />- ,:.;:r Pjco �y whi�h xzay Ds dasaaged ox destroyezi aad pa�l, �hen du+s, all ��_��
<br />:r;.,.,.
<br /> . cla� for labor performed and sategf�is SnYaicahed �axafore and �`�:':;
<br /> for aay alterations thereoP. [�1�.;
<br /> !`�r4�1�`
<br /> �r:�.�
<br /> .. . !. ���;ana� w{f�� L�a. Trusto� slaall comply with a�ll � {�'._;
<br /> � - laws, ord�tancers, xeyu2a�foas, covenants, con�itions and �"� --
<br /> � restrict3.ona af�ecting �he grop�� a� �ot �esa.tt, suffer, or -.-.-
<br /> . � pex�f� any.a�et t� be dona i,ai or u�an �&e Prop�ty in viola�fon of ��.,,�_;__
<br /> any law, ordinance, regulatfon, cove���, conditi�n or �ti;.�:;;
<br /> ' restriat�on. . s�
<br /> 5. inautance. �rustor, at ��a ex�pmn��, �ill mafntaita wf�i � �'
<br /> �" � insurero approved by B�neYiciary, insurance with re��eat !.s the , . '�-`'
<br /> Fmprove��te and perso�aal prop�y, consti�uting t�a.e Prop�ty. �1°'°
<br /> aqainst goss by fire, liqh�ninq. tuunac'do, an�3 other periZr� and fr .
<br /> :�' hazards covered by standard ex�endeol coveraqo ondors�ment, f.n an
<br /> amaunt eqmai to at least o�te �undred parccent (lOQ��i of the fu11 �_'__
<br /> � replacement value thare+of anrl inaurancQ againr� r��h othes � -
<br /> haz�rds aad in aucL amounts ae is customaril� r�-�$ed by ac�ners
<br /> .:�' � and og�erators of �iailar properties or as 8enef3�ciary may,require
<br /> •. .; fos i� pxo�eati��. Trustar will comply r�aith suc�t othe� ��- -
<br /> �: ° requi�emearts as Be��eficia�y say from tfine to �i� �equest fo�c the -
<br /> �. ' protec�ion by insurance o� the interests �P tho rr�zpsc�ive � `
<br /> par�cies. l�ill insurance pAlicie� maintained pursuan� to tta�s Deed _,.__
<br /> •` ' of Trust shall na�e Tru�tor and Bono�iciary as insureds, t��_thei�t -- -
<br /> � respeative intescests may app�uc, and provid�o that there aI�:3 iica , � -
<br /> � � no ca�t�ella+�ion or mocrlif�cation unless at least fffteaYt (�) dayr� .
<br /> � � prfor wrftten noti�icati�n thereug ia actually fle��vered to �
<br /> � �` Tsvstea and Baneticiary. In tt�e event any po�icy �erewr�d�x ie -
<br /> �� not rene�red on or be£o�e f�fteen (15) days prior tQ� ��• � � � �-�� .
<br /> �-.-':=z'- ex�ira�:an d�we, Tru�te� or Eea�efici�sy �y pg�au�� sae�:�..� � ;.;..�.
<br /> ' . #aaurancs in accordaeace witta the provfsions of Pa�. � • `�����
<br /> • ��:: ��� �
<br /> , harQOY. Trustmr shall delivw� to �ot�cfary ttie original -
<br /> .:;' �1fci4a of iusuranc�s ang rener�ais theraof or a�rao cap��s o� suab -
<br /> : . po2ici�s an� renewals thereof. Failure to L�ieh such inaurance � .,:.� .�
<br /> . by Tavatoro or �enewale as requir�d hereundsr shall, at the ---
<br /> ; i• option o! Benefiaiasy, c�nstitute.a default. Any and �11 .
<br /> Property of Sonefictasy storea on �t�r.� �remiBes sYiall be at . . �
<br /> - Senefic�asy•s so3e risk aa►d Trustor has no ol�liga�ion•to insure
<br /> � .�-� Bgneffciazy�s persor�l psoperty. ���. . �_-= ;
<br /> � ��i� 6. Taxes. Asses�ea�t8. �nd CharQOa. Trvator shall pay alb �-~
<br /> �.1;. taxes, assessments aad other charqes, inaluding, without
<br /> �' limitation, linea and impositions attributable to the ProBerty, —
<br /> ��� and leasehold paymente or grouna re�►ts, if a�y, befose fi,t� same �
<br /> . � �� . ��=-
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