.. � '�i�+'� �• Y,�i i-tF{ �' • �-- � �
<br /> r ' � _
<br /> . r +�f �,a .�.�'�.! 1H� �.1�� (111 L���__
<br /> 'A n.< <.. 1+':R74 .:�'� ' �y,����: '� ..................,........... 1'�.i;��
<br /> I .-4i�n+.� , � � ..�
<br /> I� . :�.wri,o... ... ,;.4p'r br..n..• � , _. �'s"'a - -_ �-'--
<br /> �1:�r,...,.:•NO._,:.�.... . 'i+ t.: ;,,j• �,, .. �.�...T,-
<br /> �_�
<br /> . _ . �,-�.
<br /> � . - 92- 1�174!� - -
<br /> ' � • d. Tha sbov� a�aaunt 1s ��cur�d �v�n �hou�h �11 or psrt ot it may not yot b� advenc�d. �r-,�___
<br /> - " Futur� advane�s und�r th� s�r��nt �r� cont�plet�d and w111 b� s�cur�d to th� a� �xt�nt
<br /> � � ` �s it �ad� on th� dat� thla dMd ot x�ust 1s �x�cut�d.
<br /> � . c�
<br /> , �
<br /> t. To a�rbu du�, td�pHacip�l ot� u0 t!u 1oGrut a, tM Ud�buduss�rld�ec�d!r tM rot�, chulef, In�ul�ll etMr�rn u I�rIMI �-=�-.--�_���--�-_ _
<br /> 1�tM lou intnM�ts.
<br /> � � t, in�tas�n tM o���rs ot tiw oroNrt� ul�a�tM rl�t ul atMorit�to���w�t�t11s ONI oi init i�nsatt to tM oroNrty, F� -�`�,�,,�„;�
<br /> . �. io pq, rl�a du, �ll tua, �ci�l asut�t�u!dl otMr cA�ry�����1��t tA��roprh, aton tM aw Mcw d�llwwt. in�ton t . ' f � �..���:���-
<br /> � �11 A���11 tuu ul u�s��t��Aich w�M UrIN�la�ficiuy'� 1�t�rut Mnio or o00�tbi�a�d of Trust or tM d�lt�anl Mnlf, --
<br /> MitMat nyul to ur la th�t ut q uuhd iyo�i��pywt of th�rbol�or ut O�n�Mrat�oa tM Nufieiur. '�"�r:�=--1U-�,
<br /> 4. io 1ao tM iyro�w�ts�or or Mndt�r Iot�t�0 0�tb�proP�►t1 i���r�d���Ust d�up Ey Hn ud sud�otMr Muirls u tM�NufiNuy �'���'�'�'`"
<br /> � W�nauln� 1�uw�tti ul copaUs uaot�bU to tu WwNci�ry,5od i��ruu Oolle�wll cat�t���tulud�ort��� olus�1� hror of.`_ --=- ---:
<br /> NMtici�ry. trutor�hdl oraotlr n�dr, utaat� ur no�u.w o�onn�or ur pn twnot, w tM�t,�rcqt for orlb�ry w�r W tur, NI� �q.t_m�=•^•�
<br /> oroMn��h�ll�ot d�t�Hont�. " T� "
<br /> f. I� tM a�t tM Proart�,or uy p�n tMrw�, sh�ll b�t�ku�Oy NUat doui�� tM W��Hciuy i���tttltl to to11Kt ud nulr��Il .��,�.-._-, :
<br /> Coyus�tlo��1CA u�110�10 tor u�proplrtr t�k�1 ot fot 1WN�to�roNnl �ot t1tq� ud tM M��Hoi�►y�M�1)yl�l f�1 Calpu�tla� �t It1
<br /> � o�tk�, �itMr to t nd�eNo�ot tl� i�t�l��s�uo�nl Mnly� or to npNr ud mton tM vroant a t�ka. ."°`_:�'�
<br /> i. iM Iu�Nei�ry Wy� Mt f�dl hw��o o1HOitia to,do u�ut�M1ch Tro�ton h�q��n�d but f�i1b to do,ul tM i���Nciur wy �la 10 . :r,:._-�.�:�
<br /> u�ut it d�as Mass�r�to orotkt tlu Hn Mr�of. T�ustors iorw to na�, �po�duu�0, uy uus�o aoudM by tM M�diciu�Po�tM1 �bor� � ,. ._ ``
<br /> Orrloas,ad uy a�so aoud�d �h�ll M�Ed�to tM�1�bt�0�as uc�rb Mnb�ud NcoM ucrrN by tlu Hu wr�ot, iM lu�fictu��A�II�o . 4` '��"
<br /> i�ur a�11�bilft�b�uw�of wythio�it u�do or ait to do hr�a�d�r. . , ''' ��
<br /> 1. TM tu�fitiuy�h�ll h�r�th�rfyht, powr ul�utborlty Err1�0 th�co�ti�ruc� oi tMs a�d of Trrst to collut tM n�tt, ts�u�u/ ..�.�,.�:� �
<br /> � orotit�of tM proarty ud ot�n�p�rso��l prop�rt� loc�t�d tMno�rith or rithwt t�ki��po��asiw of th�vrowrtr�ItutN h�nbr, ud Tr�stors �+���
<br /> Mnby �6�oluU1�ud u�ta�ditlo��llr�ssiy��ll ucb n�ta, Usu��ud OroHts to tM b���Hci�r�, TM buNticiuy�hora�r,I�rd�co��uts to .. • " _:=-
<br /> • irn�tors'colhctia ud nt„tia ot ach mts, Issuu o�d OroHts, �o lae9 n Tr��ta� u��ot, �t iucA i1N, U dd�ult rith r�ct to O��t ot -�"`"��
<br /> ,,
<br /> uy 1�d�It�OM�s s�wrb MraE�, or�� c�v�rronuu or ur��ru�ut Mn���r, It uy�rat ot d�f�rlt dncrib�d Mmita i� n�p��t to tAis r
<br /> Ohd ot Trust sh�ll Mtr�otc�tnd ud a co�tl��ia�, t�l�I��C11fy, �s�utt�r ot ri��t ud�itbout�otic�to irostora or M�w�clti�iq��lu � ,
<br /> Tn�ton,ud rltAort re�rd to t��rala�oP tM trost�st�t�or tM i�Nn�t of tM instas tMnia, �lull p�r�th�ri�ht to�ol�to u�wrn � ..i.��{;� �
<br /> -- . Mai��juisdictio�to�p0oi�t� ru�i��r of ii��rop��t�. � J ' _---�;
<br /> ' 1. Th�lu�flci�ry,or its ��e�ts, are wthorit�d to at�r�t u� nuo��bl�tiN upo�or in ay p�rt ot tM prop�rt� far tM orroop ot
<br /> t�s��etta�tM su�ud tor tM purpo��of p�rfonM� a�ot tM uts tluy m �utlaHul ta prfan u�d�r tM t�ns of u� lou latrwuts�N�t�d � � -- _
<br /> � b�Trustors. �`�`
<br /> ..`�� .:�_
<br /> !. If tll or ur 0�<<ot th�proWrt�or u�fatunt of irottors is sold, tr���hrnd or funh�r acwb�nd ritho�t th��rittn cau�t of ���"•`; •
<br /> tA�i�n�flci�ry, tM uadiciuy u�dulu��11 ��s f�cund 1� this T�rst DNd ta b�iwdac.�r aw�oe o�r���+�a orou�a to c��n,win � � ,,... �_
<br /> �r�f 1�E 1�t o i t u e d�r t A�d�t w l t p r o�i s i o e a e o�t tl a�d M n U. � • � `" � �
<br /> � 11. I�y o( tM�fol lort�y��ats sh�l l b�d�ual ��rut ot Edalt Mnnnd�r: , `r� � �
<br /> �. Trustors sA�ll hae hile0 to ub pqN�t o(u� t��tillM�t of priutp�l or i�ta�st or uy athu�ws acu�d Mnb�rM�da; , �� �� �'
<br /> 1, ihere h��ouornd t bnuh ot or d�hnit rad�r uy tm, co���ut, �pnuMOt, co�0 1t ioa, Orov is ioa, npnp�t�t 1w or rvru t�ca t�i�N � ; .�_- -
<br /> in this Cad of irust, tA��ot�or a� otMr lo�n t�strwut wcur�d MnE�; -
<br /> c. iMn Mu��Nfwlt bi tM Tn�tors 1�tM O�IMet ot u�Ortor or sult�qw�t 11�or�acwbr�aa ie nt�ct to�ll or M10�n of ! �'
<br /> ' th orowrtr� :.
<br /> 1. iruston�A�ll fil� �rolu�tu�atitio� 1�b�akr�ptc�o�sh�ll b��djudic�t�d Oiakru0t or inulv�nt, or�h�ll ut�u usl9w�t (or tM
<br /> a��fit of crlditors 1a n�acl to tlu proN��; or u utlo�to uforc��eY li�a or ncwbrua or��dy�M�ts�y�t�st tN Iro��rt� ts '��;� .•
<br /> . cwund. .
<br /> 11. I�tM aat ot ���d�fwlt, th�L�e�ticiu�uy dalu��II ind�bt�dnss suund hmE� to b�du� ud 0�1�01��a0 tM w��lull tlNnupon ! �� • ••
<br /> O�coM du� ud p���bl�rithont�ny ons��tNat, d�un0, prohst ar�otic�of aay kiad. ihuuftu, th�B���ftti�rr ny: -
<br /> �, �i�n�r �e p�r�a ar er��ni, rit�or ritbat Er1�o1a�a� utla or prou�diny,or E�nc�i��r�ppoi�t�d e��conn ud rltAout n9�rd to tM
<br /> �awwcr or ur �curitr� ��t�r upo�ied t�k� poss�ssia ot tM Oroputy, ar iar put thmof, in its orn ntN ar la tM nw of tM Tnttu, ud .
<br /> do ut uts rhicE it d�at��assu�ua asir�bl�to pns�rrl tM r�lu1, urM�t�pillt�or nat�btlit�af th�prop�rt►, or put tMnof,or
<br /> , . i�tm�t tMn1a, iacn�s�tM iacae thmfro�or protut tM s�curity Mnot�na, rithaut t�kin9�oss�sston of tl� Orop�n�, su�for or
<br /> .;�� otMryls�collut th�nntt, iosu�s ud profits th�r�of, tocludiny t�oH plst lul �od u�p�1d, ead �0p1y t�� sw, I�ss costs ud ua�s�s oi
<br /> �. opention ad coll�ction, includiny�ttare�� fus, u0oa uy I�d�Etbe�ss suund hmE�, �ll in �uch ord�r�s the len�fitlur ay NbniM. TM
<br /> �nterl�y opon�n1 t�kiop poss�aslon of tM trust�st�t�, th�colt�ctlon ot suc�nnts, tssws u�d proftts�nd�Dpilutlo� tMnof�s�fonsNd
<br /> sh�ll aot cun or r�ire u��d�hnit or notice of d�f�ult h�nana�r or fnr�lld�t� �n�ut ud le reeoonu to s�ch defqit or prrsuut to s�eb
<br /> ' eotiu of G�f�u1t aad�otrtthstu�dfng th�conttau�nce in posseseion of t��vraart�or tM collution, rea�Ot �ad ippllatio�of nets, t�sr�s or
<br /> �rofits, Tr�ste�ar tM Bmficiuy u� b�entitled to�xercts��r�rr r19ht Drorid�d for fa�ny of ta� lo�n i�struNats or E� lp Won occurn�n .
<br /> of uy�v�ee of d�hulc, includiay tM riglt ta e�erclu t�e Oor�r of s�lr
<br /> 1. toYentl�n utioe to torecloE�tMis Oad of Trust�s��orty�ye, �ppotnt�nc�ivu, or sp�ciftall��nforc��ny ot tM covowts Mnoh
<br /> �:, : c. d�lfr�r to Trust�e t rrittM Eett�r�tion of d�falt �ad d�u�d for s�l�, ��d �rrttt�e nottc� of dettult iad decttoo to cws�Trustort'
<br /> fotu�st ia the �ropert� to 6e eold, �Aic�notia irnst�e sMlt c�us�to E�dul� ttl�d for ncord I�tM offict�l ruords ot tM couatr I� rAfch
<br /> th� prop�rt� ts locat�d.
<br /> ; 1t. Should th�B�n�ficiu� �lut to fonclos�b� a�rcis�of th�por�r of s�le �mtn to�t�t�ed, t�� leoefitfuy sA�ll notlf�Trustu nd fh�ll
<br /> . d�posii riin irasia inis uuu oi irosi mo ii� waia �ao sucn rac�ipis �nu aid�nc� ui upindiians��d� �nd suano Mni� �s iiusiie ii�iioairi,
<br /> � �ad upo�r�Q��st of th� pa�ftctuy, tM irustu sh�ll c�us�to E� nto�ded, publi:Aed�od d�livend to frustor such lottt� o(O�f�ult ud lotla of
<br /> S�ll�s th��r/0u1nd p► 11r lad E�this Oeld of irust. Trustn s��ll ritAOut du�ed o� �r�star, �ftu such tfu�s u�tha a no�lnd 1� I�r�ad
<br /> �ft�r ncord�tioa of suca Notia of�ahult nd dhr Not1a of 5�1�h�rteg 6��n gir�e�s np�ind Er l�r, s�l) th� DroO�«y ��th�tfM �ea 01ue of
<br /> stlt itaed b�it in such Notia oI Sele, e1tMr a� rhole, or ia s�pu�te lots or parnls or fta�s ts irustu s��ll I�a e�D�dte�t, ud tn suc�ord�r
<br /> , ts it u�d�t�nin�, �t pnElic�uction to th�hiyh�:t bidder tor usp ud �lull d�lir�r to suc� Durch�s�r or pnrch�s�rs th�reof�a�d to tM proporlr
<br /> sold, catist�at rtth tM l�r th�e ia �ffut. Rutf�ls ta tM Trusta'�d��d sh�ll E�prfn f�et��rtd��a of th�tnth of th�sUtuats nd�
<br /> thu�tn, Trust���h�ll �ppl�th�proce�de of tA�t�l� fa t�v folloriny ordu: (�)to�ll niso��Cl� co�ts ud uo�ns�s of tM s�l�, tocludia9 Out not
<br /> IiNtid to Tnste�'s fus of not �ore t�u 2i of tM yross s�l�pric�, n�ua�Ele�ttor��� fps �ed eo:ts ot tltl��rid��ce; (1)to�I1 suu s�curN
<br /> 0�tA�s O��d oF Trutt; �k (t)tA���cess, if�a�,to tht O�raon or D�no�s I�g�ll��atitled tMnto. An� p�rsa�, fntludloy tM 9�e1(icfu�, ur
<br /> ' purch�u stld Oro�rt� �t s�id s�l�. Trustu r��10 tM�uar pro�id�d b�I�r, OostO�u� s�l�of tll or a�portloa of tM proput�,
<br /> ;
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br />