. � .. . , � •� . ' L , ' } ` . Q: � . . � t, 't/; . . ,y,� ... _.
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<br /> ,�, . 9�- ���'i4 �
<br /> �-�
<br /> ' p3yments may nn tonger be required,at the aption of l.ender,if mnrtgage insurance caverage(in the a�ount and foa the p�riod _
<br /> thai i.ender requires)provided by an insurer 2pproved by le�dar again bernmes availabfe and is abt�iaed.E�rrovrer shatl pay _-
<br /> 'z' �. t�:psemi�s.ms r�u9r�!a in�r.tEir.m.c:t�sge sstsut��in e€fe�.o*��pr�vl�te z lnss tcservc.tmti!�e r°�rement for raort�age =
<br /> '. insurance ends in aocordaitce cvith nny�vritten a�reetn�nt b�w�en Borraw,.r and Lender ar applicx5le law. _
<br /> 9.Ia�.�ctloa.Leader or i¢s agent roay make reasonable entries upon and inspertior�s of the Pra�erty. Le�der sha11 give _
<br /> . , Barrovrer antice ut ttte tlme of w prlor to an inspection specifying c�tsonable cause for the inspectiae�. _
<br /> Y0. Coudemnstioa. The proceeds of any award ar claim for dam�ges. direct or consequentiaf, in cannetaon with airy m
<br /> . . conrlemnation or other taking of any paro of the Property.or for conveyance in lieu of condesrmauon, are hereby assi�d aad
<br /> � stiall6e paid to Leader. -
<br /> _ In the e�:er�t of a tata�tal�n�of the Prc�..^rty.the prt�c.et�s&Fto!!t�apgli�3 W tlte svs�secured by this SQCtt�[iy tnctnrmen, �
<br /> whether or not Wen due, wit6 any ewcesc pa[d to�orro�ver. In the event of a partial tsiking of the Property in wfucb the fair
<br /> •` market value of the Property imtaediateiy before the taking is egval to or g�rater than the amnunt of td�e sums secured by this -'
<br /> � Security Instrumeat immediate(y before the taEdng,unless Borrcwer and Leader otheraise agrec in vrriting.the sams secured by —
<br /> " � this Sec�rity In��oniment shall be reduced by the amount of ttle proceEds mulvpSi9d by the foltmvang firaction: (a)the tota!
<br /> .• � � amount of the sums secured im��t;a ly before ttte taking,di�rided by(6)the f�r m3r�et value of th�Property immediately
<br /> • irfore the tas'sng. Any balaace�al! 6e paid to Borrower. In the eve�t of a pzrti�I ta�ng of ttp;Pmperty in vrLzidi th�fair --
<br /> market valve of th:Fropertjr�m--��y isefore the tatang is te�s tE:aa the amount of t8c su�ms seci:red icr���=...�°_�before ths
<br /> ' ta�sina,anless&$o:rotves a�d Ler:�er ot��vise agree in writing,ar=aa!ess ti:r!icable�-��-�rise gra•.-�es.W�prc»oeeds shalfi
<br /> 6e applied to 13�°s�t�secosad b jr dus Security Iostxnm�.nt wL+etB�t�?t�;c�Gt�5:*t...^s ar�4�?�c r•tc:� --
<br /> Ef tbe Propz�r:is abaado�Lw:$�zron-es,aY if,af�er o.ati��f�fi.r��rr::.�.�c�:n1.�5'.fr.G'tE:[�£i�Gt�l°Tr'riZ G�aD 1�73�C8'd13 �`;::
<br /> ' '�.� awar�:ar s°M.le���for��gas, E�.�:er�3s to �cr�t� ��e?�-h�?tt c�a�s^s s�t��::�*_�c,.°.::�give�. -
<br /> . t�:�us:t�c.<�' 7a eaiteet a�c�a�`i�.e;.�'':s.at it$v�sti�itt,ei���a a�r^�Q�czr��r:r v�'d'�s�rap��e��tcat��r:.s� :. . --
<br /> • s$c�*°..3��i��a Sn�:y instrument,whether bu rrot�en due. . � —
<br /> c�
<br /> .. �;c��s ��nd Borrojver otherwise-�2e in writing,,any apgP�r�n of pnoceeds w p_�p� shaTl eot extend ar � �
<br /> pastr,�ra�he due date of the monthty payraents referred to in psu3graphs 1 and 2 or cfiaange the araouat of such paylnents.
<br /> :�� 1!.Bor►ower Not Reieased;Foris2stramte Sy LQatPer Nat a�Paiver.Exoension of the tise for payment or modification
<br /> of amortizatlon of the sumy secured by this SecurIty Iasdumem 3ranted by Le�tder w any suc�essor in intzrest of Borrower shal!
<br /> ' not operate to release the liability of the original Bormwer or'6onower's suocessors dn interest.l.endcr shall nnt be required tcr �.
<br /> • commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refi�*to extend time for payment or others�rise modify aznortization "
<br /> � of the sums secared hy this Secudty Instrument by reason af eny demand made by the original 6orrower or Borrawer's
<br /> , � successors in interest. My forbearance by Lender in exercising any right oi remedy shall nat be a waivet of or preclude the
<br /> : eaerrccise of any rigflt or rem�dy.
<br /> lZ. Soccessoia aed Assigp9 Bound�Jofnt and SeverA! LlnbWty; Co-signers. Ths covenaats and a�reements of this
<br /> Securiry Instrument shall bind end benefit ttee successor�And assi�ns of Lender and Eor�awer. subject to th�provisions of
<br />�'�� paragraph 17. BoiTOwer's covenants and agreemrnts shall istj joint and several. Any Barrower cvEo casigns this Security �-.
<br /> Instrument but doea not execute the Nate: (a)is co-signing chin Securiry Instn�ment oNy to mortgage.grant artd convey that -
<br /> ' Borrower's interest in the Praperty under the term4 of this Security Instrument;(b)is not peisonnlayobligated to pay the sums
<br /> ' ' secured by this Security Ynstrument;and(c)agraes that Lender and nny other Barnower may agree t�a oxsend,modify.forbear os --
<br /> .� ma�ce any accomnwdations with regard to the ee�s of this Se�urity Instnuuent or the Note withaut thnt�orroaer's consent. _
<br /> 13.Loan Clsar�es.If the loan secured by ehis Securiay Instiument is su6ject to a law wtuch sers maximum loan charges, �
<br /> and that law is fia�lly interpreted so that the in::rest or other toan c�arges oollected or to be oollected in connection with the
<br /> . loan exoeed the�rmitted limiu, then:.(a)any sech loan chnrge sha116e caduoed by the amount necessary to reduce the chatge
<br /> , to the permiue�liscis;and(b)any sums alm.�J:y r,ollected itom Borrower which exceeded permitt�d li,_.^vts will De reflln8ed ta �;
<br /> •� •�' �. Barrower. ��ray ehoose to malce this a�'�by redueing the pricu:i�at owed under the PInu:'W�by making a di�. �
<br /> .. � puym�ent to B�Frower. If a refund reduces �m�c:pai, the c�ducrioa s�;�� �s treated as a partiat F?-t,�aym;m without anyr �
<br /> F=�Yment charge uadee the Note. '
<br /> � 14.No2�t�Any natice w Borro�vee prav°�for ia�►�.*".y Security t��-:ment s6all 6e given by delivering It or by maIling
<br /> � � �� . it 6y�rst class�ui1 nnte;,s applicuble!aw ra�:ci.�use of�}oiher method:.'�i'ie notice sha}i be directed,w the Property Address � _
<br /> ..'�.,:.; or arry other �tr,�.�Borrower designates�� c�otice w Lender. Any notioe to Lender shnll be Gio� by fiist class mail to .
<br /> : �, Lender's add.►ess S'�t�d herain or any oiher address Lender designs►tes by notice to Harrower. My c,ouce provtded for io th➢s
<br /> , Security Instrument shall6e��9 to have been given ta Bonower or 1 ender wh�n gir•,:s�as provtded in this paragraph. . _
<br /> . . i�.Gooerning Law; �v�r;,�iiUty. TWs Sea�rity Tasuument,sl�all be guvem�3 f�y federal t:.�� and the law of the
<br /> '. ��<•: guricdiction in whi�h th2 Pto�y i�loeuted. In the event that any provision or clause of this Secisrir�::nstrument or the Note � � `
<br /> � coMicts with�FYa�'a]�la�.s�conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Secuaty Insuumc;u:i�i tha Note whic6 can be '
<br /> � gtvea effect withaui sh.con.`If:fii�g ymvision.To this end the provisions of tlus Securit�InsRrument aad the Note are deciared =
<br /> . to be severeb2e. .
<br /> 16.Botrower's Copy:Bmro�ver shall be given o�re canformed wpy of thc Nate and of this Secvrity Instrument.
<br /> . Fam 8018 9/90 -
<br /> . Vye4of6 . —
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