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<br /> .. � .. "' x�.wV.�.:� .t_.� :.� .. . . LV.L.7tT...f�.�t.v.r.� t��]�L_5•..'��.�.........�'..'J—..�_:L._..� ....�.� — _ .
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<br /> ' executed fop the pur}ros�of creuting.secvuing or guarantying the Secured Deb�A good f�sth tc�tief by Lender that =�-
<br /> Leader at any t'stn:�s itisec�m g+i4h ces�sact ta any person or entity obligated o�the Securect Debt or that�he pxospect -
<br /> . � •.
<br /> of any payment or tho valiie of t�e Pto�eriy is impaired shatl aIs+o coas6tute an event of defa�alt. _�_
<br />: l5. RENIEfiiII�ON DEFAVI'F.In some iastances,federal and state law will require Lender to provide Graator with
<br /> . natIce af th�right to cure or oiher aotic�es and may establish time schedules for faredosure actions.Subjert to these —
<br /> � limitatians.if any,Lender rnay acceterate the Secured Deltt and fore�lose this Security Instrument in a manner —
<br /> provided by law i�Grantox i�tn defautY. �"
<br /> � At the option of Lender,atl or any part of the agreed fees and charges,accrued interest aad principal shall become �-�
<br />--�'' iavnediately due and payabl�,after giving aotice if required by iaw,upon the occurrence ot a deFault or anytime ��
<br /> thcreafter.In addition.L.euder shall be entitled to all the remedies provided by law,the tesms of ttie Secure4!De6t, -�
<br /> t4is Security Insvum�nt and any retated dacuments,inctuding vrithout limitati��,the�wer to seil the Property. ��
<br /> If there is a default,Trustee s6aIi,in addition to any other psrmitted remedy,at the reqneat of the Leader.adveriise �
<br /> _ . and sell ihe Progerty as a�rhflle-or ia separate parceLs at public auctioa to the tughest bidder for cas6 and eanvey �° -
<br /> absoliatc titte free ar,d ctear of all right,tItte and iaterest of Grantor at such dme and place as Trustee designates. ��..
<br /> TruStee shall give not'v:e of sate including the time,terms and place of sate ar.d a descriptian of the property to be so2d ��z.-
<br /> as required by the app�icable law in effeci at the time of the proposed saIe. _��.
<br /> `����" Upon sale of the progerty and to ths extent not prohibited by law.Trustee shaU make aad deGver a deed to We Praperty
<br /> sotd which canveys a6soluie tide to the gunchaser.and after fu�t paying all fees.ctiarges and c�sts,shal!pay fi L.Catdet�� _
<br /> maneyrs advr�aced foF regaus,talce-a ir.�,�sance.liens,a�es�r.�s and pric�a eacumbrances aa�interest uc-z�s.�tutd�t� _-
<br /> . Prmagai a.tr�F;iaterzst.�i ti�56�IIT`-f��gayi�the s.a�tt�,if aay,to Crrantor.Lender ucag pt�ctr��y.ira�rnge:�.
<br /> The recitafs�any de�+��conveya�s�i1.L��rn.�.�eaideace of the facis set fort6 therei�. —_
<br /> � _ AD remec�es aze dis�-�,cumuiatne 3��:���i�'�e,a�3�he Leader es entifled to all nmedies pravided at law or �
<br /> equity,a3r.�er or not e�ressly set��ri�.'ITne acceptanoe��.eader of any sum in payment orpartial payrttent on.U7r. --
<br /> ' Secured 3?cebi after the balance is dce or is accelerated or aii�rforecIosure proceedmgs aze�Ied shaII not constitui�� ��•,
<br /> ` � waiver of�endec's right to require eamplete affe of ang elostirig defauti.By not exercising any remedy on Graat�-�is
<br /> . �efaui�Lender does a�t waive I.���er's right to later consider the event a defauIt if it camdnues or Itappens again. "ry�:
<br /> 16. EX['EN3E�;AD�/�i�E��I+��bVENANTS;ATfORNEYS'FEES;COLY.ECTiON COSTS.Egcept wi�en �
<br /> protu'b�terl Iry Iaw,Grantor agrEes�pay all of Leader's expenses if Grantor breaches any covenant in this Security =
<br /> <,; Instrument Grantor will also pay.s�a demand any amuunt incuned 6y Lender fnr inc�,'rm„�a, iuupectmg,preserving or __—
<br /> atherwise protecting ths Property�d Lender's security interest Tliese e�enses w�t i�e�R interast fram t6e daie of -
<br /> ' � � the payment until paid in full at the highest interest rate in effect as provided in ttc�9.�s of ttte S�cured Deb� _.
<br /> , Grantor agees to pay aii costs and expenses ina�.*red hy Leader in coIIecting,evfon�;cr�otec:��IIc:nder's rights. . �_
<br /> and remedies under this Security insuaiaeat T'E�amount may iacEude,but is not limit�d tv,att�r�:c�s'fees.cor�E �
<br /> _ �' �� . oosts.anr,t other leg�l espeases.'Tfjfi Seauity Instniffieni s'�it�emam ia effect unt�1 rel�.;s�d.Gr�inr•��gnees to}�;i±u1'. � �
<br /> :•.:��j . for anv n�atiaa costs of such�ei�i�e. � ::- .:.:: s•
<br /> ";��� �7. ENVit��t��TA�1.ILAWS�!!'dIS�19�.�ZARj➢�U^s SiJBST�.,�(!�S.As used in this secrion,{1)Enviroairaental Lis.�r�=," ,�;;:.
<br /> means,r�out fIr�itatier.a.the C.�*`' �-ne.sive Enviro�nentaE R��.xsase,�Pensation and LiabiIiry Art(CERCLA, --_
<br /> � 42 t7.S.C.4601 es sr,y'r�,.�d rli:oc;?er federa�,state aud local�:�s,re�u}_µ=•o�s,ordinances.court cr�dars.attoancy =___
<br /> . ';, gener�!�pinions ar�c.�Fr°ut�is�'��:ters coacemfng the pub4is r�?�h,s=.`zty,welfare,environmen+t or a hazardous �:�.'
<br /> -''�''t���� sui�st�s:ce;.and(2)H�za3�"nas Si�'���t�ace meams any toxic.raL:oacifive or hazardo�ri�:r,;�rial, waste. pollutant ar �«'�
<br /> � ��:i _ onn4��.ant wiuch has char,acteristu;�,afiich render the su6s`.:�ce dangerous or pote�.*lzr,�� dangerous to the pu6lic �'=��
<br /> � beaith,safety,welfare or eavironm'ee�.The terni iIIdudes,withaut limita*.:a�,any sufis,�a:�es defir�cf��"haa�rd�ous ��__
<br />. '...; , materiat,"•'toaic substaace.s.""haaardous wast�".`i�"hazardous substauce"�der any EIIVitonme�tal 1'k.;;ri. ��
<br /> . .., " GTaatar represeuts..wazrants and agrees ti4aa� . . .
<br /> � A. �vc�pt as pre�tously diseio.,c-d and acknowtedged in wa�ting to Lender,na Hauu�dr,.us Sabstaaee is or wti'Il'f�e -
<br /> ,:.�' i�raated,stored or release.�r,rt;�or in the Property.�fiu:s restriction does not�:p�i�to small qnantiti�s����, —
<br /> ' .�.: Harardous Substances thai r�generalty recogmzed to be appropriate for the�Stu�f.use and maintenana::,�,rt';z �__
<br /> � thePaoperiy. . . � �, _.
<br /> � B. Egcept as previously disclased and ackabwIedged in writing to Lender.Graatcsr and every tenant fzc�.�z been.�r8; ��y;,;-
<br /> r � and shall remain ia fuU corr.pi:?:�+ce with any applicable Environmental daw. • � ,,jnji^;y��_
<br /> � ;,lY[ti'�5°_.
<br /> .:� t G- Grantor shall immediateIy nntii��Lender if a retease or threatened reIeasc of a Hn��dous�u6stance axu�s�i9;,:.'� _.•,,;,w:��;:_.
<br /> . `�: under or abont the Property c�there is a�ialation of any EnvironmQntal Law comc�rning ttie Frop�rty.In stutiK�_� .�� `�=
<br />