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20100169 <br />EXI:iCIliIT "A" <br />Park of Block Four (4), Browia's A~dditlon to Aida, Mall Couuty, Nebraska more particularly described <br />as follows, <br />Begi~ouaing at .the Southwest corner of Block Four (4), Broau's Addition to Aida; thence ranx~ing <br />Northerly along and upon the West lice of said Block Four (4), a distance of One lfuudred Fot'ty (1.40') <br />Feet; thence rnrming Easterly paralle! to t1~e 3ontherIy line of said Black Fouk (4), a distance of Fjd'ty <br />(50~ Feet; thence southerty parallel to We Westerly line of said Block Four (4), a distance oC One <br />• Hundred foray (140 feet tb' the Southerly line of raid Block. liou~r (4); thence Westerly along and upon <br />the Southerly line''ot' said Block. F'aur (4), a distance of Fillty (~0') ieet to the point of l~egfianittg. <br />