_ _ � �:` - - ---. . .-�, V. ., . ,- ---�-.- - •'._,
<br /> _ �- r _'ti',.�r�•:•g •�-,"°- –.i: _ • • - ' _ _
<br /> . ._ . _ ' t yi����x �` . ,. .. ` � � -
<br /> ' _ _ 15d, ..�r �.
<br /> , ` A `, _ .•4 . . . . � ( ' ..-�Li .-
<br /> -- .. . t � - - --- - _ --- — - _ _ . .. - ,, _ . .;.. _;_ -
<br /> = <� �v " . . •
<br /> . .r._ . _
<br /> _ .. .
<br /> . _._ . _ .. ._ �.� . . - .
<br /> — -- '--=-=--- --- -�— - --- - - -- _ �- - -_-- --_ - __:_ -$+j--- __ - -_---- - - -
<br /> . - - --.— `rL.� �,`���.gs� '---.
<br /> th��ropertY is so Wca�a Q�ms�sd,L�c�s6a11 ha�►e ths oV�orq in ib sote and a6sntu�discraaan��al•aPP�Y�II aud�Proo�
<br /> . dMrdeducpn�iherefrom all cQSb and expanaes incurred by itio connectlon with auch Proc�ed�;ppp(hpmr indebbdneESSSCUtid
<br /> ' hereby and tn suct�order as Lender may datennins.or taapR�lt�11 such PrcCeed�.aiter auch deducGqPt�b tbe restoiatlon oNhe � .
<br /> -- �ue dat�e al�any paymerris de►nU�e NoDe,ar�re any def�it�eunde►o�r�re nder.M�lF u�aA hp�d Nnd�sha! bs Pat� y
<br /> -- Trustor. �
<br /> - --- 8, pMpnn}ne�b�Lsnd�r.Upon the occurre�ce ot an Event ot DeTaultffereunder,or if a�y►�ct�s�n os le�t1 proc�edinp
<br /> -- -- - -= commencedwhlctrma0sriaityattectai.ender'sinteresttnthePraPertY.lendermayinitsawn���:�rnhoatol2llBallontodo .. • ------ -
<br /> - ao;Ad�witt!out naticeto or demand upon Trustor and without�nteasing Tn�stor irom any oL�+'�.,�a''��a�y act whieR Trus�or has , .
<br /> - -- aQt�d but tai►s to do and may alsQ do any other a�:�*��,��?�?searll ro F�a=��e,��3Yi�;�"�r ahaik immedtatety
<br /> up4n demand theretor by Lender,pay to Lendera`rr.s�ts a�e�c�aenses i?�-'�a.�sbms ex�e���"�..".�'.�.��rt Gonnectian with _ —
<br /> '. th9exerciaebylende�O�theforegoingdghffi.tcr���ri;i�����.�'u�4���edefaultrate��v��@�cm�e�whicAahailba ---
<br /> . =`�dded to the indebtedness secured hereby.1�i6�:s`�3id x�a:�=�y:rr anY liab7fty beCause_of at►yfpiitg'it ei�E��or omi�L�da ,
<br /> _. fierauoder. " ,:�. '.:: . .�.., .' �. •
<br /> g, E{�s�Qpus MslKiats.Trustor shaif keep the Properry ir►:complisnce with att applicable�taw�,;p(+t�nances and regutadons �-
<br /> ' weJad�g to+nduatdat hygiene or environmentai protecGor►(coilectivety ceferred to herein as,"�►v�tqpmat►tdt ta�rs"1.Trosta aha�t
<br /> J
<br /> �.. ..e?� ke9pthe?topertyfreefromaiisubstancesdeemedtahehazardousorWxicunderanyErnrirqnmantaiiaw�@tcotlectivetyrofeneCta �• �
<br /> � hereir}as"Hazardaus Materia{s"?.Trustor herehy warrants and represents to Lender that thera are na:ff�ardeus Mate�iats oa ot G-.�:--—:___--...
<br /> under the ProQerty Trustor hereby agrees to indemnity anQ hotd harmteu Lander,its directo�s,o4�iGE't�..�tp�ayee�end a�er►ts,and , __ __ -
<br /> � ��f any auccessors to Lender's interest trom and aqainst any and al!claims.damages,tossesand liabiUtla��ismg inconnection with �_�
<br /> the presence.use,dispwal or uansport ot any Ha�ardous Materials on,under,from or adaut the�Praperty.THE FQHEQOINQ� �=-=��T___
<br /> ` ^ . SUF11llVE HECONVEYAtUC6�F THfS OEEO OF TRUST. = --=�=-
<br /> :� �, 1Q AtNOen�+t W R�nt�.Trusto�hereby assiQns ro lender the rants,issues and Orolits af the,A►�q��erty:provided that T�uato► �`�-�;
<br /> � shali.untittheoccurronceofgnEventatCefeulthereurtder.havethe�iyhtrocottecta�dESfainsucn.FenfEl,+ssuesandRrutitsasihey .�-�_�-:�:
<br />' J� �: hecoms dua aod paya6te.kJpon the occurrence of an Evertaf Oetaul�lertder may,either in pareart�dr•by aqent w�th or without ?'• ' '�"��-
<br /> brinpinp any action or proceedinp,or by a receiver appointed by e court and withoa!regard to.tne:AdsauacY of its securiry,enter � _ �;�_�_;±_y
<br /> ,;w;��•L upon and take posses3ipn of the Propecty.cr any parl thereo},in its awn name or in the namaof ihe TrustQe.and do any acts which it . - _-�:
<br /> ,`�-_=�+*�r�- F: .` � �eems necoasary or desirable to preserve thevalue,markeiebitity or rentability of the Prop�rty..or an��ttthereotor interestthe�ein. . - _
<br /> -�'' � `� ` � ' , Increase the income theretrom or p�otect the security hereo t an d,wi t h oc�i t hou t f a kin pe r t y.sue for ar , f ' _
<br /> � .�� ; g ppssessiamaf the Pro .
<br /> �� �:r,.=•.:•� . otheryirise cottect the rents,issues and praGts tfiereo�inctuJtng thnse past due and unpattfc artd�appl��he�ame.(esa costs and � --- .�
<br /> � .• e x p e�s e s o t o p e►a t i o n a n d c o l i e c t i o n i o c t u d i n g a u o r n e ys'tees.u pon an y InOebtednasssecured Aeret�nall in sucb order as Lender ���:•4;
<br />,� � �:�:_�: _�,;'` • � may determine.The entering upon and�tcing passdssion o{the Property,the coiiectian of Suah rerNa�issues and pro�ts and�he _,;,.,,.-.:��,:
<br /> � >•,.; ` apptication thereoi as atoresaid,shatl not cure ov waive any delaalt or noUCe of detault hereunde�nt invalidate any act dane in � •_ __
<br /> sesponse to such defauftor pursuanttos�ch not�ce of detault8nd,notwlthstanding the continuanc�ir�,possession otthe�r�perry or :"'�'_'�
<br /> - - the cottection.receipt and application ot rents,issues or protits,artd Trustee and Lender shall pe.er�tit'ed ta exercis2 every right ____
<br /> � °%.`i•�r-` �'' '` rovided tor in any of the Loan Instrurrents or by taw upon occunence o!any Event ot Oefau�A inq►Utling�i�`ou4�:srnaJaKtbe rlgh! -_
<br /> • r.'.��,�,c7�_•..:.:T�.. � � r , . ---_
<br /> . . ;. ..., .�.
<br /> to exarcisethe power ot sate.Further.Lenders ric.,�.a ar�C rert:edies under this paragrap�s shati De.cum�'ta'�ius wi:ri;and in ao way a
<br /> ` , �,;;.;�;,: �-.' limitatton an,Lender's righb and remedies under ar±y.ass+5r,^:e�tof leases and rents rBCOrded ag8i�istt�`rePtapef[y-Le��er,Trustee __--
<br /> - -- and the receiver shalt be liabte to account ontY for ttrose reMS actuatty received. � w i
<br /> '. �� 1 t.Ewnb of ON�u1b The foltowing shaC canstitute an Event of Oetauit under this Deetl ot Trust • �• ;,::r>_�_
<br /> �,'-��^;
<br /> � (a) Failure to pay any installment of prir:cipal or interest ot any other sum secured hereisy wlTer.Que: • �.. � .��""�
<br /> � • (b)A 6reach o!ar defautt under any pravision contatned in the Nate,this Deed dt TrusL any of the Lcan Instruments,or any ,'`��r�, .;;;'��'-°��_
<br />� � � ' other lien or encumbraace upon the Pruperiy; � �� � � "��
<br /> �,.. . •
<br /> (c)A writ otexecution or attachmentor any similar process ahail be entered againstTrsstor which shatl becomea lien on �
<br /> :.:, .�•� '�.�'::u
<br /> � � the Properly o�any portion thereof or irster2st therein; � :;i•° � :,r'�
<br /> � �, .,,�. ...' • (d)There shatl be fited by or against Trustor or Borrower an action under any pressnt or tuture feQeral,staie or other �:.,fl�;.
<br /> � statute,Iaw or reguiation relating to bankruptCy,insotva�cy or other relief tor debtors:or 1herE shaif(ss appointed any trustee,
<br /> , ' receiver o►liquidatot of Trustor or Borrowe►asof all or any part of the Property,orthe renWr issues orpro5�cthereof.or 7rustor . ;. _�:
<br /> �_���.,• . � ar Borcower shail make any general assignment fer tt�e benefit ot creditors: `� -`�
<br /> _ ' � (e)The sale,transfer.Iease,assig�meni,co�veyanc.e or turther encumhrance uf aii�or any part ot or arty i�slErest in the ,._
<br /> � Property.either votuntarify or Invaluntarlly,without the exprass Nritten consent of t.ender, prouideG thdt Trusfar ahall be -._
<br />' � • � permitted to exec4te a tease atthA Property that doe�nat contain an option to purcfiasE.3nd the terrn of which Qaes not exceed , . � -
<br /> , ,. ' � � one year, • ,.,:.: ,
<br /> '�' '�`° (n Abandonment ot the PropeAy:or
<br /> . .,.n,;<..�� � a-+.._•
<br /> � ��. •��; � (g) If Trustor is not an indivldua�.the issuance,sale,transter,assignmBM,conveyance or encumbrance of more than atotal � ,_�.�,:;:
<br /> :.:_.;,�.�.:•,:.. :. �:�;��;i;
<br /> �i::�`',`,;}�. ,.• , . , ..:•
<br /> ;;•;. �i percent ot(i1 a Corporation�its issued and outsta�dirtg stoCk or(if a partrtersniDt a total ot percent of *�;;T
<br /> V,:,�.,
<br /> - partnershlp interesta during the perlod this Oeed of Trust remains a lien on the Praparry >=-�a;�'+ • _
<br /> ' 12.R�rtwdi�s;AeeNNaHon Upon ONwfktrtihe eYent ot any Eveni ot Default Eender may,without nc�iee except as required by � . .
<br /> ' � • law,dectare ail indebtednes9 secured hereby!a be due and payabla and the same.shatl thereupan become due and payabte � � , • ���;-;�'.
<br />• •• ' • � wlthoul any presentment,demand,protest o��otice o!any kind.Thareatte[lendet may:+�• _,��°:
<br /> : . (a) Cemana ih8t Trustee exercise the PdWER Of SALE granted hereln,and�truatee sha(::'�ereafter cause Trustor's � � .
<br /> � • interest in the Property ta be sotd 8nd the pro.^.eeds to be distributed.all in!he mannar provided�n tne�JebresNa Trust Oeeds � •
<br /> ' Ack
<br /> • . (b� Exercise any and a�t rlght9 provided for in any oi the loan Instruments or 6y law upvn oc�urrenCe of any Even!of � _ . �
<br /> � Oefau�t;ana � -
<br /> ':;,. (c} Cammertee an actlon to torectosetisis Oeed of Trust as e mo�tgage,appaint a rece;aer,ar specdicalty enfo►ee any o!the f
<br /> covenants he�eot �
<br /> • ' No'remedy herein conter�ed upon or reserved to 7ruatee or Lender�s intondbd to:b�excluaive ot any other remedy herein,in the � . .
<br /> . • Loa�Inatrumenls a by law provided or permitted,but each shatl be cumutative,shail�6e in addition tc every other remedy glven .
<br /> � hereunCer,in the Loan InaVumenta or now or hereafter e�isting at law or in equir�or by statute,and may be exercised cvncurrentiy, �
<br /> ' independently or success�vety. �
<br /> � 13.TrusiN.The Tru9tee may resign at any time w►thout cause,and Lt�nder ma�r�t any time and without cauae eppoint e �
<br /> � SuCCessor or subatitute Trustee.Trustee ah811 not be tiable to any party,iriCludtnq Vuthout timitation lender,gorrowar,Tru9tor or any . . .
<br /> ' purChaser of the Property,tor any toss or damage untess due to recktess or w+►►'Gi rn�scondua�and shall noi be required to take any
<br /> • aCUpn in connoctfon with the entorcement pt this Qeed ot Trust unloss indemniHod, in wrlting.for ail coSts,Compensatlon or !
<br /> � . expenses which may be assocl3ted therewith,in additfon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qusicla!Cr � •
<br /> � . . • under the power of sale granted hereln�;�pvstpone the sale of all nr any portidmoi fhe Prbperty.as provided by law;or seil the • � .
<br />_ , , _�. _ ' _..
<br /> Propertyr a9 a wifote,o�in separate parcefa or tots et Trt;9teo's discretion,
<br /> ' 14, F�s snd Exp�n�a.In the event Trustee selis the Prnperfyr by exerois4 of yower ot sate.Trus:ee shall be enUtled to epply
<br /> � .���� • - any sale proceeds firat to payment qt alt tsosts and Axpenses of exercising power oi aata.irtcsud�rtg a�t 7�ustea's feea,anC lender's �
<br /> ';�'�� � and Trustee's attomey'sfees;aCtually�lncurred to e�ent permitted by appllCdbteigw:fn the�-Vffnti Borrower ar Tru9tar exerCise9 any •
<br /> rlght provtded by law to curean Everd,o4 Detauit,'Lender 9h8i1 be eMitlCd to r9COVer trom Tr�sior 3st costs and expenses actually ,
<br /> � ";�'.� incurred as�a result�of TrusloFS detault;inctuQrng without IimltaUon al17ru5tee's and 8tt�'r9y's f��s.i5it;e e�ent permiited by . •
<br /> '' ' � : j a,ppUOable,iaw:�, � '
<br /> �;.. .
<br /> .. . .. � .
<br /> _—. _:_:. .. _-- ..
<br /> .
<br /> r and re-
<br /> -,- - -._._,_.._...__.�_..:.�.•� - - •---�5. futur�Advancss.�UpQn.�r�{uest of,�orrawe�.LenQer may,as lts oPVan,maxea�ditionaE an.�l�tu eadvar.ces _
<br /> � - � � Y advancestoBorrower.SuchadvartcesanarQadvanceawitbin2erestthereon,shailteseou�edttyr*.tflgV€���Ttiis�-�inattmeshaft- -------�--•------
<br /> � •• the princtpat amount of the lndebtednes�s sacitred by f1►1s C�ed of Trust nalsiY�ir�tl`s asva�cad ta pr�teGt trt�sscurity of this ;
<br /> , .
<br /> '. ` � Oeed ot Trusf.exceed the original prtnclpal�amount atated nerein:or a •whicnevef is greater. � • �
<br /> • • s
<br /> �__-_ — —,-� - . - - . _ _ ' - - - � - _._.=_ _ - . -.=
<br /> , � ,.
<br /> , .. . �...� _
<br />