.:'_. > :` ' _ ly y_� , . ..:� V.. ��1.� . . f , ..� .. r • �
<br />_ ' l.�_ )si� -L.�_�i r��aE f'_�_��y � c�` 'c•, � " £.--�y:� ` ��'�. • i•s f . __ _ _
<br /> r: ' w ,
<br /> �� ' -
<br /> �;•.:"' 4 . ' V Y " ���7f/p!`I
<br />:.� ,� ����IdE RAZ'E �IDER 2ooaysia
<br /> — t�v��� r��.���� — -
<br /> ° 1Y�I3 ADJUS'aA9LE RATS R�?�is ma.�e Ws 29TN �y of MARGM
<br /> ` ' t��� .su�,i is incogsarated Ir.tu aad s�aii be deeme�d to am�d and suppleaa�t the Mortgage.D$ed of .
<br /> � Teust or Seauity lD�d(t�t�°S�auity Im-trumeat°)of the satae date given by t'ne aade�sign�d(the'Borrawer"y to
<br />�'r� .uc th:Borc���a's Fitij�ss�l��PIoi:(th�"AIa�")to
<br /> T�ia Equita0le 0uifding an� iaaa Assac:aticn o,` Grnnd Is1an0, Rehrnske, A FeCerel Savinps Ban�
<br /> (the"lxs�der')of dte samg dt�tta and ooverir.g s�e property descn'bed in the Security instrament and ttrra�t��: -
<br /> `,,,;: 344 8 SQTHMAN DF� t3RR+,lVt3 IStJ6ND, NE8I�ASKA 68801-726�
<br /> , I�r�1
<br />;,�:�,r Tt� l��� �ft��dtt�"3 PROVISI�HS ALL011�illiti �R C�iANt3E8 I�Ii THE tNTEREST
<br /> ����..:;. RAYE At�d&h�TNJF NiON�HI.Y PAYMEiNT. tH�e NOT� �lIAITS TH£ AMQiJRiT 'i1iE
<br /> `� BOFiRR��.'�•.liyTER�ST R61TE CAN CHANfi� ar Ata1f ANE TiE�9E AftD TIiE
<br /> '��� � MA17(E�1'l9�14!€�'.�lt'�:Y�i'i�AA4tL1WEA�1liiS'P PAY.
<br /> ,'y, .,
<br /> `��t,f'�; . . .
<br /> AD�I'IIT(DNiA�.�i�3il�d�J'�S.In add�.�n to th2 oovenants and agreements made in ttte Se�uriry Is.��rr,�.mt, .
<br /> <„r:.,; a te
<br /> Barrowc�s and.I.e�r fvrt�es covenanc a�t�C,ee as fol2ows:
<br />:'.j ,
<br /> .�,fS�S
<br /> •t,r;,.:. � A.��2ATE AND MOD3TEO.Y PAY1V�iT CBANGES -
<br /> �s;;.,t,
<br /> ;�,�:t
<br /> ;.;.=!f 1Tie Notas p�qvide�s for an iniaal interest rate of T.125 5�.The AIEte pmvides fos changes in
<br /> :}y�.;, th�in¢�e�taS�and the�ontW�i PaYmenfs.as follows:
<br /> `�``�� . 4.'YD��'L�1t�F.��f RA�AND MONTHI.Y PAYN�NT C�ANGES
<br />:._r{;. . •
<br />:'i�;i{:' � .. (1�,���IL7Dg@�Y� `
<br />:;;;��` , �I�inter�t saie 1 wll!gay may chaage oa the fiist day of APR I L , 2�331 .sad oa that '
<br /> "r`;;.?`'�:', � dasrevery lZt�mont�thereafter.Pach daie on which my interac rate ooald cbange is c��a"Cb�nge Bate." . . -
<br /> '�J111 �� . .. �llV��11G� ' . .
<br />- .'�'i::,��::... �,•�C$�$tYI�1 L�fIPSt G`�$e DSiC.IDyl lIILOICS[iBIE WIII GC Ff35C�OD SL ID�1S.,'}�'d°I�P][°L9 tbG WtE�}I ' .---
<br /> �'�'���everaga yf�Id oa United Siat�Tceasmy securities sdjusKed w a oonstaat noatmiry csf��i p�r,.as made ava�labte by . � ._.
<br /> "� the II�edetal Reseitre Baud.'IIie m,ost reoent 1ndr.s figure available as of t�d�te 4S���fore earh Chaqge IData
<br /> .. .:� •, � is called the'G�cni Inde��.° . . .
<br /> . .: .; If tke Index is ao langer avaiiable,the AIote Ho2der will cl�oose a new I�ex wtuda n���.�upon comparabie .
<br /> . "�: . . �'samaiion.The No3a Ho2dzr saill give me aotioe of this choice. � � . '.
<br /> '�`( � . � ,
<br /> ,.�:.{ `:� (Cl�'a�lwtation otCt�ar�ges � ;..
<br /> D3tfore esch Ctsange Date.the Mote I�Iolder ari11 calculate my aew interest rate tsy adding
<br /> '` . . TW� PacentaEe point(s)( 2.000. ' �6)ro the Currtnt
<br /> '� • , Ir_dex_The Nota Holder�vill ti�a mund th,e resalt of this adctttion to the aearest onaeightt►of one pettxniaAa
<br />., ' point(O.IZSa). Sabject to�`i�.tnita stated in Section 4(Dy betow.tLis rounded aas�.�::nt will 6e my aew intcrest
<br /> � ' rptc rm�t9s�.Ci�nge D�w� _
<br /> .. �� The Nou Hoidei will tl�m determiat tbe amouat oF t&e montiily pa�t that wonld be sufficieat to n�cay,the --
<br /> • �P�1�pa1 ti�at I am�to owe at the Change Date in full on tL�e MaA�rityr Date at my uew iattrest rate � �
<br /> � � in substandaltY equal WYa�nts.:The nsuie of this calcul�tion will be the new amount of my montthly payment.
<br /> � � ��(U)Lt�olt�on tnte�tst�te C�anges � �
<br /> � 1Lc inu�test�au I am roq�rired to pay at tha fitst C�aage Date will not be g�eaier thau �1•12 5 96 � �
<br /> , ar i�s than 5.�2 5 .� 9L-.7hetattts.my intecest rate wW never tx�ncr+easai or decneased au
<br /> � ";: anY stngle G�ttsnge Dat�E��.r,micsr than two peranta,ge gi»inta(2.OS&)fmm the rat�o*-antesest I have�ecn PaYing
<br /> for the pncodia' tWelve m�.rntt�, interesE rate will never be greater than 12•�S;�� ' �.
<br /> :''�.�.� My fntere�t�, ra4e '�s�i��1 y never be lower than �5�.4�5%. -
<br /> .ia . QE�U�fte�tw�OAea?� � �:,,
<br /> .,;: {,�
<br /> l�y new i�fii^CbY ratc wii2 LYts��e effective on eucb�Change Date.I will pay the amount of�r pe�monWJy � _
<br /> ; �F PRfWont be�ianing.on th;, f�ta�•rnaathIy payment dute t+ft.zr tlse Change Date until the emauat o�'fay mnnth!}�. ,
<br /> .. . ;s F�N�t changss again.
<br /> .. .r,. .
<br /> � ,:'_.: � C�1 Notioe�;�i�'�aBges � . . _
<br />;�� :,�'• The Nnta I•�isQ�?er wlll deliver or mait to me a no^�..r.e of any c�an��u my interest rate s�t t�e.amaunt of my
<br /> ::;;;•;�.:�`�� � r�i�ai#ily paym�it�before thc�effedive ds►te of eny change.The aotice will inchide information reqvired by law to
<br />''{'�'t' � � � C�� ��n mc aud also the eitle and tet hoae num6er of a —
<br /> «���,, g1 ep person who aril! aoswer any question I may 6ave
<br /> regarding the m?�yce.
<br /> . P..`ULTISTATE ADJUSTI48lE Ei�iTE R!DF.�I-AR1116-2-Slnpie fa�r:i:ff�-FEn�!3 fl�t^alErcCd7o Pi1�e lldtotm tn.'ttaatt..-�x
<br /> /�y �'osm 3111 3/88 =_
<br /> , _ -rv�/-B�ZQ19305) YM➢MOSRGAGEFORN4S-1B00)521-�207 _ �PriMedpoRtNdaAVAS `-
<br /> �•l�J
<br /> 1
<br /> • . . . i
<br /> � � • : . .. . � ' ' ; , , ' . . �� . .. .
<br /> .. .. :�t:. ' � . � . .(�.r . � . .s .� . . .. . � � ., • ..
<br />