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<br /> � . __ _ . , _-
<br /> r:: - . -.- . :=��? _ '<4. , -, � � � �z-=�- �---
<br /> � " .. _ :n .,..Yy��r.., .i ..+L... --- ` . _ 4 t-' ..- .��'_ -
<br /> - .. , � . s . . . . . . � . . k . . .. c , . . .-` � '. . . � � .�
<br /> 4
<br /> -_ - ---."'s - '^..-----: -_ ----i- - !iL'/1EV��'l.PL�+����A c � . .� .
<br /> - �. ' - (tYar_'��r�.ao�at.eec�) ': ��-- Ia����' �
<br /> - � � rx�s�+nrusr��►��u�..ae�s 26TN�,�• ` ..~�FEBRUi�tY �� 92�
<br /> � aad is i000rpoa�ted iffio aad a6�0.be de�ar�ed ca pneed aad wp�ie�ec tee Matp/e.Deod,ot Twt.or Seaadb D�ed(t5e"Sea�tity
<br /> uwrumme'hott�es�ed�cSFveaby►tbe�(�e"Bortowa"1 toreeuce 8arca�a•a Adiewtte lhte Pla�e(tlie"Note'7�o t�OME
<br /> ---- ' esnc��� SAYINOS j LO�N A�OCI�Tlifll�OF t;R�Ni!IStAND lIE�NASKA(dk"i.mddPh ot t�e st�e�te Md ca�esyl{� . .
<br /> ` . p�opatYdesm'6edintbeSecurit7Fustra��tacateda� , .
<br /> --- 2Q7 Ut;;SYRFA, £Al�itl� lUE fi@82A ` . . , � `
<br /> (PraparcyAmreY) � �
<br /> _— . - - TW���d(r�WA�aMwi�t�c�n t�q I�Mnit nle t�i�f���b �
<br /> , �q�.'Ii(s wNt�MtlidlalY a��t 4 W�tsle aael�ytat a�4 wf f1�e�M
<br />`•`•.a. . aMl�tat���itMt��talel�t/4.. . � .
<br /> - . . - . .
<br />° � " ADDTfIdNAL CQYENA1�17B.Ia addet'soq�m tlu aoam�ots aod sape�t�msAe io tl�e Soa�itf lns�aomeat.B�ro�+ec td,i�e�der � . , ,
<br /> '� furthereovmaataad�ecssldW�s: �
<br /> _ . A�.� AriE�T�A7E AND MON1'�I.Y,rAl�?�AN� = .
<br /> � -- � - =7'Ae Nate provida[or an initia!i�aat�rtt�oi� D•U �li.Seaian 4 oI the Nate provida tor cl�n�es ic tfie iataest rucaed tbe
<br /> -� mmthtY p►Yma�ts.as faUrnrs: '
<br /> _ f
<br /> - �;; . . . . -
<br /> • ; ', - fAt C�eD�b ' � '- -.:~�.. . _
<br /> `Y� . Tne tnureu race i wm ray may ct�e on�ncr�nc aarot �- P�?IL .19 93 ,m oa etacaa�e;� .�-
<br />. 12 moettistherqiter.EacRditeanMhiehmyiate�scauooaldclw�eisdkda"(.7�ao�eD�tt." � ° ..
<br /> --r,�`�; .• al 71eT�ia� ;::
<br /> >•�=:�=y,:::.,�,,,,, . ..
<br /> . �:'"...� „ �' gesinnin8 wlth tke tust Chwge Datc,ray io:etest rate�716e based on an IndeR.The"tadei�'is the wceklY aver�e Ykidaa Un�afSiate _
<br /> . y ":; - :, --.. . ' =-i�uory savrlNes adjasred[o�camTara•�t�iiY��-�.as madc availa6k 6y tfie Federat Raave Swrd.me mdrYneeeat[ndes fi�oie -_----
<br /> . .. �:%�� �: '� � , swaIIabkasottbedate43daysbefaeeachChu�,cDateLscalkdtbe"Currenttnde�t." ` '�, ' � ��-
<br /> . • " � If t6e[ndex is no louuBer avti7abte�U�e Natc Ho1Qu wi'll chaase a new indac whkb is base0 npon qomparabk iaformstion.'1'he Note , =-=—
<br /> . ' ., ; . . Holder vril{give me nertia of this choicc. . ,. - �-'--
<br /> ,.��:__:'a -• �'�.. (C� .c.h.ruosatClN�e, TW6'ANO OIUE HRL�' .: -— -
<br /> ,.�:. .:_.. .
<br /> � c ?`•%�s'-.' , •. Heforeeach Cha�e Due.the Note HMdet�n71 akui�u my neFr i�at rs4te b9� �
<br /> e.
<br /> . . . p��t,_, ��l�'s5 io the Ciurtnc indez aad rawrding to[he aarrst 1/6th c€L�Fi.subject ta'the limits st�cd fa 5ection�bebw•
<br /> ;� �_ `"' ' :. • �--
<br /> ''"_v�-; '*�.t, . ' . � 7'hLttoas�dedamouat�vdlbemynewiate�atr�ttantilthenestChat�ei]I�e. ,. . • •' � .
<br /> vt -
<br /> , _ � Ttfe Notc Holdes wiil then determine the amw�st of the monthty p{ynxnt thst wouid 6e suffideei[o iepay ia�,.�tbe yrindp�l E am �s=.3;;_.�—._
<br /> .. , � apec[aE w awe on thst Chaage Date ia subswu�lSY�qwl PnYrtxnts by ffir mat�uity due at my ac�v iatercst nue.'l'he res�oittris�taf�,rson �:,-�—
<br /> qw , =,-. --
<br /> � � vdll be the aew amaunt of my monttilY Dari��• .�y'�.. '�;.�:�`- -
<br /> . . _ . . , f' . .-,�'
<br /> , IDl Li�iM o�Lten�t Raq Ci�ases � �
<br /> . Tha incerest rate I am requirod to�paY at the ti[st ChanBe l�ate wiA aa 6e grater than 8.Q _ �i or less t3aa < i
<br /> .. . on si Chan Daze marethan Thtt � .�`
<br /> , �F.Q.._9i.Thaeafter.my ineetest ratawiU neva be lnc�eased erdecreasod anY ngk ge, 6Y . , , . -_-
<br /> " . . ��.from tha nte of iaterpt l t�ve brm pariag fot the prcced"mg tweive months.'1'he minimum iisterat rau cathis loan v�dli neva be � . . __-_-
<br /> ` 11_0 R�i. ' , € -
<br /> lesa than_5�..n �and the m�dmum intaat nte wip nevet be�rrater than -`
<br /> ; • .. � Ef'fetfhe Oae W CY�es � , - -
<br /> , . . �. My new interat rate will bocoma etfaaive on ach CAanya DaSa t will pay the amouat of my near monthlY DaYmetst fie;inn}ng on the flnt 4 ' =���_
<br /> ' month�Y ysymmt dsite aft�r ihoChange Aate und!the amount of my m�'i1y paymrnt chan�a aEain. � "r:�_-
<br /> . :t r�-�
<br /> : . .. (� Notloeo/�es . �• ;����_
<br /> ` '� • The Note Holder�n11 ma�l or deliver to me a norla 6cssore each Chan�e Date.The noUa wlil advlse me oL• . '"`�
<br /> 6c'
<br /> � � ' . (q the ne�v intuat rate on my loan aa of efitE�suige Datr. � . �,;��
<br /> •�' : • p1) the amount of my monthly aayment foJfawme the Change Date: , . �� �
<br /> .��._
<br /> . • '. (iU) any aQdiuon�matters afiich thc Note Hotder is rcqaisad to disclase;and ( `�� °=
<br /> •,,�,... �. '.'.,,..�.- :
<br />. � (iv) tix addras ef tha assadation you coutd cantact regarCing ar►y questioni abont tde adius�ueat notia. ! �
<br /> . • �. CHARCES:1dE1�9 . i ,
<br /> � ' ' Uniform Covenant 4 of the Savdcy Instrument is ammQcd to read a9 toP.aws:
<br /> . � {
<br /> � - . 4.�;1Jer.Horrowa shall pay a1t taxa.assessments.and otfier cf:arges.flnes,and impositions attribuubte to ehe Praparcy wtr.4.s may ; •
<br /> • ' �� . � attaln a pNoflty over this Secudty Insttument,and tauehold p�ymeeu ot ground renU.lf anyr,ln the manner provided uader paraQapb 2 hermt �
<br /> , + or,it not paid in such mumer.by Bo�rcower making payment,when Que,d1 rectty to the psya thereof.Horrower slull pramptly famisb Lender �
<br /> � ail nodces ot amounu Que under this pangraph.and in che evant gorrowcr shall make psyment dlrectty.Bonow�sha:i promptly furnL~h to
<br /> � Lender receipts evidcncing such payments.�orrower sh�11 pramptty dlschuge any Ilen whlch hag pdorlty over this Sa�tiry tsuttUrnenl;
<br /> � ' . however.Borrower sha11 not be requin�d.o dischuge any such lirrt sa tong as Bonower.(a)ahaU a�ce tn writir.g co the gaymerit oY the �
<br /> � 4 obllgation secured 6S�such iien in ihe maanrv accepfable to l.ender,(bt s*a:t Ie good taith cantest such lis�!sy.rn Qetend a�iest eniorcee�er.t af
<br /> ' � � , such Htn ia,tegal�raeeel:ngs which in tAu oyinion o!L�Qer operace copr=vent the entorcement ot the lirn or torfeirure ott�e Property or any
<br /> � ' � � part ihereoP:or(c)s[t�'t secute from Ihe holder of sach lien acti ap,recment in a form satistactoty to Lendet subordita.'ing such llcn to thls
<br /> Secudty tnstrument.
<br /> � .'. . 1 IF tender determines that ail or any p;ut of Ihe Prope�ty is suDjes�to a lien wffich may attaln a prloriry ovu this Security lnstrumeet, .
<br /> ' � �' ' � LenQer shatl glve 8orrawcr a noticc ldentifying such Nen.Hwrowes slraii satlsty such lien or tate ane or moce ot the acHuns set forth above •
<br /> -- � -. - . , wlthintendaysottheglviagotthenoUce.- - - =
<br /> ' : C. NO?ICL � .
<br /> � `�s Unitorm Covenant 14 ot the Seeuri�y instrument 1s amended to read as foUows: �
<br /> � ' � - t1. Nodee.E'xcept tor any notlee repuireA uader 8pplicabte_Taw co be givm in anmt�er manner.(a>any noUce co Bonower providcd tos in thls �
<br /> - .. Secndty instrument s6aU beaiven by Geliverine it m by maillns 1t by lirst ctu�mall to danower at the Propeny Address or at sucb wher addras _
<br /> _�_—�
<br /> ' : � .--�-------�------ aa8crrm�ec mag desl�ate by aotic�ta Ltnder ag Mo�iAed hcreln�and(A)amr noHx to LrnHee shaU he Eivm 6y flrst ctas+.mall to LmQer•s - ---�
<br /> addrea�stated herein or to surh othrr addres�as Lender m�y desigaate by aoHce to gorrower as proWdM hereln.Any noNce pcovlded far in�his
<br /> ' , '" Secutity Iasttument shall bedamed to havr been�ivec ta Notrowet ot LeaQu when glven ln the aunner deslanated hetdn.
<br /> � �
<br /> . •. . .
<br /> , . _
<br /> —=—�- : ----- _
<br /> • . . � . .� ' .
<br /> . .. . ' ... . { ' � � ..
<br /> I
<br />