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<br /> NON=UNIFORM COYENAI�l15. Bo�ia�ver a d 1.ender further oavaw�t andqg�as foitaws: � � `' , ,
<br /> �n fuil wWer �.t.endcr n�y ievotoe tb4
<br /> � ` � 17.Fiteel�re h�o�'G If l.e�ntler�immediaiaPi P�P�► . .
<br /> . : power d saic aod�ny�od�er remedicxpami 4�.�sl�tf ba rnutkd w caifSct all eapenses inc�red � ,
<br /> ` �n pu[suiag t6e�rmedies provided ta �t(us �p�ra�aPh .including.bet not 1'united to�mtisonable attomeys tas aod sosts of
<br /> t�tkevtdeast. �. � -� .
<br /> • Ir tMe diate is ia�a�ca.'h�tee�dt t+ecbea a iotice at dd'a�[t i�eaeR ea��ir�rl�ic��s�f��t�e
<br /> �ri��a�i sid�q�ii eapies ots�aofice i�Ide w���es Pres�ed bJ ta�v to Dor�+awer a�t '
<br /> 1�tie -al�er�enea�e�a�h�Is� Mer tl�tLe req�irt4 6'a�lawr.7���i
<br /> rafk�e d sfit b tre�ersoas i�11�e�Nescnbe�� �aeie law Tr�wittio�t de�i o�s
<br /> - � �!!s!�'�'.It�{�t fi��II�C�1[��OR��It��al 1h!1�I11!�id�tL!!���!!��___. . .-
<br /> . �`1�!lO1�L'!�1A�!Or IMOf! � � Q�r�i11t!d!1!l�ts. �'�St[!�i}�
<br /> � �e.ta�.r aai�e+ed.o�t�e�[operti byp�e�C`�a..a.�•e ue�.�e a.a�ce.r�.r preY:o�sc�- �'
<br /> sNe..l.e�ie�arifs desipet ws' Mas�tie Propertf at a� ssk � � �
<br /> ' p/�r��� ��t�1ie 6id.'lt�stee�deliver to tie prrc�er 71�stee's deed ao�'ve�tlile - -
<br /> - pro�tii} 7tie�it tie'I��sfee�deed sW ie�ri�tacie eviie�ee at terNt at trr staitae�ts�de tYeeeiia. .
<br /> � � - .'Ik�Mee,iaN sppt�tie��etis d tte s�1c i�uc ra�uai�anaer: la) to�r oos�s a.a a�pc�ses d rset�i�urc.
<br /> ots�le,s�Nie safG��P�l�af lie 7tistec's ka�dis i�c�md+�ot to eueed � f iYe `�
<br /> ` at��i�ip!a�esM d tie�ot�at t�e t�e d tre deelaratioa•at tefa�M.a�d rea�o�le attor�e7s�taes as .
<br /> ' , - e��.'_�,�)W aU s�secYrtd ay lib SeWritg t��n�:ard tc)ag ex�s ta tic�erau a'pe�saMS -,
<br /> , • i� lteco�re1swee. UP�P�Y��of al!sums sec�d by this Security Instrutnent�f.eader si��uest'�€ustee to
<br /> t000nvey tt�c Ptopecty and si�il surcrnder tbis Secvriry Instrument a�i ail noces evider�cing de6t secmed by this Securiry _
<br /> ` 1n.urmnent to'ihLCtee Tivsiee shatI rccnnvey tLe Propeity rrithout warr�utty and witiwut chatge to the person or pe�sons
<br /> jegaU enritkd to i1. Such persun or persons shalt Pay any recadation wsts. . .
<br /> �� �� �,e�der,at its option,may frortt time to time re�nove Trustee and appoint a successac ttustee
<br /> ' w any 7iw�tee appdabed E�e�euader By an insmunent tecorded in the countY in whic6 this 5ecuriry Insuument is iecoMed.
<br /> ee
<br /> — • 'Wi11w�t c�omeyano�o�t�_P►'oP�Y•the successor uustee shuU suceeeA to atl the dde,Wwer and duties confemed apon .
<br /> 7}uxteefi�ieinand law. . .
<br /> . ,m;, ��-� Boaower req�iiests ttrat copies_.of.�die�tic�s of defauit and sale be sent`to Barrower's
<br /> address w(�id�is tiie�o�petty Addr�ess. -. � , .
<br /> . ,:. .;;..�- , , .
<br /> Riders[o.tlis�ty I�trameow If onc or moce ride�s are executed by Bocrower and recarded togeti�er wit6 this
<br /> -_ -�ecuri�y L�rua�d;:�ie coveaants.of each such rider shall be incotporafled_iato and shall amend an¢suppkrt�ent the
<br /> -_ �or,enams aQd agte�nentx of this,Securiry insErument as if the cidec(s)were in a part of this�ecv.�tity tasuumen� .
<br />_ [Chec�applicable box(es)J: .
<br /> --- �Condominium Rider �Gradnated Payment Rider �Grow�ng Equi�r Rfder : '� �
<br /> _ � � ,
<br /> -- .��annedUditOevelopment.Ridec aOther[Specifyj NOA'ffil�(iS ADD�IfIIOL'! ,
<br /> - ',�i��,'•;;:. •
<br /> BY SIGNMG$ET,AW.8arower accepts and agrees to the tesms cant�uued�n pages � i�u8h 4 oF this Securiry�
<br />_� � Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recarded with it. � ' �
<br /> .
<br /> ���,,F ' s: �� � v lSealt
<br /> - J M BILLE CS . BO"6`""
<br /> :i_ � � .
<br /> � (Seaf�
<br /> -- , tioaowe;
<br />-- .. • . (S2it�)
<br /> ' . . Borrowcr
<br /> _�_.,s. . . . :,{.
<br /> ' , lSCal)
<br /> '"�1' ' eortowcr
<br /> ;:;;,, . STATB OF NEHRASKA. � �, County rc: HALL �
<br /> �°
<br />- ° ' p���s 3 d � ' day°f Mareh, 195i2 •�fure me.the undersigncd.v IVotary
<br /> - Public duly commissione�and qualified for saia csounty.personalty came
<br /> �'' � JS11E? M BILLESHJIClI 11 SIN(iLE PERSOII , �o me known to bc ihc
<br /> identiral.petsaMs)whose name(s►are subscribed to the foreg�inF intitrument und ucknuwledged thc executian thereof tn be
<br /> �=• ju� votuntary act artd dccd.
<br />:_ ' ', �'�.; {�imcsy my hand and n�tarial sral at (�RllIID I SLISlID in wiid county, the
<br /> - • • i � datc aforeAaid.
<br /> � �
<br /> 1'. d'fG�'d�•
<br /> t�y� - Nat,vy 1'ublic
<br /> �� �� 4 p�p AOBEATl1 L REED
<br /> . ;',` '.�`='�:. • - r11C�.E�lrf►30:1991 R�i3�57'FOREtECE)`11�YAh��� •
<br /> �� -
<br /> _ TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> � � . ..,-" ' 71te tlndersigned is the holder of the note nr notes secur�by 4his Dced of?cust. 5aid nate�r notcs.together with all
<br /> � - - . othcr indebtetLtess.securedliy this Deed of'lirust.have been p�aitl in[eit. Ydu are hetr6y dirccted ro c:uuei sai�nocror
<br />• . '-'�� notes and fhis Deed of 7irust.which arc dctivered hcreby.and ro r.etonvey.withnut wamanry.ali the cstatc now held by you
<br />� , under this Decd nf 1i�ust to the person or persans legatly entiticd theretu. ,
<br /> . .
<br /> ._. .�: �
<br /> ----�- .-� , .. _ --- - - - -� '-- . . . _. _...
<br /> _ �.���� Date: -- -
<br /> �.•, •
<br /> �pu�p 4„f4��xr.� .
<br /> .. ��ra� . . ,
<br /> • . i.- __. . . . __ . _ . . � . . . . . ._ _ . . .. . .. .. . . . . . _ .
<br />. - . '� ' . _ _ . ' . . _ - . . . .
<br />