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<br />. � � w REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE �
<br /> O - � -- - • - .
<br /> ° IQIOW AI,L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS s . R'fiat Aobert M. Briseno and` U -
<br /> t
<br />--- -- - . Juan�ta L. Hrisena, husband and wife, of Sall Cauntg, and state m� �_ � ---__
<br />`.,F� of Nebraska, in consideration o€ the sum af THIRTY :THOIISAND : �
<br /> ' 'DOLLARS fn hand paid, do hereby sell and conney .unto Thcmas 'C. ` � —
<br />-�.�� B�riseno and Melva Rae Briseao, husband.and w3fe, as joint tenaats \ -
<br /> - and not as tenants in common, of 8a11 County, State o� Nebraska � _--. ___
<br /> � � � the following„described pacemises situated in Ha31 Couaty, and =_
<br /> State of Nebraska, to-wit: . �� �-
<br /> t . Part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W�SE}) of , 5=:�-=�>
<br />- , Section Eleven (1Zj in Towns#�ip Elenen {1l.) North. Range' `�,..�'�_-`��
<br /> ��-} . Nine (9j West of the 6th P.��:� in HaII County, Aebraska, . ` -�;;>��_
<br /> �`- :�=�:' ,. � more,particnlarly describe�.:;as fallows: Begf,nning at the � � �'�-��' =
<br /> ��. '� . � . -.�.. . •�...:.�.,,..:
<br /> • W �- - � - Nai�t3¢east Corner_ of the Wes� Half of the Southeast.Quatter ==
<br /> .'�:�� �;- =
<br />; i�. r��,� ,��;`;t � �W}SE}) of said Section Ele�ezi (11) , runninq thence South , ,���
<br /> �:�� � a3.oaic� and upoa the East line� of said West Half of the ;;��•,;.��
<br /> . ,. ` �:, - - _ ti�. .
<br /> . ,� , Scs�east Quarter (W�SE�) of said Section Eleven (Il) , a ��:�����-:-.-
<br /> L�� . <.� -; . di..�tance of 39�.96 feet to the actual point of begfnninq; ��''��'���;
<br /> •x: ,...::--
<br /> =��.,• running thence South along and_ upon the East line of the �;;;s`a:._
<br /> ' ;:�s�:.. ,-�.�� _
<br /> -,�,��.�.� :�,a, � West Half of the Soutbeast q�uarter (W}SE�) of said Section . ;.. , _
<br /> ':;.��4; -,`; '�;;� �. Eleven (11), a distance of 24l.44 feet to the North 13ne of
<br /> , �'�, ,.° . - "=. .. - _
<br /> � ";�'�t,.�.��_.-, the State and Federal Highwag No. 30 right-of-way; running , _
<br /> �-°r. � :����� thenee Southwesterly a2onq and upon the Nor�herly I�ne of . . ��;-
<br /> . . ;�:,;:,.--;..,:�; � .
<br /> ...���..,s ;;,,;. ;. :,, sairl Hiqhway No. 30 right-of-way a distance of 300.0 feet; . :�
<br /> " , � .�� �. :. running thence North paralge�. to and 300.0 feet distant from . . •. . :
<br /> ..:'*�`_,;�-'.�:. . : Quarter �
<br /> - _- .,�-�_���.� - :: the East line o£. said West Half of the Southeast ':� �.��
<br /> � J� � (W}SE�) of said Section Eleven (12), a distance of 241.44 � _
<br />. �`�Y1: � feet; runninq thencs Northeaster2y parallel to and .241.Ag �. . � _°
<br /> a��� "- -- -
<br /> �'>?. ,:�. ;..:.y ,. :�:
<br /> _., .��;�.._..� feet distance from �he North lfne of said State and Federa2 ,..
<br /> ' ,��"�.` ��� `� ' Highway No. 30 right-of-�way a distance o� 300.0 feet �o the F
<br /> � �� ��'�``� point of be inning �
<br /> . _;.;-�••f;,,' actual q • . .. .
<br /> . ��,�,._R�,:;�,.:�.4 , � . t
<br />. � . ,..;�=-���-' The intention be3.ng to convey hereby an absolute title �n fee � � . , . _
<br /> � , ' '��'F,-'.;�=�. simple,� including all the rfghts of homeatead and dower. � � :�
<br /> ,m A. I
<br /> _��L _, .
<br />� " '�'f �.''�T�. TO HAVE ANm T�0 HOLD the pYemises above described, wi�h all � � y
<br /> ' (r�L._fi�'".:!.ya, . . a _
<br /> �;�:�`��."'_:�..' the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the saicl mortgagee(s� E :
<br /> . �and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided �
<br /> . � • - - always, and these presents are upon the express condition that if � � •
<br /> ., , ' the said mortgage(s) , his, her or their hefrs, executors, admin- � � '
<br /> • �t:.. ..�.y;�;� . istrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be paid to the said ;
<br /> , . � � �� mortqage(s) , his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators i
<br /> . or assigns, the principal sum af 530,000.00 together with f.nter- ` '
<br /> est thereon at the rate of five percent (50! per annum, du� and � .
<br /> ' � �� payable 3n five (5) years accordinq to the tenor and effect of � : .
<br /> _.`_ ' . ' the mortgagor•s wri�ten pramissory note bearing eve�n date with � '�.
<br /> . � � . , these presents and shall pay all taxes and assessments levied !
<br /> upon said seal estate, and all other taxes, levies and assess- ` . .
<br /> � � ments Zevied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortqaqe � ,
<br /> . � : is given ta secure, befare the same becomes delinquent, and keep ,.
<br /> - - - the buildings on said pramf.ses lnsured £or the sum of � � •
<br /> - . - • $ , loss, if any, gayable to the sai.d mortqaqee. thea � . ._
<br /> � � �. these preaents to be void, otherwise t be and remain in Eull i ,. .
<br /> , _ , . , . .
<br /> . : : . force.
<br /> ' � - IT I5 FURTHER AGREED (].) Thati if t e said mortgaqor shall : .
<br /> �.. ' ' £ai1 to pay such taxes or proCUre such insurance, the said ` �
<br /> -_,�' _ �
<br /> _ �..,. . . . .,
<br /> . ___...__ - - - -
<br />_,.. — .- -- - . _ . - - --=--=-.--
<br /> . - .. . _ ,._ _... .
<br /> . . ,
<br /> - : ; : . - -
<br /> - � � - -- - _ _ ' _ .. �
<br />