",c...-.�,� ''�' . . � ` �t=`�.:yWt':, �. .
<br /> � _ .ro� � ' . - . _ � :;:': .
<br /> . f _ . .'�;:':uil°,.t'r �-
<br /> -� . - ._ . _ - ' :i.ti � _ c . ::;�`,t.••�..v``�l � _ x.-
<br /> . . _ : '_ `r.rS�+:t';A�'.ti �:w'; '. •d.� r . � '�,��.' .7'2
<br /> � --< . ; • : . ��,';:� . y��r .
<br /> - _
<br /> :!� . . . �:�-,.:f_` .� _ �. -' - _ . . ._. .__.-.J....r.. - .or ... . .
<br /> _ -� <` . �•---� . � .
<br /> .._ �__ [�'L'Y._ _lc� ' ... .._. . . . �' , L . . .rl.. • __. . -"—_-__ .
<br /> _ - - � : 92-- lois�� �
<br /> L
<br /> . 1t�Prapsrry is so Wcen or damspecf.lend�r spail have 1tN opteo�.ln fes aote artd absotues diacratton.la+iPP�Y ail sucl►Proce�d�,.
<br /> '� . tlbr deOuCtlrgtlbrehom atl costs and expenses(nr.uaed 61►it in cannqcHon with such Praceed�.upon an!►���
<br /> - heraby and In auch order as lender maY det�rmins.w to aPP�Y all auch Proceeds.at0er aucA deductloe�,Lo the res�oratias of tffs _—
<br /> — Froperryuponaucbcon�tonsasLsndermaYde�xmine MyaPDticatianotProcasd�WindebEednes�shailnotex�endorpoatPone -
<br /> _ �d���f�ny pi�ypydnb under the Nots,or cure any defaul!Meraunder or hereunder.My unapplisd funds ehall bs pai��o. __
<br /> — = T�us�ot. - � � s��, —.
<br /> - 8„p�clp�fne�b�RM�d�►Upon the oecuRence ot an Event of Oefautthereunder,or(t arty acE(s fak�n orle�al proc�sdiqQ:• � __ __
<br /> —.—W._______ �mencedvfitetemateriatlyatfeetsCendersinterestintheP�ope�ty.LendermaylniisawaG��tio��iwilhoidobliaaltonlo�+o:�. � � __ .
<br /> = so and wdhoui notice to or demand.upon Tiustor and wHhout releaWip Tiustor Irom any obil�tion.do any act whicA Tru�eot his.. � -° __
<br /> - asr�Od but tails to do end msy atw da aay othsr�ct it deams nacessary to protec!the secu�(ty hareot Tnistor ehatl.immadiak3yc �` -��� �
<br /> upon dqnand therelor bY Lender,pay to Lend�r a11 coa�and expe�incur�ed artd awns expended by Lender in connactton with �
<br /> �9 6 � t�h ��'',� _�{_�,�
<br /> thp exetc tss b y L e n d e r o t l h e f o o i� �f h b, K w i M i n t e ro s t t h�n an atths dafault rate ptovided in ths Nols,which shail bs . _ , _ t�
<br /> ��d�d�p the ind�pMdn�ss�ecured hK�py.t,�nder shall not ineu►any lisbility Oecaues of anythin�it may do a omit W.do. �_=��T_�___�.��
<br /> tMreunder. � �' �`�`--
<br /> ` . 9. Ha�ardew MN�(�N.Tru�ta ahall k�sp the Prop�rty in compiianc�wkh�ii appiicaal�taws,ordinanca and reputaYons •rti� �-_ -.
<br /> „;,,, rNa�ep to indu�trial hy�IeM or�nvfronm�ntat protatton(coliactivety relerred to Mraln as"Environrt�antat Laws'y.Truatar sh�il ���.���_
<br /> kaep�eProp�Rylr�thomaltwbstancaad�emedtobehazardousortoxicunderanyEnvironmsntsftawstcollectivelyreterredto ��. �
<br /> * h�rein as"Huardow MaNriats"}.Trustor he�eby�warrants artd rdprosents ta l.ender that Mere ars no Mi=ardous Materiats on or ° _ � .�'
<br /> -� undsrthePropeRy-;rustorherebyAsreestoindemniyaodhatdharmtesslender,i»direetoro,oilieers.employeesan�a�ents.and =.,_ :,�- '--
<br /> ` any sucCes�o►sttstandn''s 1�teresR,frort►and eqainet 8ny and a{i ctatmr,damases,ta*��and liahflities arisin�in connacticn with ,__ �:�.>?�„
<br /> ths prefenes.wls,dispo�f or haospOR ol any Nuardous Meterlats on,under,trom m ebout ths Properry.THE F�O Ei��Mi�- ��,,,-,0.a-.—
<br /> `•• ?,'_ 10.AsN���a��•Truator hereby aasiQns to Lender the rents:issues and proTib of the Property:praviQed that Trustor . -` '� :;
<br /> .''' +:« shail,ynpl,tliQOCCUtrenceotanEventot0etautthereunder,havetheN9htWcottectandretalnaachrent�iasuesandproftqasthey :�Y . . .. _
<br /> =�'� " ' become�duqand payabk.Upeq the occurronce ot aa Event of Oefaut�LenQer may,eithe�in.person or by a9enR witt�or without _'
<br /> •'' ' bdnging s}ny,,acUon or pruceedinp,or by a receivet appointed by a court artd without regard to the adequacy ot ita secucity,enter `4.._
<br /> � �;,.-Tz,�����f-,�,'';. � upan and t�ice possession ot the Properiy,or any paRthereof,in its own name or in the name of the Trustee,and do any actswhich it - ` ,s `, __
<br /> _.;+, n,,, deems rtecessary or desirabte to preaerve the vatue,marketabitity or rentabitity o1 the Properry.or any paR thereof or interestffiere(a. �_ -
<br /> • ' '' increase tde incame therefrom or protect the securlty�horeof and,with or wiU►out taking possessfon of the Property,sue tor ol ,�,�,s�;:
<br /> • � ' �'` ` otherwise coilect the.rents,issues and proflts the'reof.inatu ding t hose pa s t due a n d u n p a i Q and a p p t y the same tess eosfs artA , ,
<br /> J '^~c.` •�>'�;r�� .A expenses of operaUon and coliection irtctuding attorneys'fees,upon any irtdeb2eQness secured hereby,811 in sucb order as Lender ,�_
<br /> : ::;;�.;:'..�;�:��;�:.
<br /> �,,. „• . may de�'.nine.The entering upon and taking passession ot the Rraperty,the cnitection.of such rents,issues and profits and the � �=?
<br /> � _ ` :,i';s4%�:r%:.` BppL�E�n�ttereof as ato�esaid,shati not cure or waive any defautt or notice of detant!hereunder or invalidate any aci d�ne in . •
<br /> :.,� -.. . ��'�':
<br /> f� ' ` res�onsetosuchdetauttorpursuaiittosuchnoticeofdetaultanQnotwithstandingthecontinuanceinpossessionotthePrm�eRyor •4-��
<br /> �' • �. ' :` �:��g
<br /> •'•;'� -�-•":. ', �e coitedion.receipt ana appifcadon of rents,issues or prafds,and Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every 8ght , ,
<br /> �L_," ��
<br /> � s _I •. � • �� � � . ;•�
<br /> �,-,_�;_:.,:. ` , pravidedfor in any ot the Loan Instcuments or by faw upen occurrence of any Event of Oetault,inctuding withoutlimitation the rigM �_ ���
<br /> �.,_, .�` '. ia eza:Cise the power ot sate.Further,Lender's rlghts and remedi�;underthia paragraph shaU be cumutative witb,and ir�no way a , __,__,___
<br /> .:�...z�..-,,: ' ��'�- Y
<br /> . � s:� ,. limf�an�n.Lenders rlghtsand�emedies under anyassignmen:af feases and rents recorded against the Properry.Lender Yrustee
<br /> ,.,w�„�:?�-�T:;�.; , .:.�:-: —
<br /> •• � an0 ttse receiver shafl be liabte to account only for thase rents actual:y rece(ved. ' � ;:;r;.: ,:.�•��---
<br /> .. - 11,Ewnts pi DNsWf.The foltowing shail constitute an Event of Detau(t unQer this Deed of Trost ; ��,;��-�-
<br /> � � (a)Failure to pay any instaltment of principa!ar interest�t any other sum secured hereby when due: _ r�°
<br />' _ ' s (b)_A breach of or default under any provision contained inLhe Not�this Deed ot Tiust�any ot tha Loan tnstruments,ar any . ,
<br /> �' '����-=���-.:� oLYer lien or encumbrartce upon the Property; �
<br /> :..��.'!'ir,�• ' ;. .
<br /> • � (cy A writ of executlon or attachment or any simitar process shail be entered againstTrustor which shall become a iie»on . :
<br /> � �:�,'.,:'�ii;�;. :• thg PsOperty or any poRiOn thereot or interest thereln; ' ;��".: � . .
<br /> � - . (d)There shali ba fited by o�against Trustor or 9orrower an action undet any presen!or future tederal,sta2e or other �L ,_�.
<br />� � Siatule.law or regutatlon relating to baokruptcy,insolvency or other reliet tor debtors:or t6ere shati be appointed aay uustee.
<br /> �, ' '. • '• receiver or liquidator ol7rustar or Borrowar or of alt o�arty paR of the Property,or the rents,issues or ptofiisthereof,or Trustot
<br /> . - _� �.' ' - cv BOnower shall make any general assignment tor the benefit of creditors; __
<br /> (e)The sate,transter,tease,assignment,conveyance or fuRher enCUmbrance ot a1I o�any part of ar arry inter8st in the ,
<br /> � � Prop9�ty,either votu�starily or invotuntarily,without the ezpress written cansent of Lend�r;proviQed that Trustor s(sali be � _
<br /> • � , • �ermitted to execute a tease o1 the Property that does not contain an option to purchase an6 the fermof which does not BXCeed . • • .J�i
<br /> : ,.` _ . . • . . one year, . •: a::=.:
<br /> < (n Abandonment ot the Property;or � �`:��`'''
<br /> - , , ' (gy If Trustor is not an individuat,the lssuance,sale.tranafer,asslgnmen�conveyance ar encumbrance ot more than a total , .,.;;�_*;
<br /> ;..; , , .••; .. ::aaez?Yas�
<br /> i;',:'' . ''qA,c7,`.�: � �:,�`, .."�. �.
<br /> ;,. • rr,,�� of percent ot(it a corporatlon)its issued and�utstanding stock or(if a parirtersh"p)a total 01 pereent of :,;.���,
<br /> �. r : , � �`'.�. .
<br /> � • paRnershlp Interest9 during the periad this Oeed of Trusf remains a Ilen on the P�opeRy.
<br /> � ' 12. RMn�dMs:AcCM�r�tion Upon ONauH.In the event of any Event ol0etault lender may,without notir,e exCeptas repuired by .�� .�
<br /> ��� � ' faw,declare a�l indebtedness secured hereby to be Cue and payab�e and the same shall thereupon become due and payabte � •
<br /> • � ' wilhput any presentmenf,demand,protest or notice ot any kin0.Thereatter Lender may: ,
<br /> (a)Oemand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE g�anted herein,and Trustee shatl thereafter causa Trustor's
<br /> • �.. ' • � lniereat in ihe Property to be sotd and the proCeeds to 5e distributed,all in the manner provided in the Nebraska Trus1 Oeeds
<br /> Ac� .
<br />�, � � . (b) Exercise any and alf rights provided for In any ot tn�Loan Instruments or by law upo�occurrence ot any Event ot
<br /> Oelgult and . I
<br /> � (C)Commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgaqv.appoint a receiver,or specific�f.y entorce any ot the
<br />� � covenants hereot � �
<br />� No remedy hereln conierred upan or leserved to Trustee or Lender is intertded to be exc(ussve ot any other remedy heretn;in the ! - ,
<br /> � � Loan tnstruments or by law proviQed or pe�mitted,but each shaH be cumutative,shall be irt addition to every other rertedy given I
<br /> hereunder,in th9 Loan Instruments or now or h0roatter existing at Ia�N or in equity or by statute,and may be exerclsed concurrently. E
<br /> ' independenUy or succ�ssively.
<br /> ' 13. TrustN.The Trustee may resign at any time without causv.and Lender may at any tima and without cause appoint a ;
<br /> successar or substitute 7rustee.Trustee shail not be Ilabte to any party.inctuding withou!iimitation lender.Borrower.Trustor or any ; .
<br /> � � . purChaser o1 the Property.for any toss or damage unless due t4 reckless or wilNui misconduc�and shatl not be required to take any ..
<br /> � eCtion in connection with the entorcement ollhis Oeed ot Trust untess irtdemnitied,ln writtng,far a�t cost4.compensatton or
<br /> ' ` .� . � expense�which may be assoclated therewith.ln addiUOn,Trustee.may become a purchaser at any sate ot theProperty Qudicial or • ,
<br /> . _. �:.w. . _.. . u�der the power of sate granted hereln);postpone the sale o!atl or any portion al the Prope►ty,as provlded by law;or seU the
<br /> • .. Property as a whole.or in separate pareeta or lofs at Trustee's dlsctbtion. �
<br /> � 14. FNa and Exp�nsN.ln the event Trustee se�ta the Property by exercise ot power of sale.Trustee shail be enbtteQ to apply �
<br /> any sate proceeds tirsf to paymen3at alt costa and expenses of exercising power o1 sale,inotuding atf Trusteea fees.and Gender's
<br /> an�7rustee'9 attorney's tees,ao+.ualy+rtcurred to e�tent perrnitted by applicaDte taw.in theevA^t Bo�rower o�Trustor e�Cer��ses any
<br /> ' - right provided by law to cure an Event bf Oe!autt,Lender shail ae entitled to recover trom trUSto�a!t eosts�and expen5�aatualty -,�:;
<br /> � InCUl,red a�a_result ot Trustor's Q@fa�tt i�ttud,r.g with0u�timifia:lon all Trustee's and attornEryr's feas.tc�tha exteat,permi�e�by
<br /> . �- ..,. .. _.�
<br />� � ;:. : '. - ?iPAlt�bf taw.A6y� i u2 $��toiie:E�- nta t its o �,make addi�an�i��te�Q.v'ass�9 and re-
<br /> ;. � .._�_.._�:.__:::_:_..... . uturi nca�,Eipo� e�i sta£ ��--- Y a _ pflo -
<br /> _ __-., �___._—�---- -- - ------_.
<br /> , _ ._.. _
<br />' � advances to Bor�ower.Such advanees and readvartces.with loterest thereon,shall be secureQ bythis Oee�!oiTrust At ri6fimeshall � — ��'`�," .
<br /> ' � . = . the pNncipai amount af the indehteQness Seoured by this Deedvf 7rus��+qt inct d�ng surcs advar�ced tapratect the seESi�lty ot thig �
<br /> Qeed o!Trust exceed the ariginal pNncipat amount stated herein,or$14Z•d��•o�"""�Whichever is greater. i .
<br /> . . . . ...._ t i . . .
<br /> ' � � . .� - - ._ ._... - . . . . . . . . . - � - -- _.. - - . _ � . .: . _.
<br /> . . s � - - . . . - .
<br /> ���.+ - - � � " . .
<br />