� (�{� (�,��j
<br /> t y�1V� �Vai/!r/a�I�4 __-_._.
<br /> � m� -
<br /> 1 �prdt�s*,►in wnnecHan with Fondamnation or otTrar t�4dng ai ttz��isaAY ar paR thercol.nr far ccsnreyas�ce In I�eu ot oondems�a�an. -
<br />'; l�nder sl�sil be sntitled at fts optton to c�mmenca.aPPear in and pros�cute tn tis er.�vn n3m��ny c�L'an or psa���n�.and a4�il e�o �;�:�==
<br /> �. _
<br /> ; be e�tdYt�d�o rnaFce any cemyromise or ssttlem$r�tn cennection�n►ifh saach taldng or damage.In tAe event any poRfon M the ProPe�yl� .�-._
<br /> � so taken or d�ma9ed.l.ender sY�aU h�ve the a�ssn In ib sete and a�solube dtsCSEflon.to a,P�h►�U eus?�ptaceaC�. ati�r a�edecfing r._ °
<br /> .�:
<br /> � �tserefrorn a!l costs and ex�rn=e8 int�ured by it i�cannsction with suc�Fro�eds�u{ran any Irt�lbte�ese eecured herehy astrd 6�su�t� �,�-
<br />�� order as Lender may detemiins.or t4 a,ppty stf such Prxeeds.afe�r�uc1t G�ducdatis.to ttte reatoreL'�n a4 tito ProFert�upon eus��� �..
<br /> ,,.,:•---
<br /> � d�cns es Lender may datr3mdn�.My appti�tion o7 Rrocseds 4�indsbtednass c�3t1 rtot oxtora!ar��ane ti�a dua d�ta at cnY R�Y• uu;:
<br /> t3
<br /> *`fe ,
<br /> . mer�4s�ucier the�lois.or cura ar►y defautt therswd+er or heraundar.My una�llod t�sds shali bo�:d to Trt�TOr. . w:
<br /> 8.A��fwrs:anco by Lender.Upon the occursence ot an Evertt o!Defautt tfereundet,ot ll arry eat ta faicen or tegal proczeddng ;�
<br /> � aommss�ced wh#d�matsrEaliyy affe�t.e:+6ers imarest in the PrupeAy.6snder may tn its own discreLon�bu1 wlU�cul o�geUon ta do so, • ;�•
<br /> 1 r '����;.
<br /> asid wftlwut naSce to or demand u�on Tiustor and wi`tiou u!refeasing T�tstor fram ss►y cbl�tta�,c!9 E1►Y e�l wlt�l�Ttustlt h�egrs�0 .�,,,..
<br />' but iaile�to do and rttay atso do any cther act it deems ne�ssary to protect Ure s�aurt4y harcal.Tna�or�hsll.t�rc�atety u�n ',•=,�,�..
<br /> ,-� demand tnerafor by Lsnd�r,pay to Lendsr all oas�and expen�s incurred and sums exp�nded by LenQ9r in canaecti�n with Uee oxer- :�_;
<br /> dse by Lendsr of tf�e fa.�ega:ng dgt►�.togetlier witH interest ihereon at tha detautt rate provtded in�10 hfl�.�filch eh�l bs ad4sd� `��4<
<br /> the indeDiednass sacured hareby.Lendar sttati not intwr any Ilsi�(liy becsuse af anySh#�s8 t!t�y�os otnIt to dQ h�tou�a8ar. °<<.,.
<br /> a -
<br /> � 9.ifa7ani0u9�xta?s.Tnis[or shali kesP the PropeRy(n aomplianca with aU appt{cabis laws.ordinanoes end�lattaro .,.`"
<br /> retaWg to ir►dw^trial hY9tane or anvirnnrr�nfa!pm�ctton(cdlec8iveh refarred to heroin aa°Emironmenir�!Larr�.grust¢r shali liccp ; ,.
<br />•� the PropertY fres from all substences deert�ed to b�hazardous or toxfc w�der any Frtvlronmenia!Law9(�98Ctfvety naf9ttOd tA horedn ..
<br /> aa 9tazardgus Materta�s°}.snss�r hae0y warranis and rapr�ssnts to LQndar t�t8t there aro no Ha�rd�u3 Materl8is an or un98r 4lso
<br /> '' Proper�.�,�►.�r nere�y ag�c�+�a•�ano�o►a na�m�ess ienaac.its dIret�ow,offi�ers.empluyaes end agenis.and ar►yt� ,:<:,_°
<br /> so�s to d�fa►'s drrterest.trom �nd a�ainst�sy en�all datm9.ctamages�tossee and IlahiliUssi adsdn�In cannF►ctton with tha pro3aR�e. •',<;�;;,,.
<br /> use.dispassl a-transpas�uf arsy t3a�r�a�l�lete.�ia►3 on,unde7.irom or ebout tl�e Property.THE FORkG01ti0 WARRMRIEB A4dQ ;,
<br /> �;.
<br />: 10.Aasignme�sts a9 Gten�r.T,�tor hareby assigns to Lender.and grants Len�er a sacurity t�er�est in.e!1 pteseni.tuture and `-�. �
<br /> a3�r��.ing rer�4s.lssues and pra�s c�3ha 6'ropeRY:Pmvfded thai Tnistor shail.urntl the occunencs ot an Event oi Oetaul�.t�rraunsta�. .'�;:�:
<br /> d�ava�he right to cdtect and retain sud5 sents.issae3 and proflts as thay 6ecome due and paysbte.Upan ttu�ara�a o1 an Eve�a! •:::.
<br /> pefaul2,lender may.either in�sisr�e�ar by agenL wlth or wfthout biin9�9�1►�n or praceeding,or Ey a reCefirer apparfisd by e :.:`�:�
<br /> cou�t and wlthout reg�d.Sza tf�s-�aequar�r of its security.er�s upon and tafca possession o}the Praperty.or arry Dart ttsereo7.ir►ite own �.�_
<br /> r+�me or[n the name of the 7c+:s4e3,a�-ui do any acGs which it deems necss�rY or deslrabte to preserva the vatue.marke4ablRry a �,�
<br /> °�, rentabiliiy o1 tha i�ope►tf/.or any g�7hareoE or in�-est therein.or tn fnaease the Incame theretrom a Dramct tiw security haraof and� =°�
<br /> �:; witls Qr wtihout taldng Acssession ofi slae�rcperty.sue tor or ottserwise co0ect ttie renta.Issues and Draflta thereof.in�udh�thase�t
<br /> c4�e end unA�d.�Y�nD tenants¢e snake OaYa',enLs to LenQer.Lender may app(y rents.[asues end Drot(ts.lsss�and expe�fs• ��:�
<br /> ��, es of operatlon end oallactlan tnctud'a�q atioms}�a fees.to any indebiedness secured hereby,a11 in euoh order es Ler►der may dsieF _
<br /> aNne.Ths entering upon ond takin9 A�-`sion of tY�a Pnoperi,y.the cdlection of such renb.Issue3 and ptoflL9.end f31e epyZk�tion __
<br /> tt�ereof as aforesaid shaJl rtot cure or��,�shrs am/dotault or noUce ot defeufi t►e�aunder or invat,date any sct Qoita in resAonsa to auch
<br /> defautt or pursuant to such notice of d�fau;t a�,naivrtihsSar►ding the oonUnuance in passeastan ot the propeRy or tRe coNectian,
<br /> recetpt and eppli�ation of rents.issua�mr�r�s,T�ustee and Lender shail be enBUed to exercise every npht provtded fa tn any ot the _
<br /> Loan InsUumentg or by Iav�upon acc�rrsnr�mt arry Eva�i of Oetault.i�duding wfthout timitat{on Me dpht to exacoise tho power of sate.
<br /> FuMer.Lender's cighta and remstJiss un�as liie pa�e�rapn shaS!be cumutaUve wit�.essd(n no way a Ilmitatlon a►.Lendera dy�p►b and �;_.�-
<br /> remedies unQar ar�y assignrttr�rit u�b�es a,�rer�l�a$sa�ded�e►nst the Propertll.Lender.Trustee and the�eceiver ahalt D�itabte to
<br /> • 8Cf7pt[f!t WI�}I t0�1�1058[8TIZ8 B1.�U's^��+8'CBIYE(i�, r
<br /> 11.Ev�Ms a1 Deta�2'�ra��i?nMrtng�f�2tt cca�st��Event of DetauSt under this Desd of Tmsx �� ��
<br /> (a}FaSlure to pay E.�r#.�'�Ihneri a?prt:t�Ip�1�r i-r�rast of any othar s�un secure�hereby when due;
<br />. (b)A brearh of or cis G�r.u�r ar.y p:�vistar co�tain�ed in tho t�tote.tbls Deed a!Tnist,any of 1he I.�an insbuntenis.or�y �
<br /> �ser qen or encumbrar�uGca�e Q�a��i: �
<br /> (c}A writ ot e�a�or�tL�chrrt�rs or any simi4u process sha�l be entered against Trustor whk�shall bacozr►e a liaf�an _
<br /> fhe Properry or any portiaathar�al or in'�;�sttherein;
<br /> rti
<br /> ����'' {d�Thare W�atl EB fitecic��ar agalr�t Yrustor or Borrawer an ectlon under any present ur tutur�tedersl.st�ate a ather etatute,
<br /> law a regutatton retatin�to���tauptL7t.insoNency or otijer rel'�9 for debiors;or thora shatl be appolnted arry truatee.roCeiver a �':
<br /> Qquldator of Tcustor or Bormwer orof aU or any part of the Pro�erty.or�a cents.issues or profits thereof,or Tn�tor or Bortower �..;_�.
<br /> Bha11 maka•any generEil asslgnment tor the benefit of crediwrs;
<br /> (e)The sa1e.banater.lease.assignment conveyance or turtitet e, ��.�ar,a�01 aIl or any part of or arry interest in tl�e .,a
<br /> .�,.;. 6�raperty.eiUter votuntarUy or imolunlerily.rrithout the exPress wrftten cartsent�t tendar.pravl6ed tl�at Trustor sttall be pertNt t"
<br /> , te�to execute a feass o!tha Prnaarty tlz�d�:s na!ccntatn an optton W purchese antl the torm a!xfiich does aot exr.�ad ane �,�
<br />. � yesr; �
<br /> � I� . (�AbanQonment ot tha�*^.qp�rt�;or � '
<br /> `' �i Trustor is r�an ar.r�;�,:�ua1.t'ia essus�o,sa1a.transter�assignment,camreyance or encumbrance of moro tfian�if e �•
<br /> �4�' `
<br /> corpor�l��)a t�stat�.g pe:�t�Y�i�s�and outstanding aroctc.or(if a paAnerslilp)a total of P� =
<br /> cent ot �sa,�arst►ip f�::�5s.or pt a I�rti,�L!Pabu.:�ar:��nY)a wtal 01 pe;oont ot the Ilmtted liab(Ilty compa
<br /> rry in7it��3 ar voting righ's C��tfraj the period tP�s Qs�cR 7ntst[emalna�tlen oa ih0 ptopeRy. �:°..
<br /> �2,RW�s;Acqle�ia�s f�;�an Q�fauiG tn tha�-�tof any Ever�t of Defauit Lender may,without notke excapt as�equired
<br /> Qy(aw�declal�a]t frrlabtedness�s�hereby ta be d�a a�9 P-�'Y�to and 4he same st►::1 thereupan beoome dua and payabie wftla �
<br /> � f. out any preoentrr�e:a?.d�emand.Pra�Ar no�oe ot arry kind.Y��'�r lender may. �o_;_::
<br /> (a)Ooma�x!tt►at Trustee exe�c�s tt.�PaJ�Efl E1F��ran�d herein.and Trustee shall tl�ereafter canrse Trustals InUc• �
<br /> � est in fho Property W be sotd end thfl G��-�to be a�i.:.'-m"�r-��.all in the manner provlded in the Nebnaska Ynist Oeads Act;
<br /> (b)Exar�iee any end ell dghts prc�h0 far in e���t tts��:.n tnstruments or by taw upon aocuaence ot any Event ot ,
<br /> Oe18U1h et►d
<br /> (c)po3aa:�nce an actlon to torectcse this 02�i�grs�st�a nartg3Qa,appolnt a reoelvet,ot speciflcaly ento�o arry of the �`.=
<br /> � oovanarttah�c,�. —.._
<br /> • (1Jp(�(11�Qy h8161n 1��:.�d ur Dz G��eSBNed t0 TNSt90 Gr 6r�i19r is i:�3nded to be 6xduSive ot 8ny Othet fem9dy hBtEi11,in the Laan
<br /> ' trutrumet�ta or 6y law p:�if:��m d9:mitted.Out each shaJl ts9 r,�^�L:�':',�.:.�ia11 be in addiHon to every other cemedy glven hereundar. �
<br /> !n Uie Loen Ir�sUUmoa�or r�,..^�c�(�greafter e�QSttng at taw or ih equ:Yj ar�y stamte,and may bo exerctsed ooncurrenUy,U�dapendenlry -
<br /> ar euocesivstyr.
<br /> . 1a Tinpve.T��Ya��r^�.:.-y resign at any Umo�:�ut cause,end Lender may�1 any Ume and without cause eppolnt s a�a
<br /> atbor or s�stituto Tn�i:e.Trosr�shall not be Uabfe t�a�y c��rty,lncluding without I::T::".aVan Lender,Bortower,Trustor w eny pur• �
<br /> cNwr o�ihe PtapeRy,t�e a�'1r�ass ar dzsr`.�qe usUess du3 to sas!dess or wllHul miscon�uct,and shall not be requireO to take arryr eCilGn �.. _
<br /> In aau�ecUon v�}th t1►a eMxver�ant o!tnu�cYJ�n.;�i an;�ys lndemri.�la0,in writlng.tor aii casta,compensaUon or expenses whkl� --_.
<br /> � may be assoctated there�rf�r_Cn addltton,TrvSee may fo-�a;r.s a pur��r ai any sa'e of the Property Qudicial or under the powet of �.=-
<br /> �granted herein};postpo���e sate o9 all or any postlan o?�PsoDe:ty.as pro�9 my law:or seii ttre ProQerty ea e wiwte.ot In �._ �,
<br /> oeparata parculo or tom at Tnz�zea'�discration.
<br /> r
<br /> 14.FMS and Ezpans�$•�n tha over�t Trustee setla tha Pro�orry lty oxarcise oP povrer of sale,Trustee shall be enUUed to appty
<br /> ony�procosda first to paymont o!all costs and expenses af exe�cis:r,�►asNar of salo,includlrtg all Yrusteo's fees.and Lenders artd
<br /> TN�iN'��ttomeys tees, actualty incurred to extent perm(t0ad by app;c�a�aw.In the event Borrowes or T�ustor oxercise�arry rt�t
<br /> . p�pyld�d Dy law to cure an Evont of DefauR.Lantfer shall be entitled to ce�esvar 4rom Tnastor ail cos�and expensen actualiy irtcurred u �
<br /> p reaul!01 Yrusto�e Q�3faui�includtng without IimitaUan all Trustee's and 2Y3:riey's tees,to th9 extertt permitted by eppikable lotw. `
<br /> 1b.Futun AQvancea.Upon request o!8orrawar,Lender may,at its opUon,make addi�onal and tuturo ud�rancos and re� �
<br /> v�►C6o to Donows�.Such advances and readvanoes,with interest thereon,shall be secured by ths Reed o}Trust At no tlme ehaH fM
<br />' _ �: -
<br /> . �:�
<br /> . � .....�_ . . .,. . . .. • � � ?
<br /> r.�,.,,,, __ 11 S� r��y-}{7 w_tii4� � .._ . . � _ . - ' . • • . ' - _ ' _
<br /> ' _ . 1" Y •h � .t. ,� jj..{ 7 _ _ . ' . ' ..: ,_ ,
<br /> . - 'o� , . i {y C � ' , . •
<br /> ' .. , . �'�i.' . 4•�,:5 '!� :.'d�.� .... , .. • , . ` . ,
<br /> �4
<br /> . . . � . �� �. .� . *�:>. �'�•:�..�r�f,(r.�r,r.r... .>.�,., . .. . �� • . � , ... • �. � . � � . .,•'.
<br />