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<br /> � �� ToGET1�[t wrfH all ux inrrrovemer,ts now�t Ne�e�xea«►the pr+nperty,.ana al�euements.appu4�nuieGS,.
<br /> ued fu�twrcs aow or bae�fter a put of ti►e piopesty. AU nepiaoeraients anci additions s�all�alsa be coveced 6y this Socatity ` .
<br /> ` Insuvirten� All of tl�e foregoing is refemd to in this Secunty Inswme�U a��J�e„PtopertY" , ,
<br /> � BORROW�R COVENIINTS that Bortowes is 1lawfutty seised of the esta!e heretiy conveyed and has the ri�ht w gant
<br /> —= and convep the Propercy and that tt�e Prvpe�ty i�,unencumbered.excepl for encumbrarrces of recotd. Borrower wa�rants and
<br /> -- • wil!defend grner�liy the tiik to the Pmpecty a$ainst ali claims and demands,subjeet to any encum6[ances of reco�d. .
<br /> _ -- THIS SE�[JRiTY II�jST[tU�Vi�t�ST crnnbines anit'orm covenanu for naGonal use and nott-unifotm cpvenauts wiEh '
<br /> — -- - -- ° � limited variaaons by jurisdietiun lo constitt�te a unifomi stcurity insice�ment covering reai piaperty. , - ----
<br /> _ —' UNTFORM COVINAM'S. Sorrower and Lender wvenanc and agcee as foUows: � �wlsen dne the ; —
<br /> • 1.. P�jmtat ot Principal aad interest;Preps9menl aed I.att Charges. Bortawer shaU mPUY PaY =_-
<br /> •;-` af and intec�est ai the debt evidenced 6y the Note and anY P�PaY�nt and late charges due uiider the Note. �-
<br />-"' -; txnder.Bamwer shaU pay �
<br /> _ �F�{a���a c G S u b j e c t to a p plicable lavmor to a wriuen waiver byt t° � _
<br /> . , ,r I.ender on the day monthlY PaY�nts are due utxier tbe NoLe.until tl�e Nute is paid in fuil.a sum("Functs")for:(a)Year1Y =___
<br /> :i�:r taxe�and assessmenu which raay attain prioriry'over this Security Insaument as a lien on tiie Pnope�iY(b)Yearty teasehotd . . . ��
<br /> ,,%. payments or gronnd ants on the Property. if any; (c)YeartY�8°r propenY i��O�Premiums; (d) Yearty fioad: _- -
<br /> insvrence premiwns.�f any:(eI Yearty mortgage insurance premiums,d any: and(�anY sums PaYable Hy Borrower to , ---
<br /> ' ` L�ender.iu accordance witb the provisions of.paragraph 8.in lieu of the payrt�ent of mortgage insarance.pre�uums. 77�ese =_
<br /> �r..- : �
<br /> :�` . - iiems are caUed"Escrow ttems." Lender may.at auY time.cnitect and hntd Funds ia an amnuat not to e�rcee�the m� -- __-_—
<br /> � � amount a Iender for a f�?ly�lated mongage loan may require for Borrower�s esemw accoum uncier tTie federal Rea! . -__
<br /> I ` �=� gstate Settlement procedmes Act of 19T4 as amended from 6me to dme,12 US.C.§2601 et seq.("RESFA:'t;�4iless another : ��
<br />. - -���-: iaw that appiies to t1��u�tds s�ts a tesse�amoun�if so,Lender may,at any time.collect anQ hold Funds i�i�n amPwu not to;:.;:;:�. : : r.�_
<br /> � exaed the lessar aa�bu�: Ixader may es6ms�te.the amount of.F�nds due an the basis of cu�rent daiaand rPa§ana6Ie �-'° --
<br /> � �:�'estuss�i�s.�uf eape�of future Escraw Items orotherwise in accardance arith applicable iaw. � . �'�"�'-
<br /> �sf
<br /> rsfs' '` 'd�e�ds shall_6t held in a�t institupan whose deposits aza'insured by a,feQeaai agency:it�tY aF�� T*� � �
<br /> .�:� : ' .. . �f Lender is suchan'ipstiwdon)c}r in any Federat Home Loan Ban3c. l;ende�'shall aPPty t1�e"Fqads io gay ��-?,
<br /> ,. E�mcTu��� the cscraur . : ' .t��
<br /> ' � ` u�'` • � �-the£scr�r�Items. Lendes m�y not'c�rdrge:Bo;rower foc hotding and applying�the�unds,��y� �v. z,
<br /> �' '��0 4,�a s,� ,`r� {�� . arcoun�or verifyiug tlie Escrow Item�;•unless�,Lender pays Borrower uitere'si oa We Fimds.and applicfa6le�taw pecinits� � • ;s;^','�.,'� ` ;
<br /> � ��,;'.�� 1 � i �• f.ender to maice sach a charge. Hocvever,I:ander aa►a te9uire Borrowes to pay a one-ume Cliarge far an indepeudent real —_
<br /> t x �- , s..r t�.,� y r� -
<br /> � .. ,.
<br /> :�.., . .. .__esrate�reporting service used by i.ender irs ca�on v�nth t�ts toan;�n1�s a plicabie law pmv�d�s otheiv�se. Uniess an . ..
<br />�• �%;,a i` , R',' r ��' sgr�ement is made or appllca�te law requines inteiesr fo be Qaid.Lender shall'notbe requitpd to pay Botrower any inteiest or� _
<br /> s,,..�:�:;��,> , '.�«s �... : ,. in wririn however,that interest si�all be d on the Funds. Lender .
<br /> . � ,:;.,m._,. : r.a�rninSson the Funds. Bocrower and Lender may ag� g+ �
<br /> , .,;=;�;{: .-;..- . . :• shalt give to Bomower,without charge.an annual accounting of the Funds.showing credits and debits to_the E�mds and d1e . _ , �. �`� .,
<br /> m
<br /> ;,.,';,;
<br /> . puTpose for which each debit to ihe Punds was made. The Funds are ptedged as additional serurity for ali sums secured by . . �`�'��:,
<br /> ��`��; '; � � � • this Securiry Insuumen� ' . '
<br /> � ;'`a4,=.�.�: .; If the Funds held by Lcmder exceed the amounts pemtitted to be heid by applicable law.L.ender shall aceount tn °�`
<br /> ' � ` Borrower for the excess Fundc in accordance wiih the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by �. �'��
<br /> _:`4�.' . Lender at any time is pot sutficient to pay the Escrow Items whert due.Lendcr may w notify BoROwer in writing,and,in ,�,�,�_
<br /> . � such case Borrower shap pay to[.endec the amount necessary ta make up�he detircency. Roaawer shall make up the � _: ._
<br /> . � ���� defciency in no more than twelve manthly payments,at Lcnder's wle discretinn. � ~'� °
<br /> '. ` . Upon payment in full oi aU�ums secured by Ihts Securiry Instcumeat.l.ender+hall prumpUy refund to BoROwer any . '�l�-_
<br /> �.��-
<br /> • � � ' Funds het�by l.endcr. I P.un d c r paragrap h 2 1.l.en dcr s h a l l a c q u i re or xcll the Pta p en y.Le�dcr.prior tu the Acquiritian or . ` L
<br /> ' ' ' _ safe of the Prapecty.shall apply any Funds held by l.cndcr at thc time af acqui�.iti�m ar�ate as a credit against the sumc , • � , #
<br /> � �. secureQ by this Security Insuument. , .' .
<br /> ravide4 othcrwise.alt a mentti rcceived by Lender under =��'
<br /> 3. Applicatbn ot Pnyments. Unlcsr ttpplicablc law p . P Y , :
<br /> � ' paragraphs 1 and 2 shaU be applicd:first.tn any prepayment charges due undcr the Nae•.seCortd.to amaunts payabl8 under ��;•�-
<br /> .' • • paragraph Z:third.to interest due:fourth.to princ�pa!due:and la�t.to aay late charSes due under the Note. , __
<br /> • 4. Charges; Liena Borrower shall pay all taxes.assescments,charges. flnes and impositions attributable to the .
<br /> � ` .. .-. property whicb may attain priority over this Sccurity Instrument.and teatiehold paymenis or ground mnts.iP any. Borrawer ,_
<br /> ' shall pay thcse obligations in the manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in that manner.Borrowcr shall pay them on
<br /> � � � time directly to�he person owed payment. Borrawer shall prompUy fumish to Lender aA notices oP amaunts to be paid uader � , :
<br /> •, • lhis parasraph. If Borrower makes these payrtcents directly.Borrower shall promptly fumi�b to I.ender receipts evidencing
<br /> '. `.� the payments. . .
<br /> ' '� '�"',"�'`' Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Securiry Instrument un2ess Borrower.(a)agrees {
<br /> , _� � ,,;,;;,,;,,, , , . ,; ,
<br /> � �`,`.. ':�'-;;'• , in writing to the payment of the abligation secured by the licr�in a m�nner acceptable to Lender.(b)wntests in good faith the i � ;:_':+. , .
<br /> ' ' • lien by.or defends against enforcement oP the lien in.lcgal proceedings which in the L.enderTS opinion operate to prevent the _ �
<br /> � ' . r.,., enfoccement of the licn:or(c)secures fram the holder of the Nen an agreement satisfactory to l.ender cubardinating the lieri , - • .
<br /> to this Securiry Instrument. lf lxnder determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority ` ..
<br /> ' over this Security instrument.Lender may give Borrower a naticc identifying the licn. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take � . ,
<br /> � one ormore of the actions set fanh above within 10 days af thc giving of notiee. i
<br /> � 5 Hazard or Piroperty Insurance. Boaower shaU keep thv tmprovements now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> � �� ' property insured against loss by�re,hazards included within the term"extended coveragc"and any other hazards.including
<br /> ftoods or Aooding.tor whicb l.ender reyuires insarance. This insurancc shall bc m:�intained in the amounts and for the � �
<br /> , . ; _
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