•���wiww .�r, a�rrre� •tlrsa:c+rt.� .1s�s, ' 4��1��a�+,- } i r,�.
<br /> I�jry ��� �.F+a F' ''�� I �:,I t-i�Y . ' . ,ry.- f� _ ,- __ �� -.�. '-�G -..- - -.
<br /> i.� '9i�,�r"'11 ' L`.�'ii"1��.7NI��'�'*MG�l`�: 'yt�...,r... __ — - __ __ . _ �..
<br /> 't' ii.L Ni��-
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<br /> .- � �� � � 92- 101'78?
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<br /> � �:°.r��t:•r.�.;,:." , .�,_r�s.-,
<br /> • • perial»that l.eudrr reyuircs. 'ilk inrurnnce curticr pmviJing�he in�u�anee�hall he chu.�n by B�arower+uhjrc�w Lencierk ■�
<br /> �� �'` ' "'' '`� �ppmvol wbich.hull not be unreu�unahly withheld. If Barrower fail.r a�muintuin cuvrruFc dr+rrilnd ul+c�ve,LanJer may.u�
<br /> , L�nder+optiun.obtLin caverugc k�prolcct l.cnder�righ��in�he Pnipeny in uccurJunce wi�h p:uag�aph 7.
<br /> ,' � �� '' All in+umnce pnlicie,and mneaal,tihull lx+�cceptubl�to Lender und sh•rll inrluJc u�WnJurJ morlHage rluuM. Lender ��
<br /> , , `�� ' ti•�a'^• ..- xhull have Ihe riFM�a h�dd Ihe{xdiciex and renewulti. If Lender rcyui�+,Borrower�h•rll pr��mMly�;ivc tc� LenJrr ull recript, —_
<br /> � � of paid premium+.�nd renewul naticrs. In�he event��i'kn.,B�xrawer xhaU givr pnxnpt notice to the in�urwue c+urier uad _
<br /> � " �a`"_ Lend�r. Lender may mc►ke pr�(ot lo.,il'm��mrJe prumpdy by KuRO��•er. ��:s;,;,;:_�
<br /> �L " Unle..l.endrr und Borrower olhcrwira:ugree in wrihn�,insurance pr�kecd�+hull lx+�pplird u�m.t�ttu�ion or n�pai�of
<br /> •��' a,.w, " �hr I'�uprrty Jumuged, if ihc re,�oru�ion or rcpui� is ec�momicully fru.ible unJ Lcndrr5 ucuriry i�n��t Icz,ened. If thc _
<br /> _ �� , rr,toroti�►n or mpuir i► n��l economicully feu.ible or Lendcr; +ccuriry would lx Ic.,cncd, thc in+ur:uirc pr�xcrd++hall be �;_��_:.�...,
<br /> -' � ' upplicJ �n the tiums�ecured by thix Scruriry In.trument. whether ar ncK then dur.wi�h any cxre�s p:eir!w Burruwer. lf �Y
<br /> � � RoROwer ubanJons Ihr Property. or doe.not answer wi�hin 7�1 duy, u notice from LrnJr�that the inaur.u�ce cumer huti �•__,.,�____
<br /> � offered to.rtUe u cluim.�hen Lender may collec� the in�u�unce pr�xeed�. lxnJer may u,e the pr�x�wJti to repuir ur re�torc x � ��r
<br /> " � , �he propeqy or a�puy.r•um��ured hy�hi.Securiry MKtrument.wheiher ar n�n then Jue. The?0-dny peric►d will begire when �.[=��._ _
<br /> �h��nntice ir given. �N,~.--�
<br /> '� Unle., Lender i+nd Borrowrr olherwi�e agrec in writing,uny upplicutiun of'prareeJs�o principul shull nen extend or � _,�____,
<br /> i�,�:,�>.�:
<br /> ,� " .,
<br /> pus�pane Ihc due dute of�he mun�hly payments refcrred to in parugraphs I and 2 or chongc�hc am�unt nf�he poymentn. If �,,,-.
<br /> under parugruph 31 the Pa►peni r�a hr�A�u sition Jball�urc,toeLendcr�to thc cxt nt uf�ihc ru�mx+ccured by qiis Secu�rity �`=-==
<br /> . f'ram dumAgc to the Pmperty �x 4 P =.:_.-`--�
<br /> •� In�irument immeJiu�ely prior ta�hc ucyuisi�iun. , ;-_;.__._
<br /> ' 6, (kcuppncy. Preservotlon. Mninlenence and Prutection of the Prnperty; &►rrower x l.own /rp�ocAtton: c
<br /> �, '� l.easeholds. Borr�►wer .holl occupy.es�ubli.h.and u+e�he Prciperty u�Horrower:principul rr+iJence within+iaty da��ufter _
<br /> tt�rxecution uf�hi.Securiry Imtn�men[und<hall continue to�cupy thc ProPenY u,BnROwer+principal re,idence fnr ut �}•_:_�.
<br /> „ , lea+t onc yeur af�er the dc+�e of ixrupuncy. unksx Lendcr otherwi,e a�rce� in wri�ing. wbinc �onsenl tihall ooI l� �"— r
<br /> � unmu�onubly withhelJ, ar unle�+extenuuling rircum�lance.esi+t which arr tx:yimd BuROwcr:c�x�trol. [iorrower+hull not ���:'
<br /> � destroy.Jumnge or impair thr Property. aUnw Ihe Property to deterioratc,or commi�wustr on the Pmpeny. Burrower tihull �_-_�
<br /> ' t�e in defaul�if uny farteilure artion��r procceJing,whelhcr civil ar rriminul,is lx�un�hu� in l.encicr:gcxid faith judgment ��z_
<br /> ��..-
<br /> • could result in forfeUure ni' �he Propeny i►r othenvi.e ma�eria��Y �mpuir the lien creuteJ by �hi� Securi�y Instnimant ur _
<br /> ° Lendcr:security imeres�. Barrower muy curr.uch o default and�eimwte,u+provided in purugruph 18.hy cuusing the uctian _____
<br /> � c�r prcx:�edinF to t+r diti�ni+sed with u ruling�hai, in Lcndcr+g�xxi faith detcrniinu�ion,prcrlude.fi�rfcilure of tlx:Bormwer's _ __ _
<br /> " , intere�t in the Propehy or ather muteriul impuirmen� ��f Ihc lien crcuteJ by thi� Sccunry Im�rumrnt or Lender: �ecurity �"�
<br /> interest. Bnrrowcr shull ulso be in defauU if Botruw�:r, during thc k�an upplicution prcxes,, gavc mu�erially fulxc or �;
<br /> inacrurate informution or.tutemem.to Lender lor fuiled t�,provide L�nJer with any muteriul infomiation�in connectiun with �--��•.
<br /> . _ . r—=---- ti�r i.�an c�idcnccd by thc N��te. incl�ciing. h�n nrn limited �o. mpRUuntutions conceming Borrower��x:cupancy of th� ���i:•::
<br /> ���Q:,..�.�.i-.�
<br /> � Pmpeny u+u prinripul re,idencr. If�hiti Scrurity Inslrument i+��n a Icu,�holJ.B��rrower,hull compiy wah ufl the provi+iuu, �� .
<br /> � u(�he leutic. If Bi�rtowcr ucyuirc+i'cr title to�hc Property,lhc IcuschnW and thr fec tidc.hull not mcrge unies,Lender ugree+ ��,�,.
<br /> �r�-ti=...
<br /> , :' [a the mergcr in writing. --
<br /> � 7. Protectiun oi I.ender',� Rights in the Propert�•. If' BoRUwcr 1'ail. to pertorm the covenunt. und agreements ���._,
<br /> cnmained in thi. Securi�y In.trumern. ��r Ihcre iti a Iegul pnxrcding ihut muy sigmticuntly nffect lxnder+ righ�s in Ihc �•`.7z'��_ :
<br /> Pro�eny l+urh�ts i�pnxeedin�in bankruptcy.prnhsde,fur cunckmna�iun or li►rlciture ur lo cnli+rce lawz or�gulutionx),then _. _
<br /> Lendcr muy do nnd puy for whutrvcr i�nrcessury to prn�ec��h� valuc of thc Pm{xrty and Lcnde�'s right. in the ��n� ��
<br /> Lender:actionx muy inrludr p.�yinE;�ny�ums,rrurcd hy u lien �vhich hu�pri��rity over thin Security las[rument.u unn• i�-�_ �,
<br /> in roun,puying rcu+i�nublr attomryti tce,und cnicring on the Pro�xny tu mukc repain. Although Lender muy tukc action ���l:_:�-_
<br /> under thiti parugrt�ph 7.l.endcr doc+nul huvc to di�+��. .
<br /> � Any amuunts JitilwncJ hy LcnJrr undrr �hi�purugraph 7 .hull i+�romc uJJi�i�mal debt of Borrower ucun�d by thi� •, ��'r:.,'
<br /> 5•wuri�y In+irumcnt. Unlctix Hnrrou�cr anJ Lrndcr agrcr tu uthrr trmi,ul'puymen�.�hr.�:amount��halt bear intrrc�t frnm thc
<br /> ! Jate of di�hunrmenl u�th� Natc ratr unJ xh:d) Fx puyuMr, with intrrc�t,u�um notice f��►m l.cndcr to 8orrower reyur�ting ,�,�
<br />; puymcnt.
<br />' '' . ; ' S. Murtgugc Insurunce. II'LrnJcr rcquircd mungagc in�urancc ;�.a ronJitiun ui'muk(ng thc k�►n+ccured My Ihi� . ` _
<br /> , , ' Securi�y Instrument. E3nm�wer shull pay the prrmium+ icyuiR�l 1�� maints�in Ihr mungag� in,urance in cttcrt. II'. fi�r uny
<br /> rcnxon. thr mortgugr in+uruncc ruverugc nquimd hy Lrnder 1•rp�r, or cra�r. tu tx� in el'fect. &>trower ,hall pay Ihe
<br /> ;;,��. prcmiums rcquired iu iihtain cuvcrag� ,uh,�anli.dly eyuivalcnt tn thc murtgag� imuranre previou�ly in rt'f'crt. u� u co,t
<br /> ' ,uM.�untiully cyuiv;dent to ihc cu,�a�Born��vcr uf�hc mun�:aEr in�ur;uicr pmvi��u�ly in eficrt.from un ahematc m�►rtguFe '
<br /> , insurer npproveJ by Lendcr. II'.ub.�anti;dly equivalcnt munti•r�r in.ur.�ncc ruvera�e i,not a.ailahk. Borrowcr,hull pay�a C. -
<br /> � l.endcr cach munth a �um ryual tu our-�wcltih ul'�hr�carly mc►rtgagc in.ur.�nrc prrmiuui hing puid hy Burn�wcr whrn�hr I �
<br /> inruruncc covcrngc lapxd��r rru.rd to tx in rlTrr�. I.cnJcr�e�ll arrrpt.u.r anJ nl;un tiie+r pa)•ment�ati a lo.,re.crvc in liru �.
<br /> � af mongugc in+uranrr. Lu.+r�xcrvc raymenl. nwy nu longcr tx rcyuircd. a1 thr uptiun uf Lcndcr, if mungagc in+urvnrc ^
<br /> .' cuv�ragc lin thc umount unJ li►r tlk�ri�xl lhat Lrndrr rcyuire+l pru�•�drd hr ain imurer sippruved hy l.cixlrr ugain t+erometi :
<br /> . . '� availublc unJ i�uhluined.Barru��•rr.hull pay Ihc premium.rcyuireJ t��m:unt:�in nwrt�ugr m.ur;mcc in�II'rrl.ar lo pn�vidr a �
<br /> '�.c lu.�rc.crvc,until thr myuircmrnt ti,r mangagr in.uru�xc cnJ. in arr��rJancr��iUi:mr w•riurn ugrrrment tx�wrcn Horruwrr
<br /> � �� � and Lcndrr ur upplic�blr la�c.
<br /> '. .�•;, ' 9. Insperfion. Lcndcr��r i�.a�:rm ma} ma{.e roa.onahlc rntr�r,up�,n;ind�n,�xrhun�ol 1h¢Pro�xny. I.ender.hall
<br /> � '� givc 8�n7uarr na�icr at Ihr timr ol ur��ri��r tu;m in.�xrti�xi.�xrd)m�re:nun:ihk�:�u.r i��r thr in.perliun.
<br /> 111. l'ondemnution. "I'I►r pnkccd+uf am :►�v+ird ur rl;nm t��r dam:��e,.Jircc���r:��me��u�nti:d.�n rnnnrctiun with an�
<br /> tim�:lc I�rmd� �Funnk StueiFr�dA{e�foc l\IFI/R\I I\5'1'Rl�1h:V'1'� l ndunn�'���.•i�ant, 4�W1 ���der+.,I r�Ih�e�•��
<br /> �ae.d I.r.r IW�I�r.,hmN hN �
<br /> In iMdH 1:.111 NpMIS:11N1.1!I:f' YAt 61�FTN1•I111 .
<br /> . f .
<br /> i
<br /> I
<br /> . �1 -- - ---_._ . _ _.
<br />