._ 7 �;��- - �r . 3 —t+-'y`ycrl -¢� �r--r rt'. __ :'— ._ ' . � " - � - . . •� - --
<br /> ' t.. ._ _ .K'--___..5��'� - � ' .. " � . . ' ._...-.I-. .. .__ _""�._ !. '_"_
<br /> �. '�_— �_�.��_ � ' . . ' _ . � "_ . . . ,
<br /> .�._�.. - - _ _�..`_ . . . . , - , - .. . . - 9Z-- 1�1.G�` - �
<br /> `�. Hwied ae�kopaly I�raaee. Borr�uwa shall kap the impmvemerus aov�r existiag ar ha+aafta etrcted on tl�e .
<br /> `Property iicwred ag�i�t Ioss by fin.haaazds lnct�vritHin thc term'catemdad coverage'and an�.othcr luz�ds. inctuditig
<br /> - flaods or Elooding,�for which�ltrder requires insurance.This insur.ince.s6aiLbe inaintained in the�nourtts and for'th�periads '
<br /> , � that Itader re�uires.'lfie inwrance carrier providing t6e insurance shall 6e chosen by BorruHCr subjc4�c�su.f:cadePs apprav�l
<br /> � whiclt shalt�soc 6e unreasor�abty withhetd.If Borrower fails to maintain coverage QcscriDect above. Lcnduc or.�y:at Ixnder's
<br /> . option;atitain coveiagc to pcotoct Lenda's righta in tEie Prc�perty in accordance with paragraph'7. . ` .
<br /> All insuranee'policies aad reaewats shali 6e t�cc�,•ptabte ta t ender and shatl include a standard martgase ci�use. LeaJec .
<br /> __._._ shaif I�ave the right to Iw[d the polici�and cenewaTs.tt E�xiu ttqutres.8urruwer a1�a11 promptty give tn•E�rrda�;�i#receipts of, -- - --
<br /> paiet pnauwnc and ceoewat notices.in the event of loss.Horrower sfialt give prampt notice to the insurance carfcF and Lxnder.
<br /> - -- I.ender may make proof of toss if tat made promptiy by Bortower. - � . - �
<br /> = � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing.insuiance proceed�shafl.be applied to r�staratiart�or r+cpair of the =—
<br /> - proprrty damaged.ef the restoratioa or repair�is e¢onomicalty feasible and Lendcr's security is nat lessc�ne3..If the restocatiun or .
<br /> repzir is nat eoonomicaliy feas�l�ie or Lender's sewrity waild be lessened,the insurance praceeds shseU:be applied to the surt�s . =
<br /> - see�ced lsy tbis Sea�oity Insuument.whether or not then due.w�ith any excess paid to Bor�ower. IF Bc►rdow�abandoas the °=__- -
<br /> Propeity.m daes not answer within 38 days a notice from Lender thaf the insurance casrier i�as affered ta,settla a claim,tben ��---_-
<br /> _ Lender may collect We insuiance proceeds. I.ender may ase lhe grnaaed.s to repait.or tesWre the Prnp)ert}:an-w pay sums =- - --
<br /> 'secuced by tbis Security Instrument,whether or not tJ�en due.The 30-day periad wiU begin when the nattce i�gi"ven, �- - -_
<br />--- - - : - -.-------fta►ess Lender�td-8ass+��;er otherwise agree in writin$: a�►3r appt�c�ion•o��prcrcecds ta Princq�i's�ull:�sat extecxl-rn-- --- —'-_-_-==—.--
<br /> ; , postpone tite due datc of tbe momhly paya�enu referred to in paragfaphs 1 and 2 os cE�ange the amaunt�af ihc paymeots. If 1 _
<br /> $r " -
<br /> - aader�ar�h 2I t�7�upecty Ls acquired by I.ender.Bonrower s right to any insuraace policicc and•pts�ceed�resatting.fmm. .r`��..�-r• --
<br /> � � :., daurage ta the ProPe.i".,rg?Or to the acquisition shaF�pass to Lend°�to,tbe extent of the snmc secured.b��this 5ecnrity Insuument �y����,,-r _
<br /> I { . . 7C"i,. _
<br /> l213ISf2L5dtE;.ji j3T[OT FO��IILSIfi�3�,-,.:.' ' "�. ' ;, ' ., " ' :' , f•,
<br /> tt.0 . �„���CFF�[10as�0'D�C11�1lOC.��{pL�tiOIIr 0�i�P1'OpCI'�9's�(l7ltilii�`S�AWQ���IISs 'f �
<br /> , �`� . . < < _
<br /> ss a. th ezeciuion af . ;'.,< -
<br /> w n "d aitliiri' da �'ser e ,cr��.
<br /> ,�,.� �F.: ' E bTss i� the ` as B�no er''s: �esr ence . s�r .
<br /> ;� t,' _.�. , .•Sarratr s7�alt uCCUpy �2S a 12.aa, usc �vp�ml � � �� � . � . . . . ;
<br /> �"��•. � this Seaixfi�t��TM�' afi3'sha]P�ontmue ta occ�py ihe Property as Borrower's principa!residence�ar as teast one year aft� � -
<br /> �`r; �:"t_� tt►�e date�of occupancy.unIess Lender'oiherwise agrees in writing.which,car�5eat shali nat be untea�oimbly withheld,or ucsless �'_° y i
<br /> • .,}_ . -�;;-� •r,,-•�,. extenaat►�g'rircvmstances ea�ist�wfiiefi are 6eyond Borrower's eon�ioT:��Boirowec shalT not dastra�,damase or i m p a ir the -
<br /> :r,:� �.:,j;:�`L•�:g:-. � . . � `.
<br /> ,y,-;,:,,�,�-.L.+'� Propercy, altow the Property to deteriorate, or commit wagte aa the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture � �. :�
<br /> i:';�;;:�,;r,4°�;;== � ' action or proceccling..whetber civi!oc criminal.is begun tha[in Lender's goad faitb}udgment could�result in forfeiture of the _ tit
<br /> • ;,.:�?.:.::_,:,:;:. , Property as otherwise matetially impair the lien created by this Security tn5trument or l,ender s security intcrest.Bonowe�may . `• :�
<br /> _`:.x��''.:. :._ � . �. ,:�EQ
<br />. :�.,��:� .,x cure such�a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 1 S,by caasing tAe actian or prexeedins tn t�t dismisseA with a rulir►g ; ,��
<br /> � that, in l.ender's good faith determinatian, precludes forfeiture nf the E�onowcr's interest in the Property ar rnber material �- • :
<br /> , Y `'�,._::� � . ,r��
<br /> - • -•� , • im pairment nf the lien created b y this 5ecurit y Instrumeat or Lender's security intere.r•t. &�rrower shall al�be in default if �' �'`" • ,�
<br /> � °� Bortower.dudnb the toar�appliqtian process.gave materially Palse nr inaccu�ate information nr statemenGc ta[.ender(ar faited +•� _ �� -°
<br /> ;.�� ���t ,: r .. __ -
<br /> ° � --"� •. t n p ro v i d e L e n c fe v wi t h a n y m a te rir l i n fi�r m a t iw i)i n co n n e c t in n w i t h t h e t o a n e v i d e n c e d b y t h e N o t e.i n c W d i n g.h u t n o t l i m i t e d t , ?;i'=�,�_
<br /> „ �`�' • .
<br /> ' - ;;_:� :r;:. � so.reprc`entation�c�nceming H�rrower�accupancy af�►e E'roperty a.ti a priacipa}residence.IC thiy Sccurity[nstrument is on a , ' ��'"�=
<br /> , . • • l�.�ehotd. &�rrower shall comply with all the provisionc of the le�atie. Ii Botrower acquiroy fee title to the Property. the . ' . � ��t
<br /> �.. '- �
<br /> � � iea+ehald and the fcc title�+haU not mcrgc unlesr Lendcr agrce�:to�he merger in writing. . •?��•
<br /> � � ' ' � 7.Protection ot l.ender's lttgh�w in the Praperly.IP Borrawer faits to perform the covenants and agreements wntained in ',� ' �
<br /> thiti Securit�iastrument.or there is a Ie a! ra:eedin that ma �i nifir•uitl affect Lender's ri hts in the Pra rt (such as a . . ��''' �
<br /> _ S S P 8 Y • � Y S PeY , �i. ;
<br /> . . � proceeding in bankrnptcy,probate, for�condemnation or forfei[ure or to enforce laws ar regufations►, then Lender may do and � • e -
<br /> =;;:,.� : : � pay for whatever is necessary tn pmtect tAe v�t�e of thc Property and Lcnder's rights in the Property. l.ender's actions may t ;� ' ,' �
<br /> � - =�'• � include pAying any aums �ecured by a lien which bas priority �ver:thi.v Security Instrumeru, appearins in a►urt. paying � _'"• =r�'<_
<br />.. �°:�::�=:..- �•.
<br /> ' ' reasana6le attorneys•'fees and entering an the Property to mnke repairs.Alftiough i.ender may tAke action under this paragraph _-�__
<br /> . 7.Lender does not have to do so. , fi , � . : "
<br /> :�:'_�_.;�
<br /> � ' Any amounxg dis burs e d by l.en der un der t his paragrap h 7 s ha l li b e came u d ditiona l de bt o f Boaower secur e d by t his y • - ;:'i�
<br /> • .� : ,' . . Security Instrument. Unless Borrowcr and Lendcr agrce to othcr term_4 aF�paytnent: these amaunts shall bear interest from the ; '•;'. , r'��;;:-
<br /> � . . ,.,.:;,';� ���
<br /> ,�_..:, '; ., � , date af disbursement at the Nate rate and shall be payable, w�!ti inter�sy'upvn�notice Erom l.ender ta Borrawer requesting �
<br /> z- - PaYment. t , . 3`
<br /> ,�=:-
<br /> . , S.Mortgage Insurance.If 1.�-nder reyuircd mongagc insuranrc a�a candi�ion af�mak;ng the loan secured by this 5ecurity � • �`�;.-•
<br /> `- • Instrument. Barrower 4ha11 pay the premiums reyuired to maintain the mortga�c�insurancc in effect. If. far any reason. the f � '`''�''-�°'
<br /> - '� �.. mortgage insurarrce caverage required by Lender layses ar ceascti to be in effect:�rrowen�halt pay the premiums required to � ' '
<br /> ' abtain coverage substantialty eyuivalent[��he m�mg�be insurance previouvl5•in eifecti u[�a cotit 5uh�tantially equivs�lent to the �. • �- :
<br /> � ,.', cost to Banower af thm m�rtgage in.ruranee previauyly in effect. from an af:zrnate mongagv in�urer approved by Lender. If ; �
<br /> . . ....;. substantially equivalent murtguge iarur.uice cuvcrage is nut avaitahle. �rre�a�r tihalE'p�y t�l:ender each month a wm equal to � •
<br /> . .� one•twcifth of thc ycarly martgagc insursnrc premium bcing paid hy t3cmow�r�when th's insuM�nrc ravcragc t�pvcd or cc�sed to a ,
<br />' . , he in effecK.Lendcr will acccp�.u�c and retain thcse payments;i� u lu�� rr�en•c ia� lieu�����m��n�;age in�urance. l.a�s rc�crve '• �
<br /> ° Form 3029 9/90
<br /> . . . . � � Fail,:�nA o .
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