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<br /> � . . �—. �.a.'v..... . . . : 1.=� `.� h..r v_ ' ' —.. ^ � _-. � ' � ._. ' . .._ . _—__
<br /> '��� ( S . - . " _" . —"_ _ —. _ _ .. .. .
<br /> ._.� ...__. ., .. , ._
<br /> '_ .__". .� " '..- _' _—"__' " _ _ __ _ . . _ . ._" "_ ___ _ " _ _
<br /> .� ._.... 1 . _ . __ .. . .. ._ _—_ ` _ . __ . . ..—_. .
<br /> �
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<br /> � � � , . , � .. _ � _ g2-- �t�is8�
<br /> � . TOGEt7iER W11If aEl.d�e improvements now ar hereafter eiected on[he praperty.and att easements,appurtenancxs. • `
<br /> - '�and fu�tures oow or h�tec a'par[of the prope�ty.. A!1 replacemencs and�ddiriau shail aiso be covered by this Security � _
<br /> "i . InsYnnnem. All af the Fo�going is ief�d m in this Seciuity insttumeni as the"Prapeny.'" __ , . -- y--�—
<br /> �-��� �� BORROWER COVENANTS that$o�rower is lawfully seised af the.estace hcneby wmeXed aztd ha5 the right w gzaiu �:`� _
<br /> �� •and convey t6e Anpeny and that the Ptoperty is unencumbered.except far encuinbrances of record. Borrower wanai�u and . �-���,�,--
<br /> �F,;_� .. v�l defend generally the tit3e to the Pmpetry against alt claims and demandti.subject to any encumbrances of mcard., ��''�°�_
<br /> — -_> �,'�,t�.
<br /> ��v� THIS SEGiIRITY INSITtUMENT combines aniform covenanu fnr natiunal us�and nno-uniform cavenants with �cs �...,�<=��--
<br /> — limited variations by j�uisdiction to cot�ctitute a uniform secarity insuument covering�rai property. � ,y,��=. ��
<br /> — `� UNIFORM COYEI�iiANTS. Hom�+ver and Lender covenaat aad agree as foilavrs: t . �,,,r�?r�;
<br /> ' ..t =. 1. I'A nt oi Priacipstl nnd Interest;Prepayment And Late Charges. Borrower shatl prompNy paY when due the . _...__.����-
<br />'.'`s ; ,. Pri�ipal of an�d'mterest on the debt evideuced by the Note and anY P�PaYment and late charges due under the Note. _ :. ''-�;^�,,o-�-.�;^
<br /> E _. L• Fauds for Tw�es and Iasuranca Subject tu appticabie taw or to a written waiver by Lender.Hnrrower shall pay ta . �.__.
<br /> 4.�.,,, w _ _ �'.�.��' .��' ,��;-
<br /> ' ���v��iie day monthly paymems are dae m�der the Note.until the Note is paid i�fui{,a sian{"Funds"►for_(a)yeady _;
<br /> ' - : �:��.v.�xnts which may attain priority over tLis Security Insdument as a lien on the Propercy:tb)yeati�Leasehold ��� -
<br /> . • }�•�ar��crarts on the Pruperty. if aay; Cc)Yearly hazard or prope�ty insarance pn�niums: (d) Y.e��.Saod � ' _
<br /> �:,,.�-�: '
<br /> ��s.�r€�. �'. ia�a�r-.�ice�r�ritiu�.if any:[e)Yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any: and(f1 any sums payable�}r E�r�v�e�er to " �... , : �„ ,:
<br /> _��'�_`i��-`- �� � cisioas of h 8,in lieu of die enE of mort e iastuance o��.�These
<br /> ., r<<. .: F e�dei,iII auvt�ce v�fii.ti�pro� paragraP. PaYm Sag �'--`;, z ,r�f �5..��•.•
<br /> •,�R:.l' I�/.y`,',• -
<br /> :�,'�'�r ,, .--;<:: i[ems ace cailed�'�aw:Ct�ir;�''�;�.�•cfec aarag.at any ame.caltect and hold Funds in an amount uot to exoee�tdzz ccaximum , �, , .
<br /> ��}.� f ;�;,.: . amaant a�t�der.f`ar.a fedi������:°=Lr::��rw�age loan may require fur Batrowers�crow account undec t�t�deral Real r�.,�.�..c.
<br /> 5��; �.� 't �state Sevl�L'tocedures pat'of i�?.��.�.�ended fram ame to time.l2 U.S.C.§2601 er seg.Q'tt�PA"k„aaiess anothei �'""'`!;_
<br /> . ��..A.�.�,� ,, . . {aw that ag�si�i?��fie Funds seis a lesse�:osqt�i�t lf so,Lender may.at arry time,eolleet and hoic@ LFaa�s aa am�cnount nnt to .�'� `,
<br /> � �,w.;�:._. �;:;;' , ' exoeed the tesser amount Lender may esa.'�nate the amoani of Funds due an the basis of aur�m c�a:asr;�ceasonable -' _ • -----
<br /> i. � =-----
<br /> �-... =.���:-%''.;�=:;"`•�- ;�:`�,:; �ates of expenditunes of fature Eserow Items or ad.�wise in accordance with applicable law_ .-� - .." --
<br /> ' ,��;,-� ` � �..=` The'Funds shall be heid in an institutiou wh��osits are i�sured by a federal agency.instramer���.'�.ar entiry � '
<br /> �" = � (including Lender.if Lender is sucr'�an in5�eon)or iR�y Federai lgoin�Loa�►Bank. Lender s6att.aPp]y the Funds to pay I • ,�.
<br /> . . _ _.r. �. the Escrow items. t.ender may not chzc'b='�7rower,�oc�iolding aivfi�PP�Y�g the Funds.ana�t[�.analyrtirtg the escrow . . �� -�_,_,=_
<br /> ' � � , . � ' accoun�or verifying tbe Escrow iteins:.;�ss Le�•i�'sYs Botrower interest on.the Fund.�a�i��:?plicable law permits • ��« �
<br /> �, .. �..�� . .. _Lender to make such a charg�e.�,:However;�:der���ire Borrower to pay a crrn.�ime��„:ot aa independent rcal �;�_s,". :... ."`
<br /> 4� . �1 i� . _.. ��_"
<br /> • , estate taa reporting service ust�i By Lender in connec¢cu�:�i�this foan,unless apptu:.�1'�::Lia-'�i:a?:�xs otherwise. Uniess an "" p', , . ,. �:—
<br /> ' - agreement is made or applicable law requires interestrr�!�r�aid.Lender shal!not be�.�y�.-��i aa�*.w�:�orrower any interest or - : ,,�. �_;
<br /> � . . .. ' _!.� � eamings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender r�tay agn�:a:writing,however.that iaterest sha:F�'��un the Funds. Lxnder �F � . � . ,,:,�,, ':.
<br /> '� � shall give to 8orrower,without charge�an annuat acca�ting of the Funds,showing c�u a%���t�?�.to�he Funds and the ( • fr.fi '� '':
<br /> u��
<br /> `,;;:,,. . puTpose for which each debit to the Funds was made..zt?,r�unds are pledged as additional seci.'�.z��'all sums secured by i ' ,'`-:'i;fi<��r �
<br /> � . .i�s•'�' f;
<br />� -::���:�:;f,,. . flus Security(nsaument. •.� .: ;., �� ,. • ,. ,
<br /> • �•• r ' lf the Funds held L�n3er eareed the amouiti�'` ,� itted to be held a licable law. lxnder sir,2tt":A;.count to
<br /> ,..�,, b7r �m •
<br /> ;' '.•;:.•:.,,� L •�
<br /> ��''!;:,:,:•,t,. Borrower for the�excess Fac,�sn,accordance wit1�t[te�sirements of applicable lawp ff the amount of the�i�`held by � �•.`;, ,�.�
<br /> .. ;�:ji;:,;�,;:: ._ .,,•;:;
<br /> _ _ •.,,,;,J-:;;::� l.ender at any rirne is not suii:�W-x�t to pau the Eccrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wc��.�'�and;in �. ._;��.�.�
<br /> �. ; � .-�;�t• such case Barrower.shall pay����.ettder?fle amount necessary ro make up the defiiciency. Soaower shall rr�:�. the � � '�'� �j
<br /> ...
<br /> � f ' � �.�����ry�*;�;�.:A
<br /> .. � '�"':` de�ciency in no more than twe2r�r:�a�ati[y�aymen�s.at l.cnder's sale discretion. ��', . { r . . ' ,.',. f;?;{�;?�#
<br /> ' � Upan payment in[ull of:a€sucns secured by this Secuaty lnstrumen�i.ender sh�ll promptly refund ta Harro�rer any ! ;;, , ; `��'°r�'"
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If.un��r paragraph 21.I.ender shali acquire ar sell the Property.l.ender.prior to the acquisitian ar � ; .ti 1;'.�'�,' ��•
<br /> sale af the Property.shal!apply any Funda held by Lender at �he time of acqu�sition or safe as a credit againct the sums c '> > k ��
<br /> � . secured by this Secudty lnstntmem. • • k `'::':;;`,':.�: :'-.:%f'rt.. '�f.
<br /> ,.,;...,; ,
<br /> ' , � � 3. Appliptbn of Ppyments. Unless applicable law pravides athenvise, all payments ,-�rvived by Lcnder under � '1;`:'+;;;;t
<br /> . � paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fust.to any prepayment ehargcw duo under the Note:second,ta amoun�s payable under f ��'�:;.s:',:•__
<br /> , • ' � paragrap h 2;t hir d,ta interest due:fou r t h.to pancipal due;and las�to�n y late chaz gcs dae under the Note. � .. ;�`
<br /> � � 4. Chuges; Ueas. Borrower sha0 pay all taxes.asticssments,charges. i'incs and impositians attn�utable to the =-- _--_
<br /> e.
<br />" ,_ � , , Property which may attain priority over this Security lnsirument,and teasehoid payments ar gound rents.if any. Borrower �. ° _,
<br /> shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragmpb 2.or if not paid in that manner.Harrowcr shail pay them on
<br /> . . . time directly ta the peryan awed payment. Borrower�hail pramplty tumitih ta l.cnder all notires of amounts to be paid under < <� ',,.;:=5;: '
<br /> � "��:f • this paragraph. IP 8arrower makes these payments dircctly.Borrower shail promptly fumi�h to Lender receipts ev�dencinS ;� . ' . . • • .
<br /> . . ,.::,,�; �. the payments. t .:;,:. .
<br /> .. � � ,. Botrawer sha11 pramptty discharge any lien which has priority over�his Security Instrument unless 8orrower.(a)sigrees t `''�. .
<br /> F�I
<br /> • � in wdting to the payment af the obligation secured by ihe lien in a manner acccptable to Lendcr.(b)contests in good faith thc 6 � . . � �� �� �
<br /> lien by.ar defendc against enforcement of the lien in,tegai prarceding�which in thc Lcndcr�opinion aperatc to prevcnt the �.'�'� .
<br /> S ' ' enfarcement of the lien;or(c)secures irqm the holder of thc lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subnrdinating the lien � ,
<br /> ' • to this 5ecuriry lnstrument. lf I.cndcr d�fermi�es�hat any part of the Property i��ubject to a lie»whirh may att�in priority
<br /> ' � ?���- ' • over this Security Instrumen6 Lcnder may givc Honowec a na�icc identifying�ho licn. Raaawer shall salisfy the lien or take ; '
<br /> ' � . r;°�?f;' • .•. ane or more of the actions set fanh above within 1O days of the giving af notice. '
<br /> '��r� 5. Hazard or Property Insusaece. Botrawer.�all keep thc imprmcmcnts�nw cxititing an c�rcaftcr crected on lhe !
<br />' � Property insurcd against loss by fcre�.��.�,:�r.��included within the tcrm"cxtendrd cnveraac"�nd any nihcr hazards,including
<br /> � . Qnodw or flooding,for which Lend�r�?nii:� insurancc. This insurunce shall be maimained "+n Ihe amnunts and for thc �
<br /> , . ;I �.. . ,: �,' � .
<br /> .•- - -�--""`:C; � • n: ' i tiumi02l1 9190 I(u�y�.'�Jbpuge.0 � .
<br /> . . t�,.
<br /> . i-�,1; .. , , , .
<br /> , „ • • . ;` ,. ,:; .
<br /> . �� . '�' � : �;r,' . . .,. . � �• �.�� .
<br /> . - . . . ' --� - .- � - ;�;i.'. -:y�t� '11.f.. .. , _ _ . � . - . .
<br /> -- - -----.._: - - ---. . . . - - - - - - - - - -
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<br /> . � � ! I� • t - - ----- . � ' '
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<br /> f . . .
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