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<br /> . .. L. ' � . . ` ' ' F� '
<br /> p�ynteNs.which are iefemed to in�hrag�p6 2.or chaoge the am�unt of such payments. My eacess p�000eds oves an .
<br /> ��+e4nited to pay s►II out�and'uig indebted�nesa under tLe Not�aod tAis SacuritY tact�ent sMll.bc p�id w the eatity `
<br /> kgalIY entitted thaew. �` -
<br /> S.Fas.�t.mder may oolkct fas and charges anthorizad by the Serretary• , , ,
<br /> - 9 Croaods[oe Aocskratio�at De6t : . .
<br /> --__ � (a)Defaatt. Lmder may,except as limited by regulations issued by the SeaetacY in tix case of payment defauIts, .
<br /> — �1���PaYm�t in fall of aii sums secuced by this Securiry trtsnvaKnt if:
<br /> — . C)Borrower defaults by fai7ing w gay in fuII any monthIy PaYment raluind bY this Sa�a�iq Tnstrument Prior
<br /> — - - --- - - w oron tl�se due date of the next monthlY PaY���_ . .
<br /> - - n Borrawer dofauhs by failing,for a period of td�rty days,ro perfam any other obligations contained in this . --,
<br /> . _-- � (b)Sai�thout C�it Appeoval. Leader shall,if permitted Hy applicable law and wit11 the Prior approval of the
<br /> Sec�+etasy.taluire emmodiate payment in fitlt of all tt�e suQns secuted by Ehis Securit�r Inspiupent if
<br /> (i)AIi or paat of the Property,ar a beneficial intec+est irt a nust owning ali os part of t6e Pt�nperty.is sold or _
<br /> � otherwise transfernd(wber than by devise or desceat)bY the Bamwer.and
<br /> (ri)'tbe Pt»percy�s not occvpied by the purchaser ar grantee as his or her principa4 rtsidence.or the purel�aser .
<br /> • �:.. . �._ _ or grar►tea does so occupy the Properey 6ut t�is or her credit has�.not,¢ecn.approve6 in accordance , _
<br /> . wiW the ' of the Secretary. � -- --__
<br /> ._ • -� recluu�m�es�. �-
<br /> ..� . � (e)Na Wsiver. If c�.�stances occur that wouid peimit Lender to requite itr�diate payment in full,but�:c�der ` -----
<br /> does no�requiae suehQ�ments,t.ender daes nat waive itsrights with respect to subsequent events. �„-_—
<br /> ��� ' � (d�Regufsti0l�af Hi.7�SecPetary Jn many circumstanCes tieg�aiioiis issued by`the'SecretarY will�imit�krjder's � ' _
<br /> ��`>�' . . rights, in tbe case Qf:�aYmtKlt defaults: to t�uire inunediat��alfient in full and foteclose if not�azi�: This ���°
<br /> _ _ �'• �t . �. Setunry lasnumeat dacs n4t authorize acce leraaon or fonc tosus��n o t pe;m.�by r e g a l a t i o n s o f�h e S e a��r Y. :�}i"'=..
<br /> ! -. -�.
<br /> = (e?MortgAge Not Ids�ed. Borrower agc+ees that sdould this Secmr�-' r tnstisi�and the note seCs�?liesefay not . ,x: ,; -
<br /> �• - ; ' �:��'be.eligihlefor°ins�noe�F,tlie]�ationai HousingAcewithiu. ,. :�' ,. :. ::.. . ;fiauzthe _. .Y,=,�=
<br /> � �• datef�eceof:I.ender�a}:atiis,, aaand notwithstandin an m �n , �pavment in F -- �-
<br /> i. ,. � g �►" �`' ��� .:�
<br /> . . � full of ati sRms seca.*ecE bV:,tFis Seacr-isy Inswmen� A written.statement of any avtborized a�t1c of i�e$eeietary _�i,: _
<br /> ..�., I �. :.r,.�.. _
<br /> �•.-�.,;:; , . � dated subsequent to ' � from the date hereof.declining.tb insure tIusSecurity _ _
<br /> ��.,
<br /> ' ^���'�`�~=;~i:?",�- � Insttument and ttte nat�s����by.shall be deemed conclusive proof of such ineliglbility. Navsit�anding --
<br /> ._, r...:,..
<br />° _ ` _r- -,..�,,, ��.. .. the�o�going.�this option inay not Ae exercised by Lender when ffie anavaitabifity of insueance is salc#y-due to = —
<br /> ' :;;��,':'i�'..�� . L,ender's failure to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the 5ecretary. - ., ��.,
<br /> .". •:��.•.• , . . 10 Reinctatemenw Borrower has a nght to be reinstated if Lender has required immediate pa9rnent ia full 6ecausc , .; :���
<br /> .�+,.� �•: ;
<br /> � �� �;; ;. t' of Borrower's failuce to pay aa amount due under the-Notc or this Security Insuument. This nghi ap�ties even after �y��
<br /> • . �,-'j'`; � forectosure praceedings a�+e i�stitutrd. To reinstate the Securiry Inswment, Boctvaer shall tender in a lump sum all ,. �•�,,,,_._�
<br /> _ ' i..r�::: .. . --.'
<br /> 'j"'-" .r'�,'� .':J:" -
<br /> amounts cequired to bring Barrow�t's account current including.to the extent dtey.a�obligations of Boirower a�der this ';....s,. , '.�;;��•
<br /> -� - Security Inswment,foreciosure costs and reasonable and castomary attomeys fees and expenses pmperly a5socia?ed wi11� �:�.'`�+�• '�'_—
<br /> ec �.-
<br /> i Y`', ,`" , tAe forrclosure proceeding.� Upan reinstatement by Borrower.this Secnrity Insmunent and the ab1"igauocls thai,iE secures :::;`� -:-
<br /> sball t+emain in effect as if Lender had not required immediate payment in full. HoR•ever,l.endes isacsi required to Qermit . 'r��_-
<br /> � � - . `� rcinstatement if C).Lender has accepted reinsta[ement after the comme�c.�mem ef forectosure prueeedings wit6m two ' . -i_'. �_
<br /> �° . � years immediately preced'mg the commeacement of a cuaent foreclosure proceectmg. (o> reinstatement will preclude _ � ��_
<br /> _� foreclosure on different grounds in the future.or(iii)reinstatement will adversely affect the priarity of the lien created by �•�`�'�`_
<br /> �'
<br /> +• ` this Security inswment. :s�
<br /> �`• 11. Borsower Not Reteased; Forbearartce by Lender Not a Waiver. Ezter�sion af thc dme of payment or •. x��-,
<br /> . � • � madification of amartization oi the�umy secut�ed by thiy 5ecurity Insuument granted by txnder to any successor m mtemst �
<br /> •-• ' of Botrower shall not operate ta release the liability of the origmat Borrower or Borrowert successor in interest. Lender � ' ''r�';
<br /> '' shaQ not be uited to cammence pmceedings aga�nse any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payme�t or � ��;4'
<br /> otherwise mdify amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument by rA..asan of any demand made by the �� . ., °
<br /> ,``;:;� original Borrower or Borrow•er's succeswrs in intece�t. Any forbearance by Lender,in cacerciaing any right or remedy shall =-
<br /> . _ nut.b�e a waiver of ar preciude the exercise a€any right or remedy— �--_. - . • • . -
<br /> .. 1Z. Succes.wes aad Assigns Bovnd;,Tdnt and Several Liabillty:Co-Si�ners. 'i'he coveazsus and agreements of
<br /> :r,a�.,.
<br /> ' • ' this Security Insuumer.t shatl bind and beaefit ihe successars and assigm oF Lender and Bonower,sr�ect to the provisions � � �' � . ;.-�:.
<br /> • of Paragraph 9.b. Borrawer.'s covenants:,nd agrccments�hall be jnins and tieveral. Any Bonower who co-stg,ns this E • . .
<br /> � ' _' :'�',;, , Secunty Instrument but dces rrnt eaecute the Note: la)ic co-tiigning thi.Securiry in.urument only to mortgage.grant and � . ,
<br /> ��` convey that Borrower:s interest in thc Prapeny undcr the term�of this Security I�strumcnt:(b)is not personally abtigated to ( , .
<br /> . ..; . - pay ihe sums secured by this Security Instrument:and�c)agrees that txnder and a�ry other Barrawer may agree to extend. � � , _
<br /> modify.forbear or make any accommadation�with regarJ to the term+af thic Securiry Instrument or the Note without that � .
<br /> '. � Borrowcr s cansent. -
<br /> �• - - 13, Nottees. Any notice to 8arrawer provided for in thiti Securisy lnsuument shull be given by delivering it or hy , . .
<br /> � � mailing it by�rst el�.cs mait un2e�.�applicable !aw reyuires use of ano�her method..'i'he natice shall be dimeted to thc ` • � , .
<br /> ;;e;�i;_ Property Addms.a or any other address Burrower detignutex hy natice to Lender. An5 notice to Lender yhail be given by � • �� , ,
<br /> ' " },��`, • tirst cfass mail to l.ender s addmss�:tated hcrcin ar any address l.crtdcr deyignstes(sy Jt011f.'C t0 BOITOWt7. Any notice �
<br /> , ' ��.: Qiovided for in this Security Instrument shall be dcemcd ta havc heen givcn tu Bnrroacr��r Lender when given as provided i
<br /> � � . �n this paragraph. ;� .
<br /> � • � � 14. Governing Law;Severability. Thiti Security In�irument shall be govcrrted by Fcderal iaw and thc taw of the i
<br /> • jurisdiction in which the Prapeny is t�xuted. In the event that any prnvi�iun cu ctause of thiy Secarity ln.trument or ihc ;
<br /> � Note conflicts with applicaG?�taw.�uch canfliet shaU not affect other pu.vitii�ms af thi�Securiry tnstrument or the Nnte , i •
<br /> which ran be given effect u�tr?iout the conflicting pravi.ia-r. Tir thi.r ettd ihr provi>ionti nf thi�Security Insuument and the .
<br /> • . . Note are declared to be sc�erable. �
<br /> • ' 15. Borr�ts�es's Cop� Borrower�hall he given anc ccsr:fornt6d vupy<�f thi�Sccurity Intitrume^'. ,
<br /> � 11� Assig,�efenl at Ret1t9. Borcc+wer w�c�nditianatly a.ti.i�n+anct tr:;ntifer.r to Lcnd�K aU the rcn..�nd revenue�of lhc+ •
<br /> . Property. Bnrrower autharizes Lendcr or Lcnder's ugcnts�o cot ir�:c thc rcnt�und revenuc�aad hzr�by dirccts rnch tenant of � .
<br /> . the Propeny to pay the rcr.;�to Lcndcr or Lcnderti agcnc,. Hok���.�r.pri��r t��l.en�er:noticc to Borrowcr of Borrow�7's • � �
<br /> breach of any rovenant or a�reement in the 5rcurity Intitrument.Horrvwer.hall cc�li�u•.:.�d teceive all rents und revenues of � '� �
<br /> , the Property a.c trustee for the fxncft uf'lAn�er:�nd Bi�rruwer. Thiti a��ignment of rer,;;constitutcY�n:sbs��lutc�.+signment � '�'. ,
<br /> . � and not an assignment far�dditianal a�tiurity�inly. - `
<br /> ' lf Lender gives nutice of breach to gonower: Iu)sdl rent�received by bnrrower sh:ill be heid by Horrower us m�ster :'
<br /> � � ' for benetit af lxnder anty.to be s►pplied to the sumti securcd by the Security Invtrument:(h)Lender�hall be entitled w
<br /> � colfect and receive sill oF the rents�f�hC I'r�perty:�nd lr)each tenant of the Prnpeny sh�ll puy vll nms due:uiJ unp�aid to
<br /> ' Lenrler ur Lendcr's agent un Lender's writtcn dcm:uid t��thr hpunt. � - �
<br /> . , Bnrrower has not executed any priur:�ssignment of the rentti ettd has not:utd will nnt perfarm any uct thut wnuld !
<br /> - prevcnt Lcnder tn�m excrcysing its rights undec thiv�E'aragraph 16.
<br /> , ' ' � Lcndcr shall no1 bc rcyuired w enter upon.Iake c�ntrol oi ar maintain thr Property l+efnn:or after�iving nutire of' '
<br /> bieach ta Boanwer. Hawever.Lcndcr ut a 1udscially ap�inted ricciv��r may du w at m�y time�hetc is a breach. Any �
<br /> _ _ sipplication uf rents sh�ll aot cure ur w�ivr:u�y drfaull ur uiv�lid�tc xny othcr ri�ht nr tcmcdy of Lender. '1'hiz assignmens '
<br /> of rentsof the R�pedy sh�ll terminatc whca thc drM sccurcd t+y�he 5rcurity ln,Uement i.v p�id�n futl. .
<br /> _ - =�. �. -- -_ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _. . _._- ---_- --: -
<br /> -� �- --_ � ,p��p�t�fap�r,ee�.i -. —__-_
<br /> :. :- - -- — - - --- -- , -=
<br />