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<br /> • . _ , ASSI6l� OF TRQST;D$SD . � :
<br /> . .I�iT /1�,2:1S6lt �T T�L�E PiLSl�1YS, Ziiat Zhe Ov�rland�Hatioosl�Eaak of Grand �Islands .
<br /> � . s�co�oratioa,�,Lhe �srtx of.ihr €irst past, in �onslderation bf .tbc swa'of Zbisty-fivs`
<br /> tbowutd �ad noll --- Dollara, to it in hsud paid b�r .
<br /> ` Fiist Co�erce lbstgaSe Co�aan� . a �orpora�aon, the'psrll of t�e
<br /> — � second patt, recelpC vhes�of is hezeDy acl�nwledged, has granttd� assigued and.: �
<br /> _ � traasferrc� and-, ��` ��� '�'��� d� 8z�� �� � trdnsfer. anto f.ts auccsaaozs:-
<br /> � s�md �slgns, a certain Trust'Beed.vheseiu the said The Overla�ad Ha`tional�Baak•of.Gssnd `
<br /> Islaad is Eenefieis�., R,and�r21 A �ress snd I.ori A Hvers. huaband and xife. � � .
<br /> is Trustor, aad Nitloaal Baak of Co�erce Truat and Savings Assoriatioa is. Trustee,
<br /> , :vhicb Trast Deed vas dated tbe ?Sth day of Februar4 . 19 42 , and recorded the "
<br /> -- ` 2nd;, daJ of �!larch • -�. .. 19 92, as Docu�ent �10.92-1Q�625 � of tbe l�OiITGAGE
<br /> Yecorda of Ha11 Cuuaty, xebras?ca sud all fts right, ti�le and iaterest to
<br /> - the ptoperty therein described: a� follovs, to-vit: � ' ��
<br />- - -- -Tt�e iJestes�� Farty Faur (�i4} Peet of Lot Seven (7)s Block Four (4)s � W�olph's
<br /> Addition te the Citg of Graiid Is1,�n , Cp�a�r, Nebrasica. � , -�
<br /> • � � . ''� _ , ea e� tn � e�a i
<br /> � , . . n,'n s �t ��i� �► �� � � � �
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<br /> .` - r - .,.� . Together �rJ.th the praaiasory note therei desczt�: aad the aoneq due os to - :�t�=_�
<br /> _..��;� �l;:,:;' -. beca�e due thereunder, includtag interest thereon, subject only ta the psoviaion$ �� ��4� �
<br /> � �;;;;; `` of said Trust Deed therein cogtained. : • _."_g=-_
<br /> 1�.� N� a-'- '"�'";_
<br /> ,.,..., � �
<br /> r,;,���`.+ • IN WITNESS WHE1tE0F, The Overlaad Natioaal Bank of Grand Island, a corporation,•
<br /> t:r�;;'�'
<br /> iias caused tt�.is Assig�aent of Trust IIeed to be execnted bp;,its Psesident v �-=�.
<br /> � , �_�� ���.
<br /> `+" � � � � twid attes�ted by its Vice President/Canzroller , aa:3= its corpora�e aeal to be ,� ._ _
<br /> � . r� � hereauta a€fixed ihis 25t �ay of Februarg �_� , 19 92 . . . :;.°�t;.�.J-
<br /> - `.�' . � -
<br /> .� �:_. ... . ' _ ;
<br /> - ,.�.,��. .. .
<br /> . ` �{`�_'!� .. ': � �-
<br /> , ,'r.. ;�•.,,'L.- _; The Overland Nat�onal Bank of Grattd Islaad, : .. -°
<br /> �„�>�, .. _ ' - a corp tio� �� . . -}�,�_``
<br /> . �';F;'� !
<br /> ��'::Ut. �. . • �� -
<br /> . _ " � By• � :.
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<br /> . . f..^. i.:�:v Y�i` .. 'i// / , :iC
<br /> t�l�:'{:i_ . _'. • . . ._
<br /> _ .A�?': • Attest: � r
<br /> � � �� ,�YU=; ' • • =�
<br /> '��' �+�;;.�::�•;:;-,�„ , � ' _ �..
<br /> �;;:� '''" '�1; STATE OF NEBRASItA ) �'` �
<br /> _ "�kA���,�r� �.S.Si - . ' I ' —
<br /> , ;,,• CO1TIiTY OF �� ) �r'c: —
<br /> , ... . . , ;;;::'.:", . ._
<br /> � - ��'�.'`' an this 25th day of February , �,g 9Z , kefare me a notary publie duly ' ' ,
<br /> , �,:,,�,,.. :,:�': n �' � . .
<br /> . r r �?�x = __'•� cusafsa#oaed aad qualified ist and foz said catmt� and state, personally caa�e the above
<br /> , . � ,
<br /> �`I ' itobert A. Morris
<br /> •�. * � � and Karen M. I�iedfelt af The Overland National Bank of� ; '
<br /> �� �� � • Gsand Is�astd, whv ase peraonally kaawc� to m° to be the i.dentical pessons ahase names �- `
<br /> ' '�s���:`����'' � ase affiat� to the above Assignment of iru,st IIesd as the Pvpa�dant I'
<br /> � � and Vice President/Controller oE satd eorposation and they acknowledge tit� ' •
<br /> . - inatrument to be thefr voluntasy act and deer3 an� the voluntaxy act and deed of said y ,
<br /> �
<br /> i6'�=� .. . � corporation. � `" ' . . ..
<br /> � ' ' ,. ' � NI1'HESS sy haad and of£icial se$� at Grand Island, Nebraska , in said , •
<br /> . county, the date aforesaid.
<br /> i
<br /> '. ' �y���G�lyY��fll�fy yN�C�lr�b ,
<br /> � • f:, .. • � Ni�f���A(1Y�� ' .
<br /> . :^ .' 1b Gw�fa�wrcA 1,1a13 Notary Publi , .
<br /> - ,'. . � • !!Y COl�lISSION EXPIRE5:. �,�qg3 _ . �
<br /> . ' . � RE'�URH TO: . � ,
<br /> � � G.I. Abstticact ' " :
<br /> :. . � . . � . . � - - - -- - -- -- - �
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