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<br /> � 17.7'ransfer ot the Prog2rty o�a�gaeYtrial Ir�derc�t[n Harrorrer.If all or any part of the Pro�rty or any interest in it �:.-;
<br /> is sold or uansfemd(ar if a beneftcial interest in�orrower es sold or transferred and 8orrower is aot a natural person)vvithout �
<br /> � Lender s priot writtgn cons_nt. Lender may, ai its option, req�sire imme�iate payment in full of ail sums secured by this
<br /> Security instrument_ tlowever,tfiis op9ion shall not be exercised by Lendet if exercise is prohibit�by federal law as of the date r•
<br /> �.-�.
<br /> of this 5ecurity Instrument. -=
<br /> If l.ender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notioe af acceleration.The notice sfr�l provide a period of not _
<br /> Less than 30 days from the date the noyce is delivered or mailed wittiin which Boaower musc ps3• a!I swns secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. If Banower fails to pay these sums prior to the expin+lion of t6i9'�siod. Lende�may invokr any re�r.edies _
<br /> permitted by this Security Inswment without further notice or demand on Dorrmwer.�= =�-
<br /> IS. Borrov�er's l�fgh4 to R�instate. if Borrower meets certain conditions6��iorrower sha�l have the right to have �.•°•
<br /> J.- enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any tim�prior to the earlie�of: (a) 5 days tor such ather period as �-�
<br /> v� applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Properry pursuant to any potir•er of sale contained in this �'�
<br /> Security Inswmenr or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Insavment.Those conditions aae thai Borrower.(a)Fays --
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Insuument and the Alote as if no acoeleration had occurred:(b) Q��'.:�
<br /> a
<br /> cu:es atry default of any other covenants or agreemenu:{c)pays all exFens�s incurred in eufoccing this Security Instrument, �_�`_'
<br /> including, but not limited to,reasonable attorrteys' fces:aud(d) aakes such action as Lender may r�san3b3y require to assure _.
<br /> that the lien of this Secvrity Instrument. Lender's rights in the Properry and Borrower's o6ligarion to pay th�sams secured by
<br /> th,:s Sxuurity Instne�ent shall contim�e unchanged. Upon r.�ir..�T� by Borroe�er, this Seceuit}' inctn�mert �d the w.-_
<br /> c�sls�ons sacured hemby stialt temain fiaZly efFective as if r�r•�:c-�-��a had occurred.However, this ng.ht to r4:�tate shall �.
<br />�f;.:. 3; : in the c�se of accelem[ion under�„ar,r�r�h 17. �:=:
<br /> � �y � �� � � - .
<br />�`..E'.::, 73�. SaEe¢f!llote; Cha.nge o�d��r�ca 5m�=r�. T�e iate �r a�tisl interest 'sn the Nc-w tt�a�ixz�r .•;.*'- �is ac�,a�t3' —_-
<br /> '`�k�".��' i�s��rn�a�.x�:�h�t►e sa_L•1 o�e�:��a�-���rs ui���t p*'sar na�.�e co Earr•:�.��. A sa!e o.:���xfs:_��d:�'�:*a:�e s�.i;� (i�«-n. -
<br />.:;j'f� :.�;he"�l oan�ervicer'i t�at ail�e�^s r�U,�:�j:;_r-_ymenu dus c:nder t�e:'�.���-a�ttis 5�r�+sw r!����.TTiere aL;���y Ee�� �''`
<br />_l;��:' cc rn.,.e����ai�ch:Loan Ser ire:n:.-�s�:o a sale of the Idote.I€e-�is a ehaz.g�of th��..o3n S�vicer.Borrower wil!�e �
<br /> �_,:h,# gic�s'wictt„°:e�-c�:.e uf the change in uccor��with paragraiph 14 abo�e�d applirable law.Tha n�ti�e will state the name and _�
<br /> `;;;
<br /> address of tA.e��� �oan Servicer and the��SS to wSich payments sTlcald be made. The notice�i-iU aLo contain any otlier
<br /> information req�ired by applicabie taw. �'
<br /> � ?.tD. Ha�ardo�s Snbstences. Borrower shall aot cause or permit tl�e presence.nse. disposal. sxorage. ar release af auy
<br /> Hazardous Sub�tances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow'anyone else to do, a�ything affecting the —.- ,
<br /> Property Ihat is in vialation of any Environmental Law. The precedin�;two sentences shall nat apply to the pre!;ence. use, ar
<br /> storage on the Pro�ecty of small quandties of Hazardous Substances that are gertetally recogni7ed to be appropria*.e to nomial �„
<br /> • residential uses and to maintenance�f the Properry.
<br /> . Borrower shall prompdy give Leader mitten notice of any investigaaan,claim. demar.�. la��suie o�other action by any �
<br /> govemmental or regutatory agency or priVute party involving the Property azcd any Hazardous Subst��or�nvironmental Law
<br /> of which Eonower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leama.or is notlfied 6y any�ovemmsnuil or regulatory auUtority,that —_
<br /> any remaval ar other remediation of arrf Huzardous 3ubstance affecting the Property�s necessnry.Hagrotiter shaft prompily take
<br /> aU necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. _._
<br /> . . As used in this puragraph 2Q "Houudous Substances"are those substances defined as taxic oa hawrdous substances by
<br /> Enviroiamental Law and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene. other flammable or taxic p:�mleum �roducts. toxic
<br /> • pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents.materials containing asbestas or formaldehyde,and rndia3c�ive mateaals.As used in
<br /> tius paragraph 20. "Environmenta! Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wFr.rre th�Propecty is located tt�at
<br />: . relate to health.safety or environmental protectiun.
<br /> NON-UNdFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further cavenant and agree as fo]laws: °
<br /> 21.Ac�e4e:�rk�On;Re�n¢dies. Len�er sinall give notice to Horro�v�prtor to aoceternttaa lo9irrnlag Borro�ver's bre� �
<br /> of arry wveaxuII�cs agceemea4 in this �ity Instrmnent (but aat Prior to accelerutton uttr�fr parageapsb 17 aaic-� e =--
<br /> : � aprylEcub'.e taw p�vEdes ot7�erwise).T��tice s6a11 spedfy: (a)t�e defaul4; (b)ttte aMion t�eguinb to aa�the defavFt;
<br /> (c)a date,not tess thau 3��Ss frnz�the date the nottce is given!o Borrov�ea,b9 whlsb t6P d�'fault must be cured;ar� �
<br /> �,:,. (d)t1�at faiSm�e to care t���an31 on os befose t6e date specifeed in the accise a�s.y:crsn,i in aacelerstioc�of We s�ns
<br /> secared by tb;s 5�turity Instru�ent nnd sale o!the property.The e�ce sha�l�a..''i�xr�nfu�rm Borrower of t6e rt�t QA
<br /> ' :�:!�� refnstate agtee�ste`.�ratFan and the rIg�Z to bring a wnrt aciioa t�;rc�est t�e aai��e,.��?�srna:n�'a defunIt or any o2fmr�t . �.:
<br /> �.'�x� defease oi Bc�nm�wrr to acceleratton aa�6afe. If t�e defanit �S anII w�z8 oa or 6gfore tis��:cisr:,c:�ecified in t6e aot�c�, . �
<br />�,�'�':`{' Le�der,at fts opttoa,may reqnise Immediate payment in fnl�ot a�suYns secured bp this�fiy Insts�cr�ent withs�i =__
<br /> :��;,:� furtHer demand and may imroke the power o!sale and any othcr remedies permitte.�by rpp'.�.�1e taw.i�a�s4�all be �`�-�
<br /> ?�' en4itted to collect all expw�ses im�urred fm�ing the r�medtes provided➢n thiv puagrnpb Zp,s'.�ctnding,fsr�t ao2 I�imited
<br /> .,����� to,reasonab�e stttorneys'fees and costs o3'��Ge evtdence.
<br /> � �j�� If the�.r,�n�r of sale Is invukea,'Sco�!s'.�shall reoord a natf�e�defantt In eac6 mar��v�m wbich�ny p�rt o!tPae
<br /> � � Praper2y ts ta:t��an@ s6aU mail co���sach noticR in the m��er psescn"bed 6y ap�fas�';6�t�w W Saerawer w��� �`'
<br /> ;:i'%�r,
<br /> �';.;,: the ottter peeso�s prescrtbed Dy appl�:9aw.After t6e time reqatsed 6y spp'ricaffI�tsrv,Tr�stee shali gtve publfc notice um—w,,,:;.;
<br />.� •i. ot sale Qo t6e persons aad in slse ma�.urir�rescribed by applicable law.Trast�ee,c�fithaut�d�cnand on Borrower,s�all seU �:�:-;:-
<br /> the pmperty ut public suct]un Lo 4he�L�bIdder at the time and place un�onder tt�r tc�ms deslgn�ted ia the aotke a$ �'�tt`•-�
<br /> '•���:: sale in oae or more parcels and in auy c,vni�Trustee deYermines.Trustee may pastpone sale of all or any paroel of e�e
<br /> :�!i` property by publtc a�nuncement at¢�:�e�e and placx of any prevtously scE�ednled sse7r.Lender or its deslgc�et:��
<br /> `�: �urcLase the Property at any eale. �
<br /> : ,�
<br /> �.
<br /> ; •
<br /> Form 3�28 9/S0
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