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<br /> t f
<br /> -� E�nd�r ne�iv�s iroit��8oreow�r or br Bortow�f�b�nef'it wiii Ds appiied fir�t to any amounis Borrow�r oMrs on . nwnQ�bt axiu�of'
<br /> ------- int�+est a ptrt�cip�it.s�eond m inanest.�nd then to prinapat:H al pc�psyment ot th�aturad debt oowa tor iny nason.it wil!eat n�t� �
<br /> ---�°, f or exeut�l anf►�cheduled ptyfRant tintii tht seCU�ed deOE is in full. � ; .
<br /> -�-—- :.�� _- -
<br /> �� . 2,t7�ns A�ieut TkN.8cr►ower w�i!lpsy dt t�xes,assessments and other�twrges attributabte ta the Prop�rtlt wh�n dus ind vri114ll�ied tiil� : �
<br /> — ta ths Prpptrty s ainst rny claims whRA wnutd+mpaiF ttu lien ot thi�daed at trus�.Lender.�nay reauire 8arrpwar to ustgn amr riyAtt,d�irm � --
<br /> — - ��r .`, , or defenaes wt►i�Bortowar may havs apsirist ps�t�eswho suppty ta6o�or rtfaterials to improva or mainrii�tne property. , • �,� �
<br /> .����-�� . 3rM�p.Borro�e►wi0 keep the prope�ty inwred under cerms aceepta4te to tender ai 8orrowefs expens�and for I.�nd�r's O�n�t�t All_ k}��.� i
<br /> �� .° Inwr�tnce poGeies aha(Mi inctuAn a stindard mortgage�aeue in favor.ot t,ender,Irendei witl bs nsmed�s fosa payN a►�s tM insun�on any �.��
<br /> � ,,�r, . �wd�tnsurana poiiry inwrsnee proteeds msy be epPtied.witA`a►FNiders discretian.T9 e;ther ehe t�tontion or r�pair ot tM� �-Y ,, ^ _
<br /> - ��. propsrtyortathesewteddebt.HlenderrequirosmoRgagsinsunnce.Borcoweiagreestomsintainsuebinsuqn4sfor�ston9pt�ndnrtqui ��� _
<br /> Y �, �./eopNtg Borrowar wiI)keep the praperty ie good condi6qn and make aIl►epairs reasonabty r�eeessar1/• �. }
<br /> ..�,• ,J� ���.z _
<br /> • ' , s _�? . 5,E�s.Borrower saroes to pay all landers expenses,i�cluding�easonabte attornay�fees,it Bormwer brcat�any coven�nt�in this QMd `�' �
<br /> ' .'3' _�:��?-:"�� • . ' .ot onnanyobflgationsaauedbYd►isdeedoitrust.8orrpwerwiltyaytheseamountstoLendnasprovidedinCovenant9oftliisde�0oftrwt. �',;�:i'���-'"
<br /> s, ,. d •- � M+-• x �'.-.
<br /> , ...�;:a ' . ' i.��arky 6iq�sts.Unless Borrower first obtains LenQer�written consent,Bo►rower will not maka or permit�mt chanyaa tD anY P�o� ^� � t�`•�r�:-
<br /> security�nterests.�Borrowe�will pe�fortn aU of Banawe�s obligaeams undec any prior mortgage,deed of mut or other security ap�eemsnt `
<br /> , including Borrowels mv�enants to maka.payments when due. `� �`�_
<br /> s.;; . :� .
<br /> r��:-�=x>:r+r ,� �y =-A�sy�nl�t pf pM�ts�►ipfiq,Borcqwer asFigns to lender if-.eifriis aad profits ot the properry Untesa Borrasner end Lendtr have apr�ea � � 4�'�`' j` :
<br /> -�:'� < �i. • �.s:9eaw�se in writing.Borrower msY copect and reta�rt the re�zts z.+{cag as Boirower is not in default.if Borrower defaulta.Leader,lenders '���� '.,
<br /> .:��.
<br /> - . .`• =ti .:� a�eaY,of a court appointed receiver maY r+ka�ossess7on�.�e¢trarage che proPeRY a��cottecc the rer�ts.My rents Lender eolteCts sha116e ° sv�-;�_•:
<br /> � • � ti�� app(ied first to the cosfs ot managiog the pro�erty,inctudsaqcouR costs and attomey�fees,commiSSions to rentat ageats,and any other . �''���."
<br /> , . , .�; necrssary related expenses.The remaining atnuun�oi rents�r;11 flien apply to paymenu an th,e secured debe as provided in Covenani 1. F
<br /> - - .:��•-cr.�:.�.'a '.. . . . . :.� . . ' . . r..�-r:' .
<br /> �s,,:r.r�� , • Eorrawer agrees to compty witA the provisions of snY Maae if this deed ot uust:.
<br /> ;rr:,:,-.$�'�,r-�: . - 3.t�as�hotd�•Ca�dominiums:PlimwA i/nit I�to`pnKrRs. -
<br /> ��.'4`E,:�s�- . -- • is on a leaseAotd.It shis deed o!Mist is an a unit�n a condamF:sium or a ptanned ua"rt development,Borrowar witt peAarm all of Bomowede
<br /> .,.,:t.,�,�•: . ' 'duties under the covenants,bylaws,or regutations oi the con�rriinium or planned unit Qevetopment _
<br /> , �Z r.',..::'� -
<br /> - '�rr. ..``, ���:�,; ._, • � �pMy�.S�j��pMpnn lor Borrow�r if Borrower faits to petfamianY ot 6orrowers duties under tbis daad of trust,Lender msy , . '� �_
<br /> ' ��'� • -� pertortn the di.;t�gs;w cause them to be perfarmed-iender may sign Borrqu�ersrrame or pay any amount it neceseary tor performa�ce.lt any , _
<br /> ,'f',�;� � � con;trucGon on,?Fie property is dis�.ontinued or na�.�.-ried on in a reasonat;e mriner,Lender may do ufiateve�is necessery to protect Lendera � �._.
<br /> ' ��� seqirity interest iir'the property.This�may irtctude��sipteting the wnstrocl�p-�•;. ,. ' . : , • � ,_
<br />._ «_.:.�,.�_�.... _ , , .,._ _
<br />. :�;Le;i3er'st'al[uretoperformwilfnotptectudatenQer€+vmese�sFsi?rgairyofitsotfie�rightsu�rrSre•1a+�rcrtis+sdeedott�ust � �'.
<br /> a �. ' � . �:;'.• .� �.•�Airy atnounts paid by Leader to protect Lender's.se�s�titlr iase:�-t wilt be sscured by this QEed c`oust Such amounts will be due on demsnd �' �A; _
<br /> �� - arid wilt bear mterest from the date ot the paYrrrentu�Uf FaiS.in full at the interest rate�n e�ZC[c-1 th.a 5ecured debt. __
<br /> . •s..
<br /> .S.. . ,,,'�r;r` "' . _ . . � e.. . ' � : � • - • ` • , �.`':�� _.
<br /> � 10.IIMsuh and AaNKation.tf Borrower tailsto maFS-any payment whe�due ar breaks any covenants ur.dert�is deed o1 trust oi anyobligatian ;:
<br /> ' � secured by this deed of trust or any prior mo►�s�g or deed of trust,l.ender may acceterate the maturizy af the secured debt and demand ' '�' -
<br /> '�:;{vt�•'�
<br /> � ' immedlate payment ard may invoke the power qf safe srtd ani�other ramedies permitted bK 2pplicable Iaw r�;__-.
<br /> `-�,~.�'.. �
<br /> . , � . . . . . _ . . „��-
<br /> . 11.Rpu�st io►Notie�d OMauk.It is hereby�equesteQ that copies of the notices ot default a,�cf sate be sent to each person who is a p�rty �;i; , � :�:�_
<br /> , here to,a t t he a C dress o i e a c h s u c h p e r s o n,a s S e t f o rt t�h e r e i n. t , . .�'�-
<br /> .,., • ;:r ... ._
<br /> � f2.Pnw�r ot Sal�..�f the Lender invokes the paucer:of sdte,the Trustee sha�:f..5:.recor�irt the office of the register of deeds ot each caurtv � :;;_ �
<br /> `i•.,i w h e r e i n t h e t r u s t a r o p e R S l o r s o m e p a rt o r p a r c�i�e r e ot is situated a natice oi�`.�utt conrainirtg the infcrmai�on required by law The Tn,stes `,;:y,;L;t�.
<br /> •• � shatl also maii copiAS of the�otice of defauit*.s xe B�rroweR to each pe�n:�tiy*�is a pxrty hereto,arid Ta other persons aa proscribe�•a1r �;
<br /> a�flt�bla Iaw Not less than one montb after ifse Trwtes records the no-iCe of�tefaulz ar two months if the trust property is not in arry � •
<br /> ` Snca�orate4 aity or village and is used in tarmtag operaiians ca�risd on hY thgt:usior,the Trustee shall give pubUc notice of sate to the persons �
<br /> and io the manner prescribed by applicable la�v.Tn,scee,wRhdut demand on B�srower,shall setl the prope�y at public auction to the Aighest �� �:t� ,
<br /> ` bidde�Ii required by the Farm Homestead Proteciinn Act,Trustea sAall oNer tF.��roperty in two separate ss(e9 as required by apD�icable law. ( � �'.
<br /> - Trustee may postpone sale ot atl or any parcel af the property by public anr.c�:�ent at the time and ptace o1 any prevtously scheduted sate. • _ ,
<br /> . ' L e n d e r o r i t s d e s•S n e e m a y p u r c h a s e t h e p ro p e r i y a t a n y s ale. �., . ,.,;;;.. . �
<br /> . �- Upon receipt of payment o(the�rice bid,Trusiea shall delive�to the purehas;rTrustee's deed canveying the propeRY.The recitata corrtaine� � • :.,y.��. '•_
<br /> in Trustees deed ssiall be pr�ma iacie evidence of the truth of the statements coniained thereYn.Trustee sha0 appW ihe proceeds af the sa:a±n i : ,
<br /> � the toIlpwing order. (a)to all expenses oi the sale,inctuding, but not limited to,reasonabte Trustee's tees,reasonable attome�ls tee5.and (.,•� �;.-
<br /> .� reinstatement tees;(b1 to all sums secured by this deed of trust.and(c)the bata�ce.�f�csy.t¢the persons tegallY entRled to recerve it. I;;•;.; . ,
<br />, •, .�.. . _
<br /> - ` - 13.Fonetosure.At Cendefs option,this deed af c:�st may be to►ectased in the m�^ae.p�eyide�by applieable law for foreclosure of mortgaqes ; �:�.,;.. ..
<br /> . on real proPern/. • . , • �• . .
<br /> ,'�}`� �.f` UI,tnsp�ion.Lender may enter the property to inspect it it Lender gives?3-��v�ev Rot,ce�farehand.Tfie notice must state the reasonab:e ; � .
<br /> ' ' ' cause to�Lendere inspection. • �
<br /> .. • F_ , � . ' '_'. .
<br />� � 15.Cond�mnation.Borrower assigns to Lender the proceeds�`a'Y award,G�cfaim tor damages conneCted with a condemnati0n or Othet taking �-
<br /> ' - � - oi all or any part ot the property.Such proceeCS ivAi be appiieJ as prav"we�.�i Covenant t.This assignment is subject to the terms oi any prior � ,-,..�';..
<br /> '" secu►ity agreemem. •
<br /> . �'„�;�'
<br /> ' . • � � . 10.Waiwr.By•exercising anp remedy availabte ty Lender,Lender�oes^cr c;`r:up any rights to Iater use any other remedy.6y not exercis�ru�}. � � ':,�,l; ,
<br /> = . any remedy upo�Borrower's default,Lender do:es not waive any tight to iater consider tr.e cvent a de}ault.il it happen9 again. � , .
<br /> ��� t 17.Join!and Sewnt Liabllity;Casi n��s;SucC�ssors andAssiqtls Bound.All duties unCe�i,�is deed oltrust are joint and severel.Any Borrowe► ?
<br /> ;, who casigns this deed of trust but�oes net eYSign the underlymg debt instrumentls)does so onty to grant and convey thet 8ortower's intgrest �
<br /> s � in the property ta the Trustee undet the te��s'.s a!this deed ot trust.ln addition,such d Borrower agrees that the Lender and anY other Bo��awer
<br /> '� ,.:.. under thls deed ot trust may extenQ,mcC:fr cr make any othe►changes in the terms oi this deed of trust or tha secu►ed debt witho�:t ibat !
<br /> • Borrower's consent and without reteasing that$onowe�lrom the terms of this deod o1 trast. t „
<br /> : . The duties and benetit9 af thia deed of trust Shal!bind and bertefit the successors and ass�gns of Lender and Borrower. j
<br /> _ • !R.Natie�.Untese othenarise required by law,any notice to Borrower ahall he given bv delivering it or b,y maUing It by cenified mail addresseE i
<br /> ' ta Borrower at the propeny address or any other address that EorrOwer has given to Lender.Borrowe�w01 give any notice to Lender by certified , .
<br /> m.ai4 to Lende+�seQ�ess on the lront side of tnis deed ot irust.or to amr othe�2dd�ess which Lender haa des�gnated.Any other notice to tender .
<br /> . �Sh8l1 be Sent to Le1Qer'4 addre59 8S StAteA on the tront side o1 thia tfeed of t•�st. • ,
<br /> F+ny notice shait be Aeemed ca have bvon given to 8orrower or Lender when grven m U�e manner stated above. • ,
<br /> t9.Transf�r ol th�Ptop�Ry er a Bandiei�l lntarest in the Borrower.If all or any part of the propertv ar any Interest in it ie 50�0 or transferred ,
<br /> � wilhou!Lender's priot Wr�tten coesent,lAnder may demand immediate pavment of tMe seCUted debt. Lende�may a�so demand immediate .
<br /> ' ; �� payment i1 the Borrower is not a natural person and a beneficial�nte�est in the 6orrower�s sald or f�anster'�ed.However,lender may not demand
<br /> � a peyment in the above situations if it 1s drohibited by federat law as ot the dato ot this deed of trust:
<br /> �_ _. 20. R�eonwyane�.When the obligation secured by this daed oi tri,st h<�s heon p�id.and Lender has no further abligation to make advahces
<br />� under the instruments or agre�ments Socwod hy this eteecf of trust.the Trustee�hp11.upon writtvn rGqu69t bV 1he Lender,reconvey the trast
<br /> prope�ty.The Lender shall deliver to the Bonpwor,dr to Bo►rowor's successor in iniarest,tha trust de�ed and thA�ote o�bther evidence o}the
<br /> obllqatwn sb satisUed.Borrowe�shatt pay any recardation costs
<br /> � �.. , � 21.Su�C�330rTrustM•lendet at Lender's option,m8y rempvv 1'rustec�andappoint a suCCessor trusted 6y first,mailing acopy o}the eubatitut�on
<br /> + ' � oi trustee as required bY appticabte taw,end then,by filing the substitut�or+of trustee fdr reeSrJ in the ni6ee ot the reg�ster ot.dee8s o1 eact►
<br /> county in whieh the trust property,or soma part there6},is s�tuated.The successar trusteo.w�thout conveyance ol the prope�ty,sheN succeed
<br /> tO ell the power,duties,euthonty and title of the Ttustee n8med in the deed ot trust and ot any suceesso►trugtee.
<br /> �.,_ , .-'�. .
<br /> . ..
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<br /> • • OCRMTe3�N8 BACKSIOE AEYISIOK bA?6 1L1290 -- - {
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