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<br /> t7Wl1'1'Y OF �lI�L � - DL(N) �15�48l9200�. � � .
<br /> � Rttr4.�etr ��rr•�—MOra't�►t�B � . .
<br /> W_ II�10f�i AI�.�$Y TH$SB P�1'S.•tlat S!lALt,81JSIHBSS AIZlItiISTRATIOP,`for va]unble
<br /> , con+aidaration, in hend Paid, does herebY relea�se ead diacharBe the.Real Bat�te '�. .
<br /> ltortQage,dated JulF 24, 1987, made and�e�ecuted by Ray L. Brtcson ancl tirlfe, Rebecca ,
<br />_= J. Bricaan to S�all Husf�ness Ad�fniatratfon and recor8ed Ri.th the Regiater of Deeda
<br /> - . of#tal2 County, Nebraslca, as Doctaent 1�Io. 87-204427, on July 2?, 1987. The releasea
<br />� sort�e deacribes the fo2lawing real eata�te: � -
<br />_�- .. , .
<br /> Al1 of Iot Nine (9), aad.the Sa�terlg Forty (40.0) Feet of Lot gight (8), fn Grace
<br /> ` � Lutberan t�urch Suladivieian, CitY of G�and Islaad, Hal� Caunty, Nebraska. _ - - -
<br />`" The recordia6 officfal fa hereby atrthorized and directed-to diecbarge eafd Rea1= - ---
<br />- � &+tate tlortga�e of record, aad after recordin8 tbis releaea, to enter upon t2�e� ' _- __
<br /> . sar�ia of th�e record of said aortBaBs tIis book an� Png� �here t1�ie release is- -----
<br /> .s:: recorded, in accos�dance wftb the proviaions af the statutea in snch case made and ' W��'=
<br /> � � , . protrided- . . - . , _ __=-
<br /> ' II�i�IITNSSS�1�. Seall Businesa Ado�infstiration has caused t�is Release of Rea]. . �-`_.�°�-�
<br /> . R���;�=
<br /> � �,; ° Bstate Hortga8e to be e�ecuted bj► D. R_ Hales, Supervisory Loan Specialfat, � ;�,.µ:T�,
<br /> �� `-'' - �+�in t to,the authoritq contained � `��'�"_��,4_ -
<br /> _._. � _: $itsineba�i Diatrict OfBice, B �bam.Ala�ama,Ru'auan .. ...-., _. -
<br /> X-•��-�-�� � ` in 47 Federal Register 230�, the contents of �ich publication are to be �udicially "'�: �'s��
<br /> � �4;�;�`: � Aoticed�pursuant to 44 United Statea Code 150?. , �_�� �-•=T"�
<br /> �.�.,•�.<,�-? .. ' •�R•�..�..F,�;.'-.
<br /> ;.,'..�`,:: ', .rf.: ,�i �•.�.
<br /> � _ -=���. �. . THIS, the 27th day of February, 1992. . ,��`�y',;.--
<br /> { -�j:��'"' � : •�;.��...-;;
<br /> � ��..,, '�=��r-�' ��' THIS INS'i�t11l� PRBPARHD BY: S!lAI,L BUSIHBSS ADHINISTRATION •.. _
<br /> �:.,--
<br /> , ' .� B. H. Bixler, IV � ` :�,�;-�-
<br /> "'�� Attoraey Advisor �. � _��'`-:
<br /> � .,.��= .�.� ' -�`� --.
<br /> ��=Y-:�" Sma�ll Busineas A�nfstration BY ��,:rf�:,.,��-
<br />.. ,.P'�;`��:: �:°:: , 2121 8tb Avenue North. Sufte 200 D. R. Bales �� • � ;�t;�"�' > ,
<br /> - � Birmingham, AL 35203-23t19 SuPervisorq Loaa SPecialist .;,;'��e , _
<br /> ' .,4%,.
<br /> ,..�;�':��`:. ° . . , BirminBham Diatrict Office =••� �� " _
<br /> � Birmingham, Alabama f�'�:�'. •. :
<br /> %"�;t�,;', . � ,;F::; _
<br /> _ ...'.� ,:��::::.
<br /> � .�r�r,i�:t:;••�.:; STATB OF AU�BAMA . , . ��•��;�'� � _
<br /> " % ': OOUN'1'Y OF JBFFSRSON '
<br /> `>;r�,=.,. �- ' � �:
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<br /> " I, the underai�ed, a Notary Public in and for aaid County in eaid State� �
<br /> ` "�,�±`;�{;{;,r �� hereby certi€y that' D. R. Balea, ahose name as Supervisory I,oan Specialiat, , � .:
<br /> , ���3rs;t-�,�,.;�` , Birmfngham Diatrfct Office, Small Buainess Admfnfatration, is signed to -the � . �
<br /> "�` � '� '' foregoing conveyanae and who ig known to me, ackno�ledged before me on thia day ,
<br /> �;;�;':`'` � .�,'�s;�:..�. that, being informed of tbe contents of the conveyanea, he in his cagacity as . • --
<br /> �x'_:_'.�•_.:..��:'� such �upervisory Loan Specialiat, Bfrmfngham Dietrict Office, 5ma11 BusineBS � . '
<br /> '. ' `��"���.°� � Administration, with full authority e�ecuted the 9ame voluntarily for and as the . , `
<br /> ' :. ' act of Scaall Bueine�s Adminietratfon. � ° � " . . . _
<br /> .�. . � .
<br /> ' � ' . �•.;�� ; QIVBN UNDEIt MY HANU and seal thia the 27th day of February, 1982. . � f . � �
<br /> , ��� r , � ,
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<br /> ., , . Notary.Pu�flic . . , . • M ,�
<br /> � � ;.�< � .� .
<br /> ' . ' My Commfsaion Bxpirea: � �� ' i ' �
<br /> � �.,:;,:� ' . November 15, 1992 . .. r
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