_ ' . ,c . , � _2. ` :'r.t�fiSi�•�tv..`�f•fi.''�4tf.����'�LS��e ... f . ' —__ ____
<br /> . e'
<br /> L f
<br /> '�Praceeds�in�=ctisn�aitfi oondsmnagan or o3h3r ta:ct�g ct t�r►e Property cr part theteat.o�tcr oo����i��!aaMQmnat:�n.
<br /> Lendar st�a7 bo en�at its optton i�car�vr�enee�aDtsear tn ar�f pra�cr�M i'�ar.�n nam3 any e�fQn or pr�c�.end sha��O
<br /> C+e enL'�ed to maka eny currtFrom!se or set�eraenE in csanN'�tion�eicch taktng or�arnag3.tn ti�9 ovaM any parE;an ot t+1�a RraFsf►y i� ,
<br /> sa taken ar dam�qed. Lender sttaJ 14ave the e�sn�+,i�t�ata Fn��'�t�serettan.to s�Aly ell sueA Pr�esQs, ef�r�
<br /> �tsrsfrom�!oo�s���n�33 Inctitr�d Cy R In�►w'.ttrit�n tvti�satch Piaaaed9.�rt arry(ndebtednese sacete+d hsts�y 8nd i�cue�1 =-
<br /> t + arder ss Ler�der may�stertntne.or�ap�y�i r•�rt�Rt�ad9.efter suc�d:�or►s.ta riso resiora4tan a!iho Prc�aRy ugan such t� F,
<br />� � �as Ler�der may datesmine Any s�a�tian ai t�asiia to tndabisdrt^�ss sf�3�ot Qxt�nd ar�a�aav thQ due drto o!eny R�Y- �.
<br /> men��der tt�e Nate.cr a�re any dQiaaT�'C�a�7urtder or Rsrun�4er.Ar►Y unapp(ic�funds sAaU be patd to Tnutor.
<br /> 8.R�Ht6trnanco�1►�U�n iPte aflcu�rtt�af an Ereni a4 a2faWt haraund3r.or if any�ct is L�icen or Lg,�l pa�e2ding E�"
<br /> oamm2n�d vah:eh maY:r�.T,�aff�s Len�r's ir:isrest in ths Pro�erty.Lgnder may in€Se awn d�:c�o�.but��iitau3 oDiig�tlore W�so. _
<br /> and w3haut rwfice to ar demand upo�e Tnt.�"�.or and wiihout reieas{ng teuster ir�n any obf�Eton,do erey act whic4t Trust�ar has eqreed
<br /> hut tei Ed��o an��ay aso do en}I oS9ier act[t deeens neCessary to prai�ct the seauiry heceof. Truster shall,imme�ai�Sy u�n
<br /> �3m�J ttturs!ut tr�6�rtd�►.B�Y to L.ert�3r 21!co�encf expsnsea i�urred and sums ex!sended by I..ender in ooruiec�an urit�id�e exer-
<br /> ' cLse by Lender ot tl�e iaregol�9 d$hb.tagsther caith IMOre�t thereon at 4h8 defauii rate p:avtded in the t�ts.whkfi straU Ce added to _
<br /> tlra inQeptedrtess secured hereby.Lender silall noi incur arry fia�il.Ry bscause o4 anytRing[t may do or omit to do here�mder.
<br /> 9.timrdous Wt�r1�ia.Truamr st�afl fseey the Pkvastty In cotnp113nce�rlih�I appfir.abta taws.ardinences er�d r�InlIar�
<br /> . rdatia9 to Uud�.+strial P►Y9iene ar emrlranme�i Ptotec�ian(coIIectiveiy referted to he�.n as`Environrrtss�l Lavr�?.Tnwwiar stiall keep =_
<br /> tt�PropeetY tree fran a11 substances cteerried to 6e haYardous or toxic unQer any Envlmnmeriisl laws(coRacfIvafy neferrad ts hetsin
<br /> . as'Hazaafoua Mai�dais}.Tnrstnr haTeby v�rr�nts and represants to Lendas thai Yhera are no Hazardnua Nl�tsr�la�ra et urAer th9
<br /> Property.T[ustu her�y e�ees m indemnify and hotd harmtess Lender.Iffi duedurs.o'��rs.er►Spfaye2s snd a��ta,srtd ar�l sux� =
<br />:;.;..� . sots L�L.er�de�'s kU��asL frcm and e�atns't any ttM aU ctattna.dturuises,losses artd II�IGtIes srisin�in oonr�ection wt�►ttt9 Pse+er�o�� F
<br /> use.d�saf ar Liat�so�t ot an1►ttazarduus Maferia(s an.under.irom ar abaut tho PraPerty.�HE FOREQOlt�O WI�+Rkt�fitES AND �
<br /> � R�CONV�1fAt�1C�OF THIS QE�OF TRUST.
<br /> 10 l�alQytt�s4eY���t i3e�b.Tnistor hereby essigns to Lender.ar►d g�L�ander a sacufity interesi in,all ps�asen�fubu�o a�d
<br /> • aftef aris[�r�lssues aetd p�of'ib ot Ute�iopetty:providad that Ynt�s w''1Sll.un�f the�aure�og an Eveni at Qefaudy ha�eurtder.
<br />, haue the�i�t45�co(leci end wtatn suct�reMn.issues as�profrts es they[temm»d�ce and payabla Upari the occuarertca ot en C-�ent a! -
<br /> . ..�� �auit,Lar[�ier may.either[n persan or by egent.+at�i►ar wl�cut bringln9 anY�ar proceeding.or by e rersf:isar appatnied tsy a
<br /> . cxx�t etW witJwud teSard to the�y o!Us s�txisity.E��tt�on end take posses��:�at tlte Pra{►arty�ot eiry p�uc�reat.in ib awn _.
<br /> _��f.'�• rsame Ct in the nam8 01 the Ttustea.8nd�etry 8cts oa�ictt�deems t�C9ssary or desireb{o�a�rv9 tt�a�rttaA�b�tll ar
<br /> --_ cer�ility o!t��a P�eDertll.or any paR ttv�r�csf ar i�te�est t�n.or t�'cr�,sase the income theretrorn�r�rtcct tha aecus�ty hereaT asb.
<br /> _ with or wfUsauF f�g possesston of the P�»E�j.sue for or aifterur�oAliect 4he rer�ts,Lssues snd pr�t thoreat.(rsr�udi►�y fhose D�
<br /> ;;�'' due and�2►Y�N�9 tenants to maka paymerrts to L��er.1..,�..�d�r�maY$GRtY t�.issuas�ptof'Bs,le�s oosta and e�ens- _
<br /> es at apecafja¢ti�r�ce�tectlan includr�attomey/s 1ees,to eny in�ebt_�,ves�secured Ps�reby.aD tn such arder as I.ender ma�t Qeter- _
<br /> mine.The e�g upan arM taktn9 D�s�on ot the Pr�eRY.me cai)a�tlars a!sz�n rertts.issues and Dr�fi�.erb tbe a�pW�tlon
<br /> � ttte[eGt as a�sSsa11 r�t cure ar waive erry detaufi ornatice ot�tt h8teurtd2r er invalIdate airy act dan�In tes�onEe to stx�
<br /> defautt or pccQm�nt to such rtotics of 68fau�i end,norivlUrstanding��mnUnuartce tn passass'on ot iha props�rry or the ooik+ctton.
<br /> reoefpt end eppl�ot rs[►ts,issues or pm8is.Tnu"tes&nd I�etwet s.�r�b9 sntitted ro axer+�ev�ry rtght PravEded tar in erry o1 the —
<br /> ., . t�nan ir�uments or by taw upoa�oaxirtence of any Ev��w��efa►��in7�g aiUUx.�Rlimitatfon tl�e ci�ito exerci�e tl�.pG�►�stot sate. _
<br /> . Fi:rSher.l�ndeta rigi�and remedtes under Ws paTagr;�Gn s;ra11 be cu�,�iAtiva a�th.and in rto ti;ray a timfta�ore os.,��'Q stg�ts and v
<br /> ',,; : rgz�emes under arry as�'qnment ot ieases end renfa�:corded agdnst Cra Properry.Lender.7n�stee an4 Uw n�ce{vea�t�ft ho(tabia to -
<br /> �,.'•� � ec;oount cttgt tot thase�u ecmauy recsit�.�.. .
<br /> ',�':�,:;�= 11.Era��:e3 t�PauiL The fo[iau��lf unnstiilute an Evant ot(Qofauit ue�der Wa Oeed otT�
<br /> ^'�l lE (a)�'a7uto�to.pay any Uutagmar�a�Ddnaipal or tnierest ot arsy atitier s�m►csecu�d h¢�tsy�v,3�►e�dt:�at
<br /> '`�::.:;, jp)A bra7cti ot ar defautt under arry prarision�ntatned in the Note.thts�o�Tnr3t any o1 the I.flan im�tr�ansrzts.w anY
<br /> �.�.;:
<br />_; , other Qen or erycumbranca upan tPu►Pra¢erry: �
<br /> � -•. (c)A wtit at execution or attechmi3nt or 8ny simitar prooess shall toe ernered agahtst Tcustor wt�ich stiaB become a Nen on
<br />`��`<�c, fhe Praperiy or alry poAion the�oi ar tntet�t tlsarefn;
<br /> � (�}'(i�ra s9�a�!be fiied by ar aga7nst TtusWr or 6arrowar an actian�u�der any preseni or fu�re federal.state or other staLutB.
<br /> � law or rt�tla�ot9 refaUn9 m baniau��.Y.��otvencY or otitar raf�f for�bior�:arih2re sha0 ba�pDointed ar►y Uasiee.roceFier a
<br /> � Bquidator of Ttuslar or Horrowet a of eA or�r pac9ai the Propsm/.ar the[e�b,tssues or profits tlie�ed.ar Tn�Lw os 8arraurer
<br /> _ BhAafltpk+98[f�iQ9f16(a18S6iglNifef1t10tf�blf119�SA�ICftidi0lS; ' . ' .
<br /> ' (8)nf9 S$ZBr�8i1S�8f.�6858.BSS�YIIBIQ C01lIT6Y8flC9 O�111Ati@�ef ICU([It1t8t�B O�9�0!�Q81t OE'df 5t7y�tRi![ES�{J1�19 �
<br /> . PcoDeAy,e�Nsr volur�r'i[y► or hfvotuntarQy�wittaut the eapress wriGen canserrt oi tenQe�;�i►�ad U�at Tne�or st�aQ be per.r�it _
<br /> . tad�o�a(ease W tne Property that 6oes not canmin an oa�an w purcflssa end C�e tcfrm�a!ufi:d�doas not wacec+��s _
<br /> . yeat; -_
<br /> (fl ADandonmum a the Property;or "-
<br /> ' (p)N Trustor ta noi en in�vktu�,the tssuat�ce,s�be.hanster.assi�prnent,comreyanoe or enasnbrar�ce of more than('rt a =
<br /> . OdtPOf8t1011)�t4$1 O? QBI08tft df U81&Sll89 871d OU1513J1�i9 StQC14 Of(�18 �fitiB(S1i1p�8 t01810? �78f- -
<br /> ;;; ° oer�t o1 peMeisnlP Interests.or(if a Ikn(md pa�iry oompanYl a tatal at peroerri ot the UNia9�ab�ity mrts�
<br /> -= t�y k�tete�s ar vodrp ri�ts duting tbe perio9 Ws Dead o1 Trusi rem�Sns e lien on the prope+t�y� _
<br /> - 12 R�et�r:Aex�i�ration Qipon D�fwlt In ths event o1 arr�r EMent ot Defa�d Lender rt�.�^�:�cit�wut neLtce exa�t as c�Gred
<br /> Oyt law.daciate eli Ind66t�teSB secured her6by b bv t�na�nd{aayBDiA end it�9 same shsit thgra°�tzs►Geoome�8'r�p2lyabt0 w�h-
<br /> ad atry presentriter�demand.Dratest or natioe cl eny idc�rl�.4t�etesf�ir len�er may:
<br /> .° (a)Oertwid that Tn�alne sxerdss the PC1KB�i�SI4tE garttad het0(n.end Trus�ae st�i theiaaftet t�uso Tnr�ooe's tnte�
<br /> ;'�" , est in QIe PmperN�D be sdd and tE�e prooeeds to be dsbibutedl c�l in the n�ru�e�pravided f�tS;o Piebteske Trt�s!Deede l�
<br /> i��,�:ti�.,�
<br />':'1;`," Defa di:and eny and all rights�rovlded tor in any o1 the O.�an InsWmertis or by la.+n a;pon oxumence o!eny Eorr-.ast of
<br /> ��'���.,.:�. (c)Gomrt�ence an ecUon to taectose thl�Deed of Tnrt as e mort�eqe.aGGca�t e re�rer.or spe�j e�oroe atry W fha
<br /> ..�., � cover�antDhereaL�
<br />,ri�;';��•, No remecty Fesrain carJerred upon or�saniod to Tnist6e or Lender ts intendsd to ba euctusiv�ot a�►athar remo�y herein.tn ihe L,oan
<br /> ;!;�.'�.. trm�ru�nerYn or Qfy I�w prwided or pertr.ifA�d Ix.R�S shaB bo cumutaLve.st�all be tn edd�on to euery other romed�t given ha�euider.
<br /> �^.+,;;�,, in tha I.aan�aavtna�oa�ot na��v at hE�3�e:d•dstin�at taw ar[n clquity or by siamto.and may��ed w►xurrernly.tn�epea��nVy
<br /> .... ,, orsac�cestu�at�
<br /> : . 13.Trwb�The Tnistee msy resign et atty time xdthotA cause.end Lender may at ruty tim9 arb v�iaoui puse eppoUa a sua
<br /> oessao ar sW�h�te T�ustee.Tnistee sha8 not be liabte to arry partyr.ir�ciu�ng witAcut limimiton l�r�r.Barrvwet,Tnista or en!►P�
<br /> d�aser of ihe PropeRy.for any ioss or Qarnape untess due to ceddes3 or wbifu4 rt�nduct.and shat!not be required b take sr�y scUon
<br /> . in cax�ectlon wiN ine enforoement of tlds Deed ol Trust uMess trsdem�iFied.tn wri0ing�tor eD oost4.oort�pensation a experqes whird�
<br /> mny 6e ss�odam0 therewitl�.tn addiUon�Tnrstee may beooma a puroNeser at erry a�de of tl�e P�uperty Quddei or under the powsr o1
<br /> sa}a granted hercin):Raatpana tha sala a!�tl or any poNon af th�Peagarty.n�Qrovided by la��;or s,�U the ProF�Ry as a cshoS�.or tn
<br /> 5sparate paroels or bb e!Tnstee s d�creUon.
<br /> . l4.F�s arb E�sr�s.In the everit Tn�atee sei1�tho Prapatty by exsrdse ol Pawer a1 sab.Tnrctee s�aY be entitied to s�pty
<br /> ' a�ry sate procee�s Brst to payrtnent of aU oasfs and e�enses af exerdsirwg power of sata.t�ng eU Tnu�ee's feeo,end lenders an0
<br /> . Tmstae's attamej/a tEa9. ace�a(ty irtrairteb to exten!pemfit�d by app8c�bte law.fn tAe everit Borrower or TnisL�r exscdses an1/rigrit
<br />>:7::� .. P��tiY taw to curo an EvoM uf OafaUB.Lendet shail he entitfad to recaveHmm Tiustor afl costs and expensra9 ectuaIIy in�vrt�ed as
<br /> '� e teSWt of Trustots dela�i,lnciuding wlthout llmttetbn 811 Tni8te9's and BY•ame}/8 tee9,to tfie e�QerR pertnitted try appTK"'.tb:�L:.1. �
<br /> - 15.Futu�Adv�Upan request o!Borrowot.Lendet may.flt Ib opUon.make add'rHunat end tuhas aMareoes arb�
<br /> ,.,,��--��- ii-a��i^vtn-i—...7a;..nnuC�'i av�ii-a3',w'a a'i'�i vi-s�3"woa,'so�'L`i€A'S.a"�s t�?u?�i'vL.'i.�a'n Lv�a""w.:t.'��' �L+�:s!TlL..t".!s:� < <!L!h�
<br />� - ' . .. . . - . . ' . � . . . ` ' • . "_ . . .. _`'_ - , �
<br /> . ,3 F ,,' _ .�...V• . • .A. . ' � ' 'l 1 . . . �,i . . ..
<br /> t \ u;`�TI � , . ' . - i _ .�-•. . . . ..
<br /> ::.:;q�.r . _ .. C�I�.•}.i�..i� . . . .. . � . . . . .. . .. _ . " . . . .� . •� .. . � . .. . . ..._ . . . �. .
<br />