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<br /> Licensa�, its cffioais, 4mPto�ees,s�nb and 'mdependent eontrsctors for'auy'damage or
<br /> injury tLat may resnIt to`ni�id im��wement , �f tlze Licenaor, in its sole di�cretioa, .
<br /> ' determina tl�t aay p*rt a sD of the impm�r�em�nt must be nmw�ed or is�damagGd by the
<br /> - -- - ._ � i�xm�o�};a ea�p�s�enn._or indapendent oo�ntr�ccora aorlong for�e Licensor during� ---
<br /> __ the cours�e af their emptoyment or dntia�vith the I.ioensar,the Lioensee agrees to assume
<br /> ` � and psy aD caRs ntsti�a to the nplaoement or rcpair of the impravement
<br /> �--` 4. EFF�CTiYE DATE. 17ds lianac aSreement sha�II tai�e effect on the date
<br />. -- � it is tncated by tlie Msyor of the f�ity of Gr�ad ls�ud ss dated belvw It shall continue
<br /> for�n indefinite teria unt��sucL time as it is terminated as g�ovided hereafter. —
<br /> �,,. �_, -__ _
<br /> S. TERMINATI�N. TLis license agneament sBall terminate upon une or more �_
<br /> �of the foIIowins axuYr�nas: . . - . , ��-
<br />.- ''i;� . . a. � 1be seivke of saty dayswriucn notioe a�iatantion`to termmate by any � .-�.:.;�=�"
<br /> r�� u the other ` � --__-
<br />� • _.�''�� . , i�. � � � . � . �uFt`EZ"i�,
<br /> << � b.. The Licensee's applicatioa f�r a peimit�a1ter r ��__.
<br /> _ x.-�� , .,� � - thereo untess said� � 't is for wozk due to an . r �'':,=r: _
<br /> �.::j,� , . said �mpravement or any part � P� >_':,.: ;
<br /> � --, :�;�.;�y'��; occurrence �s described in Paragrapb 3 above aad sai�work dias the prlor written ,�•:�_';
<br /> `° �`�i"`Y"•�'"'` appravut of the Licensor. � . ..'-
<br /> � � s�.�'::;`�;.-.' � ', �� -'_
<br /> .�;��.`,..., c. 17te L�censee'a oonstructioa or instaDativa of,°any structure or' ��x�_Y�;�'
<br /> ..... _. ..
<br /> � �:,_...._:-
<br /> ,- r.., :�:+'�"�`::;� i�nprav�ement of aay nat�ue upoa thc real estate awned by the Licensor exccpt that r:,:;�.�.-_
<br /> .'� - ., ,._::=���"� , h 1 abav ;�,;s�'"= -
<br /> � � �esen'bed'ut Par�grap e.
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<br /> 1��` ��:��..�pon the ternunatton of tbis Lacense Agnemen�the Licensee sball be re.quired,and -_
<br /> ���.� ,SF'�t' , `,�� -_
<br /> `�����'' ` � � � :;:���. hcrehg agree� to�remwe said impravement fra�the Iacenso�s real estate at its own =1
<br /> � . .. .;.�-;
<br />� �� ' ��';-;'-�{�:;;,_ exgeas�and without cost to the Licensor. Said removal to occur ao later than sixty days � ' �
<br /> ' y '-'. '``.�';'E.,
<br /> .,:'�,��;::.�;. � ;;� after receipt of the notice of intention to temninate or any of the other occurrences set
<br /> �. .. .. �� }..
<br /> :�".�',tii`:ls,' :;~`•.;_'� , . -
<br /> ; .r,:;t,..;, �,, ..ti, fortb in Pa:agrapb 5 abwe. Should the Licensee fa�to do so,the Licensor may remave �
<br /> � ! �'�i°Y:`' s'�;;�;,' � or cau�e the remwal of said imprwemeat from the Licensor's real estate and the Ia.^.ensee
<br /> }.a�/ � `4'-� �.
<br /> '`'��';.`;: �-.,�;.A�;$:_ agrecs to reimbnrse the Iacensor for a11 it�cests. - , � -_
<br />. �..,.1 r:l - � ' . .
<br /> .. �/tr�.�'��''r• , � � .. ' - - , •- ' • :;.u. ' -.
<br /> �1� . . - . . , - � � -.
<br /> �� 6. SUC�ESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Tl�is agmee�a�t shall be binding�a the �:;�; .
<br /> ,'�� } �= araies Hereto, theit successor and ass�gns. � . . ' , ; ' ' -
<br /> . �:���:,` :�`.�:ii� F � � • f . ,; --
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<br /> ,. =;....-,:' •,y ��;, - . � �
<br /> '``'`�= agreement between the parties notwitl�standing aa►y other erat or written agreemen�s to the t
<br /> ir.. .:--''�r1;:.I!�.f , . . .
<br /> � � . '-Y�',�°.'� contrary. Tl�is license agreement sball be amem�ed only ia writing executed by all parties 4
<br /> . ,,:.r.. �
<br /> � :��.>. � hereto. r, �
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