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<br /> � TocE'f'f�R vVi'FEt:att she imprbv�ts not�r or�erecced on the,p�ope�tY aod atl,easernencs:appur.enancGS. -
<br /> and fixnues now or here�er a part of the prope�ty. .All replxements and addirioos shait also�be covcrcd by tfis Se¢w'itY .
<br /> ` InsuwMnt Altoi the fo�+egoi�g is ieferted to in tris Savriry[nsuwnent as die^Ptoperty."
<br /> — �: BORltOWFR COVENANtS that Borrower is tawfutly seised of thc esrate here'by c�mreyed and has the rigtu co grani '
<br /> — and canvey thc Property and thaE the Pmpectg is un4ncumbemd,exaept for et�cmmbrances of teso�d. Nainv�rer warrants 3nd ,
<br /> = wiQ defrnd gener�Uy the title m the P�vpettg against all claims and demands.s+iblect to ang encum6rances of cecotd.
<br /> --- - — ' THIS SECiJRFfY iNSTRUI4�S}T combines un�orirf eaY�ts far m�tiom! use aad�orm rovenan�s vvith � . � - .--
<br /> — -�' Iimited�uiations by jurisdiction to constinue a unifotm security instrument covering�al piopetty. " -_
<br /> - IJNIFORM COVENAN'fS. Sortower and l.ende�cavenant and agcee as follows: --_-
<br /> 1. Pl�ymeat ot Principal aed Iuterat;YrepaYa�eot and late C6argcs Bormwer sf�all promptty pay when dae the - ---
<br /> u
<br /> pri�ipal of aad iaterest on tt�e debt evidenced by the Note and anY P�PaY���?�late charges due�der the Note. --- _
<br /> � � 2.. F�for TaYes�tad Ia�ursooa Subject to applicabte!aw or to a wntten waiver by i.end�r.Borrower shall pay tfl _ -----
<br /> �.ender oa ttta daY nwnthtY PaY►t�ents are due undRr the Note,und'i the Note is paid in fui1.a sam("Fortds")for.ta)Y�Y --__—
<br /> . taxes and as�ssments�fiich may atta�n priarity.over this,Secmity Insdru�nent as a lien on the Pcopeity;tb3 yeazty teasehotd ---_-- -
<br /> ; payments or ground rents on the Fivperty. if any; (c� Year1Y ha�ard ar�r+aperty iacurance premiums: (�Yearty flood . !--:.g�-��,��__
<br /> _ _ �s�nce ptemi�cns�if any;{ea yearly mongage insuraflce premiums.if any:aod it?�Y�s pays►b!e by S�rrower ta _-_-_—_ _-
<br /> . �� ��.��with the provisions of paragraph 8.in tiw of the�yment of mo�tgage insurance p� Ths�e =`"==_= —_
<br />- ---�: iums�e called"Escrow items.' I.cader may,at any ume,colIecx and twtd Funds En an amaunt noc tc�eaceed t6e ataximum ��.`..�-- —_-
<br /> r•,z. amouat a tender for a f�EIY related mottgage loan may iequire for Bormwers escrow accaunt ander the federal Real %'�,,y---�
<br /> '"•r:. Esrate Seat�i P�aceduies Acc of 1974.as amended from rim�to ti�n�12 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.("RESPA").uaIess aaother �f��;s,;:.-�_ _
<br />' � law that ap�tiesurcfle T�'s�s a►esse�araoun� If so.I.ender may�,at any tur�e.collect and hola Fuads in aa amount not w _ �-;•`'.;' —
<br /> .���: '-> e�cceed the i�amauu�:-.L�nder may estimate the arnount of Funds due on.We basis o€curre�E data.and reasonabie : :�p`Y` _
<br /> �•°- �� � estimates ofei�pienditures of t�iture Escrow Items or atherwise in acoordance with applicable law. : ='` ��-
<br /> � �' • ' - "" 'f1�e Funds shaIl be held in an institution wlwse deposits aze insured 6y a federat agency,insavn�eniality or entity � • :�..:I�.'_-
<br /> ���- �%=` �including�.endet.if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loari Ban�c. Lendec shail apply tlieFands_to pay � ; -_
<br /> ;. .��,;:'=�.:_�,�• _. . :.. :". :
<br /> th�Etcrow�1�s. Lender may nor charge Barrower for i�olding and-applying the Funds.annually analyziRg ii�'cscraw. '
<br /> � '�;'' . ..' ,.. accouat, or„kaifying tGe EscrPw Items, unless Lender pays Borroa�er:interest on the Firnds and appllcable.[a�v.pemuts:� `' 'j�:;.
<br /> -�-�— � �ender to�aake such a charge. However,l.ender may c�equire:Bocr,ct«:�to pay a one-time charge for an indep�naent real - � •
<br /> ' , •;-`,-: •. � estate tax n�porting se�vice ased tiy Lender in conaection with this Ioarn..�Iess applicabte law provides otfierwis�. Untess arF° � �,�t
<br />_. • . agecmeat is made or appli�abte law requites interest tv be paid.Lender's�ali not lie.i�equired to pay Borrower any.interest or j;:^t,� : , r_
<br /> .. . : _ eamings a�the Fvnds. Bomawer and Lender may agree ia wnt�ng.floae��er.thaj,inte�est shall be pazdan the�nds. Lender �,i'�,�,t,;.:.: ,.;.
<br /> . - :. ` shall give t�Borrower,.wiihoat charge.a4�,aMua1 accounting of the�unds:shawing credits and debie�:to the Funds.aud the �;.�. . ;��°-:
<br /> , . � purpo,se f�,which each debit to Ihe Fund$,�wns made.. The Funds are pi�(ged as addi6onal securit�,far.all sums secuned by ,N��_
<br /> ,. _. • tTu,s:Sec�uityinswmenG . ' -`""°--
<br /> „ Sf the Funds hetd by L.ender eac e e d t h e amounts permi tte d ta�b e h e l d.b y,A p p l i c a b l e i aw. l.cnder sh�l}..�cFOwu r�,o� : ., c
<br /> • � ' BTa�e�for thc.eacess Funds in accordance with the,tequtrements.af applicAble taw. If the amount of the Futy��:tie�dl E 1 S;,;. n ;.,�. . ,r�`,�:�-'�
<br /> 'f.ender�,eziey tims,is not,suf f icient to pay t he Escrow.ltems whet�¢ua:�L,end�r ma y�o notify Borrower in wriric��aa�:ttt:�;�_.. ,.�`':.',,�:, :..,;;:.-=
<br /> _ .. such ca'se Baazawer sh�p pay to Lender the amount aecessary.to.mak$�ug thc,defic�ency. Borrower sh�ll make up;the�;� ,:.'' : • �;� _
<br /> : . deficiency ia�srinq�c.ihatl twolve manthly paymentS.at l.ender's sole,di�t�retion..,, �" .- ' . ,; '� =
<br /> ' • ,, � llpon paymeni in fu1l.,pf all sums secured by this Security Ilr�.suumetlF�.[xndcn shall promptly refund to Borrower any« . ." �'`'' • �_?��
<br /> � � Funds hetd by L en der. l f.�un dsr paragrap h 2 1.I.en der s h a l l a c q u i r e o r s e i l t h e�P r o p e�y.l.e r t d a r.p ri o r t o t h e a c q u i s i t i o n o r. . -,:�.;
<br /> � � sale of the Propeny.shall apply any Funds held by l.cader at the time•of acquigitiqn,Qr�r,ate,as a credit against the sums , _
<br /> . . •• • . secured by this Securiry lnstrumen�
<br /> . . ' � 3� ppp�icatbn of puyments. Untess applicable law provides otherwise.-all payments,!teceiY�d by Lender under • �
<br /> � � � ` paragraphs 1 and 2 sha11 be applicd:first,to any prepayment charges duc under the Note:second;t+�;amounts payable under , , '� ��' '
<br /> � � �� paragrapb 2;third,to interest due;founh.ta principa!due:and las�N any late charges due undertIs,.Note. , ���:,,:_
<br /> . - ` � '.� . � 4. Charges: Liens. Bartower shall pay all taxes. as,essments.chargcs,fnes and impositions attributablc to the _ _
<br /> Froperty which may attain priority over this Security lnstrument.and teasehold payments ar ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> � • . � sl�all pay these obligationc in thc manncr provided in paragcaph 2.or if nai paid in that manner.Barrower shait pay them on �� �,
<br /> . ' time directiy to the person owcd payment. Borrower shnll promptly fumish to L.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under .
<br /> , . � ' ' • • this parag.�h. If Borrower makes these paymen�4 directly,Borrow•er shall promptly fumish to Lender recctipts evidencing �: •
<br /> . ' � the payments. � - � , � .
<br />�° • • � Borrower shall pramptly discharge any tien whic6 has priority over this Securit�Sa�trument uniess Borrower.(a)agrees i ,� •:
<br /> � • . in writing to the payment af the obligatinn secured by the lic�in a manner accepta6te co Lender.(b)contests in good faith the i ;�;�;' � �,:�-
<br /> ,: . . . tien by.ar defends against enforcement of ihc lien in.iegal pruccedings which in the l.cnder�opioion operate to prevent the ! ` , - ��'-* ..
<br /> � enforcement of the licn;or(c)secure4 fram the holder ai thc licn an agreement satisfactory tn Lcndcr subordinating the tien � ,
<br /> ' � � � to thls 5ecurity Instrument. If Lender detertnincs thal any paA oi thG Property is Subject to a licn which m3y attain yriadty ,
<br /> ' .' . over this Security instrument.Lcndcr may givc Boaower a notice idemifying thc lien. Bc►rtower�hall sati.`fy the lien or take � . .
<br /> •• one or more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days nf the giving of notice. , � '.
<br /> � � � 5. Hazard oe Prope'ty Insurance. Borrower ihall kecp thc imprnvcmentv naw exi�ting on c�reafter erctteJ on the i , .
<br />. ��• . Property ipsured againtit toss by fire.hazards included within ihe tcrm"cxtended ravcragc'nnd any othcr haxards.includins ;
<br /> , ' , ' ���' � �toods or.ttoQding, for which l.ender reyuires insurancc. This insurance .rhalt bc m�in�ainrd in the amounts and for the ;
<br /> . ;
<br /> �' ..,., � .
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