t i . . , . � . . .. -'ti?oE�'rpe...�b �,_ � ..+.r.�_��E' .-- _ �n . . .
<br /> i,� ----
<br /> - E!.2'��5=
<br /> _ • . � -_
<br /> . ri,"-�:__
<br /> . • Bo�rower crtay cure such a d�sull cnd reinsIIsie, a� pravlde� tn pars�ph t8, tiy causing tha aciton or praceedn� to be �'—���;
<br /> �'� ' 6tsmissed�Kdt�a rulinfl tt►at tn Lcndrfa goo�t3fth QaYeimination, Pre�:des taddture oi tho Bartower's Irttaras4 ln Ute Prog�'ty o� �..
<br /> tstpter ma.tattal Imgalrm2nt of the fl�er�ted 6y thl� Secun'4y h►strum.ent or Le�zds�s securfty tntsr�t Borrovrq shaD e(so bo In �_�
<br /> . . ctafwit(4 Borsawer.dcif�np the lcen op��caL'an proce�s,gaue ms2er�.Ry 4atse ar inu�cueate I�fortraUos�m at�temerte to l�der(er �;rk:
<br /> ' teSed to grov(de Lender w(th �cry maicrt�l IntatmzL'on)in conr�ctton rri4h tha�Ioan cvidcn�d by tho P3ot0. lnclu�ng. but rtat �,,.�`,�
<br /> Cm�ied to, rr.�re�es�tstlana eanc�,m:�g Barrctiyer'� a�cu�aney o1 the Froperty as s pf�nelpaf rasldartca. il th[� Seaurfty
<br /> tnstrum�rt i9 on o t¢zsohotd. 6onawe� �� c���y K;'�s ao tR:, ,�re:�ls:a« e!it� �.�.Q tt Eo�cr��e�wres tee tale to tha� �`.
<br /> �. proyerty,the t�aset�otd artQ ths tae t�ie eh�3!not mcrgo un�^�Lcndcr a�ers to tho mErg�r tn ertLhiQ. � �..
<br /> 7. Protea4lan o!Lendsr's R1�6�4a tn ti�s Pro�ar4y.u Bnrmwa� t�s io pFrtamn the covenants and a�eemerrts
<br /> rt �f�y_
<br /> cant�fnad In thf� Secucity lnsVument, or ffiere Is a te�f pro�g that msy a1g�iIIo�nBY a}lec1 Lendda�ights In the Prflperly �._;�
<br />• (suel�w s pmeeeda►g tn banlcruDtel►.V��.�r eendemnaHon nT toAefur�or to entozca t�t�ve or r¢gutstlor►s).ti�� Lender r�ay � ,-..
<br />' do and pay tor wRffie�rer Is neeessary Eo protcct tho vaJue ef the Properry and Lender's�ighto In the RropeRy_ Lender's seUons '
<br /> '.: may �ndude p�'sig eny sums eecured by a Uen +�fifch has prtadty airer thls Seauttty tnuwment, appeering in court. payln� �
<br />'�`<°: resson�e ettomeys'tee� anQ entEring an the Property tb mske repatrs.Attheugh Lc:�der tn�y tuke actlan under tnis paragraph - A
<br /> 7,Lender daes not ha�e to do so. �' `,
<br /> Any nmonnts disbursed by LEndcr under parFS�nph 7 shhcs!!1 bewme adQ'dlonef debt of Bmrawar seeured by this Security � �
<br /> tnstrument UnJess Bo:row�and Lender agsee ta other terms of payment these am�unt� shaY beu int�est from the date et --°_=
<br /> �.a: disbursemant at the Note rnte and ata�l be payabte.with k�te+est. upon notics trom l�der to Bortow�mquesfin9 payment —n•�v
<br /> � 8. MoRqaga Insurartao. If t.�ndet requtred martg�ge insurance as a con�tlon a1�ktng the toan secured by thts _,-.;..
<br /> Eearity tnstrumenL Barro+ver sha8 pay the prernlums regu(red to m�tatn the martqage insurance in eHeci.If.for eny reoson,tho �_.==_
<br /> mortgage tnsurarece covaage requUed by Lend�Iapsas er ceasos to Qa ln eftecl. Botmwer sha9 pay the prem'urtss requSred to �`�.�
<br /> obtatn coverti3s subs4artttstiy eyuivaJeM to the mortgage tnsurerece prevlousty in�;fact, at a cost subs�r�4iuQy equtvat�t to tha ---:
<br /> cost to Borroti+rer oi the mortgaqe Inswat►ce preulousty tn eRect,from en altemate moRgnge Inaarer epptoved by Lender. ft �.,.,.
<br /> substentL�t equNaIant mas[gage tnsurence eoverage Is not evaitabte. Borrawer sh�d pay to l.ender eacfi mo�rth n sum equal to ---
<br /> __ anedwe8th ot the yesrty mortgape insurance pr�ndum befng p�id by Bortower when Utie ir�ur�ca cavxaga 4,�sed ar�ta �
<br /> be in etiect Lender vr�acceyx use and retatn these paymerrts as a losa resenre tn Ceu e!martgage(nsuraneo. Loss resenre —
<br /> payments may no longer be requ(r�d,at tha opUon a4 la+nder,B mcrtqstge tnsupancc�coveags Qn tfie amourt artd tor tho pertad �`"�
<br /> tAtt Lende►nequifes)Pravided by an lnsutef epproved by Len�agakf beoomes�vaifaAte and ts ohmtned. Bnrmwer s4ta9 pay
<br /> the prmniums rec�i�ed to matntatn maRguyr�r+surance h eftect, or to prov:de a toss reserva,nntH the requfcem�t tor mart�ge =
<br /> tnsuranca ends!n nceoMmce wtth e�/i��agrement betweEn Bartower and tender ar e�p9aibte�ra. - -
<br /> 9. Infpootlon.Lende�or fts agent may make reasos�abte entrtss upon end InspeGkns of ffia Roperry. lendv sha0 glva ��''_
<br /> ��`� Hortower nattce at tha tkne ot ar pdor to en inspedton specitytng reasonabfe cause tor the tnspeet�on. —�
<br />°;'",�' ' 10. Condomnati0tl.Ttie proceeds o!any award or cia�m tor damages,dfrect er consequenttoi.In connecdan with any d6''��..r�—'
<br /> `,,'ti;7. —
<br /> ,;:y, et�ndemnatfon or otf���g a1 any part a!the Prapedy, or for conveyance In Ueu ot condamatlon.ate here�by asssl�ed end
<br />:�"'�`� shab ba p�d to tender. �
<br /> t.�,: In tha event of a total,taking of �e Rmperty, the proeeeds sha0 be appRed to the sums seaued by thb Securfty
<br /> lnskument,whether as not then Que,wth atry excess paid 4o Bono►ver. In the evant o!a pa�tid Uking of the Propetty tn wh[cZ� �.
<br /> the faU mattcet v�s ot th,��roperty imme�etety bettara the taking ts eq�tal to or g.�ei�thsn the amount of the scu�seai�ec! �-
<br /> a
<br /> � by this Seair(ty tnstrume�t �Ltine�atety batoro the taWng. untess Barrower and Ran�ar otherwtae a�ee k� w�ng,�ha atna �'�
<br /> secured by thta Sewrfty i:.�r�nent shaD Es reduced by tl�e emourtt of the procee�s mult`.:pNed by the foBawYeg fl�n: (a)the �siu°-
<br /> ' �� tota!amount of the sums secureo lrts�.�23y betore tha taWng, dhl'�d by(b)the#ah maricet v+�e of tha Frope�y�txnediztely __
<br /> ' ;:� befnre the teklrtg.My ba{ance shaD ba p¢i�to Borrowe�(n the ever.".�rt a paiflal t�3�,.hg o!ihe Propetty in whlcn the Wr rtuAcet �''"
<br /> `�`�`` vaiue ot the Property(rtxttedately betore the taidnfl ts tess lnan tAa�rratimt ot the�surs�ce�arred inmt�edia'.ely 62'xathe WJng. �=
<br /> •.'�,�� .. unless Botrower end I.�:�r ot4�dwise agree In w6tfng ar unless appQcahte taw o�h�wise pro�. tAe prccr�tl� shaN ba
<br /> ,'. '� a�spYed to tAe sums seru:�d by this 3c�curfry tnswment whelh�or not the sume are tlr�n due. �-
<br /> . •�' � � H the Properiy ts abandoned�y BoRawe►.or B. after noUce by Lender to Borrower that the conQemnor afiz�to make an �4`
<br /> •;"A award or sedle a cia:m tor daznayas. Borrawer fa9s to respond to l.enda wfthln 30 days efter the date the na�fCe ts yAren, _
<br /> "�'�'�� ` Lender ts authaized to copect end appty the proceedo,ai fts opUon, c�tl�er to reatoretton or repak.of the Prope�4y►_ar to the
<br /> �{' •gums secured by thfs 3ec�AtSt tnstrumaiL whetha or not then due. �
<br /> Uniess Lander and I�::uwer otherwtss o�ee In wriUny, any apPQcatton o! prosesds to prtnc�l shd nuE ext�snd or !
<br /> i post�cone the due d�:e a'•�Ara monthN P+Ym�retarred to tn paragaphs 1 and 2 or ohsngA the amount of auah�jm�ts. —
<br /> .' � 11. Barrawar Not Ral�ased; Forbvuanc� By Landor Not a W�1�rssr.6Qenslan ot the uma r�r�syment or -
<br /> �' ��'' moditkasicr.:of artwrtiuUon of the s�ans aeeurod by this Secur(ty(nstrument Sranted Dy Lander to a.y successot in htarst at �"
<br /> `���i� � Bonnwes�a1i nat operata to rotease tP.��b�ily ot ths ortcyntl Borravra or Borrawera success;�s��rteresL lendsr sFw9 not �
<br /> � � , t� �aqutrg�*,� cort�rtence Drocae�IIr��1nst any suce�rssor In interest or retuse to e�Rr�tr1�iens !or pIIyrlteii ar othawlse '
<br /> . modHy�mnr�f'ion of ths sums secura��y thts Security Inswm�t.by reason ot cy�d ma�by tKa ot�r�8arrower or �3?`'
<br /> Borrowar's aucceasors irt�imltnsl. A�y�forb�arotice by LenQer in exerdsinD any �,;j?n�r tentec�j aha11 nat ba a waivcx ot or
<br /> • Predude ine acerclse o1 ury�;g1i2 or caredy. .
<br /> ,,:;�; . 12. Succ�ssors �nd As�ig�s 9ouad: .t�:r2 aar@�ev�raf Llabitity; Co�7��*,�ra The cwen�.nd �
<br /> }� ' agreernen�of this Secucity tnsbvmertt.sF.aD bind end 6meIIt the slva�m..sars�nd asst�s ot I.en�i wns Borrawer,�nbject to the
<br /> L,.',i4; provisians of pan�aph 17. Borrowefs covenants and a�eemen�s�rrUi be joint er y sev�al. F..�.ry+:�anrmer who ao-st�a thia � �';
<br /> � �3ecufty instrure[etri E�tt Ckuus�not exacute ths Nate: (a)u coalgnin��`�is Secwfity izi�br�asertt ony to mortgUps.g�i:�nd eomray ---
<br /> � that B�rrawa'a intereas�cn r:he Properly under the terms of thts Secs.-�'�tnat�mer� �,'�) t�not person�Yy at.iig�ucr�90 pay the _
<br /> �. . sum�securod by thi9 Se+cvr(ry fnaVUmen� and(e)��es that t.�rti�and any otRa,3arower�y e�ee to e7dend. modiy,
<br /> •• " tattiar ca^:ako aay accommodatlons wfth regaN to tAe terms ot tt�.�.,ecurtry Ins*JUment or the Oircea without that Borrower's �'`�'
<br /> '�:tiS'�ft�; conaeRt. • _
<br /> r}�.:�, 13. (�?it1 Clfi��YA tl ttle Iosn sECUred by ihts Sacuriry �rstrumem Is s:..'*:eet to =flew wldeb seb�m lo�n
<br /> .e;�.::
<br /> , chargRa. ind that taw Is tkqSty hterpretad so thst the krterest or ather toan ch�rgea ar.l�e�ted tcr t�ba ooYeeeed frc eonne�tion
<br /> �a:;:;;;.
<br /> with tha toen �cceed tte perrt�tted furJte.A`�en: (a) arry such loan charqe sha�ba cudt�r:d by tPo a,z:acrd n2cc�.my�to roduco =•�-,-
<br />• the ch�rs so .the pertNtted Ymi� artd @) any sums aiteady eaCecL.�-Q from Bortok�aihicA ea�:d pertr�ted C�ts w9t be _�
<br /> reh,�ded ro[3:ROwer. Lender may choose to make this r�fiu�d Esy rr�xdng the phndpa!owed un�C�tJie Noto or by maWng a � -----
<br /> • direct �aynm►�n To Borrower. H a re1Und reduces princlpal,the redr�ifGn wA be treated as a �:al prepayment witnout arry
<br /> P�YmoM eharge urtdet 4}a Nota. �`..,.�.
<br /> � � 14. NOtiCas.Any r.cZCe to Borrowe►provlded tor In tAle Securiiy Instrumert sta7 be given by Qeilvedng ft or Ey ma�ing il �!;:i
<br /> by f�st ctass maN un�+�pOcobte law requires use ot enoth� methad. Tha notice sha9 be duected to the Propedy Address --
<br /> . or�ny cther sddress Bnrrawer desf�ates by notice to Lender. Any noUca to Lender shaA be gtven by firat clasa meH to ----�
<br /> Lende�s address siated heretn or erry other address Lender dostgnate3 by noUco to Bortower. My noUce provlded tor in this
<br /> : . Security InsLUment shaY be deemed to have been glven to Borrower or Lender when given as provided(n this para�eph. -.-
<br /> 95. �OVeTnlPig I.aW S�ve!'ibllity. This Se�ufiry Instrument sha0 be govemed by tederai Inv� end the law o}the
<br /> juds�Gction fn which tfte Propedy is lacated In the eveni that any proviElon or ctauso 01 thts S�ecurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> ' ' corr�'d3�ritb ap�Occbls tm�, auch connct shaD not aftect other provisions of this Seaufry Instrument or the t+totu rvhlch can be �=
<br /> gtven aHect without the eonfficUng provtston.To thls end the provisions o1 this Sea�rfly fnsbument and the Ma2e are dectared to �--;_
<br /> ' be se�erablo.
<br /> 16. BOr�owe�'8 COpy.Bortower shaU bo gtven ono eonfortned copy a1 the Note and ot thts Securtty InsM�ment
<br /> . ['._.:_'
<br /> /�J��/'���/ ai w
<br />� - �. F�21R 1 M1t(i riA61 Paca 3 of 5 � �'�" e"+'-�
<br /> , - 'ci,-
<br /> ��.
<br /> �x�,
<br /> I ° . 96030 �.���
<br /> .. � . . . ' ,..
<br /> � . ..'�� . '. • . ' .. ' ... .. , ... `. . _ .. ' , ••��, . .. . ,. . ,.. ' .
<br />