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<br /> . � - pEED OF RECONYEYANCE: . ��"' �O�t}� ` ` , •
<br /> f �
<br /> .. WHEREAS, tbe undersigned. lll�il�sm. G. Black6ur�, of Crand: lsisri�d. ltsli: , . �<
<br /> � �C�+nty, Neb�asks._is # member �of �tf�e Nebrasks State 8ar Association,as>�rustee.
<br /> unckr 'tNe Eked of Trust 'da�ed �June 2. 1988 at�cl .imi�ry 6, �t48S;: ex�cuted, isY •
<br /> ` Rs{Ph W. Eaton, a married 'person, ss Trustar, in which Five,�Paints �ank ef - .
<br /> Cnnd istsnd, Nebrasks,: is named ss 8enefi�iiry, and the:: undersi9�ed u
<br /> ,Trustee, whkh. Oeed was. recorded as. Ooceunanf, No. SS-'IQ31�t6.snd� tJxume�t No.
<br /> - 88-�00125 respectivety, tn�the�Regi�ter•.of_ Oeeds�:.Office of::H�!l::Co�+nRy, Nebrssks, ,
<br /> - - on the 17th. dsy � o� .June. 1988;and- thr.t2th'�dsy�;of lanuaKY�• 198.�;;�espeadvelx..
<br />= and , , ° - -- _
<br /> iF^T •
<br />�:iv, WNEREAS.� sald undersigrttr�yi�.Wi4liiin�r,� G�:_ 8lacicburn, of-� Crand Istand.` Hal! -
<br />- - Cour�,�,Nebr�ks, has received from�.Fiv���Poieits�Bank of Grartd Istand, Nebra�ks, -
<br /> written raquest.to recorevey the reaf estat�'-descr�bed in� tbe tieed of Trust above
<br /> � mentianed as-,fatio�rs: �. . , .
<br />_ � Lot Two Hundred Seves��j► I�70) in West Lawn, .ac� ad�titiarr._to the City of Crsnd
<br />-- . Isisad, Nebraska, as sar�reyed, pistted and recorded ` ���;• ��. � �
<br />; ssid request to reconveY "�ec�#� that aIi sums se�cuce�i�_!sy such: Qeed of Trus! .
<br /> -� have be+en fully paid; ..- . ` .
<br /> . , ,�: �°�. , . ---
<br /> ��� � � NOW, THEREFORE� .uri.�� acco�dance, �ii#th such requesti"and the provisions oi � ` ' �,=_
<br /> `` suct� `Trust Deed, the u�dersigned, as Tnrstee, does hereby recanvey, witt�out =__=_-
<br />� ' � warraMy, to the person� or persons legally. entitted. thereto, the estate now 6e1d ��=
<br /> ��-=-_.—
<br /> . by sa�d Tru�tee hereunder. . � : ��-
<br /> :;. . . , -'--�---.�
<br /> ` ��� . iN WITNESS 9f�EfEitEOF, the unders�gned has �e�cecuted this Deed of =- _
<br /> � � . Recortveyance at Crand tsiand, Nebraska, this 28th day af Februsry, 1992. .����_
<br /> � � � - .. �iy . `�-�
<br /> . �� ;
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<br /> ' ';��-�' � � �t. S . �, :�=,�n�:'�.
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<br /> ,..;�;���;s•. ' _: , . ,. - -
<br /> '�;,�'*->�:::;�. STA4E OF NEBRASKA � `. . . _
<br />