. . . _ . . . . . :.C . � ' .Lk�?
<br />. �. -' . .' , . � - ' ' . �-.�_,__"___.`_�'.:.12r�s• `.� •' '�� y �lk�� �.
<br /> ., r h• '�o.. � •1• �.._� ` - __.��.._�.__-� �� . �. .. .;
<br /> .L .4�dait . —.
<br /> g�— �t�'� o h� �.�;.�
<br /> ,
<br /> cov�taarsrs � . ;'Y,-a:.,�
<br /> �, 6syRft�tb. Barrowsr eSrae9 to make e1i peltmente on the sacured deht when Que. Un3asa Bortower and lendar agree otharwlse, anV . ,,,`�F' :`� :�
<br /> pnymerrta I.snder receivas f►cm Borrower or tor Bor�rower's Eenefit wili De apptiad first to any emounts Bonav�er ovroa on the necurad dobt
<br /> ro
<br /> oxetus!vo nf irterest ot prirtdpa4 sncond to intsrast,arsd then to prineipal.if partlat prepnymsM of the secured deirt oecure for nny reasan.+4 wil! f.:�-..--- • `,��;
<br /> not reduce or excusa eny ecRedu:ad paYmns�t uMil the sec�nod debt ts p�id in tuU. ,� s _-s
<br /> a.�a��,g;�ip,gp�g�v6r w�fl pay a1�taxes.asse".Emsnts,ertd ether el�usee ettrl6utab��to tt�e praparty when due and wlll detcsnd titt� •4a� _ =
<br /> to 4hs properryaqm inat any ctafms whicti wouid impair ths Uen o?this da�d oi Uvst.Le�r nay ra�u"sa Srtto•�:.�to e�tgn eny rtat+t�.cieima or -�,, -
<br /> 6efense�wAteh 8orrower mey have aQeinst partiee who suppty la�or a�metatiets to IrtiRtove or mt�fntaln tfie proDartV• � , r; <',; �^
<br /> g,tnsuaare�.8onower wEU keep tttie property insurad under terms accopta.bte to Lender at Borrower'a e�ense end for lender's benefit A!1 �`, ', • � Y�v .�^
<br /> in5umrtrA paticles shat!inetu6�o�t ndmd martga�8e eisuse tn favor o!Lender.lendsr wUt�e namud ae losa Dnyao ar as tho insurad an any sueh . � ..i_
<br /> insurence poliry.Any:nsurenee procesde mry 6e e�ptied.wlthin Lender'a dlsaetlon,to atttser the restoration or repatr of the damaged 6roperty
<br /> a�to t4�e socured deLt.If Lesuder raquSraa mmrt8s9e nsurenca,Banower eprees to malrrtaln cuch ins�nanes 1or as tong aa Lender requires. ". . „ � f-
<br /> '-�•� A,pr��;ty.8orruwor tiviU kuap the OroportY In 9oad condftion artd meko all repaGe reasonabry nscassary. � ��
<br /> 6,�r+sn,Earrower s es to paY�lsnder's expena8s Inciuding reasoneDla attomeya'fees,if Bnrrawer bresxe anY cov�nts Fn ths dead _ �
<br /> of uuat or in any obti on secured by tNs dsed o!trwt�ortower wm pay thoss amoums to Lender as provi�ad in Covenant 8 of this Qead ot ,,
<br /> . trust. . .�. �` :a.�.T
<br /> s to any prta► •'V�;x��•; ;
<br /> c '-...a>,...y..�e.,.�-__..
<br /> 8.Pi2ov S�eVty iM�tuU.iln►asa Bosrowur frtsi obteina Lenda►'e writton consont.Bortower will not rceake or psrmit arry ct�enpe �-....�;,': : � ---
<br /> ''� saeurity lnterests.Barrowet wilf par(ortn aU of 6ortowafe ohfiQatians undtc any D►�or martga8o• deed of trust or othar sea�rityt agreamont. , . _.�;-�-=
<br /> � incfud'u�9 Eonowea's cavener�te to make paym¢�when due. ,. • , :
<br /> �,qsu�crt of Fturts�Ptof�o.Bano�vaf aw^�8�t0�nder the rerds and OroRta of the PTOptrty.Un:ess 8armwer and Lcnder have agreed ,.�, ;;='� �. :�=�T. �_
<br /> othe e in w►fttng.Bcrrower may cclisat and rete�n tnfl recrts as Iong as Bortowet ia not m do4a+�it. lf Borrowor defautts,Lender,Lendet's _.,:�..;
<br /> aptnt,ar a coivt aApointed recoiver m2y talce Pesoassion end manage ttre preparty and colfect Lha ronta My rerts LeadBr eollacts shal)be ,_ �'�"_-`
<br /> '` appJed fvst to the eesis ot managing tha tuopsrtY, induding eourt costs and attomeys' feas, commi3s:ons to rernal egerrts.artd aery oMer =,�_:�;'." ,
<br /> � ;.
<br /> '�•s' neeessaN re!atod expenses.7he remairtus��r-r�urrt of rertts�ndll then apply to payments on tha sac�red debt as Provtdsd in Covanant 1. : _..�, ,,�
<br /> , ,. -.� �y�.�____
<br /> a��'Cp�fpmitlitum%Ptwt�BC U.-:3 Cav:lo�;::.'sY�.Eonoever agrees to oom 1y with the provisic:ls of any tease if this deed of uust is on },�;g��_
<br /> a ieasehotd.l�tfiis desd o4 Mis4 ts on a unft in a condaer►Udum ar a pisnned unit�valopmem,Sanowsr wiU pertorm all of 8ovowar's dutie� -.w__ � .�, .,�
<br /> undei ffie covenarrts,bY-Iaws,ar rsgufaUona of the condarnSnIum or piarmad unit develapmertt. - -
<br /> �.... �S«�;`;:�;--..:
<br /> 8.AutharitY af LWid�r to Partorm tai Ba�owir.If Bonower fatls to�erform sny of Barrowars duUes under this desd ot UusL Ln4er may ',t��� �r�::,•:..,I�
<br /> �.�"�i'�,'"•zw�..�.. '
<br /> perferm tt��.�es a c�uae them to hs Perfarmed.Lender msy si�n Hwr�uveYs name or paY aml emount if�secexcarlf for PeAorrtear,ce.tf eny . < <,1��.�,,�--
<br /> ����n dsoptoperty(y diseorttinuad or not cartlad en in a reasara3o manner.Lender may do vt-�aMve►ls nesessary ta pratesx L�"nder's .,�,:. �;'s���`� '�
<br /> �����:�.
<br /> cowr i N i�.mat in th�DropeRV.Thls may tndude camAteiin8 the aonatru�.ran. ,"'» •� ,s4.�f� . . <-.; ,_
<br /> �; 't.. �+G"ct"'.'f'i'i`_l�
<br /> lenders 4a�lure to peRorm wiU not predude Lender fram c;msrcising eny of its oihm righta under the law ar This deed ef�ust. -_ _
<br /> •L Qm amounts paid Dy Lender to protect Lender's securitlr interest wiU Da secured by ttus deed of trust.Such emourts will be due an Qemand ',. �' .�r^:
<br /> and will bear iTrterest from the date of tne Daymertt u�l paTd in tuil at the irRarest rate in effaet on the securad deb� - . �.L-'+%,"-_---��
<br /> ::.;ti' • r,.. .�:.�.,.:_ '.:,
<br /> ' �p, Q�twit md pcc�bration.M Bortower is7s to make any palrment when due ar 6reaks any covenu�ta under this deed of vust or any � ,
<br /> � demand imme�diaat4e paymartt end may in oke th9 powei of aete a d anY c�ther remediss eDummed byt�ppllcabta law�of tha sewred deht and ; � ' -_
<br /> ' ,4 ' ; �:.
<br /> j�ie�����d���6a�cn ey�e!►E�son,esYset f�heetn.��ies of the notices ot defauft end eate De sent to each person wfio is a party ,: ��_'���•• _•;��; � -_
<br /> `,•.; , s,: + ;;:
<br />, �,� � �;=°-
<br /> 1�.Pow�r o!S�.If the Lender inwxes Lh�po�ve►af sale,the Trustee shnll ftrst rewrd in the�ffiee of dtia regiat�cr of deads of e�eh eoumV . ,
<br /> �;.
<br />.. wt�erotn ttEZ�vst D�oAertY ur some part as 6wcei thereaf is s(tuated a natice o!deiauit cor►is!ning ffiionand oi9o�P��or�is tes .Ths Trua�y r,.. �{ � �,
<br /> eha0 ataa Rsuil x�tes of tt►s notlee of�'aaY to tfia Bartower,to esch person who(s e party Fier F� ' f ii S ��•=�
<br /> ¢Apltcabte Gaav.Not Issa thsn ons momTe c+t�er the T:u�ea recards ths noUce nf detautt or two momhr if the trust praperty Es rmt in any �� : ;•., �; , __,.
<br /> �ssoo etod clty or vilta�and ts used in fa�r►finfl c •I�r�m3 camod pn by the truator,ffio�rustoe shaU give public natia of sete to thg persorw �,p.,; ;.:�;
<br /> e���e mannet p�esa�?s�bY ap�lleaLta law.Tss�.'�,.yertfiaut domand on Bortawar.eh�l sefl the ptoperht et D�S-nuatian taa the hfghost 't.�:..
<br /> GdQu.If req��ired by tYr3�:ar�m ttomzsmad Rotectia�Q�,Trus4ee shel)ofter the pro�tY in two ceparate sates es vaQu laus Ys�ca�ie. _�;',4�`:;,,`e•
<br /> Trusteo m�Y Fostpone ea�a7 ail ar arry parcei of the pc*xp�rtY bY Oub''.ce annour►cerr�ac the timn and placo of mV�P�'eY N .,;_,. ';�,si;:
<br /> lenQet or rts des3pnee maY V�►cAsse the FroAenY��Y sat�. �f'. ( ,
<br />,.,I.1 ; .�f.,,.:`
<br /> Upon racetpt oipaym eM of the prica 6i0.Tnutae shall Qetiver to the p�uchaser Trustoa s da�cam-c�,iu�p the property.The recftisis conteined tn ;
<br /> Truste0`m daed ahsll be pdmu facie evidience of the mrth o!tha stetements corrtained the�a�.x..�'.aa$hali apDty the proceeds of the salo in tha ..�:� �
<br /> foltowing order. (al to a!1 expenses o! the sate, iocludInp, but not limited to, reasonabi�Tru�es's fees, re�s�onabte attome�/o tees �nd ,�� _i . �; _
<br /> retnstatemerrt feea:(b)to atl sama seaaed by this deed of trust,and te)t�g be►anee,t!any,ta ttra porsans legafiy erttitled to reoetva R. R���� � =
<br /> `�� � q 3,F a c i e i o a�r�,qt�,ender'o opUon,this Qaed o!vust may he foraciosed in the manner provlQe by appl:caDio law for foreclosurA of mortpeQas ��_ _ �y ,,,
<br /> ' on reat proyerty. ��"�""�
<br />� ' 1�,�uppgcc�.Lend�r may enter the propnrty to inspect it ii tandar gfvea Borrowor notice Eeforehand.The noUce must suts t1�e reasonabte �-�_-• �
<br /> c�use tor I.ua�er's inepecdan. ""'
<br /> ,'!l�1�'"�.,��s�:
<br /> � 46.Co�matkn•Borrower�salgns to Lender tAs,proceeds o4 arry awerd or ctaim for dsmages co�x�sctb with a candemnaUon or otlw►taktnp �'��•_�,w.,_=".:'
<br /> ' ' of afl a any part of tDs�spenil.5��Ptaceeda�wll de�Dfled as ptovidod in Covenam 1.Thia asaipnmeM Is subjact to the tec'�a af any prla -`==° - {,ti.
<br /> j security a�esmertt. . ��+� '���'
<br /> . •. ..,.• . {.�;uFj•..
<br /> . ' 18.Wii��r.By oxeretsing atry remedy rac'1'lafo�e tv Under,tsnQer doae not piva up erry riphts to IaUr use ar�y other rema�Y.EU nat oxercisinp ; ,:, � iy/��r
<br />�.�,�:1; , ertyl�ameQy upon BoROwofe detauit,l��4rr.Qoes not waiva any rlgrt to later consTder the e��rtt a Qefauh if it happerm a0ain. .:�u+,�:�;,j��yy�`;�`�#}';iJ[�JF;�.;:
<br /> r(Dr.:v t{h
<br /> .. 17.JoitR�tb 3Mra1 Lts3i��y; Co-�s% Suce�s�ors rrd A�ii�u Baud. AII dWea under this deed o! tr�at ars lairrt and araeral. My -- -�'.�s�:.•.�:`���'h�'. .
<br /> Borrowsr who co-si�s �ts deed of trust but Qa�rvnt co-aipn the unded ny aef:e answmemtil doea ao onty to e►a►rt and cumrey thet �. .
<br /> Bartowsr's interest In tfs�rrvoperty to tha Trustee under the term{ya ot tNa��L•uxr hs a�ditlort,eueh e Etcrtower aQrees thrt the Londor and
<br /> arty other Bartowsr ur�r ahis Aeed of trust may sxtend,modi or make�c�^r�r:ch�ges in ths terme of thla dead of tru4t or the sec�ud �,_-"�
<br /> • - ae6t wFttwut tfiat gcrrowre�e conseM and wittwt.7 rakastnp that9orrower�:sn�:rrn9 af this deed o4 trust. �;-•��;��-- _
<br /> ; Tfte Qtrtlep and'benefite o!tlds Qead oi trust shaD bind and 6enefit Uie�ac�ssors and assipns of Leados ind Bortower. „_����. ; ;.�`'
<br /> --��:_--_-' -..
<br /> 1�.�.Unteaa otliarwise requirod by law,any notice to Borrower aha3 be given by detivering it or by mailinp ft by ctrtiTicd ma�a�Qrossefl to _—_�_
<br /> � Borrower at the pr�rtY a�J�ress or any other eddreas that Borrower ha�nivon to Lw-�er.Borrower w�0 pive a�ry rzodce to L�nde7'^�Y ce►titls0 ��i.,o,,�„
<br /> �� mail to UnQers �ss c�s0aps 1 af this daed ot Uus2.e►to any other adQras�wf�td�+tAnder has designated.Arcy�.dter noUce to lendar shtA ,,, r;,.
<br /> Uu ;,y;_,tw
<br /> bs aeM to LsndePa addre�c�s atsted on pape 1 of Utia�.oad of trus�t. . =-=��
<br /> ` � � Arry noUce nhs0 be deemed to hsvn been•�von to Bortower or LenQer when plven is1 Cac r'tanner stater��bove• �;;ti�;:__
<br /> . , ^•--^•^..-.:
<br /> '•':.:�,•� 19.TrarWf�r o!tf�ProputY a�������_����°�.If aN or eny pari of th�propen.�.r any i�st in ft i�sotd or uanatanad . ����r_:
<br /> Yvithaut Lender'a pt(or valtten conse�. C�nde►m�y dem�nd immedl�t� paymarn ct t1�secured tleDG Lender cr�ry ofso Q�mand im�n�Ciat� _ _______
<br />' • d mand paymerrt�ni Ua in�e BRuaU�a r"��t it�is8p�olu°�ite�d by teQirat tow�aa o4 the ds�Q thls�eedtot aun�o�� �owever. LeMer msy rt�t .:..�..�--.—
<br /> •� 20.R�eomnY+nc�•WK�z�a oEtigaticr seeured by thl�Eeed of trust has baen pai�,a�nd Lender has no fu►the► =UFgatlon to make advanxa - �
<br /> undel tl1n�iPSattumenffi ar eemeftts tur.Jred by thU deed of uust,tfie Trustoe ahall,upon writton raQuost b cn2_onda►,reconveV the t►us*. . +,^;
<br /> e y-..:e ot omer e•;r.t�-ce o!mo -c
<br /> propeity.lT�s LenQer ahall�t'Ner to tlti�Qortower,or to BovoweYo cuwesoor in intorest the uust��ed and tK . �..,�,i : !
<br /> obl(patlzr�setiEfled.Bortower sha11 G�f any rocordaUon coste.
<br /> .��c.r._.: ..:.�-
<br /> ' � 27.Suecusor TnutN. Landar, at lender's o�Uon, may remove Trustee a�d aDDOirtt a successor trusxa Cd '�rst, mailing a:.�DY of the � ;,�-� ,: .:3�:.
<br /> cubstttutlan of trustee as raqulred Ey appiicablo aw,and then,by fiting tha aubstitudon of wsteo for�ecord��L^�c('ri+x of the regiatnr of Qa6da . .
<br /> ' 01 each county fn whlch the Vust propa►tY.or oome part thereof,is situatod.The successor bustee,whhout cr.r.�ra7�ce of the property,shalt ` hY�tt; ::� ;z����_..
<br /> A
<br /> succeed to afl ths power,duUea,autho►i1Y end tiUe o}the Trustee�amed in the deed of ttust and of any eucca3scr+c:�tee. � .,. . -Y
<br /> �.'�..,r{��;j;;:.�: :
<br /> � . : ">:::���;3�;`:�. �'_� �__�
<br /> :.��.�.u�:::;�-�,
<br /> . - :�-.;;"�
<br /> �_ lpags T o111 . ...
<br /> ' pptt7(pLg SVS7IId9.LVC..5T.CLOUD.MN Ge,101 I1�DOOS97-23N1 FOflM OCP�IAT6t18 eAQl91 . � r~ t.�-..,
<br /> . . _ . . .. --..__ .. ..- _ ._.,�;. . . .. . _ -•-. .. , ,. . . ., . • . . '
<br /> �.... . p
<br />._ _._ _. .... . , ..� . - . . . . . . .
<br />� - .t. :4, t' �;A, .. . . " �, . . �. , _ ', � .. .t f- � t .. .,
<br /> _ 1 . .. . �� . . . .. .. .� . � . • . �.. ' ' . . . . . . �l . -- ' ' ��.... . ' . . _ . . .
<br />