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<br /> 1�' . . REAI,1'ROPERTY M08T+GAGE � , � . `. ` . ��
<br /> -- — {� � � (�en�{d.to secure p�emt sna future uWiBations aad advaiioes . , ii` - -
<br /> , � �;
<br /> _ �� ;� CLARENCE E. G4SDa AISD TSAIINITA Mr GOSDA, hf,s wife � �` �_� _ �J
<br /> �__� �� , . . �,�a��_ -
<br /> �_��� � , � �� ��
<br /> ��i_�x.� ,� 1 � , . . . ' . � � L" ._.
<br /> , i �-,�. +���—
<br /> �. ! ����f � be�ean+�edt8e"Mor�aB�"�etheroneormar�iaoo�o�derationoftheadvsaoeo€t6eprinapalsutArecitedmthe � � . _�� --- Y
<br /> �- � `� � nqte:hadn�r dea��`bed su�d m conai+iaetion of any fatare adv8ncee made by Mortgagee tn Mortgagor as ;! . ;<^�,�`,-�-=
<br />_ - � `! � �attar Pra�i�,1�1�'a°°�t8age�and conveys to � � +� _ ���-�`�;__-
<br /> _ -.k- � � . �� �:v� � ==
<br /> . r __ �.�a�°:-�;-
<br /> _ _ � ;� .. G SDA OR WILM.� G05DA. his �sfe - ;� =�s=�-�_::-
<br /> , � ! 6L O 1 t ,,,�,�i
<br /> � ��;. , f � �i. , " dercrlbed seal eatate e�t with alI the righ�titTe and mtereat :; s'-:t�-�'���-: _
<br /> �� ise�v°�lled,th�et;S'�Ylottgagee .the folIo�viag �� _
<br /> ,' �.�_�;�=�..:::...,.7,:.. -
<br /> ' � of t6e Mo ar,th��rbarsdteraoquiredinclacluutallbnild�ngeandimpmvementenowoaorbereaR�erplaaed + :��;; .�,�,-�,r*��,j�,- -
<br /> .�.: ' ��� - . � � � y� �"-:���. *_: .
<br />� ��� €� oneach�neai eatata. (f �.,,...�'"`'�-�---.
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<br /> .�=�,�':-;'=i:�" .. f!� _ � f �•< *-�'�=-
<br /> ' -�-�� - = = The Sputherly. Thf rty-Three (33�) '�Feet;af� the , � r�
<br /> , f�I�n4ra�"'�-� = � � 1; . - � _ _ .. : � � �� -�'�.� '_
<br /> '� ' �',� � Northerly sixty-Six (66•) Fe�t of Lot Eight �s �-
<br /> ; - '`�,�`'�+,�--"".---i,=y�'�t� •� � (8) in Blo�k Nine (9) in Wfebe's Ad@itian to , , �� ��� _, __
<br /> ` =°��"�:��" ' � The,City of Grand Isiand, Kebraska ;�. �: . . ;�-
<br /> . �� ��rtr' . �� - . ' j� , _ -
<br /> :7.a&..'��..�_ -�. ' . _ . � . --—
<br /> ` � . �3 � � 618 So. Elm St., Grand Isiand, NE. 688P1. ` �� � .
<br /> _,_ _.:.�.. _. : - ' . �.. .- -` .; il , i:�. � -_�-
<br /> . _ i • . . �� ;. . . � *�,-_---
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<br /> . �:�'y.f: ' �� < . . � •"��
<br /> �i, ti � . � ' . ( - J �t. .,
<br /> :7a_
<br /> � = `� '1'}138 IDOI�a$@ 18 giVBri t0 BCCUTC: , �� �; �_•
<br /> � . � �I q,.Pro:aiasoryaotedated M r�as IAA� givenEs�r�lortgagortoMortgageeiatheprinagalsumof ,.�°� �� i '.�r� g.
<br /> _ _ � �' , : ,'•U . , ;',�-�:
<br /> . . Il 3�-��.--a.�nd°ayablewithinterestacaordingtothetem�sofsadsaMeandanyinet�vmenttakenis►oonnec,�ionwitts:�. ;i ;' _ ,
<br /> nev . . ,s:
<br /> � iefinancing,e�ending or ienewing We usdebtednesa evidence�by such note ar aay part thereof; � �� ' �
<br />• I� � 8.Aayfutureadvance(s),wiLhinteree�whichmay6emadefromtimetatimebyMortgageeatitaoptioninany :; i - '�. � ' T
<br /> � . , � � aanount(8).Druvided,however,auch future advancea ahaU be so Iimited that th�total prmcipal amotwta ontetand'mg '! ; A.;';; .._
<br /> � �. + at any one time etiall not execed the aum of dollare,to be repal@ in aocardancewitls the tetmeofa . �! ; �
<br /> . ! pmmiseory note(s)evidenca�g any auch advanoe(a). AnY such advance(s)ahaU be additional to anY advanoe(s) � ,'�''?�`_
<br /> , � here�nafter authorized to be made by Mortgagee for the Drotection of the security os Mostgagee's interest tl�erein. �; t '
<br /> , . . . , , � --
<br /> • '' � MostgagorherebycovenantewithMortgageeanditsauccea9oraandasaignathatMorgagosialawful�yaeisedof �! ! ' . .
<br /> . ' . � � � euch real eetate and is the fee owner thereof,that Mo�gagor has Kwd right and lawfn]apthority to wnvey the eame, ;' ; , �
<br />' " �� 1 WatMostgagorherebyrelinquisheeallrightaofhomesteadthereu�.andthatMortgagorwassantsandwiUdefendthe 'i !. �`•
<br /> � � � 4 titte t4 auchreal estate ag�inat the lawful claims of aU persons whomeoever.AdditionaUy,Mo�tgagorcavenants and � i' '
<br /> '�:;:',•` . ; a�ee8 with Mortga8ee sg followa �' � �. •
<br /> , � � C � � • • .
<br /> :,,.r:.
<br /> � � � � I 1. Mortgagos sha�qay all tsxee and asseeement8 in res�ect of or levied upon auch real estate before the same ;; � ��`. ,
<br /> . _ � �, i � become deliquent and ahall yay when dae aay fien or judRrnent on auch real estats. � ,� • � .
<br /> :�!.; ,, . ; : 2. Mortgagor el�t procure and maintain fire,windstorm and extended wveraKe insurance on all buildings os � ; , .
<br /> , � ' I ` other impmvement�now on or hereafter placed vpan such real e5tate in an amonnt satiafactory to Mortgagee,such � `
<br /> � . � �� ' inaurance to have a mortgage clause,tosa theze�^.aer to be payable to Mart.�agee as its intereAt may apyear. " ; ,
<br /> • ' !I 3. 1Vlazt�agor ahall not commit nor permiL any waste on such xeal estste,ahall keep all buildinge and � �. � . �
<br /> . . � �� imprnvements in gaod repair and ahall not Impair or permit the impairmez�L of Mort�agee's security in any way. � '
<br /> . . , 4. Mortgagos hereby aesigna to Mortgagee�a:1 rent�in cannectiun with�ucb real estate. �
<br /> ' , ' In the event Mortgagor fails w pay euch taxes and assesemeritg or Fai1�to yrucuro guch inaurance or faile ta � '
<br /> ' � ranse the�t�moval of any lien on such real eF►tate,Mortgagee mAy At its option pay such taxes and asee�mente o! i .''
<br /> � � , ' ,. � �, � �racure sacl�insuranr.e nr pay an amo-.:nt necebaary to�atiafy surh lien,and ell amounte advanoed therefore ahall '
<br /> , ' � becom�a yart of theindebtedness secured hereby,bhall be due and payableimmediately and ehaU bea�r interest atthe 1 .
<br /> ' ' � � maximwn rate allowed by the lawa of the State of Nebra�ka at the time�f�uch�dvuncement. � '
<br /> � } In the event Martgagor defau�ts(a)in tke pay�nent when dud df gvch princlpal aum or any installment the�eof, � �
<br /> � � � • �, � . : � � or eny intereet therenn, (b) in the r�paymenL when due of aasg advuoee made as provided herein or eny interest � ,. ,
<br /> ___.;,;... �� � therean.or(c) with respect!o eny ao�enant ar ednditian rantained in this mortgx�te,Mar¢gegee may,at ife uption j _
<br /> • { , without notice and at any time during Lhe cantinuanee af such default,declare theeniireindebtednese securedby thi� ,
<br /> � mortgage to be immediate}y due aad pAyable wit3�intcreet�t the maximum rate then Allawed by Nehraska law end ,�
<br />' ' may imraediately foreclase this mo�age ar purs�e any ather avt�ilable legal remedy. 1n the event af any action b;r i _ •
<br /> � . • Mortgggee W enforce collection of indebtedaess secured heseby.Mnrt�agor aKrees thut any expense lncurred in , .
<br /> ' ` connectiontherewithincludingcost�andreasanabteattarneyfe�csshattbecomeapertafthe9adebtednessacv,vredby- � -- - --
<br /> ._ _ _ . }. thia mortgsge. ' . � :
<br /> _._._ . _ --_
<br /> ... .. _• .�..�...��..�. .'" "_ . _ . . . _""_"_ _ ." "' __"'_...�. . . ' " ' ' . . ." ' ' ' ' . . ... _' " . . i :._ . ._.'__.._'_"`_ '
<br /> '� ' In the event of aasy default set forth in tke�foregoing paragraph,lVMOrtgagee shall be entitled to immediate � �
<br /> � posseasian of such resl estate aad all the rente,revenue and inrame derived therefrom dnring ench time as the ` •
<br /> : � --- , indebtedness$acwred hereby remains unprild ehaU be applied by the Mortgagee to the pay�ent of euch indebtedaess � ' �
<br /> _. _. _ '
<br /> ------�--------- - - ---- -- —
<br />. � . . in c 1u�ng amonnts deem t d to be a p�L t��r�n f t�s�t forth hrreinabave. --- - � �
<br /> . .. - --- - -- -
<br /> . � --- - ---� - - -- --- •-- -
<br /> . .. _ . . _ - _ .
<br /> f . _ --- -_.�r.__. _ . . ,
<br /> .. , . - - -ti --- -- _. - - _..------ ---- - - -•--- ----. . ---
<br /> -- -• - -- - __ - -- �W �-"
<br /> • ' ' - - - .
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