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- ..��.i 1!•(�y. 'y „ _. . ���— _�-r. __"._ . '_x c,._ <br /> � _ . <br /> —_�— <br /> i� ; __ <br /> � _.�..�- ..�e�rj�. <br /> �.. <br /> _ "� . . •l•:._.. __ <br /> _ -��''� . ':.� ri1� . <br /> - .. ..:..,.-..:. - - <br /> �� •�-....._ <br /> . . . <br /> ,.. . - . _....YrL. �N.- ..•---_ <br /> .�: � . 92_.10171 r --- <br /> ..'Lk"[� r •y <br /> -�i�.�IA��:��� � <br /> �r7��{•!�[R� <br /> ��•r�; . �'��+,^��• epplicuble law may cpccify fur reinr�ta�ement)beforc�ulc of thc Pmpeny purKUUnt w uny puwcr of xalc contained in this <br /> �'�''`=� Secu�ity Instrumen�;or(b)enlry uf u Judgmcnt enforcing thiK Security Inslrumem. Those conditions ure that Borrower. (u) _-__ <br /> .•�����n��'':t;:� � ;�<. pays Lender all aumR wMch �hen wauld be due under thiR Sccu�ity Instrumem ond the Nate es if no occcleratlon hud <br /> ��...:,. <br /> ����`�4:.,h�:��;� cecurred:(b)cures any dofauU of nny dher covenuntx or agreements;(c)pays all expen�es incurred in enforcing this Securlty <br /> �'• ^ �• '� �n."�•.��' loslnimenl, including, bul not limited to, reasonable unomcys'fccs;unJ(d)takes such pctian us Lender muy reasonobly <br /> ��A'"" �y.`�.'':. �� requia to assure that tbe Ifen of thiR Sccuriry Instrument,l.endcr R rlghtx in the F'�operty und Bormwer�obligation Io pay the � <br /> �� '` �� ''�' � sums secured by Ihie Secur�ly InRuvment shall continue unchanged. Upon rcinatatcment by Borrawer, this Secudly <br /> , �o�:_- <br /> ` �v�� � Inshvment erid the obligalione aecured hereby shull remuin fully effective as if no acceleralian had cecurred. However.this <br /> :__..,•..•.�.:_.�...... __— <br /> ',.-,.i_,,�:.,_....,, -� �:--___--__ <br /> = , � � �fQht to reinstate ahall nat apply in the case of accelerutfon under purugrnph 17. <br /> ; � '�'`�^ �- 19. 3ale of NMei Change oP Loan Serviccr. The Note or a purtial inlerest in Ihe Natc(togelher wilh Ihis Secudty <br /> — �, ,, ''$' '•�� Inatrumern)mey bc sc�ld one or more times without prior nolice ta Borrower. A snle mny result in u changc in thc entiry ��'=-- <br /> .,,., .�.. M ,������' �'� (known as the'Loan 3ervicer")ihat collecls monthly payments due under the Note And this Security Instn�ment. There also �;��r�����-�___ <br /> _ — � � �� � mAy be one or more cbangos of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a snle of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. --�.�;�-��,o-..__. <br /> -�� � ���*,��1�:^���• :��� Barrawer wfll be given w�l�ten noUce af the churige in accordance wi�h puragruph 14 auove and Applicable law. The notice • <<� ,��'==-- <br /> r � . _..�,.;��_:. <br /> �� ��y��1� will state thc name and addreas af the new Loan Scrvicer c+nd the address to whi�h paymeMs should be made. The notice will "�•� � �tt{} <br /> �' � �+r s;� !'�r��,�'4�ti{ ' slso wntain eny othcr info�matiun required by npplicuble law. y"` , ��;Ff'��_ <br /> ;�;��r�'��=t:�?.{ls;�;��{,�-�,;�;�`;,;� 20. Hazordous Sub�ta a c e s. B a r r o w e r s h a l l n a�c u u s e o r pe r m i t t h e p r e s e n c e,u s e,d is p os a l,sta ra ge,a�release of an y ,'�y1'`,,�, " . . <br /> , � �{•j ,�, ;�< <t• Hazardaus Substnncea on or in the Praperty. Borrawer shull not do, nar Allow anyone else tn do,anyihing affecting the ' `��'�'��ro<<�_ <br /> �i=�-- ,",,�`�'�„�titil�'.%�`;,,`�;�.; Property that ia in violatiun of any Environmenlul LAw. The prcceding two sentences sh�+ll not apply to the presence,use,or .. � _ <br /> :� ('r�" �,n::t:�:�;•..,;1r,.��n,�-, i'....s—�. - <br /> , ti,,�,�;,,.!,; ,••.,. storage on Ihe Properly of small yunntiticx of Huzardous Substances that are genernlly recognized to be uppropriate ta narmal <br /> •"•��•��•��• � ' residemial uses und to mninlennnce of�he Propeny. `'''�"�� - <br /> , h.•.,, . ; y.�,..;• — <br /> ' • ; �,�,��; .,' Bormwer shall promplly give Lender wrltten notice af any invegtigution,cluim,demand,IAwsuit or other uclion by any .a.��:ii��' <br /> ��� <br /> - ~' •' governmental or regulntory ugency or privutr puny involving�he Praperty und any Hazurdous Sub.r•tunce or Enviranmenlul --� __ <br />' � � , �''� . Law of which Borrnwar hu++ ucluul kn��wlydga If Bom►wcr Icurn+, ��r i, notificd by any govcmmcnlul or regulutircy �� <br /> .' , �.:1!�1r� <br /> - ., , authorily.�hu�any nmovul ur u�hcr mmcdiution nf uny Huiurd�►ux Sub�luncc uffecdng thc Pro�xny i,ncresxury.Ho�ri►wrr _,�q <br /> � �� ` � .rhull prumptly lukc ull neccshury r�mcdiul ucti��n�in ucrorduncc wi�h Fnvironmrmul Luw. <br />. . • .; �.. <br /> ; ...,- o.,•. , A+ur�cd in ihih parn�ruph 20,.'lluiardnu.tiuh�uinccr' urr th��+c,uh.�uncc,dct'inrd u,ioxic ur huiurd�►us,uMluncc.By �,�:_.;,_:- <br />- ' � [snviranmcn�ul I.nw und Ihc ti►Il��win�t ,uN,lunr�•+: �uMdinr.MrruKne,uthcr tlummuhlc i�r I��xic �xirolrwn pnxluci,, loxic �-��. . <br /> ' ' .. �x+�ici�kti unJ herhicide.r, vulo�ilr �ulvrnt+. mu�rrhdr enniuining mlm+w�ar li�nnuldehyde. and rudluaclivc mnleriul�. Ar . • - <br /> . in�hiti purug�+iph 211,"t•;nvir�Nmicm+d I.ow"inc�u�y fedrrul luw�und luw�of Uu juriµliclfon when Ihr I'r��xny ia l�xukd ':t:��.' ' - <br /> ° ,. ' thal�clu�c�o hcuhh..rututy�K envirunmcn�ul p���lcctiun. '-�:���'' <br /> . . Nf)N-UNINORM CqV[?NANTti. HoRUwer�md l.rnJrr Ibnhcrcuvcnunt und ugrcc n�li�llow,: <br /> ' � ` 21. Acceleraliunl Rvmedle�. I.ender shull kive n�Nlcr tu Hurruwer prinr tn�ccele�pllun Pullowin�Burruwer'g �:°,r"�:;::,. _ <br /> ' � • ' � brrwch nf uny cuvanant or oR�eument in Ibig�urily InslrumrnllbW not prinr to acceleratl�M under ppr�gr�ph 17 '�' "-°,�;;,-�- <br /> � � unle�.r Appllc�bin law pruvldey uthe�wi�l. The n�Nlre!choll speclfy: lal!he deiaull;lbl the qcUon reyuMed to cure the �-�;=;.�"_ <br /> .. .� .. _ deCAaili lc!e date,noi iaYx ihan 3(i du��Pi�om ihe d�te ihe aui3c¢!s glsca!e�Sorro�ver,by whfrh tht dePsui!ma�f 1� _ +'�"`�^.� --__ <br /> �+� curedi and Idl that fuilure to cure the dei'uull un or bePure the date speciiied in the notke may result in accelerAlion of �"'''- <br /> i;: ' <br /> ;�,,�. � • . , the snms secured by thie!iecurlty Inxtrument wnd sule uP the Properly. The notke Rhall Purther iniorm Borrower of �.:��:':"•�` <br /> � Ihe ri�l�t to reinstatQ aRer ucceleratinn ond the riQht to bring a court action lo assert the non-ezistence of a default or li,��Y <br /> . ' .,1;: any other defense nf Bnrrower tu uccelerution ond sule. IP Ihe dePuult ig nut cured on ar before the date specified in ` ; : . ���- <br /> the notice.Lender nt ife uption muy require immediute payment in i'ull of all sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument "�"'� ' ;�:��• <br />• � wilhout further demand end muy inw�ke 1he power ut sale and any other remedi��s permitted by �pplicable law. =� <br /> ' � ,� Lender shall be entitled tu adlect ull expensex incurred in pursuinR the remed(es provided in this para�raph 21. , ,,•;4�;. <br />, '�'�°�':'� including,bul not limltwl to,reasnnublr utturneyK'fees uod custs nP title evidence. y. .a3 <br /> r•�_ �.�.. <br />. , • . . IP/he power of sale fe invoked,7lrustee�hall record u nntice of default In each county in whtch any part of the •' ' -_- <br /> • :.���:;••. �'�•• Property is located and xhull muil cupie�oP sucb notice in the munner prescribed by applicable law lo Borrower and to �,�,���:'N ._J <br /> . " . ��.:,,..:',:� • the athe�persons prescribed by uppl icuble luw. Atler Ihe time�eyuired by Applicable law.7lrustee shall�ive puMic -• :a <br /> � nolice of sule to the person�und in the munner prescribed by applicuble luw. 'I�ustee,without demand on Borrower. ��� <br /> �;'��"'�.'•� ;:,�� ahall sell the Pruperty ut public auctinn tu thr hi�hest bidder ut the time und place und under Ihe lerms designated in ,�,.. "��•�° <br /> , ;'��j;;;:��!��: , the notice af.rale in ona ur more purcels und in uny order 71�ustcc dMermines. 'IYustee ma,y postpnne sale of all ur any � �_ �;_.. <br /> • � • •�;�•t�' . parcel of the Property by public announcement ut the timr und pluce of any previnucly scheduled sal�. l,ender or its '`�1���- � � <br /> � „'�•� • deaignee mev purcbaxe the Property ut onv�ule. <br /> ' . �,'�'�•,..°• ` � Upon rece{pt af quvment of the prlce bid."Iruxter shull deliver to the purchaser 71�ustee's deed conveying the : <br /> •': ��"���'��� :f Property. The recitalx in the 7lrust�w's deed.r•hull I�r primu i'ucte evidence oP Ihe truth of the statements made therein. ,• � <br /> ,,;..;....; <br /> �''�+,�'.:�..:�..' 'I�u�lee shall apply fhe qroceeds nf the sale in the foll��winu order: lal lo ull cost+and expen�ui'exercL�ing the power • <br /> �•�,-.,��-- <br /> . • � - �.'���� <br /> . �,� . .r '-a.r..-..�.. <br /> ��.',l.l�' t'�'.'_hE:;��_.� <br /> i ; .�1 •���I;, !� �k,.:�' :S,R.'S'! <br /> � , �rti•..�' i. — <br /> �, • <br /> 1 . • <br /> ._', hbrm W2lt Yplll i�ate�•S„/�,�a�x�•.v <br /> .. k . <br /> �. <br /> . t <br /> .,ry: . . . . , <br /> --.--=-_---� <br /> , ,., : �. � � <br /> , . �I <br /> ► <br /> . �� ' <br />