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<br /> ' � . 11808 MfEST CENTER ROAO OMAHA.NEBRASKA 68144 4"�-� _::-.�_ � , - "
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<br /> . . . B«ioww owa Lene�r th�principN sum ot Fi(tv Two Titonsand Elaht Hundnd and OOtt00 = ., � -•- '.'�
<br /> • Oo�s(U.e.i 52.800.00 1. THs debt i��Wdrnc�d by Bortow�s�oth ,. ,����
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<br /> ;;�f�:; _. ths Of the c'kbt dWdanosd by th�NOte,wNh Ma�t.and aR rmarY�lk.mdenakrts _ r. :i: _
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<br /> . _ � • . geqr(ty Instr�unent a�(s)the perfanrnce M Borrower's oova�rts+�4s�eeme�ts• Fa thi�pu�pose. Barows�rravac�r�nts�nd . ��_-
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<br /> • . . N�btaska 68801 ("Property Address'�: ( `�^..:'.
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<br /> .Y `. ` TOf�TtiER WITH ar Mprovemerts now a hererfter arected an the properry.and a�e�semant�.�ppuRerw�ces.�nd A�Auns now a � i-. .
<br /> � � h�aft��r 0� ol the property. A� rcpl�cemenb�nd adEiNona ah� be covercd by tAh Securhy Instrumen� IUI of the tore�oiiy b ; � .
<br /> . . I
<br /> . �, . referred to in thls Scc�[ty Instrummt as the"Property.'• . �
<br /> � ' BORROYUER CCVENIWT9 ih�t Bartower is I�wfuxjr a�lsed ot the estate her�y canveyd�nd hae the rlyht to gr�n!anA eanrey the [ , .
<br /> ' . , . , Propaty a�d that ths Praperty is unenambered�axcept ta encumbrance�of reeord. Bortower wanants and willl defend genaraly tha UUe i
<br />" ' to ths Properly ay�inst Y d�lms artd dcm�nd�,aubjec!to�ny en�w�rances of reco►d. ! •
<br /> . , � .
<br /> , . � •• � � THIS SECURt1Y It�iSTRUMENT eambines unHorm coveaanl�tx aatianal ure and non�unNarm covenants with Nmlted vaA�dona by !
<br /> ' � Jurhdi.ibn to eonstie�te a unXortn secu(Ay MsUument caverhg real property. '
<br />� ' � UNfFORM CAVENAMS. Somawd and LenCer aovmat�t and�grers�s to�aws: , , .
<br /> �� 1.P�m�nt d Prineip�and tnt�nsN,Pnpaym�nt snd Lat�Clw�s. Bonower at�l prarotiY vay wtwn due the S. � '
<br />'. . pdneiqt d�nd tnter�f an the debt ankknced by the Note�na�ny prepaym�nt an�1�te charges.�a wdar the Note. :
<br /> � � � � 2 Funds tair Tau�s and tnw�anc�. SubJeot to �ppNc�bte uw 6r to a-w�tten watver by �.enc�r, earower shar p�y to•� �
<br /> � - � - - - Lender on the d�y monthy paynknts �re due under the Note antil the Note ls patd k►Mt.a aunt('Fundsy tor. (a)yeny taxes u�d .
<br /> ' . � � a�sessrt�ents whicb mry atWn DrbritY wer this Security Instrumcnt aa a Yen on the PropeRY N) Y�N Ie�sehold p�yments or ground �
<br /> . tanb on th� Propety. il�tyt: (o)YaNA► hmra or propetnt inaw�ncs Prert�um�:,�d!Y�Y Aaad tnaurinee Ptertaum�. if any: �e) Y�Y
<br /> � mort�ys inwnnoe pron�urns.N�ny: and(Q anS►aums pay�t►k bS►Bortawer to Lender.tn aeeordmee w'rth the provtslons of p�r�gaph 8.
<br /> • in leu al the payrnenf of mortg�ge hsur�n�premiums. Thess icem!�re cued'Esaow ttems.' Lande►mYy.at arry time.colect and hotd .. .
<br />.... . . ..' . . �J"_____--"" __ ' ..
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<br /> , ' �Wl-.�itK/e F�rtWy�ferWe MaNFteddlC Ibae U(�IfORM INSTiiUMEHT psge 1 of S Fam 302A 9/90 . .
<br /> � . F1629.LM0(9N1) . � , .
<br /> � .. . 49817 - - t �
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