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<br /> � �ondtmoaaan or dher tatiing of any part of the Qtopelty.as for convtyancr in lieu oi co �*'on.arc beneby assi�c►ed a�rri '
<br /> '-slislt 6c g�id tn t.endir. ` , � .
<br /> • In the e+rene of a[aat tal�ing of the P�opecty.the sl�ll be applied to�t}�e sums secured by this Security . �
<br /> ia�uraneab whet6er'or trot tIxn due.witA any iexcess " to Bamxer. ta tl�e e�rent�of a partial taking of ttre Ptnperty in
<br /> which tbe fsis marhet valoe of the Pmpetiy immediate{y befae the taking is tyttaE to or gre�atev than ttte amn�nt of the stsms
<br /> xcut�eQ by this Secarity Ins�niment imaxdiatety befote the taking.unless Bomawer and Lender ahetwise apee.in writing.
<br /> . t�ie su�ns�cu�by this SecuMy Insmrr�ent sTiall Ge reducad by the amount of the proceeds muIapHrd by the foilowing
<br /> -- s (a?tDe�tatai amount of the suins secuced immediately befoie.tlx takin÷d by,(b)the fair madcet value of the ---
<br /> , �t pe��r immcdiatety befae the taitiog. Any bataricr shall be paid to Barowec Ia the evc�nt of a partial taking of the _
<br /> ptopeity in wlsich the fair maiket value of the.Ptopecty immediateiy before the taking is tess than�he amouat of ti�sums _
<br /> �. secuie3'immediauty before tix taicirtg.unless.Bnrrower_and Lender otherwise agree in writing or untesx applicab�e !aw =—_—
<br /> o�rise pcnvi�s.tLe pmceeds st�aU be ap�rlied to the.sums secuc�d by thi�Securityi Iastntment whed�er`or not the sums are =__--—
<br />-= ti�en due. _ •
<br />-- - If tde Ptoperty is abandaied 6y BolmweG or i�after noti�e by Lender toBexmwer tt�t[he soademnor off�s to maice' _•-
<br /> -- an awu�ar se[tle a claim fvr darnages.Barrower fails to respond[o Ler�kr within 30 days after the date the natice is giveo. -__-
<br />-- ` Lendtr is at�hhorizai to collect and appiy the pcoceeds.at its opdon.either to restoration or repair af the Raperty or to the �_ —
<br /> . sums serured by this Secvrity Iasuarnet►�whettxr or not then ctue. � �-=m�°s""'r'=-
<br /> Untess l.endes and Borrnwes otheiwise agree in wtitin&�►Y appUcation of proceeds fo principal shall not extend or �;,��___�—.
<br /> " postpone tbe dae dateof the mauhlY payiae�s nferred to in paregrapbs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payme�l�k —
<br /> ' 1L Borro�rer�Not Rdezsed; Farbear�ce By"1.eader NM a,�Yafvec Extension of the time for paymenc or � -
<br /> modification of amo�tizatian of the sums secuned by this Security lastrument granted by Lender to any suGcessor in intetest �:.=�
<br />- �of Bormwer shalt uot operate to netease the liabitity of the original Borrower or tionvwer's succ+ees.ssors in interest.Lender �_N-�
<br /> _ _ , ';�7:�.0'_-
<br />�- � • shaU na be r�oquired to com�nce praceedings agatast any�saccessor in ir�terest or refuse to eatend ame for payrr�ent or �;��;,
<br />- otherwise modify amon'uation of t6e sams secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by ihe original _�_-Y° --
<br /> Bamwer ar Bamwer's successors in inteces� My far6earence by Lender in ezercising any right or remedy shall not 6e a -`;-�_
<br />= waiva of or preclude the eaer�ise of any right oR�y. � "''�°,-.-
<br /> 12. Successo�a�nd Assi�s Bound; <y:_:. ..
<br />. . ;,� ,laiat And Several Lis6illty;Co-signers. The coveoants and ag�rernents of[his r.-�,•. _
<br /> .� -:--
<br /> �'.:r;: �Security Instrument shall bind and be�fi the successors and assigns of Lender and Sorrower,sob�ect to the�rnvisions af � � .-_
<br /> nf• `- ;. paragraph 17.Ba�ower's•coveoants and-�m.ertients shal{6e joint and several.Any Borrower who casigas this Securitv
<br /> _ . _._ Instrument but does not execute the Nu�_'ta}fis ca-sipiing this 3rn�riry tnsuum�.mt on1�ta mortgage.grant and co�►�eY tl�at . __-
<br /> 8otrc►wer's interest in the Propetty underi{^�ec.�s of this Security Instrumen� (b)is�ot personally obligated to pay the sums. • � _
<br /> ,.� -- "� . ' ' secured by this Security(nswment;and tcf�ees that Lende�and any other Bnrrower may agree to extend.modify,farbear �
<br />�'��:�;�_,'; y-•�,;�,;�' �,; ' or make an�-�ccommodateons with rega'd ic�the tetms of this Security lnstrument or�he Nate without that Batrower's � .:.—_
<br /> �=:,; �_•s�'�- �:.: . consent. • � : , . a—
<br />' �� , l3 Laoe fAarges. lf the toan se�cared by t�Security Instcument is subject to a law which rety maximum loan _`.,4 � .��_
<br /> • ct�arges,and thaClaw is fa�atl}+inLerpreted so ihat t;*e�sazrest or other loan charges cotlected as to be collected in cormection ;�. ; ._ ::� _
<br /> arg
<br /> ` ' with the loan exceed th��:m�..itted Jimits,then: (a)'arty sueh toan charge shall be re daced by the amount necessary to reJuce ° ; :� • ,�_��
<br /> . ibe charge to the pemsi�e�I"�niG and(6)any sums alc�eady caltected fram Borrower Rfiirh exceeded permitted limits witl-he �.:-�,�,' �-.--
<br /> � . ' ,,•ti � refunded ta Borrower. Lertder m�y chaxe ra make shis refund by reducing the principal owed urrde�tiie Note or by makitrg a ;r°"•;.--�•�
<br /> y _'g
<br /> �� ' � i dinct payme�to Borrower. Iia refund r�,.�aces principal.the reduction will be treated as a paztiaC".�zpayment without any. - :,��—
<br /> '�"��; . piepayment charge under the Note. � -.%f -
<br /> .i..r.. -�: .. ���1� _
<br /> ° ;��:.,:�„;.t 14. Notkes. Any natice ta Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given 6y deliver`..cir it or by ,, :�
<br /> mailing it by first class mai!unless applicable law requims use of another method.The rtotice shail be directed ta Ette Ptopecty " {�:�_
<br /> � '�' �':�,'�� "� Address or any other address Borrower dc�ignates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shaU be given'L��f:s5t ctass . • -:-,..�_'__
<br /> �'r�;r;.'�,, �'�'-a_ �:_� ��� mail to Lender's address sta[e4 herein ar any other address Lendcr designates:by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for , . f� �_
<br /> '.�-_'_���--�''�-`�"-�'-�'j ' � in this Security'Tnctrument shaU 6e decmed to huve been given ta Bonower ar Lertder when given ac provided in this ••>.�.__
<br /> .t- '�- ' ara ra h
<br /> -s�... . - -.-
<br /> �,-_
<br />_ ' ' P si3 Governing I.a�:Severability. Thir 5ecurity Instrument shall bc go�emed by federal law and the law oF ihe ';��-i_
<br />. 1 ,�_:-'.! .� jurisdiction in whicb the Fr6yerty is tocated. ln the event that any provisian or cla:,�e af this Security lnstrument or the Note __-
<br />, ;.� ,:�<<:-`";.='f��: conflicts with Applicabte law,sucfi conflict shall not affec�other pwvi�inny of this Se�:uriry Instrument or the Note which can , • }'
<br /> •'• •'•�".�f�;'� �%��+�`<';;��i'�:,.:. be given eifeci without the canflictin=Frovision. To this end the pmvixions of i5is 5ecurity Intitrument and the Nate are • >���`°
<br /> -r .•:tL�. .+;t.�..,.:�,: . . ' .-.::`-
<br /> , , �f(�.;�......,. •�;.,,. declazed to be ceverable. ' , ' _
<br /> ?+,,,� • 16. Borrowev s Copy. Borrower tiha11 be given oae canformed copy oi�he M1ote and af this Security lnstiurnent. � �_:�_
<br /> ' 17. 7i�anster ot the PeoQerty or a Benef�,ciat t�terest in 8orrower. If alt or any pari of ihe PropeRy or rs�y intcre�t;n t'��'.°�, � :�,�.
<br /> . '�', I;:�. ----
<br /> �. ;��.., : it ia sold or transferred�or if a beneficial in.c�reti ir�rrowci i�,atd ar tran�fcrred and Borrower is not a na��raE person) '., � - °--
<br /> '� ri��' without Lender's prior written conxent,l.c�'u::r.iay.at it�apiion.reyuire immediatc payment in full of atl sums�ecurecf by '*'� ' ` �-`
<br />• - . �-�•r�T�� this Security tnstrument. Hnwever,lhis�ptian,�all nnt Ue exercised by l�et�der ii exerci.e is prohibited by federal law as of `: ' . - �'� ��^►'"�
<br /> -�.�.n,•
<br /> • �'�..��',� . ,�r the date oi this Securiry insirument. � � :
<br /> .�r.,-:=` . . � .
<br />, �,_�,j._�'r If l.ender exercises this 4ption,l.endcr shalt givc Borrowcr natirc nf accetcration. The naticc shatf provide a pericxl af ' �•,.�..•:,
<br /> � , . • � nolless ihan 30 days from cizc;date the notice i�delivered or maited within which Ser,nwer mu.t p�ay all�ums�ecured by this ':�,:•`.'� ' •
<br /> . - -_ � Seeurity Instrument. if B-c�rawer failv to pay the�e sum� Qriar to the expiratic�of this period, Lender may invoke any .
<br /> � ' remedies permitted by thi�Security Insttument withaut funher rtoiicc ar cichnand on Bono�a�cr.
<br /> �, • 18. Borrowe�'s Right to Reinstate. If Borrawcr mcc�ti ccnain canditianr. Barroa•cr�hall have �hc aght to have � �� ,
<br />.. ' '��Vu-:� = enfarcement oP this Sec�crity tntitrumem discuntinueJ at any time prinr tn the eadier of: 1��5 day�(nr�uch oth�K perioct ati • ,
<br /> (
<br /> .,� `�i' ?�`- 1 ' � S:i;g�c Family-•Fannic 11ar�ii�ddie�tac C�itUNSUVy'IBC�1F.�1'-•I�nitumi Cu�cnanh 9l90 rp;:.�J.+jb puqra� }., � .
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