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<br />�°`i; S. �Iazard or P�+og�erty Ensua'nnse. Bo�wer shaU k�p the improve�nts aow existing or I�rrafter ererted on th.
<br /> , Peo�eny insured ugainst loss by fire.hazards incfudod within chs te�n°estended coverage°and any othee hazards,insluding
<br /> .� Roods or flooding,for which Lender requires ins�rance.7'�is insurarsse shall tre maintain�in the amounts and for the periods
<br /> L'�at t,ezQ�. twia`it2S. ZTt2 ii,:,tff83f� C°.if3�f pPC:ridin�:he eatst��..nce sttsl!�ct�_� by B��rowsr�!bjest in�nder's a�roval
<br /> �vhish sh�lf noc be unreasonably wit�hesd.If�arro�ver fails to maintain cove�a;e descri(oed aaove. Lender may. at Le�er's
<br />.''' option.obrain coverage to protece Lender s ri�hts in the Pcaperty is�ascordance with paragraph 7. __
<br /> All insumnae go![cies and renewals sha11 bs acceptable to[.erider an�sl�atl[nclude a staredard mor�age clause. Lender
<br /> ` shall have the right to ho2d the policies and renewais.If Lender requires.Bc�rrouser shall promptly give to Lender all ceceipts of -
<br /> �. paid premiums and renewal notic�.s. dn the eveua of lass.Borrower shall give prompi notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. _
<br /> - i.ender r►sy rnaice p�oaf of toss if na�►�raiic PsomptlY hy Surrciwer.
<br /> UNess Lender and Botrower otDierwise agree in c�mting,insurance procee�s shall be applied to mswration or repair of the =
<br /> . Property damaged,if the restorarion or repair is eonnomirally feasible and Lender's securiry is not lessened_If the restoration or �
<br /> repair is not econaaucally feasitile or Lendei s security would 6e lessene�, the insurance pmceeds shall be applied w the sums
<br /> � secu�by this Security Instnrment, whether or aot thea due,with any excess paid to �orrower. If Horrower abancpons t6e
<br /> Property.or does not ansvrer witf�in 30 days a uotice from Lender that the insurance rarrier has offered to settle a daim, then
<br /> � Lxn�r may collect the insu�ance proceeds. Lender may use the proceed.s to repair or �tore the Froperty or to�ay sums
<br />" ' ss�vred by slus Security Instrument, whether or not then dae.The��-day period wi11 begin w6en the uaace is given. -
<br /> �''s Untess Lender and Borr+ower othernnse agree in writiL�_y..'v appliax��n of pmceeds to prisdpal shall nat�d or _
<br /> ' �ostpnae the dne date ai tha monihlY PaYmenu e�'��a ��ar.�-"-7,�s 1 sm3 2 or change the amoant af tfie rayar�r•.�s.If
<br />..��'~� ��er��h 21 the L�cvperty is�r�qaised by �x�.::.�..+�-�.�.�s T�-t ti��!��si:zat:��r;�ies and prooaeds�ur•ez _
<br /> ,, _ , _
<br /> - ;�: d;�a�r�:te-:��rape�tg�.oa to t!�:�rr��LSitin�s�u��..�s tv L.m:u;.��Lie e�u c;°'.r�°s�~5^�*ed 6g�,'4is�eauiitj 1�a�:: . . _
<br /> ��•'' rmssc�.��j(*riortot�e.�uisition.. : �. ..�.�: _
<br /> '::',�� 6.OoasPaac9,�Pr�aervati�a,Mafnteoaace s�n.s'�roYectIon of tIIse ��;i.ease7ta:ds.
<br /> r pt�l�t�r;�'titrua�$Laarr
<br /> S Borrower ska(!oocupy,e'sta6lish,ancZ use the Prag�as Borrower's princip-�1��idenre within sixty�ys�'�er the tzecution of
<br /> ; this Security Insmrment and shall continue to oaupy ihe Prope�ty as Bosower's principal residence for at least one year after
<br /> the date of occupancy,iuiless Lxnder otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shali not be unrzasonahly withhetd,or unless :
<br /> . ;,� eatenuating cir�umstanoes e�ist which are beyond Borrower's cantrol. Borrower shall not desuay, dasnage or impair the
<br /> Property, altow the Pcaperty to deteriorate. or commit waste on the Propary_ Borruwer shall be in default if any farfeiture -
<br /> . action or proceeding,whe�her civll or erimina�.is be�that in Leader's goo� faith judgment cm�td result in forfeihue of ti� .
<br /> � Property or atheawise materiully impair the lien created by this Securiay Insuument or Lender's sccurity interest.Borrower rt�y _
<br /> � cure such m default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.[ry causing the ac�fon or praaxding to be dismIssed with a ruling
<br /> � thnt. in Lender's gaod faith d�terminatian, preciudes forfeiture of the Bono�ver's interest in the Prapecty oz other materiai '
<br /> , impairmYnt of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lertder's security interest. Borcower shaU also be in dcfault if
<br /> : Borrower.during the[oan appUqtion pracess.gave m.�terially false or tnaccuratc iaforn�ation ar statements to Lender(or failed _
<br /> to provide Lender with any material information)in coratectior,wtth the loan evidenced by the Note.including.but noi limited =
<br /> to.r+eptaesematians conceming Borrower's oocupancy of the Property as a principa!restdeuce.[f this Security dnstruroent is on a
<br /> Ieasehold. Borrower shall compJy with all the provisions of the tease. If Borrower acquires fee tItle to the Ptopeity. tlte
<br /> • teasehold aad the fee 6tle sha�i nat merge unless L.es�ider agtees to ttie metger in writing.
<br /> ` ��• � 7.Ptotett�on of i�nder's Ytights ia the Ysroperty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agrPements contained�n
<br /> �:� �� this Security Insuument,or there is a tegal proceeding that may signific�tly affecc Leader's r�ghts in the Property(sucb as a
<br /> -� F proceecling.in bankruptcy,probate, for coademnation or forfeiture or to e�force laws or regulations),thea Lender may da and
<br /> . ' � pay for whatever is necessary to proted the value of the Froperty and I.�nder's rights in the Ptoperty. �.ender's actions rna�y :
<br /> .,,`Z? include paying any s�tts secured by a lien which �as piiority over tFris Security Insttumet�t, a�s�..-�g.in court; payit�
<br /> "�t' � reasonable attomeys'C�a�and eQtering onthe Pn�.N�y m.u�e r�psiirs.l�frl�sil.�t�L.ender may take acU.emf u.-nder this paragaplr. .
<br /> ' " � T.Le�er does noYha�-�ta do so. � . :: . . .
<br /> . � Any amounts dis'C�u:�.gd by B�v,�.r und:r t�:s paragraph 7 shall heao�e u�itiaaa�debt of Barrotiver secured by this
<br /> � ��.;: Secnriry instmment. ��y�s Borr��>:s.and[.en�-�r agree tQ other tenns of paymeat, tha�amounis shalt 6ear interest from the _
<br /> , , date of disbursemerd!i�tt�the Nute rate and shal��x payabte. with iruerest,upon notic� from I.ender to Borrower requestin�
<br /> . '' ' : Payment. .... ,
<br /> '..,� 8.Mortg�ge IaSa�v;ace.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the toan secured by this Secudry
<br /> . � Inscnu�+��.t�r. Borruwer shall pay the premiums regu'ued to maintain the mottgage insuronce in effect. If. for any reason,ti� -
<br /> , . mort��t:insurance aoveiage required by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums requited to _
<br /> obtain coverage substan�eally equivsilent to the mortgage insur�nce previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the _
<br /> • �•�, ;; wst to Borrower of che mortgage insurance previuusly in effect,from an eltcinate mortgage insurer approved by Lendec. Yf
<br />. `� sub�tantlally equivatent mortgage insuranoe coverage is nat avaitable.Borcower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal W _
<br /> �i one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance psemium beiag paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage-lapsed or ceased to =
<br /> '.' �,. 6e in effece.l,ender will arcept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insuranee. Loss reserve
<br /> �; Fotm 3028 8/90
<br /> i; oa�e3o+9
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