<br />2oiooissi
<br />EXHIBIT "A"
<br />Parcel A;
<br />A tract of land aampu$in$ a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southoa$t Quarter
<br />(NEl/4 SEl/4) of Sectian'I~velvc (12), Township Eleven (11) North, Raugo Nine
<br />(9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, mono particularly dc$cribed as
<br />follows: Seginuaiarg at the northeast coaa~ of SahaaPs Second Subdivision, said
<br />point also being on the westerly right of way line of Gunbarrel Road, thence
<br />mm~ang wostrrly along the Werth line of ScbaaP$ Second Subdivisioa>, a distance of
<br />Ono Hundred Ninety one (191.0) feet, to the northwest corner of SchaaPs second
<br />Subdivision; thence deflecting loft 9Q°36'S9" and running southerly a distance of
<br />IIighteen and Five F.Gundredths (18A5) feet, to the northeast earner of Schaaf'$
<br />Third Subdivision, thence deflecting right 92°30'48" and running westerly slang
<br />the north line of Sahaafs Third Subdivisiaaa, a distancb afTlarea Hundred Forty
<br />Bight and Sixty Six Hundxoclths (348.66) feet, to the northwest corner of Schaaf s
<br />Third Subdivision; thence d~eflvcting left 89°S9'S8" and x~muaing southerly along
<br />the weft lino of Sehaaf's Third Subclivision, a distance of Seven Hundred Thirty
<br />Two and Fifty Seven Hundredths (732.5'1} feet, to the southwest corner of Schaafs
<br />Third Subdivision, cad. to a point on the northerly right of way line of Seedling
<br />Mile Road; thence deflecting right 60°07'28" and rua~aaing southwesterly along the
<br />northerly right of way lino of Seedling Milo Road, a distance of One Ftundred
<br />'I~venty Nano and Six Tauths (X29.60) feet, to the southeast comer of Schaafs
<br />Subdivision; thwace deflecting right 89°21' 19" and roaming northwesterly slang the
<br />easterly line of Schaaf's Subdivision, a distance of One Hundred Twenty Six and
<br />Twenty Eight Hundredths (126.28} fret, to the northeast coaaner of Schaaf'$
<br />,.. - ..5~" tia~~g lei, 79° 11'03" and rt»'t'4n~ $authweaterly along the
<br />northerly line of Schaaf s Subdivision, ~ distance of Fivo Hundred Sixty Bight and
<br />Thirty Twa Hundredths (568.32) feet, to the northwest earner of Schaaf's
<br />Subdivision; thence deflecting right 109°OS'.11" sad running northerly a distance of
<br />One Thousand Three Hundred Eighty One and Sixty N"ane Hundredths (1381.G9)
<br />feet, to a 3/4" Iron Pin as shown on survey by Elbert B. Chrisinger, dated
<br />November 11, 19$1; thence deflecting right 9Z°06'29" and running easterly a
<br />distance of Ono Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Five. and Fifty One Hundredths
<br />(1255.51) feet, to a 3/4" Iron Pin as shown an survey by Elbert B. Chrisinger,
<br />dated November 1x,1981 and to a point on the westerly right ofway line of
<br />Gtanbarrel Road; thence deflecting right 88°Z$'4S" and runnixrg southerly along the
<br />westerly right of way line af. C~unbarrel Road, a distance ofFaur Hw~.dred Fifty
<br />four and Twenty Seven Hundredths (454.2'7) fbct, to the point of beginning.
<br />EXCEPTYNG FROM a tract of land coanprlsing a part of the Northeast
<br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEl/4 SB1/A~) of Section Twelve (12), Township
<br />Eleven (11}North, Range Kane (9) West of the 5th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />mare particularly described as follows; Begirming at the Northwest corner of Let
<br />One (1), Schaaf's Fourth Subdivision; thence mm~ing Southerly slang the Wort
<br />line of Schaaf's Fourth Subdivision and its extension, a distance of Faur Hundred
<br />Seventy Three and Forty Nano Hmadarodths (473:49) feet, to the northeastnam~r of --
<br />Lot ens (1), Schaafs Third Subdivision; thence nwaing westerly clang the north
<br />line afLot Ono (1), Selaaafs Third Subdivision, a distance o~Three Hwruired. Forty
<br />Sight aiad. Sixty Six Hundredths (348.6b~ feet, to the northwest comer ofLot One
<br />(1), Schaafs Third Subdivision; thence runax3ng northerly clang the exteazsion of
<br />the west line of Lot One (1), Schaaf's Thud Subdivision, a distance ofFour
<br />Hundred Eighty'I~va cad Sixty Nino Hundredtbs (482.69) feat; thence deflecting
<br />right 91°31'42" cad nu~ning easterly a distance of Three Hundred Faxty Seven and
<br />Seventy Eight Huaadred~as (347.78) feet, to the point of beginning. ,AND ALSO
<br />P~CEPTING THBR~ROM Lots Ono (1), T~vQ (2), Three (3) and Faun (4)
<br />Schaaf's Fourth Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.,
<br />