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�v.Fjs��.,� �.,rl�,i . I�,, ;F; �',r '^' _.� iil',:• .. ' „ ' _ ',�+<i���?If . <br /> o- :EN+ <br /> ' �I� r � c''1Ce. r� U c! �r,v_ ._ <br /> . t�,� r�pj'tak;r �.�...,..y� . -- �. u...ic_n� - . <br /> �'�*, �� • > �S{/`4 �--� �.–�T ..-- <br /> �L',i r.a.�:� . <br /> _ ('�+•�:"• _ — <br /> v <br /> ..- <br /> .L �aLi --aF, -. <br /> . i,1:a.Sb&+i::' . ,._.�� W..,� . .«..'d31g"n <br /> . ,F- 't��te{�.: <br /> .,.:� ?.�rv:�- . ' . <br /> • . ... c,,�;{,. . ., .���vn�Y�__ _.-� <br /> ''�.. .� - ...c � "--— <br /> ,���X'.�f��� �� <br /> i}ry.— -�.�.� �� �'���IIi11CCS. <br /> • � � TO(3ETH�R WITH all�he improvemen4g �w or hercaf�cr erected on ihe praperty.and u 1 caccme , <br /> :�k ' � :� sind fixlures now ar hereAi�er u part of�he propetty. All rep1accmentR and udditians�hall ulso be covered by this SecuritY <br /> ,:�;: ;�M,��.y:• Insuument. All of the faregoing�s nferrcd ta in lhix Sccurity Instrumcnt a�ihc"ProPeAy.., _ <br /> - � BARROWER CUV�NANTS thut Bortuwcr is luwfully r,eised of'the extntc hemby convcycJ and hus�hc right to grrnt <br /> i�_,;;..w„,,,..,,;n,.. . , and convey the Pmpeny and that the Property is unencumbered.except far encumbmncec of re�:ard. 8ortower warrwits nnd <br /> _.__._�__.,_ f _ _ Wi�����d generolly the title to the i'r�pcKy a8ainst nll claims nnd ckmundg,suhject to pny encumbrances of�ecord. G_ _ <br /> ..+�;�14ws•'-cih���• _ <br /> n .,k.s.�_, _.ti ..: ' THiS SECURITY INSTItUMENT combines umFarm caven�nts fnr nuda�nl use nnd non-uniform ca�enwNx witb <br /> limited vuriations by juriuliction to canrlilute a uniform�ecurity insUUment covering rcAI property. <br /> �� "'"'"`� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower ond Lender covenAnt ond pB�As fallows: -- <br /> ��.., '.' p P Y PpY �. <br /> � .�����,•�' � ��' 1. Payment ot Princlpal and Interest;P�ept�yment�nd L�te Chug�s. Borrower shnll rom 11 when due�he _ <br />�'' �=''� '" 'i princip I af and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nate�nd nny prepayment and late charges due under the Noto. � <br /> . . . � � <br /> '��"�: °��•� • • ' 2. FL�ds for Taxes and Insurance. Su6jecl la upplicaMe luw or to A written waiver by l.ender,Born►wer shs�ll pay to <br /> ' l.ender on the dny monthly paymenls arc due under the Nrne,until the Note is puid in fnll,u�uo�':Yund�'�arl� leu chold � <br /> , . � tnxes und astietismenta which muy auain priority over Ihis Secu�ity Instrument as a lien on the Pro h ��b�y earl flood -- <br />�. ,; � � - payments or ground rents on the Pruperty. if any: (cl yeady hazard ar property iasuranc um�ma ble1b� Borrawer ta ���'� <br /> • , .,��• insuronce prcmiums, if any: (cl ycurly mongage insurnnce premiums, if uny; and 1fl a�Y •� p Y Y. <br /> •°,.,, l.ender,in accardance with the provisions ol pArngmph n,in lieu of Ihe payment o(martgage in�urnnce prem�ums. 97�ese 6�: <br /> :•;,,, items arc called"Escrow Items.' Lendcr may,at uny ume.callec�and huld Funds in an umaunt no�to exceed the maximum �;,,� <br />�-__ �'�_.�'•r :t�.�.�';:;:• ..-�; amoum a lende�for a federnlly related modguge loan mAy require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real �-_- <br /> `' '''` �""•'�"'?�': Nsu►ce Senlement Pnx:eJures Rct af 19T4 a.c amended from time t��ime, 12 U.S.C.4 2601 e�srq.("RFSPA"),unless unother �:__ <br /> ` , `�:s:;i�'•=(t;` <br /> ..,��,. luw that Applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If sa,Lendcr may,ut�ny time.collect and ho�d Funds in nn amoun�nat to �_� <br /> �x.__.. <br /> ' ��.; ��',;:� ` exceed the lesser umoum. l.ender may estimute the umount of Funds due on �he bnsis oi'cuaent daro And reasaneble --_ <br /> � ' � estimates of expendi�eres af fu�ure Escrow Item�or olherwise in uccordance wiih applicab{e law- "� <br /> � �,, � The Funds shnll be held in un institutio� whose deposi�s nre insured by a federol agrney, invrc�:men�ality. or entity , <br /> .�:= <br /> 4in�:6�ding Lender,if Lender iz such an instiwtionl or in any Federal Home LoAn Bunk. Ix�dr�sha��apP1Y the Funds to pay .�y.� <br /> the ��.�row Items. Lendcr muy not chargc Borrowcr for holding und applying the Funds,unnually anulyzing the e�o�w � <br /> • � �-c*u�t, or verifying �he Escrow Items, unless Lender pay+ Borrower interest on the Fu�xis And applicable luw p�m�i�s <br /> •.,.,.;.',n,:.;= ' . •Lender lo muke such a churge. However.Lender may require Borrower�o pay a one-time charge for an iadependent teal _—. <br />� . ;.;�:.�•„t..,_•..,,�� eslate tax reporting krvice used by Lende�in connection with this laun.unle�s applicable Inw provides otherwise. Unksa an � " <br /> '�,`r °�., . , agreement is made or upplicnble luw requirec inlcrcst to be puid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower uny intere�t cx ` _ <br /> �• eamings an the Funds. Borrower and l.ender may agree in writing,however,that iMerest shAll be paid on the Fund�. l.cnder �„_ <br /> :�f.: >>�. s ha 9��+ve to Borrower,wilhciut charge,an annuul uccaunting u V t he Funds,showin g etedi�s and debits to the Funds and the <br /> ' %��:��.•' , •. – purpose for which each debit to the�unds waa madc. The fun:�arc pledSed as�!�"'"s'��u d ry fa r u l l sums secured by �#;�' <br /> � � .;;�i. ' this Sc�curity Instrument. �;'� <br /> ' � lf the Funds held by Lender exceed the sr.:�uunts permhted to be held by upplicablc law. Lendcr shall uccount to �f_ <br /> �� • Borrower for the excesx Fundti in accordunce wi�h�he requirementx of�pplicnble IAw. lf the umount of the Funds held by <br /> " ' � Lender nt uny time is not sufficient to puy the �scrow Items when due,l.ender may xo notify Borrower in writing,and. in � <br /> such case Bormwer shull pay to Lender the umount ncces�ary to mukc up the deficienty. Barrower sbnll muke up the <br /> ;�.,h+r• � �+. deficiency in no more thnn�welv�momhly puymcnt.,ut Lendre s,ole discretion. __ <br /> �: ' . ,ri�.. Upon payment in full of nll sumx secured by this Sccurity Instrumcnl.Lender shull prompQy rcfund to Borrower suiy im,-- <br /> �";;,��• „ Funds held by Lendcr. If,undcr puragruph 21,Lendcr�hall acyuire or sell Ihe Property.Lender.prior to the acquisition or �_ <br /> �2" sale of the Property,shall upply uny Fund,held by Lender nt�he time of Acyuisition or sale a� u creciit ugainst Ihe sum+ �, <br /> �-, <br /> � • �' secured by this 5ecudty Insaument. <br /> "';,,a,,_ 3. AppUcAtion of Paymenls. Unlc+s upplicablc luw provide.r othcrwi,c,all payments reccived by l.ender under �_;: <br /> - paragruphx I and 2 shull be upplied: fint,to uny prepaymenl churge+due un�k:��the Note;seconJ,to amaunts payable under � <br /> - � paragraph 2;third,to intercst duc;fourt h,to principu l duc;un d l ax t,�o a n y l u t r c h a r g es duc under thc Notc. _� <br /> 4. Charges: Liens. Borruwcr shall pay aU tnxes, usse�smrm�,churge,. finex and impositions attributablc to �he �__ <br />• v;.. Property which may ntwin priority over thi.Sccuriry Instrument,and Ica�ehold puyment.or ground rcnts,ii'any. Borrower �__ <br /> ` shall pay these obligutions in the manncr provided in purugraph 2.��r if n�►t paid in that munner,Borrower shnll pay them on �.;. <br /> � lime direcdy to thc penon uwed paymcnt. Bonowcr shaU promptly furni.h to Lcnder all notires of amounls to he paid under �,�;; <br /> . 6" this parugrnph. lf Borrower make�these payment�din�cdy.Bonower shull promptly fumish io Lender rcrciptti eviclencing <br /> � <br /> . . � � ''r;, . . the payments. �,� <br /> . Borcower shull prompNy dischargc uny licn which hu+priori�y ovcr thi.Securiry In�trumcnt unless Bi�rrower.(u)agrees �., <br />� � .. in writing to the payment of the c�bligation sccurcd by ihc licn in a mimner ucceptnble tu Lendcr,lb)rontestz in g«id fAilh 1he _ <br /> �`�i�:'�.:�.� lien by,or detends agninnl enforcemcnt of th�lien in,Iegul pnxcedings which in thr Lendrr's opiniun operate to pn:vent 1he _ - <br /> ;,, enforcement of the lien;or lc)secure.frum the holder of the lien an ugrcement +;ui+t'ac�ury to Lender subordinatinF the lien � <br /> � � to this Security Instrument. If l.ender detemiines that any pun of the Prupeny i�+ubject to a licn ahich may altuin priority �;;.,� <br /> '. , over thi�Securiry Instrument.Lendcr may @ive BoROwcr•r noticc idcntifying thc licn. Borrowcr+hall�a�isfy the lien or take <br /> one or morc of the actionti+rt fohh atwvc within 10 duys ol'thc giving of naticc. <br /> S. Haz�rd or Property losurance. Born�wcr�hull I�crp the improvrmrnts n��w exi�ting un c�rcaftcr crec�ed on the <br /> � Propeny insured against Ios�by Gre,hucurds induJeJ within the temi°rxlendrd ci►verugd'and any ather haiard�,including <br /> floocls or fluoding, fi►r whith Lendcr rryuire� in+uran�c. Tltiis intiurancc �hall Ix m.�inl:iined in the vm��unt+ and for �he <br />�' .♦ � f3� � <br /> Form�0211 9190 1/wKe.r J n/wa I . <br /> • r <br /> , � <br /> I ::`.: , � <br />� <br /> � .. t_...__—_ -. _. . . . . <br /> . <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> i <br /> , ' �.J <br />