. _ .. .. �:S' .
<br /> `;.. -
<br /> . � �� ����� �^-:.
<br /> The Funds shalt be hetd in an iasritution whose deposits are insured by a federa! agency, instrumentafity. or entity a�_
<br /> (includin;I.end:r,if ixnder is snch an insticurion)or in any Federal Hom�Lean Bank•Lender sha}1 apply the Fuads to pay the
<br /> Fscrow Items.Lender may not tharge�ornciwer for holding and appiying the Funds,annually analyzinb the escrow accaw►t.os �
<br /> verifyeng the Fscrotiv Items,unless Lea�er pays�ormwer interesc on the Fuads ared appiirable[aw�oermits Le�Zr to aiake such ___
<br /> a charge. HoNever.Leader may require Borrower to pay a an�-dme charg�for an inde�endent r�st estate wx reporting service _--
<br />���`;; used by Lender in oonnection �vith this toan. unless a�licable !aw provides otherwise. Unless an $�r�ment is mad� or o F
<br />� • applicable latv requires interest to be Raid.Lender shall nat b�reytured co pay Bvaorrer any interest or earnings on the Fucds. �;_-..
<br /> s
<br /> Borroiver and Lendee may��ree in wntsng,however.t ha t in t�re��t s h a l t b e p a i d o n t k e F u n d s. L en d er sha.11 g�ve to$oaower, ��-
<br /> without charge, an annval accounti of the Funds, showin credits and debits to the Fnnds and the purpose for which eacL �.�.
<br /> E:_
<br /> debit t�ttu;Funds was made.Th:F ds are pled�ed c�addin n�i se�uin'for all sums sc�ured by this Secvrity fnstrunFent. __ _-
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the arnounzs P�rwitted eo�e held by applicable law.Lender shall account to Borcower �+,
<br /> for the excess F�nds i�accardance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held hy Lender at any E--�
<br /> un _
<br />- time is not sufficient to pay the Eurow Iterns when due,Lender may so notify BQrrower in writin�,and,in such case Borrower .. - -
<br /> sh�ll pay to Lender ti�e amount aecessary to malce up the defiriency. Borrower shall make up the defsctency in no more than �_��:
<br /> �'.;;.Y tcvelve manthly paymsnts,at Lender's svle discreiion. ;K;'
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sutns s�c�red by this Securiry Insuurnent. i.ender shall prompdy refund to Borrower �sny r�
<br /> Funds held by 3xndee. If,under paragraph 21.Ixader sha3!acguire or sell t�e Progerty.Lender,pnor to the acquisiaon or sale �
<br /> �,�'� of the Pivperty,shalt apply any Funds 6etd by Lende�at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by �_
<br /> ��:`�i� this Security Instnuaent. ---
<br />-;;:'S.: 3.Ap�1Itcutiun mf FeY�neats•Unless aFPUrable law pmvi des o t h•rwiss,a l l p a y m e n t s r e c e i v e d b y L e n d er under para g r a phs
<br /> �:'-�` 1 aad 2 s6nU he applie�:firs3.to any prepayment charBes due under t4e I�tote;secflnd.to amonnts payabte under paragraph 2: f-
<br /> �.``�' thir�d,w interest�iue:fourth,to pranMgal das;and last.m aay late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ;.,;;.;• q.Cla�rgas;Ltens.Boarower shall pay al!taxes,assessments.diarges, finrs and impnsitions attributabfe to the F�+o�rerty !�
<br /> wluch may attain prioriry over tbis Sec.vsity Instnunent, and teasehold payuients or ground rents. if any. Borrower s1�a11 Qay -
<br /> ''"�x� tEiese abligauons ia the manner prQVided in paragraUh 2,or if not paid in thaz�ar,r.ar`Borrower s�ll gay them on time dir��ctIy `�.
<br />=•%a;'', to the�son owed paymem-Borrowes shall promptly furnish to L�nder all�aturw c.amounts to be paid�nder this paraS�P . �-
<br /> -"�`�� If Eorcov�et makes these a inents di:�l ,Borcower shall ro tt- �.r�r�i.�ra�rJt�reeei�ts ev'sdencing the paymenu. �:_
<br /> P �P .Z " f
<br /> _ Bcrcawer shall pt+nmptIy disci�arg p '�% �_ incrR�rrE unless Borcower.(a)u rees in
<br /> ;�;�,:. p y e uny lien which Uas riori�c�cti�^:..s S:-��y �' -
<br /> svriting to the payment of the obligatlon secured I�y tte lien m a m.,:r��'��a to Lender.(b)contesis in good faith�tS�e lien �,.
<br /> �y. or.defends against eoforcement o3 the lien i�. �al preceed�ngs Nh��' Ly'�:he Lencter's opinion aperate to preveni tiie -
<br /> enforcementt of the lieo;or(c)seraues fio�the hnt�er uf the lien,an agreemen:satisfactory to Lender subordmatins the lien to
<br /> e
<br />__ this Secutity Insuument.If Lender deteimines that��Fart a�d�':�rOPeriY is subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> -_- ���y,Insuamern,Lender may give Borrower a nodcc id_e�?i:�:ng the lien.Bflsower shall satisfy the Gen or take on»c�r ___
<br /> ¢v,•�' ' more of t�e actions set foctl�above within 10 days of ths givinp c°;�r;sxre. __
<br /> . S. Hazard or Pcopetty Insmance- Borrower.sha11 k�P�� �PT'�vemenis aow existing or hereafter erected on the rs
<br /> Pro msared against toss by fue. harards inclv:u'sd withiri the term."exi��coverage" and any other hazards. inclading :�Y:,:
<br /> �1�or floading,for whlch I.ender requires insurance. This iasurance shall b.°:maintained in the amoums and for the periods .��t.,`
<br /> ' that Lendsr reqaires. "I�te insurance c�e�P���g�e�°S�rance shall be�aasra by Borrower subject to l.endet's approva!
<br /> • • ���ti:'�
<br /> which�hall aat be w�r".�►ttably wit�eld. If Boaower fails to ma;nra;�eoverage descri'bed abuve, Lender may. at Let►d�s __
<br /> a tion,obtain cover.��t��rotect t.�der's rights in the Property in accordance«+iti�paragr2Ph 7. '�
<br /> • , �..� . � pj> >ns,�cc�p�::icies and renew�is shall be acxeptable to Leeder and sha" incIude a staadard mortgage cicuse. L.r� r�,
<br /> shall have the ri�t La t��id the paticies and renewels.tf Ixnder�e9uiTes.B°nc�'z?s4�aU FI°mFUY�ve to Leuder�fJ srASi�.""�a.�.� i�
<br /> :+_'��' r�aid premiuc�s and renex�al notices.In the event e�*.4ubs,Barrawer�aU g�ve F-�e�t notice to the iasurance carrier and;lE��ar. . : ..-::�;
<br /> :�'��i:�� Lender n��ake prcof of lass if not made promFtT�;��+�a�¢r•er_ . , . • ,
<br /> �=�iA�:'s. : Uflle��1.�2ndet and Borrower odEUCwise+agree i^��t�?�4?..i:��u►ce pruc�eds,sl�U be��.ie+t to ressoratiorz or re�ai��¢+;1'��� : _
<br /> :;.;���;{
<br />�;a'�.i•.�,; PropertY dama8ed,if tho restoration os r�prqir•is ecu�.�,c�i�i�t'rasi'kY�and Leade�s security is not tesseaai.If the r���t�;: _
<br /> `•�`•, .. nepair is not economiauUy'feaul�te or Lendet's s�i���uuld be tessened,the is�uranro�roceeds s1�a11 be aPPlied to the�1it?ts. ---
<br /> yecured by this Sec+irity�nstnunent, whethet ot tz4t t�,ea due.with any e�p�id„ta:Bormwer. 1f Bonower abandans the _
<br /> . ptoperty. or daes nat answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insusar�ce c�rrie�'t�as offered to settle a claim,then -_
<br /> I.ender may collect the insur�nce proa�eAs. Lender may use the proce2�Ls to repair or restare We PmDerty or to pay sums
<br /> ,���' secured by t6is gea�rjty Instntment,wh�her or not then due.The 3�day per�od will begin wMn the aorice is giv�n.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrovrer othes�vise agrea in writung, anY application of pioceeds to principal sball. not extend or i f.
<br /> . postpone the due date of tUe monthly payments referred to in paragrn, phs 1 and 2 nr chan�e the amflunt of the payments. If .�
<br /> u n d e r p a r a g r a p b 2 1 t h e F r o p e rt y is a c c N i r t d b y Lender.Borrower's n lg it to any insurance policies and pnoceeds resulUng from
<br /> damage to the Property prior w the acquisition shaU rass to Lender to the extertt of the sums secured Dy this Security 3 n s t n m o e m ,_
<br /> ���'. immed�atEty prior to the acqvisition. tion;�.e�seholds•
<br />�°.''-:;ci�` 6,�upancy,Pee�a�oa.Mnintenance s�I'rotec�lon a�t th.�,�q Bo�cra�rr.ea�s Lo�n Appl�es�
<br /> ..��*s:`;. . Harro��'51�71 occuPY,establish.and use the Property as Borro�v�'s priaci�sesidenee wnt�0�sixty days after the eaec�ion of
<br /> � ' � . this Securiry Iaswment and shall continue to oa��r the P�o�erl'���s Bors��cs's principai,.xec,�e�ce fos at least one year after
<br /> • �� � the date of occupancy..ualess Lcnder otherwise a�z;�s�in writing, wtuch car��hall not be anreasonaSly wiWheld,or unless ' .
<br /> � extenuating circumstwa.'�e�cLst which are bey Qm,�13orrower's conuol. BGrxc�r,r�r shatl aot destroy. damage or impair the
<br /> Praperty,aUo�v t6e Prop^erty to detc�orate, or ca:nmit waste on the Proper�..i�orrower shall 6e in default �f any forfeimce
<br /> -- actinn or prooe�ding. whether c�vil c�r�criminal. is 6egun that in I-ender's guai faith jadgme�coutd result in forfeiture of the _
<br /> :a�.%�"�.•� � 1'ropacry ar othetwise materiat[y imprs�e tae lien created by this Secueity itss,in�..,.-^��tt or Lende.ds secutiry interest.Borrower may -
<br /> - cun:such a default aad reinstate,as�.-cn+ided in paragraph 18,by�rsin�tiYa�a���n or procreding to be dismissed with a nilin8 _
<br /> � that, In Lender's good faith detetmimdoa. precta� forfeiture of the I3c�r�r�:+�s's interest in the Propasl� mr other materia! -.
<br /> ` • impai�tent of the lien created by this Security L:�miment or Lender's:�cy interest. Borrovsrer shatZ�'�o be in default if
<br /> Borrower.during the foan apptication pracess.gave materialty false or in�tcr�.��.e infomiation or statements to I.ender(or failed
<br /> ' to provide Lender with any material information)in connection wi�!.".�[oan evidenced by the Note,includina,but not Gmited
<br /> to,representations concem�ng•Borrower's occupancy of the Propenty es s Frinc►pa1 residence.If this Security Insuument i.:on a
<br /> � � . Ieasetiold, Bomn�ver shalt•��.�omply with all the provisions of the lease. If$oaav�er acquires fee title to the Pro�a�y., she °
<br /> '' : leasehotd a�l,the fce tii4tt abn11 aaot mcrge unless L�r.der�groes to tlie mergcr in�+vcltita?"
<br /> : ;'.,.�, 9.Pf�011 OP I,�At�ftl'R R�'IL9 ID�E��Y.l�j7.If Honower fails ta��'fo�m rJn�covenants and agr�ents ccra'ni.�d in
<br /> !�;`: "�' this Seeurity Instrumant. or there is a le}Sul psasc�d;ng that may significa�tt�•au�ret I.�nder's rights in the&'r�perty(�uct:as a _
<br /> • � proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, fo_cacdemt�,tion ar forfeiture or to enF:,�e laws or regulstioms>.the��.ender may dr�� --
<br />•.�, �,. �ay for whatever is aecessary to rw.ect the value of the Property and Ler_der's rights in tt:e PropeTCy.Ler�er's�tsa"-1:naY _
<br /> mclude paying any sumt�•�by a lien which has prionty over this Security lnstrument. appesrirs� in coc:t. ruying _
<br /> ' �ensonab{e attomeys'te�x�and entering on the Pro�erty eo make repairs.Altttough Lender may take actiorc�:�•this p•�graph
<br /> . 7.Lender dacs not tuive to da ss.
<br /> - � pny amounts disbursed by L.ender under this puagraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borr��rer secured by this �
<br /> ' Sec�uity Insmunent. Unless Borrower und l.ender agree to other terms of payntent.these amoums shall bear interest from the �
<br /> date of disbtusement�t thc Note rate and shall be payable. with interest. upon notice from Lender to Bormwer requesring `
<br /> � payment. '
<br /> � .' 8.Mortg�ge Inc�vtitxo.lf Lender required mortga$e insurance as a wndition of making the loan secured by this Security �:
<br /> instrum.ent. Borrower sha1E pay ths premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for an}+ reason, the =
<br />, �. � martgage insurance cover�ge required by L�nder fapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shail pay the premiums required to
<br /> ohtain coverage substantially equivulent to the mnrtgage insurauce previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the r•
<br /> � cost to Borrower of the mortgage insuranee previoarsly �n effect, from an alteraate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If _
<br /> . ;
<br /> �...__ . .
<br /> .. - . • va�i�+o :r,:�:�42� rl°...!' _.
<br /> , �
<br /> r
<br /> �
<br /> ' . .. . .�. � . .. ' , .. .. ' ,
<br /> . . -r' , . • . • C* � t` -1 • .. .. . . . ' -, . - , - ` _. . . .
<br /> $ 't}�f ' ' `, . � � . . . ,' ' ,. .i:•„
<br /> �.rt:, . . . . .. . � , . . , . . . . . . .. • .. - .a - . . • - . � _ . . -' _<. . � .. , ..,.
<br />