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<br /> =�; , � 92_ 1 U1733
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<br /> —:��.�-�-�---=.�
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<br /> ����„G,• V `�' , .. Tru�tor und�rsqnd�qwt th�dOCUn�nt Ih�/Tru�tor I�about to�x�ouU it�O�ed ol Trud and n01�mortp�0��nd th�t tlw powM
<br /> � .� .- 01 wl�provfd�d lor in the ONd of Trust provlda wbs�nU�lly dlllsr�nt rlphb�nd obll�aUoni to TrwWr than a mo►tpp�le tiw�+v�nt
<br /> � 's"' ""� �", ,�„. of�dM�uU or brseGh of oblip�llon undN tM ONd ol Trust,Includinp,but not Ilmlt.d to.th�L�nd�r'�ripht to hw�th�Prop�rly s0�d
<br /> �` �••-"��� br th�Tru�tM wl out�ny� lo I procNdlnp.Tru�tor npr�pnb�nd wor�nb thN thl cknowl�dp�m�nt wu�x�utod bY --
<br /> -'"��:� ". �'--� '..�`, Trustor ore exec DMd of Truq. ,_
<br /> _a,�,`- - ,,,:: �
<br /> ��,A;,�"� '�,��_ T� ���� � VQrne J. ue Trwtor
<br /> . ...,... '. lp:. . Gtaua J
<br /> :�:��:,:�f; . Q�� /
<br />� `":°,f •' ' J- Joy D. (�aue TruNar
<br /> ... �.d� �i. � iC�:=
<br /> . _ . � _ ^•• �:..�.
<br /> .- "<*.���':� `���'�'. ��" DEED OF TRU8T WITH FUTURE ADVANCES
<br /> = . � a,. ........,_.
<br />+:a . ,:�,,,,t,�.,.. _ �g 92 by ond amonp
<br /> ,��?„��•.�-.. THIS DEED OF TRUST,i�made a�ot the�S�day of � "="
<br /> ...,... _ _.....
<br /> � • [:rana & Tovice D. GraL, hushand,6
<br /> " °r, ` . • . th�Trustor.TO�C7 M GtauB. 8 e�[10�Q evars�.,.,. arx7 Lv�rne J. _ _
<br /> -.
<br /> ;','� � , *�= '• �' whota mallinp addreu Is 7 at 1 ti u.-n� nsu� ra-g� �7,+wa,nm c,�e��hereln"T►ustor:'whetMr ono w mon�
<br /> ' . • l"_ �_1.��.� n�.�L N7..L.rsaLs /�wrv�nr�s1��� � _- .
<br /> L � y, : dw T�u{tes.
<br /> .�. U... : �' whoa mailinp eddrese is ° n °nY an7 c�'""a �g]��� — (herein"T►uslae"1,t�nd _-
<br /> , �t• -
<br />' �` • .�` °' Five Points Bank , —"
<br /> ' the Banenciary, .
<br /> ^ ' whoae malNnp address ia� ___ ,�..-, .,.___� T..,s.,a_ �.� cflan�_��n7 _ (harein"Lender'�. —
<br /> „ FOR VALUABIE CONSIDERATION,includin�Lender's exlension ol credit IdentiNed hereln toT� M GCaus� LaVerne —"-
<br /> ���
<br />�� �_m;
<br /> , , � ,d- �. Gcaus. & JOYCe D GYa� (hereln "Borrower",whethar one or more)and the trust herein oreated,
<br /> �:, � . �� the receipt of which is hereby aeknowledqed,Trustor hereby Irrevocably��ants,tranafers,conveys and assiyns to Trustee,!N ��=
<br />— . TRUST,WITii t'OWER OF 8Al.E,!or!he benetlt nnd xcur�y ot le��r,under and aub�ect to the term4 end condHions hereinaiter aet
<br /> • ^�� �• ,, foAh,the roal property,described es follows: �
<br /> • � � Got Six (6) in Blocic Seventy (70) in Original Town� riaw City of Grand Ialand, Hall �
<br /> County► Nebraska. �
<br /> � � ,. ., To�ether with all bulldinps. improvemenis,tixtures,streets,alteys,p�ssayeways,easements,rights,prlvilepes and appurte- �_.
<br /> � " na�ces loceted thereon or in anywlse pertaininp thereto,end the rents.issues end profits.reve►sions and remainders thereof,and ___
<br /> ;, euch personel n.operty thet is adeched to the Improvements so as to constltute a Iixture,includinp,but not Iimited to,heating and
<br /> • � cooliny equipn�unt;and tapether with the homestead or marltel Interests,Ii any,which Interasta ere he►eby released and waived;ell �
<br /> • .+ of which,Includinq�eplacements end eddltfons thereto.Is hereby declared to be a part ot the real estate secured by tha Ifen ol thls � .
<br /> " . . Desd ol Trust end all of the lore�olnq belnp relerred to hereln as the"Properry".
<br />. Thls Oeed of Trust shall aecure(a) the payment of the principal sum and Intereat evidenced by a promissory note or credit �
<br />. � �.. apreement dated MnrnFf 3� �ac►� ,havinp a maturiry date ol�, ` ^s '°°° � �
<br /> ���1 ' 3.530 50 ,and an and all modificatlons,extensions a�d renewa�s �'
<br /> In the orlginel princfpal amount ol s • Y
<br /> � � � thereof or thereto and any and all tuture advances and readvences to Borrower(or any of them if more than one)hereunder �
<br /> �� pureuent to one or more promissory notes or credlt agreements(herein called"Note"1:(b)the paymenl ot other sums advanced by �.�
<br /> Lender to protect the security of the Note:(c)the pe►lormance of al I covenants and agreementa of Trustor aet lorth hereln;and(d)ell �..
<br /> r preaent and luture Indebtedness and obllpetiona of Borrower(or any ol them II more than one)to Lender whether direc�Indirecf. ���.
<br />�• ' � abaolute or contingent and whether arlsing by note,quaranty,overdraH or otherwlse.The Note,thls Deed ol Truat and eny and all
<br />�� ,� °� othet docueMS lhat aecure the Note or otherwiae executed fn connectfon lherewith,Including wfthaut limltallon guarantees,aecutlty �.,.,,,
<br /> 3 • � agreementa and asaignments oi leases and rents,ahall be referred to herein es the"Loan Instruments".
<br /> Trualor covenanta and agrees wllh Lender as followa: ��
<br /> � � •� 1, P�ym�nt ol lnd�bt�dnen.All indebtedness aecured hereby shall be paid when due. �.
<br /> ������r 2. Tlp�.Trustor Ia the owner of the Property, hea the rlght and aulhority to convey the Property,and warrants that lhe Ilen
<br /> �,� i�•�. , ' Created hereby is a 11rst and prlor Hen on the Property,except tor I�ens and encumbrances set torth by Truslor In wrlting and
<br /> dellvered to Lender betore executlon of thls Deed ol Trust,and the ezecutlon and del�very ol this Deed of Truat does not vlolate any
<br /> ' coMract or other obllgaUon ro whlch Trustor Is aub�ect.
<br /> 3. Tax�s,A�sa�m�nts.To pey before dellnquency all taxes,specla�asseasments and all other charges ayafnst Ihe Property ��
<br /> • now or hereaRer levled. •
<br /> 4. IMUranc�.To keep the Property insured agalnst damage by lue,hazards�ncluded�vitmn Ihe term"extended Coverage".and
<br /> SuCh other hazerds as Lender may requue,�n amounts and wlth compnrnes acceptaule tu Lender.nammg Lencfer ns an add�t�ona� ;
<br /> � named inaured,wlth loss payable to the Lender.In case of loss under such pol�aes,tne Lender�s authorized to ad�ust.C011ect end ,
<br /> compromise,all clalms thereunder and shall have the optlon ot applying all or part ol the i�surance proceeds(�)to any indebtedness �
<br />, secured hereby and In such order as Lender may determfne.(il)to the Trustor to be used lor the repa�r or reatoratlon o}the Property !
<br /> or(Ili)}or any other purpose or ob�ect sati9factory to Lender without a„ecung the lien ol this Deed ol Tru9t tor the tull amount aecured
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took place.Any application of proceeds to mdebtedness sha�l not extend or postpone the due ,
<br /> � date of anv oavments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> ...._.__.
<br /> � 5. E�crOw.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,in suCn manner as�ender may dtla��.�dib,o����..�o.�. ;
<br />" '� auma to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more of cne lollow�ng:(i)all taxes,assesaments and other charges agamst
<br /> , the Property,(If)the premiums on the p►operty insurance required hereunder,and(��4 the premiums on any mortgaye insurance
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> 8. Malnbo�nc�, R�paln and Compll�nc�wlth Law�. Trustor shall keep the Property in good cond�tion and repafr; shell
<br /> promptly repelr, or replace eny Improvement which may be damaged or destroyed, shall not commH or permit any waste or
<br /> deterloratlon of the Prope►ry:shell not remove,demolfsh or substantfelly alter any ol the�mprovements on the Property:shall not
<br /> . commf�aufler or permft any act to be done in ar upon the Property in violeGOn olany law,ordinance.or regulation;and shall pay end
<br /> promptly dlsCharge at Truator's cost and expense all Ilens,encumbranCes and charfles levied,imposed or assessed ayainst the
<br /> Property or eny part thereof.
<br /> ' 7. Emin�nt Dom�ln.Lender Is hereby eselpned all compensatfon,awards,damages and olher peyments or relfel(herelnaRbr
<br /> "Proceeda")In connectlon wlth condemnatfon or other takfng ol the Property or part thereof,or for conveya�ce In Ileu of condemna-
<br /> ', Uon.Lender shall be entitled at Ita optlon to commence,appear in and prosecute in its own name any actlon or proceedings.and
<br /> shall also be entftled to make any comprom�ae or aetllement In connecllon wlth such takmq or demege.ln the event eny pon�on ot
<br /> NOCJ�6�INon�p�KUnurNOMa�M.10/s i
<br /> O 11M N�uon�l��M ol Co�nm�rn Tru�t�nd S�r�.ql As1a'.��w�l�wCp�M�b�N�
<br /> � S � . . _ . _ . _ . _. _. _._ . _. ..
<br />