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- r�` _ _,� _'_ "_ ' . . . " _'__ . __ - <br /> . __. ._... � , _-- -. . ' . J� _ ' }�- ^i,�,;41. � . ' � " ' . -_ <br /> -�� -` ±` - -.C � hLZt�}�,r � . . ' . _Y` . .- < _— <br /> � <br /> . i <br /> � F <br /> . . y <br /> . � �f <br /> - .. . . _ - yY _. �� _ _ `t <- � a - .- . . - . .__ <br /> ___.�.�;._.�.�� �� _ - ..- - - � � . .-- ` -.--- 92-- 1U�:692 ., .� <br /> 17.Tramster ot the Ptnpa't�or a Beet�(�1 i�a�st in Boreuw•a.If at1 t+r anY Fazt of tnt Prpperty ar any inter�est ia it � <br /> is sold ot uancferred for if a�bchtet`ciat inter�l3i�:fiurrower is sold or trancfeti�at and Borrowe�is not a.naturaf person)without <br /> i.ender's priar written�ansenk i:ender maY�.a� �u optiou, rajuire immpdiaze payment in fui! of alt su�as sas�uod.6y this <br /> Su�tery Itutncment.Hawpv,eer,.tttis optiore skatl na►7 be eaercised by Lender if 4aercise is prohibited by Federal!aw as ot the date <br /> ---- ---�-� of this Seeuriry tastnu�i'{'i. <br /> _-- ___==� If Lender exercises�ti►i�option.Lende�s�I'�i�e Borrower notice aE aere3eration.The no[ice shal!provid�a period of aot — <br /> �;"� tess tban 30 days fmm:tlie cE�te the uatice is:dNivered or roaited within whic6 Borrower must pay all sumc secured by this —___ — <br /> ;�� Se�urity Inrtnimen�.If 8asrawer fuils ta Qa�t�t sums prior to the expir�3ion of tl�is period.Lender may imoke any remedies . ___ <br /> — -- _ -- �� permittod b}�this Se�uriiy,�t�ent wetl�oei�fiuth4r.notice or demntd on Barrower. , � _ ___ - _. <br /> . -.. , <br /> — 18. Borroq'er'�t:Ri$i�t:to Bdnststa•-.�f Bom�wer meeu certain conditions. 8osmwer shali have the right to have e <br /> - — ---__= enforcemeru of this:SCcurity tnstrumer►e dis[��n�.�ed at any time prior to t6e earlier of• (a)5 days(ar such other period as . <br /> ��� apptica6le law may�.�speaify.for reinstatemeaa):�betore sale of the property pars�anl to any power of sale mntained in this �,�__�:_ <br /> Security Instrument;;ar(H)entry of aiudgrn�l Enforcing this Secarity Instrumen�Those mnd�tions are that Borrower:(a)pays • �� � _ _ <br /> �'�,.� �_ Lender all sutns wlticti:then�wauta be due u�r this Seturity Instrument and the Note as if rto acceteration had accumd:ib) �-. �-- <br /> aires any default etl any,atlte�'covenants a�'agtee�ents%(�1 PaY$all expenses tncumed in euforcing thss S�srity tnstniment� �^-� -- <br /> - t= iacluding.but arn fiinitat'ta.masonabie�� fi�s;and(d)takes s�action as L.en�er may reas�nabIy require to assure` . �� ---. <br /> �`.� ti�at the lien of thiss8ecudiy instrument,I�d��.siehts in ti�:�cupeccy'a�Borrowei s css:=�uan tsr r��i t�e snms secured by � .� --- <br /> this .Srcority Iastrament shall continue.izneti..��rk..`•Upnn a�.:�rtatement be BortaRe-; -s, Seam:� i��:s�r�*^p"r.a�d the. :�s-�,�c�*��_ <br /> R d�l�ta"L�.Y' , <br /> �'� �, Q��igaai�secum.d'._ticrebg,shall mma�ft�l��et�"��as if no�releration Eiad nccuerec� $�����•er xhss,�.��3.5��zC:sha11 - _ - � �.�x .F <br /> ,' �� _------ - :; : -.- ; .- <br /> � , n�t appl}�in the casa:of accelerati�nL�r g��'�17. t;_ <br /> ' `� �� �r ;: ' 44::�af�ate;£h�.c���r..�'ie�: 'fke-3�Sate-�r a partiai 'sntsrest in the:�oie icu�rfisa.►�ii�c.a S�cmi�ty _ �'�`�,'� p-�-- <br /> Insfri�inen�}may 6e:satd ane o.mA:�ti:�c:Rittr�.u�priar notice to Borrower.A sale may resuft in a change m t6e enrit}•ilmown `�"'--���: <br /> fstt <br /> 'f � `�,�. � � -�as the"Luan Sersicer°)Elia�co�ec�a�cx�I}�Paj-�nents due under the Note and this Secarity lastrument.Therc also may 6e one ,. � �,.,� <br /> �. •" or tnore chartges ofttie I:aait Se�z�iar nnre�atodlo a sale of the Nate.iC there is a s�ange of the[.oan Servicer,Borrower wil!be , *� -- <br /> ` ;"'` �� "� given written po�ic�af the change in accoidanee with paiagraph f4 above and applicable law.The nodce wil!state the name and ___ <br /> . ;rt `° address of the newci:aan Servicer ac�tt�ad3tess to whicN payments s hdu t d b e m a dr.'f'he n o t i c e w i l!a l s o rn n t a i n a n y o t h e r — <br /> ., � infom�atian c ired�tiy applicable law. <br />. � _�.°� .r,�> yp. �rdu�ts,gnbslyt�s. gorn�er s1►�p not caus�:or permit the presen�r. uye. disposal. starage.or release of any - `Ry',. <br /> .�e <br /> ys�<'"-• °.,�- � ` _ _ <br /> ' � - • �� � Hazardous Suhstanc��an or in the Prc�ert}. Barrower tihall not do. nor altow anynne else ta da. anything affixting the �_ <br /> " Praperty tbat is in vinisnion of any kmironme�taf[.aw. The prcccding twA Sen[ences shal!not apply co thc prc4cncc, u+c. or' <br /> - _" .':� • --�- stamge on the Aatperty�nt sma11 yu•rsui�ies nf llazarduu�S�cbtiwncc�s thax�re generarly nmgnized to be apprnpriatc tn nam�al ._ <br /> .�� ...�,. - <br /> - ' - , residential uu�:u�d tmmuintenance nf the Prapchy• ' •� ..` _ <br /> ' ' � Bntrow•er shalllp�amptly give E.ender aritten notice of any inv��ti�►tian.claim. demand, law�uit ur�ither s�ction by any � , <br /> � }: � � go�ernmental ar n�liAcfry agency uc ptivate}x+rty imolvinp thc Pruperry and any Harardaus Sub+tan�c or Environmcnwt l.uw . �:�, <br /> '" • of w�hich Borrower,Nu+a�7u:�t know[edgc. 1f 6am�wcr Irarn..�►r is nonfieJ hy:u�y gavemmcntal or rcgulatury authority,that ��` • . � <br /> " ' '" any rcmc►val or othar�n;m�iiatioa of an}Ha2ardaus Sub,ta�ice utfxting tfie Praperty i�neces�ary.&►rn►wer ahaft promptly takc � : -�_ ,� <br /> . .. all necessary remediul'a�Kinati in uccurdance H-itb Envirannuntal ' ` • ``z�" � <br /> � , As used in thi�paragraph 20. "Nazard:ru Sub,t3nces" are thoye rubstances defincd as toxic ar hazardnus sub�tanctiw by � - <br /> __ Environmeneal arxt the folidw•ing substances: garc��ine. kcratiene, ather flammable �r toxic petroleum product�. tnxic , ;��. �, <br /> � _ � t pesticides and herf�icid�,vnl:etile solvenu.m�terials cun[aining atibertov ar f�rmaldehyde.and radi�active materials.As ured in � . _. <br /> ;,•���x <br /> this pamgmph 20i,"&nvironment:�l" means fedecal law+ anJ lawti of the jurisdiction whcre the Pmperty is tcxated that —,� <br />' • � retate ro hcalth.safuty or environmental protcction. . ° ` , . <br /> � • NON-UNIFORM COVENAKTS.Borrmra.r and I.ender furlher cnvenant<usd a�ree as i'ollows: . �` <br /> � ' 21.Accelemltuo;Remedles.Lender sha11 fiive notice to Eorraa�er prtor ta acceteretion tolloRiag Borrower's breach f , " , . a <br /> � �� af any covena�ri�or agreement in thLs Sec+�rity in5trument (but aat pr�ar to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless , ��.` <br /> (b)the action requireA to cure the default• ± ' �' <br /> � appllcable law�provid�otherwise).The aotice st�all specify: (a)the default: + . <br /> . (c)a date,nat tlss ttian 30 days fmm the date the notice is�•en to Borrawer,hy which the dePault must 1�e cured:and �`'�;� <br /> A :...:.• <br /> ' ' •` (d)that tailure ta�cure the defavti.on or before ihe date specified in the nutice may result in xceteration af the sums - ��`=''` <br /> u . , �:�'�;�.•:::='-.• <br /> � secuoed by thls 5ecurity Insirument and sate ot the Praperty.The�otice sfia0 further iniorm Bosrower of the ri�ht to ;'" .�i��„ .:�: �• t <br /> �� � ' reiastate after acceleratiun and It1� right to bring a court aciion to a.4sert the non-exlsteoce ai a detault �r an} other , ;:. <br /> ' defense of Bonv�wer tn acceteeatian and sale. lt the detault is n�t cuur�d un ur before the date s�ecBffed In the notice. � ' ' -`• <br /> :;..� <br /> � • I.ender, at its aptian� may requim immed�ate paymenE in fati of a4B sums secuced by thfis Seca��r InSirument wiihout �.' . . <br /> �' � turther demand+and muy invnke 1he pow�er af sale and am uther rcmedicw permittc�cl by apptical�Q�e iaw.Lender shaU be � . <br /> � ' eniitltd ta eoitect�nll expen�.w incaired in pu�suin�the rcRraedlcw provided in this para�raph 21,i�ctuding,but not Iimited � <br /> ' • `' � . to.reasonabte attnrneys'fees and cosl�oi tiifN rviQence. � . . <br /> It the paK�en of sate iw invoked.Trustc+�shalt rc�cord u nodce of default in r�ach count� ia� Mhich any paA of the . : <br />� . ' Property is loeattxl'und sfwll mail capic�aS'such notice io the manner prc�scrit�ed by appticabte Paw to BorraKer and to � <br /> ' Ihe otNer penso�w pr�cribed b3�PD�i��e taw.Atter the time required Ay uppHrublc lu��•.Trustae shall�ivc publie notice . � _ <br /> - ' ut rale ta the penwnti stnd in tfik��nam�er pT�crihcd tn applicuhlr lu�ti.Trustee,�vi�hnut drmanQ nn Bonow•er.shal)seQ E :.... <br /> ' � the Propetly at�pubpe auctto�s t�,.the hirh�cl fildder at thr timr and pls�ce and under the terms desi�Gnated in the noNce af �. .� � _ • <br /> sale in nne on mure pamels and`in an� ��rder Trustre determinev.7'rutit�w mz�v���tpnne wte�f all or any parcel ot the , I , . <br />� . ' ' Property by puNll��unnuuncement at th�time and plr�w of uny pre�•inu�tc cchedulcd+ak. f.eraier ur its desifinee ma� ; � : • <br /> � purcMase ihe Pvapert,v at uny tiatr. i <br /> . , , f , ' <br /> t <br /> � <br /> , � <br /> Fatm 3028 8/90 I <br /> r � <br /> . .o�....:ab � ' , <br /> i <br /> � . <br /> . .� ' , . .•-,, � . _ � - � �-- . . . . . <br />• .. .-.._: .�_.._-._L'�c�...'.�.:r.�:':.::..... :�._ . .:_ - n• _ _ - _ ' _ <br /> __:.._....._ .Y.�. .__.�____ _.._."�__' . � _._._�_"'. . __ ._ ._..._..'__'" """ " "'_' ""_ ' ' ,.._. _. ,."""" ' ' .._. .'__ '__ _..._......_. .... <br /> .. <br /> ' <br /> _ .'. <br /> . ., - . E�""" <br /> i •� . . _ _ • _ _ � " . ' � ' ' . . . . . <br /> 11t _ .'(: . . _ . . . _ _ <br /> ,. ,. ... _,_ . -- , . . - . . . . . <br /> .. <br /> , , t . . . . . . , <br />. . � ._' _ . �,.. . . '. . ' ' _ . . . . .. , , .. , ' . . . <br /> S'' . ,. _ _ -- _ _ .. . -- . , _ - � _ . <br /> � .'f" ' .. . ; ., ' • .. <br /> `«�': � ,��� - .. . .. � . .., .i ' . _,. . � - ". ". . ' . . ' . _ . � ' , . <br /> ... ..�,� . ._ . <br /> . . .,-.. L . . ' _... . . . . . � . . . . - . . <br /> .. ... . . - . . � <br />� .. ... . ��_ . . ... . . . � . ' . � . <br /> ....; . . <br /> ,• . :. ', . . . . . <br /> . • "_ . , �.—�.�_"_-_- _- . -- _ -_; � ' ' _ � .. " --__ _ <br />' _' " '__ T_-_�_'-_ '_'_ _�-�_::� -_ .__-" ' ' ' ' ' �' � --'_. - .., ......... <br />