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.- _.: "-r�s,sn-�.: � -fZr�S.S(�TY*"�T �� . _i L ' ` - _ ' ' ' '_ ' _' ' _ ' '.- .u; _ � _ <br /> ��---- . .. .. - - ti: i� �=-c=-_ - , '. _ � � � �-- . F ar-= <br /> - ��. S� . :�. . �� . < �f <br /> = .+ - - - � • ' � � <br /> _,��' . "� -` : c� t 4`- � y ` _ • _ti ____ , -- - _. _ <br /> ; . . . , <br /> �- - - --�'�!'i� - - - — !- _ -= -=- • ,� _- - •-�_--- —- � -_ - - z_ __- - - __ - ' --_ - - <br /> ' - �._ < < ` . ��.�� �O�V�� <br /> � �periods ti�t Lender t�quiaes. 'IT�e insurancc`catrier pmvidiag the iasw�nce sha116e chosen by i3asuwa subjact to Lend`er'a, <br /> : arpp�o4�f�wtiich s0ai1 not be uacr�sonaMy withhetd. IE Sorrnwa maintain eoverrge des�ri6ed above.Lender msy.�t , <br /> t,enderh aption.obtain cnverogc to pratect Lender's rig�hts in the Pivpeny in accadance with paragraph T. '. <br /> _�-:� All insurancc poticies anc!renewal+sh�11 be acceptaDle to Lender�nd sh�11 include a standartl mcxtgage ct�use. Lendcr. , <br /> ;_ , ` shaI!iuve the right to hbtd the policies a�d cenewats. If�.erider requires.Bo�roWer sGati promptiy give to Lcndrr atl receipts . <br /> of paid pnmiums and renewa!notices. In the evmt of loss.Brnmwer�hail givt pcampt notice�ca the insurmc�c�rrier and ' <br /> ��_�=:--:`Y;� . 4eoder. fi.endes may make pcoof of toss if nat made pminpt[y by Bo�rower. ` � . ---- <br /> ��;:,� , Untess Exnder and Borrc�voer atlrc�xisc agcre in wnting.iasur�ce Rtuc�eds sdal!be applied to tes�nration oc�pair of : <br /> the Arop�y damagtd,if the restocation or-repai�is econamicaUy feasible and I.ender:s security is not tessened. Tf the <br /> �� .,'=� � �omtian w repair is npt ecawatii�aily fe�ibte oc Lender's secunty woutd�e lessened.the i�t.�,+�e pm�eeds shall_6e . <br /> . -agp�ied.W the sums seni[ed by tt►is Secunty Instrumen�whether or not then due.with any excess p�id to Borrbwer. tf <br /> .-.. �yq�a�c�dans the`propeny.or dbes na answer withia 30 days a notice fmm i.ender that the insuranre carrier has _ <br />•• � -- �n�e�?pu seNe a ctaim,thert txnder may coliect the incurance proceeds. Leader may use the proceeds to repair or reswce -_ <br /> `- :::::ilie�PrupEr'ty or ca pay sv�r�s securrd by tftis Securit�r inctrument.wtiethef or not then due. The 30-day penad wiU begin when <br /> � . - ;.;•�bC•iMitii:�isgiven. • � itcatian of to rit�r� tihall not eactend ar <br /> • _ _ `,�<- � :UnZess i,ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing.anY aPP� P�� 0 �P�� <br /> '� •�;�.. ., ,`..postpune thc due date of!6g manthiX payments referred to irt paragraphs t and 2 ar change the arnount of the payments. If ------°_ <br /> _ �> ^. �F P�S�Ph 21 the Ftoperty is acyuired by Lender.Bor�awer's sight to any im�rance policies aifd pmceedc resuliinS - - -- -- _- <br /> .. :,_,Y fmm.da�nage to theAvpetty Pnor to ti�e acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Securiry r _ <br /> `�. �' -5 '�'� ' lns�uineai immediately prior to the acquuition. � '. . _ � °. <br /> , ; �=���"' ��,-:' 6 pecupaucy� Preservatfoa. Maintenance and Protection oP the PropectY; Bo�rawer's Lo�n Appiiq�tion; �'''� '_— <br /> . �_��b� ,•-'' I,e�holds. Borrower shal!occupy.establisG.and ase the Froperty a+Bocmwer's princiQal residence within siaty days nfter .- <br /> '�:�° '� ��•��_�.~''. . � the exe�ution of�his Security[nmument and shall ce�ntinue to accupy the Property as�ormwer's principal residence t'arat '��--_ <br /> � ':��c,�g-�x <br /> :� feast q�,ytar �fter• the date of accupancy. untess Lender ahenvite ag�e� in wrsti�tg. whi�t► cansent sh�ll pot be �� ;_ <br /> ' '�"�'`* unreasonablY unless ectenuating circumstances exist ivhich are be}aad Bamower's cananl. Hnunwer s6uil.not _ <br /> ° '`'���`'-'� '..�; y d�mage ur impais 1he Propeny.allow the Ptoperiy to deteriorate.or catn�it 9vaate rnr cttie Prnpesty: Bomuw�sGall �:. � <br /> desuo . <br /> •• . ��.. `6e in defafift�f any forfeiture action or pruceeding.whether civil or begem that in Lender's good faith judgrr�em . -- <br /> �'.�''���� " could iesutt in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created 6y this Security Instrumecit or _ <br /> �, ` � � Lender's securiry interest. Bortawer may cure such a default and teinsu� provided in paTagraph causing the action - _ <br /> F�`'�r��� � or pr�uceeding to be dismissed with a tuting tha�in Lender's goad faith detemiinatioM p�tndes forfeitme af the Bomnwers -�. ' -� -- . <br /> • ' � .�� . i n t e r e s t i n t h e P r o o r o t h e r m a t e ri�l i m p a i m�e n t o f t h e l i e n c re a t e d b y t h i s S e c u r i ry instniment or Lender's securi ty - � __ <br /> : . . � � iateres� Borrow�ll atso be in default if Bormwer. during the laan appircauon process, gave materially false.or , . .:,j�-, <br /> ' inaccurate infomiation or statemenu to Lender(ar failed to provide Lender`with aay material infortnation)in connectian with <br /> • the toan evidenced by the Note, inctading. but not limited us. �presentations canceming Borro�ver's occupartcy of the • . �- <br /> `'�" Propetty as a'ptincipa�residence. lf this Secoriry In.+t�umeat is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply with all the provis�ions .. r!`��` <br /> ;�.;�� ' <br /> �� ; � of the lease.'lf Boirower acquires fee title to the Property,the leasefiotd an�the fee title chalf not merge untes5�ender a� • �.�_;-��`� <br /> �k=i% ` • , to the merger in writin�. . . --_ <br /> :}`��- -• '' >.•, 7. ProtecNo� ot Lendee•s Rigdts in the Property. If Borrower fails co perFarm the cavenatus and agree�neau -�L=_ <br /> ..: ��:-...; --=,:— <br /> , • `t'"�'"'"; - cantained in this�Secutity Inswment. ar thele is a tegat.proceeding that may sigmfcandy affect l..endei's rights in rhe •;.,:��,---�- <br /> ,-,;'.-..,.,.... <br /> ,� ���1 •� ,,�fy;;Y;:isnr; ' <br /> �'����=� Propecty(such as u p�aceeding in bankniptcy,prahate,for condemnatian or farfeiture orto e�orce taws dr regulations),then ���,�= <br /> ���:V'�':.::.I.. . . � <br /> ' � � L.ender may do and pay fur whatever is necessary ta protect the vatue of the Property and I.ender's righis in the Properey. ..` '�'-_-� <br /> , •:�:;�'ri:., �c�,,. .. . <br /> :: ;..� „ l.�.mder's actlons inay i,nclude paying any sums secured by a lien which hac priurity over this Security Instrumenl,appearing ; '. : <br /> in caurt.paying rc.�sonable attomeys'fees and entering on ihe Prapeny to make repairs.Alt hou g h L e n der may ta ke actian �; ,. ;- <br /> . under this parag�aph 7.Lender dces nat have to do so. � . � . <br /> , Any amoun�s disbuned 6y l.ender under this paragraph 7�hali become additional debt of Borrower secured by this � . . <br /> • �. , . Security Instrument. Untesc Bor�awer and Lender agn:c to ather tesr..�of payment,thesc amoun�s shall bear intcrest from tfte • _ - <br /> � ��d� . • .. date of disbursement at the IYote rate and shall bc payable,with irtterest,"upon notice fram Lender to Borrower requesting � . . <br /> • s';.�; .. �- PaYment. � • - . - <br /> � 8. Mortgage I�rance. If Lcnder required mortgage insurance a�:�condition of making the ban secured by chis , • >'.' <br /> , � ; �_ Securiry bstrumen� fiorrower s6alf pay the premiums requircd to maintain the m�rtgage insurance in effect. If.far any ' . ' � -- <br /> reacon, the mortgage insurance caverage rcyuired by Lcndcr tapsey or ceax�� to Nc in effect. 8orrower shall pa} ahe '. <br /> , • ' . premiums required ta abtain coverage sub�tantiaUy eyuivaleat to the mortgage in�uran:�r�rcviously in effect. at a co�t • ��'��,r, -�� <br /> ' , substantiaUy equivaient W thv coxt to Borrawer af the martgagc in�aranu:�vic�utily in eifect:Gam an attematc mortgage : � - . <br /> � . , . in.5urer approved by I.ender. If.rubvtami;dly equivatem mangage insurance a:�erage i�not avaitable.Sariower shall pay to • � <br /> - Lender eacb manth a rum equal to one-twcifth of the ycarly mortgage in�ur;�:w premium being paid by 8naower when the � , , ; <br /> . . • insumnce coverago laptied ar ce�ased to be in effect. Lenct�;r will uccept.u�e and retain�hese payment�as a los�resCrve in lieu � � � <br /> i��. � • af mortgage in.tiutuacc. Losti reserve payment+m:ry aa longcr he thc option af Lcndcr,if mangage insurance ' � � . .. . .. <br /> • _ caveraae(in the amount and far the per�nd tha�Lendcr rcc{uirc+l provided by an insurcr appravcd by l.ender again becomes ,, <br /> � � avuilnble at�d is n6tainrd.Borce�wer�hall pay the premiumti rcyuircd ta muintain m�ingagr imur:mce in effect.or ta pravide a <br /> � loss reserve.until che requiremem for m��rig��ge in:urance endti in accurdanee a�ith any written agretment between Borrower <br /> � • und Lendcr or npplicabic law. ' <br /> ' 9. 1n.vpeeNon. l.ender or its�gcnt may makc rra.unable emric�upon und in�pectian+��f ihc{'rnpeny. l.c:nder�hall � <br /> �ive 8orrawer notice ut the tin1C ot or prior m.tin iny�xclinn��xcifying re:nonaMe rau.c f��r:jie intipection. , <br /> � 10 (:uaAemn�tion. Thi�pruccrdy of;my aw:ud ur riaim fnr damage�.dir�ct nr c��m�yucntial,in rnnncction with:�ny <br /> • Singic him�fy--Eannie�/ae�Freddie�tac f�IKONN IXti'tk(t±F;r'1'--Undonn('���cnrnc. 9:911 Ipu.1'�•d aj b p�iqr.�i . • <br /> � - lip'J{�tl�f4 FS�pR10 f/Yflb.�tlC.� . <br /> , T��kdnc�o-aat+o:aoanm. avatcts�a�•na� ". . <br /> . <br /> . . �.,� .' . <br /> ' � , • � ,., , <br /> . ` . . , <br /> . ' • s.�. . . . , . <br /> . .. � ' . ' � , - - —-- _ - � - --- � --- _. _ . _ . _ .. _ <br /> . . . � <br /> • ----- - — --- <br /> , . - - - - -- <br /> _ ,..... . <br /> - , - - - . � <br /> . , . <br /> . <br /> . .' .. F <br /> , � . . . � . . . • , . � .. <br />